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Dendritic cells prepared by a modification of the method of Steinman and Cohn are I-A+ and FcR-. They are extremely potent at activating not only allogeneic T cell proliferation but also antigen-specific syngeneic T cell proliferation. Dendritic cells from nonresponder strains are unable to present antigens to responder X nonresponder T cells, suggesting that they may be a site of Ir gene product expression.  相似文献   

T cell receptors on CD4(+) lymphocytes recognize antigen-derived peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. A very limited set of peptides among those that may potentially bind MHC class II is actually presented to T lymphocytes. We here examine the role of two receptors mediating antigen internalization by antigen presenting cells, type IIb2 and type III receptors for IgG (FcgammaRIIb2 and FcgammaRIII, respectively), in the selection of peptides for presentation to T lymphocytes. B lymphoma cells expressing recombinant FcgammaRIIb2 or FcgammaRIII were used to assess the presentation of several epitopes from two different antigens. 4 out of the 11 epitopes tested were efficiently presented after antigen internalization through FcgammaRIIb2 and FcgammaRIII. In contrast, the 7 other epitopes were efficiently presented only when antigens were internalized through FcgammaRIII, but not through FcgammaRIIb2. The capacity to present these latter epitopes was transferred to a tail-less FcgammaRIIb2 by addition of the FcgammaRIII-associated gamma chain cytoplasmic tail. Mutation of a single leucine residue at position 35 of the gamma chain cytoplasmic tail resulted in the selective loss of presentation of these epitopes. Therefore, the nature of the receptor that mediates internalization determines the selection of epitopes presented to T lymphocytes within single protein antigens.  相似文献   

With the intention of ultrasonographically assessing hepatosplenic morbidity in Schistosoma mansoni infection and of validating the grading system applied (Cairo classification), 191 subjects in a schistosomiasis endemic village and 247 controls from a nonendemic village in northern Senegal underwent sonographic examination of the liver and spleen. Measurements of the diameters of the peripheral periportal vein branches, the main portal vein stem, liver size (left lobe and right lobe), and spleen length in the endemic village were compared with those in the nonendemic village to evaluate the much discussed influence of S. mansoni infection on those variables. To subtract this presumed influence from reference values for the named variables, they are given as measured in the nonendemic village, stratified by body weight, enabling future investigators on schistosomiasis-induced morbidity to refer to these reference values. The 95th percentile regarding peripheral periportal vein branch diameter in the control groups was exceeded in 24% of the subjects in the endemic group. It was exceeded by 6% for the main portal vein stem diameter, 13% for the left liver lobe, 12% for the right liver lobe, and 14% for the spleen length. According to the Cairo classification, 97% of the endemic population and 81% of the controls had periportal thickening of the liver, mostly grade I. We conclude that 1) hepatic morbidity in the S. mansoni endemic area was low, despite strikingly high intensities of infection; 2) the Cairo classification in its present form overestimates periportal thickening, especially in the case of mild morbidity; and 3) body height-dependent reference values, obtained from endemic controls, must be applied for organometric parameters.  相似文献   

Using recombinant antibodies functionally expressed by secretion to the periplasm in Escherichia coli as a model system, we identified mutations located in turns of the protein which reduce the formation of aggregates during in vivo folding or which influence cell stability during expression. Unexpectedly, the two effects are based on different mutations and could be separated, but both mutations act synergistically in vivo. Neither mutation increases the thermodynamic stability in vitro. However, the in vivo folding mutation correlates with the yield of oxidative folding in vitro, which is limited by the side reaction of aggregation. The in vivo folding data also correlate with the rate and activation entropy of thermally induced aggregation. This analysis shows that it is possible to engineer improved frameworks for semi-synthetic antibody libraries which may be important in maintaining library diversity. Moreover, limitations in recombinant protein expression can be overcome by single amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

Self tolerance is acquired by the developing immune system. As reported here, particular properties of the neonatal tissue contribute to this process. Neonatal skin, but not adult skin, was accessible for na?ve CD8 T cells. In mouse bone marrow chimeras generated at different ages, recent thymic emigrants were tolerized to a skin-expressed major histocompatibility complex class I antigen only during a neonatal period but not during adulthood. Blockade of T cell migration neonatally prevented tolerance induction. Thus, T cell trafficking through nonlymphoid tissues in the neonate is crucial for the establishment of self tolerance to sessile, skin-expressed antigens.  相似文献   

TCR gamma delta T cells are considered important in the rapid immune response to intracellular infection. We investigated the early response of peripheral blood gamma delta T cells to the nonpeptide Ag isopentenyl pyrophosphate and to its synthetic analogue ethyl pyrophosphate. In healthy donors, an increase in the number of gamma delta T cells was detected as soon as 4 days after stimulation with the nonpeptide Ags. Single-cell analysis of cytokine production was performed by intracellular staining of IFN-gamma and IL-4. gamma delta T cells were found to rapidly expand and produce IFN-gamma in response to nonpeptide Ags. Furthermore, IL-12 augmented the IFN-gamma response. In contrast, gamma delta T cells from the majority of HIV+ donors did not expand or express IFN-gamma in response to nonpeptide Ags, even in the presence of IL-12. These findings indicate a role for nonpeptide-reactive gamma delta T cells in effective cell-mediated immunity for intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test whether cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses to DNA vaccination are dependent upon MHC class II-restricted priming of CD4+ T cells. Because DNA vaccination may directly transfect dendritic cells, and dendritic cells may be capable of directly stimulating CD8+ T cell responses, such priming might be unnecessary. To test this hypothesis, C57BL/6 mice were immunized intramuscularly or intradermally with DNA encoding either whole OVA, a class I (Kb)-restricted peptide epitope of OVA (amino acids 257-264, SIINFEKL), or this class I-restricted epitope plus the adjacent class II (I-Ab)-restricted epitope of OVA (amino acids 265-280, TEWTSSNVMEERKIKV). Very low to negligible CTL responses were observed in mice vaccinated with the SIINFEKL construct, whereas mice vaccinated with the SIINFEKLTEWTSSNVMEERKIKV or with the complete OVA construct made equally robust CTL responses. These responses were sensitive to blocking by anti-CD8 mAb and were shown to be SIINFEKL-specific by using SIINFEKL peptide-pulsed EL-4 cells as targets. To ensure that the generation of these CTL responses was indeed dependent upon CD4+ T cell help, mice were depleted of either CD4+ or CD8+ cells before immunization. Depletion of CD4+ cells completely abrogated the CTL response to OVA DNA, as did depletion of CD8+ cells. Thus, we conclude that the CTL response to both intramuscular and intradermal DNA vaccination is highly dependent upon the generation of CD4+ T cell help via a class II MHC-dependent pathway. These results will be relevant for the construction of minimal-epitope vaccines for DNA immunization.  相似文献   

T cells recognize peptide and non-peptide antigens. Drugs represent typical examples of non-peptide antigens. The majority of drug-specific T cells are alphabeta+ TCR T cells and are MHC class I or II restricted. Here we show the existence of drug (lidocaine)-specific T cell clones which proliferate in the presence of antigen-presenting cells (APC) with different HLA alleles. Two clones (SFT24 and E20) were analyzed in detail. They show a narrow dose-dependent proliferation to lidocaine, but not to procaine. With the use of a panel of HLA-typed allogeneic APC, we observed that certain allogeneic APC plus lidocaine lead to a similar, others to partial and some to no proliferation of the lidocaine-specific T cell clones. An APC-independent proliferation could be excluded since both clones proliferated only marginally without APC and increasing the number of APC resulted in a higher proliferation. Blocking experiments with anti-DP, -DQ and -DR antibodies showed that lidocaine is presented in a HLA-DR-restricted way both with autologous or allogeneic APC. Mouse fibroblasts transfected with an allogeneic HLA-DRB1*01 but not HLA-DR-negative mouse fibroblasts could serve as presenting cells. Fixation of APC did not hamper drug presentation, but pulsing of APC with the drug was not possible, indicating that processing is not required and that lidocaine binds in an unstable way to the MHC-peptide complex. This degenerate drug recognition has certain features of superantigen recognition, such as the ability of drugs to bind from the outside to multiple HLA-DR alleles. Such features of drug recognition may open new therapeutic possibilities to intervene with TCR-MHC interactions in a selective way.  相似文献   

In A/J (H-2a) (A) mice, the neonatal i.v. injection of (B10 x A)F1 spleen cells (SC) induces partial transplantation tolerance (TT) to C57BL/10ScSn (H-2b) (B10) skin allografts, chronic host-versus-graft disease (HVGD) and lethal lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD). They produce anti-T-cell autoantibodies (ATA), and the proliferative responses of their SC to the T cell mitogen Con A are decreased. We found that, similar to ATA, the hyporeactivity of T cells developed earlier (at 1-2 weeks of age) than splenomegaly. The proportions of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were not reduced in the spleens of tolerized mice without manifest LPD. The supernatants (SN) of Con A-stimulated tolerized SC contained no, or only small amounts of interleukin-2 (IL-2). Thus, in the tolerized mice, ATA and T cell deficiency preceded the development of LPD. ATA and the decreased amount of the T cell growth factor IL-2 might play a role in the defective T cell activation.  相似文献   

Bone marrow derived cells (dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells) are involved in antigen presentation and T cell tolerance. However, the precise functions of each cell type remain unclear. To determine the role of macrophages we produced transgenic mice expressing I-E molecules only on macrophages, by introducing the hybrid gene containing the colony stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) receptor promoter region and the structural gene encoding E alpha d into C57BL/6 mice. In these mice I-E restricted antigen presentation and T cell priming were impaired. With respect to T cell tolerance, I-E reactive T cells were anergized but not clonally deleted. These results clearly demonstrate that macrophages by themselves are defective in efficient I-E restricted antigen presentation, so that T cells exposed to antigens expressed on macrophages are led to anergy.  相似文献   

"Freezing" is a sudden, unforeseen state of immobility occurring independently of L-Dopa dosage timing and often presents in connection with walking, speech and hand movements. The immobility results from deficits in initiating or simultaneously and sequentially executing movements, in correcting inappropriate movements or planning movements. However, since the progression of motor activity is strongly dependent upon external stimuli, the patient can overcome the freezing phenomena with the aid of certain stimuli or subjective strategies. No consistent relationships have been found with respect to age, length of illness, L-dopa dosis or L-dopa treatment. Neurotransmitter models to explain the freezing phenomena are: a noradrenalin deficiency in locus coeruleus or alternately a dopamine deficiency in substantia nigra, pars compacta, which can possibly be coupled with a GABA deficiency in substantia nigra, pars reticulata. In addition to optimal drug therapy, patients require physiotherapeutical and ergotherapeutical assistance to develop subjectively effective strategies in counteracting freezing during everyday activities.  相似文献   

Overexpression of B7 and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) on syngeneic cells triggered MHC-unrestricted lysis by MHC-restricted CD8+ CTL without TCR/CD3 engagement. Both CD28/B7 and LFA-1/ICAM-1 interactions were required for MHC-nonrestricted cytotoxicity. Cytotoxicity was measured in 4-h and 16- to 18-h cytotoxicity assays. B7-ICAM-1 overexpression triggered perforin- and Fas ligand-mediated lysis, while TNF-alpha was not elicited in MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity. These results suggest that target cells may elicit MHC-unrestricted lysis from CTL through up-regulation of membrane adherence and costimulatory receptors.  相似文献   

An approach to identification of epitopes suitable for vaccine development has been to locate regions of malaria target antigens that are recognized by individuals with clinical immunity. This has applied to identification of T- and B-cell epitopes. It is now realized, however, that T cells from individuals without prior exposure to malaria can respond to malaria parasites, malaria proteins, and peptides copying protein sequences. Such observations raise questions about which epitopes we should be targeting for vaccine development, but also challenge our understanding of immunological memory. Such responses from non-exposed individuals may also be important in expression of disease symptoms.  相似文献   

To reduce space requirements for implant electronics in in vivo telemetry applications, the purpose of this project was to develop and test a new data transmission method that utilizes the ionic properties of bodily fluids as the transmission medium. Motivated by an interest in using the new method to transmit information from a sensor which measures tension in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) grafts, a sine wave was injected into a cadaver leg using platinum electrodes implanted into the lateral femoral epicondyle. The signal was detected by electromyogram (EMG) surface electrodes. The effect of transmission frequency, the current injected, interelectrode separation, distance of the electrodes from the joint line, and the surface of electrode placement on the signal attenuation was studied. The logarithmic relation between attenuation and frequency was constant from 2 kHz until 10 kHz. For frequencies above 10 kHz, the attenuation increased linearly at the rate of 1 dB/octave. Attenuation was inversely sensitive to both current and interelectrode separation with larger separations and currents giving less attenuation. Attenuation was significantly less for the lateral thigh surface than for the anterior surface and increased with increasing distance from the joint line for both surfaces. For the application of interest here, suitable values of transmission variables to avoid the possible negative consequences of injecting current into living tissue are a current of 3 mA injected at a frequency of 37 kHz. The values of reception variables for minimum attenuation are wide interelectrode separation (5 cm) with the electrodes placed 5 cm proximal of the joint line on the lateral surface of the thigh. With the exception of the surface which is application dependent, these values of the reception variables should also be appropriate for other applications.  相似文献   

A panel of antigen-specific, major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted T cell hybridomas has been generated to examine the capacity of peptide/class I complexes to stimulate T cells at the molecular level. Peptide/class I complexes were generated in detergent solution, purified and quantitated. Latex particles were subsequently coated with known amounts of preformed complexes and used to stimulate the T cell hybridomas. Stimulation was specific, i.e. only the appropriate peptide/class I combination were stimulatory, and quite sensitive, i.e. as little as 300 complexes per bead could be detected by the T cells. Preformed complexes were about 500,000 times more potent than free peptide in terms of T cell stimulation, demonstrating the physiological relevancy of the biochemically generated complexes. Surprisingly, the majority (including the most sensitive of the hybridomas) had lost CD8 expression, suggesting that antigen-specific stimulation of class I-restricted T cell hybridomas, as assessed by IL-2 release, does not depend on CD8.  相似文献   

To study the relation between the form of an Ag and the response to it, we compared presentation in vitro with hen egg lysozyme (HEL)-specific T cells from TCR transgenic mice of free HEL and liposome-encapsulated HEL by different APC. HEL-specific splenic B cells or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were incubated with free HEL or HEL-containing liposomes targeted by Ab to either surface Ig, the Fc receptor, or MHC class I and II molecules. Ag presentation by HEL-specific B cells was at least 100-fold more efficient for HEL in surface Ig-targeted liposomes than free HEL taken up by the same receptor or HEL in liposomes targeted to class I or II molecules. Ag presentation by dendritic cells from Fc receptor-targeted vesicles was augmented 1,000-10,000-fold compared with free Ag or nontargeted liposomes, but presentation was also efficient when Ag was targeted to class I or II molecules. These results indicate that Ag-specific B cells and dendritic cells can be equally efficient in stimulating IL-2 production by Ag-specific T cells from unimmunized TCR transgenic mice when the Ag is multivalent and taken up by appropriate receptors. In contrast to B cells, which require engagement of surface Ig for optimal presentation, dendritic cells may present Ag by means of several different cell surface molecules.  相似文献   

Maternal lymphocyte reactivity to human trophoblast antigens was studied in placentas of gestational ages 8 to 14 weeks and 32 to 34 weeks, respectively. Significant trophoblast lysis became apparent after 24 hours' incubation in the latter case compared with a time lag of 72 hours in the terminated gestations. Maternal cellular immunity, therefore, was not detected during the first 3 1/2 months of pregnancy, but was detectable by the time of parturition. The possible significance is discussed with respect to the antigenic stimulus and survival of the fetal allograft.  相似文献   

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