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为了实现海量、多源、异构、多维、多格式、动态等特性海洋标量数据的三维集成可视化,设计了基于服务思想、面向通用标量数据格式的三维虚拟可视化体系架构,构建了海洋三维可视化原型系统,并对其体系架构和功能设计进行了详细阐述;采用基于几何对象的可视化方法,结合LOD动态调度、表面纹理及快速查询等关键技术,实现了海洋标量场数据的高效、快速三维动态可视化、要素值查询及时序分析等功能。该研究可为其他海洋环境要素数据的可视化与分析提供思路与技术借鉴。  相似文献   

三维符号构成及建模方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许敏  刘宁  丛凤波 《海洋测绘》2006,26(2):45-48
随着计算机软硬件技术和三维可视化技术的快速发展,二维平面电子地图正在向直观、形象的三维电子地图方向过渡,而原来的二维地图符号已难以满足三维场景逼真性的要求,它必然要求与之配套的三维符号理论和技术的产生。由于三维符号如何构成及怎样标注尚无标准可遵循,在对三维符号的构成、分类及建模方法进行分析的基础上,提出了实体模型符号的两种建模方法,实验表明它们切实可行,能较好地表达三维实体模型。  相似文献   

以天津新港三维城市建模为例,介绍了基于二维数据、DEM和3D模型等多源数据的三维城市建模的方法和关键技术。为有效利用现有数据资源快速、准确建立三维城市模型提供了一种经济、灵活、省时、高效的方法。  相似文献   

为了满足海洋科研和工程开发工作对海洋环境进行直观模拟和表达的应用需求,本文运用MFC交互框架和OSG三维渲染引擎,研究节点访问器、回调机制、事件处理以及消息传递等三维交互关键技术,从地形模型构建、海水仿真、坐标映射以及场景剪裁等几个方面对海洋环境三维场景构建和渲染技术进行研究和开发,实现了界面友好的海洋环境三维交互场景,以便进一步对海洋环境特征和现象进行仿真和模拟。  相似文献   

The field of ocean geochemistry has recently been expanded to include in situ laser Raman spectroscopic measurements in the deep ocean. While this technique has proved to be successful for transparent targets, such as fluids and gases, difficulty exists in using deep submergence vehicle manipulators to position and control the very small laser spot with respect to opaque samples of interest, such as many rocks, minerals, bacterial mats, and seafloor gas hydrates. We have developed, tested, and successfully deployed by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) a precision underwater positioner (PUP) which provides the stability and precision movement required to perform spectroscopic measurements using the Deep Ocean Raman In situ Spectrometer (DORISS) instrument on opaque targets in the deep ocean for geochemical research. The positioner is also adaptable to other sensors, such as electrodes, which require precise control and positioning on the seafloor. PUP is capable of translating the DORISS optical head with a precision of 0.1 mm in three dimensions over a range of at least 15 cm, at depths up to 4000 m, and under the normal range of oceanic conditions (T, P, current velocity). The positioner is controlled, and spectra are obtained, in real time via Ethernet by scientists aboard the surface vessel. This capability has allowed us to acquire high quality Raman spectra of targets such as rocks, shells, and gas hydrates on the seafloor, including the ability to scan the laser spot across a rock surface in sub-millimeter increments to identify the constituent mineral grains. These developments have greatly enhanced the ability to obtain in situ Raman spectra on the seafloor from an enormous range of specimens.  相似文献   

详细介绍了已建立的非2000国家大地坐标系的城市高精度GPS控制网成果到CGCS2000成果进行坐标转换的三种方法,即参考框架和参考历元转换、七参数转换和重新进行网平差;并以某市B级GPS控制网为例,对不同转换方法的精度及误差产生的原因进行了深入的分析,得出了采用七参数进行转换,既能保证成果精度又比重新进行网平差数据处理更简便而且实用的结论。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) modeling and restoration are powerful in describing the geological characteristics and kinematics which cannot be fully accomplished by the two-dimensional modeling methods. In this study, we applied 3D modeling and restoration to the Beisantai anticline along the mountain front of the Northern Tianshan. The Beisantai anticline shows an EW-trending structure in the shallow layers with NS-trending structures in the deep layers. The 3D seismic reflection data visualize the growth strata well, which record the evolution of the anticline and the influence of Cenozoic India-Asian collision. Our results suggest that a combination of multiple deformations of this anticline on different layers developed during different episodes. In addition, multiphase deformation and strain distribution along the eastern part of the northern Tianshan was implied. Combined with an analysis of the burial and hydrocarbon-generating history from borehole data, we proposed new potential exploration areas in this region and multistage tectonic effects for hydrocarbon accumulation. This work not only highlights our understanding of the structural decomposition of a multiphase structure associated with growth strata, but also the structural evolution of the northern Tianshan and the adjacent petroleum-producing Junggar Basin.  相似文献   


With the aid of three-dimensional laser scanning (3D-LS), a lot of geometric properties of rock discontinuities can be derived from the point cloud data. Due to the complexity of registration and georeferencing of multi-station point data, geological engineers tend to simplify processing by using single-station point data and orienting coarsely. However, there is a lack of accuracy and reliability study in the identification of discontinuity orientations with 3D-LS using different registration/georeferencing modes. In this study, the single-station scanning without registration/georeferencing was applied first to examine the accuracy and reliability of the scanner’s built-in direction system. After that, two types of automated registration/georeferencing modes were examined for the accuracy in rock mass discontinuity analysis. The results show that the dip angle measured by the scanner’s built-in directional system is reliable, accurate and can meet engineering requirements, while the dip direction measured by the scanner’s built-in directional system is unreliable and inaccurate. The dip direction is consistent but inaccurate through the semi-automated registration using natural point features and georeferencing by the scanner’s built-in directional system. Only through real-time kinematic (RTK) registration/georeferencing can the dip direction be reliable and accurate. It is observed that orientations captured by 3D-LS can be more accurate with RTK registration/georeferencing than manual survey.  相似文献   

徐青 《海岸工程》2003,22(1):86-90
以奥运为契机,综合利用青岛地下空间,平战结合立体开发青岛,切实减少地表资源环境的压力,在地下空间规划中,综合提升青岛城市素质。  相似文献   

锚泊辅助动力定位系统单缆失效影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张峰  王磊  李勇跃 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):29-34
针对半潜式钻井平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统在海上作业时可能会出现的单缆失效情况。以一艘半潜式平台为例,设计锚泊辅助动力定位系统。通过全动态时域模拟,研究不同的单缆失效模式对半潜式平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统功率消耗、定位精度、缆绳张力等的影响。根据分析结果,在极端海况下,松弛锚泊辅助动力定位系统的背风缆有助于降低定位系统的功率消耗,提高定位精度和系统的安全性,从而为锚泊辅助动力定位系统的工程应用提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Shelf-edge deltas (SEDs) forming during periods of relative sea level fall and lowstand are generally efficient in transferring sediments to the slope and basins, and their identification in subsurface data is often considered a good indication of coeval development of slope and basin-floor turbidite reservoirs. This study investigates the seismic stratigraphic evolution of a forced-regressive and normal regressive shelf-edge delta (Bonaparte SED) that accumulated on the edge of the NW Australian margin during the late Quaternary. High resolution 2D and 3D reflection seismic data allow reconstruction of the main episodes of delta progradation and understanding of the extrinsic and intrinsic controls on their deposition. The lack of a significant turbidite system forming off the shelf-edge delta throughout the Quaternary is a striking feature of the Bonaparte SED. Instead, slope sedimentation is dominated by the accumulation of plume-derived mud belts and their reworking through mass-transport processes. Seismic geomorphology permits interpretation of the process regime of the youngest shelf-edge depocentre by applying a new process-based shallow-marine classification scheme to the 3D seismic attribute data. Results suggest either a tide or wave dominated delta with fluvial processes being of tertiary significance. A tide or wave-dominated, fluvial-affected shelf-edge delta classification is consistent with the paleogeographical reconstruction of the margin during the last glacial maximum (ca. 25 ka BP). The comparison of this mixed-process shelf-edge delta and starved slope system with a fluvial-dominated counterpart with significant sandy slope deposits emphasizes the potential of assessing the process regime of shelf-edge deltas as a rapid, first approach for predicting the presence or absence of coeval slope and basin-floor reservoirs.  相似文献   

为了提高海洋观测研究浮标在位运行的安全性,自主设计了一种北斗/GPS双模定位信标。该信标采用传统的GPS技术进行定位结合“北斗”卫星特有的报文通信和定位功能,通过解决传统GPS信号盲区问题,为中国近海海洋观测研究浮标安全运行提供了更加有力的保障,同时提高了数据保密能力。该系统采用外部供电和内部自主供电相结合的模式,即使外部供电中断,也可保证正常运行不低于1 a,而且基本上不需要对信标进行专门维护,大大降低了运行和维护成本。与该信标配套的岸站管理系统具备发送和短信和邮件报警的功能,可实现浮标运行状态实时监控。  相似文献   

本文旨在针对当前海域节约集约利用的要求下,缺乏低效用海客观评价体系的现状。采用层次分析法和德尔菲专家打分法等技术,在DPSIR框架下,从指标选取、权重设立以及综合评价等方面构建低效用海评价指标体系,并在浙江省普陀区进行应用示范。结果显示,普陀区41个填海项目中,有17个项目评价等级为优,有4个评价等级为良好。等级为一般和较差的项目各10个,占评价项目48.7%。这表明普陀区填海项目中批而未填、填而未建或闲置用海情况较为明显。本研究在指标体系构建和实际应用方面具有创新性和先进性,对于低效用海的节约集约利用具有一定的实际意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

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