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为解决绝缘子缺陷检测效果不佳等问题,提出了基于Faster-RCNN算法的无人机巡检图片绝缘子缺陷检测方法。通过对绝缘子运行过程中的缺陷数据特征进行采集分析和绘制,判断巡检图片中的绝缘子运行状态,并结合Faster-RCNN算法对巡检图像进行局部分割和增强处理,从而提高图像检测的精准性,实现对绝缘子缺陷的有效检测。最后通过实验证实,基于Faster-RCNN算法的无人机巡检图片绝缘子缺陷检测方法具有较高达95%的准确性。  相似文献   

针对合成孔径雷达图像的相干斑噪声对图像质量影响大的问题,提出一种NLM与比率图像相结合的多时相SAR图像去噪的方法.首先,利用NLM滤波计算各景SAR图像之间的相似性权值,从而得到平均图像,并应用MuLoG滤波器进行去噪;然后,将噪声图像与滤波后的平均图像进行比值,得到比率图像,并对其进行滤波;最后,将滤波后的平均图像...  相似文献   

针对传统点对点印刷缺陷检测存在经常误报的情况,提出了一种基于图像纹理的印刷缺陷检测模型,该模型经实验证明,具有稳定性高,误报率少的优点。  相似文献   

吴伟  丁香乾  闫明 《计算机应用》2016,36(10):2870-2874
在对多时相高分辨遥感图像进行配准时,由于成像条件差异,图像间存在的地物变化与相对视差偏移两类典型异常区域会影响配准精度。针对上述配准中存在的问题,提出一种基于异常区域感知的多时相高分辨率遥感图像配准方法,包括粗匹配和精配准两个阶段。尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法考虑到尺度空间属性,不同尺度空间提取的特征点在图像中对应不同大小的斑块,高尺度空间提取的特征点对应图像中的大斑点,其对应地物相对稳定、不易发生变化。首先,利用SIFT算法提取高尺度空间特征点完成图像快速粗匹配;其次,利用灰度相关性度量对图像块进行相对偏移量统计分类以感知视差偏移区域,同时结合空间约束条件,确定低尺度空间特征点的有效提取区域以及匹配点搜索范围,完成图像精配准。实验结果表明,将该方法用于多时相高分辨遥感图像配准,可有效抑制异常区域对特征点提取的影响进而提高配准精度。  相似文献   

针对现有的变电站缺陷图像检测识别算法鲁棒性弱问题,提出一种基于注意力机制学习的变电设备缺陷图像检测识别方法。所提方法以卷积神经网络作为缺陷图像特征提取的骨架网络,融合注意力机制原理,进一步提升缺陷图像特征的可辨识性。首先,构建注意力机制的卷积神经网络特征提取模型,提取不同注意力机制下变电站缺陷图像特征;其次,设计一种自适应特征学习函数,将不同注意力机制下的特征融合成为新的高质量变电缺陷图像特征;最后,将不同注意力机制下的缺陷图像特征输入到分类模型,实现变电站缺陷图像检测。所提方法增强了变电设备缺陷图像检测的准确性与鲁棒性,实验结果显示,所提方法的mAP达到了70.4%。  相似文献   

射线焊接缺陷的准确检测是保证焊接构件质量的关键,针对焊接生产中采集的图像存在对比度低、噪声干扰及边界模糊等特点,提出了一种基于灰度形态学的射线焊接图像的缺陷检测方法;首先,在对原始射线焊接图像滤波和增强的基础上,根据对焊接图像列灰度的分析运用阈值法提取出焊道;然后,选取了多尺度多结构元素,采用灰度形态学方法对焊接图像进行缺陷边缘检测,并二值化处理后提取出焊接图像巾的缺陷;试验结果表明,相比传统的边缘检测算法,该方法能有效提取图像中的焊接缺陷边缘,且其连续性和完整性较好.  相似文献   

基于我国新一代静止气象卫星FY-4A/AGRI的4 km分辨率全圆盘数据,利用其高时间分辨率、高光谱分辨率的特点,提出一种青藏高原地区多时相多通道阈值组合的云检测方法,并通过实际案例分析所提出的云检测方法有效可行。结果表明:对比中国国家气象中心云检测产品以及传统单时相云检测方法,多时相云检测方法,其准确率为94.4%,误检率为7.2%,漏检率为5.6%,均优于其他两种方法,体现了多时相检测的优越性;云相态检测中,分别使用GPM降水资料以及CALIPSO卫星云相态观测结果对检测结果进行精度评价,其中冰云分布与GPM实测降水分布相似度达到了0.883,云相态整体检测结果与CALIPSO实际观测的云相态也较吻合,进一步验证了云相态检测的合理性,这也是对青藏高原地区进行降水监测的一种辅助手段。  相似文献   

高光谱异常变化检测能够从多时相高光谱遥感图像中寻找到数量稀少、与整体背景变化趋势不同、难以发现且令人感兴趣的异常变化。数据集规模较小、存在噪声干扰以及线性预测模型存在局限性等问题,极大地降低了传统高光谱异常变化检测方法的检测性能。目前,自编码器已被成功地应用于高光谱异常变化检测。然而,单个自编码器在处理多时相高光谱图像时,仅关注图像的重构质量,在获取瓶颈特征时往往忽略了图像中复杂的光谱变化信息。为了解决该问题,提出了一种基于双空间共轭自编码器的多时相高光谱异常变化检测(Multi-temporal Hyperspectral Anomaly Change Detection Based on Dual Space Conjugate Autoencoder, DSCAE)方法。所提方法包含两个共轭的自编码器,即它们从不同方向构造各自的潜在特征。在该方法的训练过程中,首先,两幅不同时刻的高光谱图像经过各自的编码器分别获得相应的潜在空间特征表示,再分别经过各自的解码器获得另一时刻的预测图像;其次,在样本空间和潜在空间中施加不同的约束条件,并在两个空间中最小化相应的损失函数;最后,两幅输入图...  相似文献   

周承玮 《自动化应用》2023,(14):214-216
由于太阳能电池板在使用过程中可能存在各种缺陷,因此,缺陷检测对确保太阳能发电的效益至关重要。本文提出了基于红外成像的缺陷检测方法,利用红外相机捕获太阳能电池板表面的温度分布图像,并通过图像处理和分析确定可能存在的缺陷区域。为进一步提高检测精度,本文采用了传统图像处理和卷积神经网络(CNN)相结合的方法,得到了更准确的缺陷检测结果。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地检测出太阳能电池板表面的缺陷,并具有较高的准确率和较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

提出了一种皮革视觉缺陷检测算法.通过分析皮革图像的低秩特征,将皮革图像缺陷检测问题转变为从低秩背景图像中分离稀疏矩阵图像.首先采用Gaussian高通滤波器对图像进行了预处理,然后利用鲁棒性主成成分分析(RPCA)对图像进行低秩稀疏分解,并采用效率较高的非精确增广拉格朗日乘子法(IALM)求解.对分解后的稀疏图像进行了后处理,最终在二值图像中获得缺陷的形状和位置.该算法的效率及准确率已经在实验中进行了验证,并与现有算法进行了比较.实验表明,该算法可以用来检测各种不同种类和大小的缺陷,检测准确率高且能够提供完整的缺陷掩模.  相似文献   

变电站巡检机器人GPS导航研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对变电站巡检机器人磁轨迹导航方式的不足,将高精度差分GPS定位应用于巡检机器人导航,对GPS导航系统组成结构和原理进行了论述,并在变电站现场对巡检机器人GPS导航系统进行了测试,探讨了GPS导航在变电站环境中受干扰的特点与原因.  相似文献   

红外检测能够检测变电站电力设备温度异常,降低安全事故发生的概率,因此,提出一种基于改进的CenterNet目标检测算法模型CenterNet_PRO。该算法采用了ShuffleNet V1/V2作为骨干网络、引入了FPN来提取多尺度特征,为了克服不同尺度目标检测的难点、增加旋转角度回归分支,用于预测目标的旋转角度以及改进的IoU Loss进行优化,进一步提高模型检测速度和准确率。通过阈值分割法提取电力设备表面温度并分析计算,设计制定电力设备温度缺陷判断规范、温度警告阈值,根据该规范即可判断电力设备的相关缺陷。实验结果表明,改进的CenterNet模型平均精度达到了90%,相比于传统的CenterNet模型,平均精度提高了1.3个百分点,可以满足实际变电站场景下对电力设备红外检测的高要求。  相似文献   

Landsat images, which have fine spatial resolution, are an important data source for land-cover mapping. Multi-temporal Landsat classification has become popular because of the abundance of free-access Landsat images that are available. However, cloud cover is inevitable due to the relatively low temporal frequency of the data. In this paper, a novel approach for multi-temporal Landsat land-cover classification is proposed. The land cover for each Landsat acquisition date was first classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) and then the classification results were combined using different strategies, with missing observations allowed. Three strategies, including the majority vote (MultiSVM-MV), Expectation Maximisation (MultiSVM-EM) and joint SVM probability (JSVM), were used to merge the multi-temporal classification maps. The three algorithms were then applied to a region of the path/row 143/31 scene using 2010 Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images. The results demonstrated that, for these three algorithms, the average overall accuracy (OA) improved with the increase in temporal depth; also, for a given temporal depth, the performance of JSVM was clearly better than that of MultiSVM-MV and MultiSVM-EM, and the performance of MultiSVM-EM was slightly better than that of MultiSVM-MV. The OA values for the three classification results, which use all epochs, were 70.28%, 72.40% and 74.80% for MultiSVM-MV, MultiSVM-EM and JSVM, respectively. In comparison, two other annual composite image-based classification methods, annual maximum Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composite image-based classification and annual best-available-pixel (BAP) composite image-based classification, gave OA values of 68.08% and 69.92%, respectively, meaning that our method produced a better performance. Therefore, the novel multi-temporal Landsat classification method presented in this paper can deal with the cloud-contamination problem and produce accurate annual land-cover mapping using multi-temporal cloud-contaminated images, which is of importance for regional and global land-cover mapping.  相似文献   

针对人工抽样目测方法和超声波、电磁波等测量技术用于新型检测方法存在各式各样的缺点,为了实现在线高速检测汽车制动缸内壁是否存在缺陷,基于数字图像处理技术,提出了一种能很好满足要求的图像处理和缺陷检测方法.通过CCD相机采集零件需要检测表面的图像;用Matlab软件对图像进行必要的处理、对边缘进行提取;通过腐蚀和膨胀运算优化边缘,再采用连通域标记,通过计算缺陷区域处面积和周长两个物理量来判断缺陷类型和特征.结果表明:此方法能检测出缸体内表面缺陷,基本上能满足缺陷快速检测要求.  相似文献   

针对变电站环境复杂,人工巡检强度大,效率低的问题,研究了基于激光雷达的巡检机器人系统。采用激光即时定位与地图构建(SLAM)算法建立环境地图,应用自适应蒙特卡洛定位(AMCL)算法结合激光以及里程计的数据进行实时定位。针对变电站环境,在地图中标定巡检坐标以及路径中的关键点,设计了全局路径规划以及点对点的导航算法。实验结果表明:巡检机器人能在室内外有效工作,室内外测试条件下的x和y方向的平均绝对误差均小于2 cm,角度的平均绝对误差均小于2°。  相似文献   


This article presents a novel change detection (CD) approach for high-resolution remote-sensing images, which incorporates visual saliency and random forest (RF). First, highly homogeneous and compact image super-pixels are generated using super-pixel segmentation, and the optimal segmentation result is obtained through image superimposition and principal component analysis. Second, saliency detection is used to guide the search of interest regions in the initial difference image obtained via the improved robust change vector analysis algorithm. The salient regions within the difference image that correspond to the binarized saliency map are extracted, and the regions are subject to the fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to obtain the pixel-level pre-classification result, which can be used as a prerequisite for super-pixel-based analysis. Third, on the basis of the optimal segmentation and pixel-level pre-classification results, different super-pixel change possibilities are calculated. Furthermore, the changed and unchanged super-pixels that serve as the training samples are automatically selected. The spectral features and Gabor features of each super-pixel are extracted. Finally, super-pixel-based CD is implemented by applying RF based on these samples. Experimental results on Quickbird, Ziyuan 3 (ZY3), and Gaofen 2 (GF2) multi-spectral images show that the proposed method outperforms the compared methods in the accuracy of CD, and also confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A technique for geometrical processing of multi-sensoral and multispectral satellite images for the purposes of change detection studies is presented here. The technique involves geometrical rectification (geocoding), and image registration with two-dimensional image correlation. The application of the technique has been demonstrated in an area within the Niger Sahel in West Africa. The study was conducted with MSS and TM image data. The procedure results in image registration accuracy of 0.28pixel, which in this instance is good for change detection purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the unsupervised autoencoder learning for automated defect detection in manufacturing is evaluated, where only the defect-free samples are required for the model training. The loss function of a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) model only aims at minimizing the reconstruction errors, and makes the representative features widely spread. The proposed CAE in this study incorporates a regularization that improves the feature distribution of defect-free samples within a tight range. It makes the representative feature vectors of all training samples as close as possible to the mean feature vector so that a defect sample in the evaluation stage can generate a distinct distance from the trained center of defect-free samples. The proposed CAE model with regularizations has been tested on a variety of material surfaces, including textural and patterned surfaces in images. The experimental results reveal that the proposed CAE with regularizations significantly outperforms the conventional CAE for defect detection applications in the industry.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated detection framework of solder joint defects in the context of Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Both localization and classifications tasks were considered. For the localization part, in contrast to the existing methods that are highly specified for particular PCBs, we used a generic deep learning method which can be easily ported to different configurations of PCBs and soldering technologies and also gives real-time speed and high accuracy. For the classification part, an active learning method was proposed to reduce the labeling workload when a large labeled training database is not easily available because it requires domain-specified knowledge. The experiments show that the localization method is fast and accurate. In addition, high accuracy with only minimal user input was achieved in the classification framework on two different datasets. The results also demonstrated that our method outperforms three other active learning benchmarks.  相似文献   

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