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闫丽云  刘家晟  张好  张临杰  肖连团  贾锁堂 《物理学报》2017,66(24):243201-243201
基于原子蒸汽池中铯里德伯原子的电磁感应透明光谱在微波场作用下的Aulter-Towns效应,测量了无芯射频识别标签线形散射单元的近场散射微波电场二维空间分布,空间分辨率可达到亚微波波长.实现了射频电场极化方向与线形散射体标签夹角的有效分辨.电磁仿真软件的仿真结果与实验测量符合得很好.本研究提供了一种测量微波电场近场测量的新方法,对无芯射频识别标签的散射单元设计和标定以及电子电路的电磁辐射测量具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

刘琴  于春梅 《应用声学》2015,23(7):2288-2291
针对主元分析(Principal component analysis, PCA)和局部保持投影(Locality preserving projections, LPP)方法在降维过程中分别只能保留数据集的整体信息和局部信息,提出一种基于局部整体结构保持投影的贝叶斯故障检测与辨识方法(Local and global structure preserving projections and bayes, LGSPP-Bayes)。首先,将正常工况操作下的原始数据通过局部整体结构保持投影方法投影到低维特征空间,得到高维到低维的数据转换矩阵;然后通过设计贝叶斯分类器来进行故障检测;最后当检测到故障后通过计算贝叶斯分类函数的大小来识别故障种类。将LGSPP-Bayes方法应用于TE过程,仿真结果表明对故障的检测优于其他方法,并且可以很好地将故障种类识别出来。  相似文献   

This paper proposed a method of meat recognition method based on the artificial neural network of wavelet denoising. In this study, visible reflected spectra (from 380 nm to 780 nm) of beef and pork with different freshness were measured with fiber sensor spectrometer. The wavelet multi-resolution analysis was employed and the ideal way of decomposing layers was selected to eliminate the burr noise or abnormal data caused by absorption and scattering spectra signals in optical fiber. Then a kind of with a double-hidden layer was applied to analyze meat spectral reflectance data, and the back propagation-artificial neural network (BP-ANN) was trained by Polak–Ribiere conjugate gradient learning algorithm. The experimental results show that the method can analyse the complex spectrum signals and achieve a good identification on the species and freshness of meat.  相似文献   

为提高太赫兹近场显微成像技术的分辨率,设计了一款在Teflon探针的尖锥形表面镀上厚度渐变、具有相同占空比的超薄金属银制条带的探针,用于实现探针尖端处人工表面等离激元的激发和太赫兹波的亚波长聚焦.研究表明,对于频率为0.1 THz的入射波,厚度渐变镀银条带探针产生的紧聚焦光场的尺寸可稳定在20μm左右(λ/150),探针尖端处最大电场强度为入射电场强度的849倍.研究还发现,周期性金属条带的数目和入射电场的偏振方向可对探针尖端处产生的紧聚焦光斑的尺寸和电场强度等进行灵活有效的调控.  相似文献   

杨帆  魏彪  冯鹏  米德伶  任勇 《强激光与粒子束》2013,25(04):1026-1030
针对基于传统核材料识别系统中特征值易受系统噪声影响且精确度不够的问题,将高阶统计特征概念引入252Cf源驱动核系统特征提取和识别之中,提出了一种基于互相关函数与高阶统计特征的252Cf源驱动核材料富集度识别方法。通过互相关运算及高阶统计分析,得到核系统信息的三维特征图像,并在此基础上开展了待测核材料(235U)的富集度实验研究与分析识别工作。实验研究结果表明,该识别方法能够较好地降低背景辐射噪声与电子学系统噪声。与传统识别方法相比,对于核部件富集度变化,该算法的敏感性与鲁棒性均有大幅提高。  相似文献   

时洁  杨德森  时胜国 《物理学报》2011,60(6):64301-064301
基于被动合成孔径原理,提出了一种具有高稳健性的运动声源高分辨聚焦定位识别方法.该方法采用综合优化手段,通过矢量最大似然聚焦定位算法生成虚拟阵列坐标及数据矩阵,进而利用基于最差性能优化的稀疏虚拟阵列聚焦算法,获取稳健的高分辨定位识别效果.理论及仿真研究表明,该方法对于非匀速运动以及与基阵存在运动倾角的复杂情况具有较强的适用性,聚焦空间谱表现出更大的动态范围、更为尖锐的聚焦峰尺度以及更强的背景噪声起伏压制能力.湖上试验进一步验证,在高分辨最小方差信号无畸变响应法(MVDR)聚焦算法动态范围仅为3.5 dB的相 关键词: 稳健性 运动噪声源定位识别 矢量阵 最差性能优化  相似文献   

郭广明  刘洪 《中国物理 B》2017,26(6):64701-064701
An experimental system based on the background-oriented schlieren(BOS) technique is built to reconstruct the density and temperature distribution of a flame-induced distorted flow field which has a density gradient. The cross-correlation algorithm with sub-pixel accuracy is introduced and used to calculate the background-element displacement of a disturbed image and a fourth-order difference scheme is also developed to solve the Poisson equation. An experiment for a disturbed flow field caused by a burning candle is performed to validate the built BOS system and the results indicate that density and temperature distribution of the disturbed flow field can be reconstructed accurately. A notable conclusion is that in order to make the reconstructed results have a satisfactory accuracy, the inquiry step length should be less than the size of the interrogation window.  相似文献   

郭刘洋  陈铮  龙建  杨涛 《物理学报》2015,64(17):178102-178102
采用晶体相场模拟研究了单向拉伸作用下初始应力状态、晶体取向角度对单晶材料内部微裂纹尖端扩展行为的影响, 以(111)晶面上的预制中心裂纹为研究对象探讨了微裂纹尖端扩展行为的纳观机理, 结果表明: 微裂纹的扩展行为主要发生在<011>(111)滑移系上, 扩展行为与扩展方向与材料所处的初始应力状态及晶体取向紧密相关. 预拉伸应力状态将首先诱发微裂纹尖端生成滑移位错, 进而导致晶面解理而实现微裂纹尖端沿[011]晶向扩展, 扩展到一定程度后由于位错塞积, 应力集中, 使裂纹扩展方向沿另一滑移方向[101], 并形成锯齿形边缘; 预剪切应力状态下, 微裂纹尖端首先在[101]晶向解理扩展, 并诱发位错产生, 形成空洞聚集型长大的二次裂纹, 形成了明显的剪切带; 预偏变形状态下微裂纹尖端则直接以晶面解理形式[101]在上进行扩展, 直至断裂失效; 微裂纹尖端扩展行为随晶体取向不同而不同, 较小的取向角度会在裂纹尖端形成滑移位错, 诱发空位而形成二次裂纹, 而较大的取向角下的裂纹尖端则以直接解理扩展为主, 扩展方向与拉伸方向几近垂直.  相似文献   

基于等效源法和双面质点振速测量的声场分离方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
毕传兴  胡定玉  张永斌  徐亮 《物理学报》2013,62(8):84301-084301
目前基于等效源法的声场分离方法有两种输入方式, 一种以双测量面上的声压为输入, 另一种以单测量面上的声压和质点振速为输入. 本文以双测量面上的质点振速为输入, 提出一种新的基于等效源法的声场分离方法. 首先给出了该方法的理论推导, 然后通过数值仿真和实验验证了该方法的有效性. 通过与基于双面声压测量的声场分离方法的比较, 证明了该方法在分离质点振速方面的优越性. 此外, 在仿真中还研究了干扰声源强度和测量面间距对分离精度的影响. 关键词: 声场分离 质点振速测量 等效源法 近场声全息  相似文献   

This paper reports the result of investigation into the morphological evolution and migration of void in bi-piezoelectric material interface by utilizing nonlocal phase field model and finite element method (FEM), where the small scale effect containing the long-range forces among atoms is considered. The nonlocal elastic strain energy and the nonlocal electric energy around the void are firstly calculated by the finite element method. Then based on the finite difference method (FDM), the thermodynamic equilibrium equation containing the surface energy and anisotropic diffusivity is solved to simulate the morphological evolution and migration of elliptical void in bi-piezoelectric films interface. Results show that the way of load condition plays a significant role in the evolution process, and the boundary of void's long axis gradually collapses toward the center of ellipse. In addition, the evolutionary speed of left boundary gradually decreases with scale effect coefficient growth. This work can provide references for the safety evaluation of piezoelectric materials in micro electro mechanical system.  相似文献   

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