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基于我国与国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)组织签署的环向场(TF)线圈和极向场(PF)线圈导体采购安排协议(PA)的技术内容,介绍TF线圈导体PA和PF线圈导体PA中引用标准的总体情况,分析和总结这两个PA中引用标准存在的各种问题。  相似文献   

根据国际热核聚变实验堆ITER设计标准,ITER极向场线圈(PF Coils)的人工检测和连接维修任务的制定,需要确保维修过程中工人所受到的辐射剂量水平不超过剂量限值。基于ITER中子学基准模型B-lite,利用二步法停堆剂量计算方法,在大型集成中子学计算分析系统VisualBUS和HENDL数据库支持下,计算并分析了三种维修方案下PF4维修区域内的停堆光子剂量场分布,以分析降低维修工人辐射剂量水平的有效措施。结果表明,与推迟维修工人进入:PF4维修区域时间相比,采用临时屏蔽的措施更能显著降低PF4维修区域内的辐射剂量水平,建议后续采用临时屏蔽措施。  相似文献   

根据国际热核聚变实验堆ITER设计标准,ITER极向场线圈(PF Coils)的人工检测和连接维修任务的制定,需要开展维修方案的预评估,验证当前核设计方案的合理性和可行性。基于ITER组织提供的辐射场数据和工程模型,在核与辐射安全仿真系统SuperMC/VisualDose2.3的支持下,开展了ITER PF4维修过程的工人职业照射剂量仿真分析,包括维修过程的虚拟漫游仿真、器官剂量实时评估、累积剂量评估和人员操作过程的虚拟培训仿真。仿真结果显示,根据现有ITER核设计方案,ITER停堆106 s后人员进入低温室开展ITER PF4检修工作所受到的累积剂量为2.19mSv,为ITER核设计分析人员提供了参考。  相似文献   

校正场线圈是ITER大型超导磁体系统的重要组成部分,其线圈体由多种材料组成且周期性排列,对其等效材料属性预测很重要。目前主要采用基于均匀化理论的有限元方法,但其处理过程复杂。本文提出了基于广义虎克定律的有限元方法,使求解过程更简便。分析对比两种方法,后一种方法处理过程更简单,结果更精确,所得结果为校正场线圈的结构分析和热分析提供了必要的参数。  相似文献   

HT—7超导托卡马克极向场多变量负反馈控制器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了HT-7超导托马克极向场多变量负反馈控制系统,重点讲述了信号的采集,数据的传输过程等工程问题,并给出了计算机程序框图。  相似文献   

在EAST核聚变托卡马克实验装置中,无论是在设计阶段还是未来运行过程中,确定极向场线圈电流都是非常重要的。本文采用排列格林函数的方法,给出设计中固定边界计算和未来运行过程中反演计算两种条件下极向场线圈电流的确定方法,并在理论上证明了可行性,大大减少了计算时间。  相似文献   

本文针对HT-7U极向场电源系统负载线圈彼此耦合强,电源调试比较困难的情况,提出一种新型的电流解耦控制算法,使各线圈达到预期的电流波形。并通过计算机仿真的方法,证明了该算法的可行性与优越性。  相似文献   

已在有一个外偏滤器室的放电容器中产生了有单极向零的反场箍缩。在目前的实验中没有装上导电壳。极向偏滤器位形维持的时间为壁的时间常数,在磁起伏中m=1撕裂模的优势不受偏滤器位形的影响。采用偏滤器位形和在偏滤器电流达到主等离子体电流的30%的情况下,极向偏滤器都没有引起对等离子体性能的有害效应。  相似文献   

Cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) conductor sample of the PF2 coil for ITER was tested in the SULTAN facility. According to the test results, the CICC conductor...  相似文献   

In the framework of the ITER Qualification Tests, the first China TF conductor sample (CNTF1) was tested at the SULTAN facility. The sample was made of two TF conductor sections manufactured from identical internal stannum strands provided by the Oxford Superconducting Technology Company (OST). In order to evaluate the conductor performance, the current sharing temperature (Tcs) was measured at specified electromagnetic load cycling steps. Both conductor sections of the CNTF1 sample showed identical performance. Tcs was 7.2 K before cycling loading, and 6.9 K even after 950 cycles, without significant degradation, which substantially exceeds the ITER requirement of 5.7 K. The tests of the CNTF1 conductor sample showed that the electromagnetic cyclic load exhibited a negligible effect on the conductor performance. The coupling time constant for AC loss was 214 ms and 71.52ms before and after the cycling load, respectively. The test results of the sample are compared with the strand performance and parameter model analysis.  相似文献   

Sequential control applied to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Re- actor (ITER) poloidal field converter system for the purpose of reactive power reduction is the subject of this investigation. Due to the inherent characteristics of thyristor-based phase-controlled converter, the poloidal field converter system consumes a huge amount of reactive power from the grid, which subsequently results in a voltage drop at the 66 kV busbar if no measure is taken. The installation of a static var compensator rated for 750 MVar at the 66 kV busbax is an essential way to compensate reactive power to the grid, which is the most effective measure to solve the problem. However, sequential control of the multi-series converters provides an additional method to improve the natural power factor and thus alleviate the pressure of reactive power demand of the converter system without any additional cost. In the present paper, by comparing with the symmetrical control technique, the advantage of sequential control in reactive power consumption is highlighted. Simulation results based on SIMULINK are found in agreement with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

An electromagnetic (EM) analytic model for the PF feeder, applied to ITER and needed to convey the cryogenic supply and electrical power to the PF magnets, was ...  相似文献   

本文介绍了10 kA电流引线试验件的设计优化,主要描述了针对ITER所用与要求而设计的10 kA电流引线的设计结构与加工,电子束焊接首次应用于电流引线的焊接工艺。说明了此电流引线试验件的测试性能;对目前的工艺与测试结果提出并讨论了可能的改进方案。  相似文献   

Reduction of core-resonant magnetic fluctuations and improved confinement in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch (MST RFP) have been routinely achieved by applying the surface poloidal electric field. The created inductive poloidal electric field drives current in plasma which leads to the improved confinement. To study the effect we developed a relatively simple 1-D model in cylindrical geometry which assumes poloidal and axial symmetry during the drive. We use resistive magnetohydrodynamics model with realistic plasma parameters and assume that there is a vacuum gap between plasma boundary and conducting wall of the vessel. Evolution of plasma density is taken into account and plasma boundary moves self-consistently with momentum equation. We start from an initial unstable equilibrium and examine stability of plasma configuration at intermediate moments of time during the drive. For this we calculate the growth rates of unstable eigenmodes in the plasma. Our results show that the modifications to the plasma current profile during the drive are stabilizing. The initial stabilization is due to the direct modification of the current profile near the edge. It enhances later in time due to the flattening of λ profile in the core region as plasma and magnetic field compress inward during the drive.  相似文献   

A bridge arm prototype of ITER poloidal field (PF) converter modules has been designed and fabricated. Non-cophase counter parallel connection is chosen as the arm structure of the prototype. Among all factors affecting current sharing, arm structure is the main one. During the design of the arm prototype, a novel method based on inductance matrixes is employed to improve the current sharing of the bridge arm. The test results on the prototype show that the current sharing performance of the arm prototype is much better than relevant design requirement, and that the matrix method is very effective to analyze and solve the current sharing problems of thyristor converters.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1923-1927
The ITER feeder systems connect the ITER magnet systems located inside the main cryostat to the cryo-plant, power-supply and control system interfaces outside the cryostat. The main purpose of the feeders is to convey the cryogenic supply and electrical power to the coils as well as house the instrumentation wiring. The PF busbar which carries 52 kA current will suffer from high Lorentz force due to the background magnetic field inspired by the coils and the self-field between every pair of busbars. Except their mechanical strength and thermal insulation performance must be achieved, the dynamic mechanism on PF structure should be assessed. This paper presents the simulation and seismic analysis on ITER 4th PF feeder including the Coil Terminal Box and S-bend Box (CTB and SBB), the Cryostat Feed-through (CFT), the In-Cryostat-Feeder (ICF), especially for the ground supports and main outer-tube firstly. This analysis aims to study seismic resistance on system design under local seismograms with floor response spectrum, the structural response vibration mode and response duration results of displacement, membrane stress, and bending stress on structure under different directions actuating signals were obtained by using the single-seismic spectrum analysis and Dead Weight analysis respectively. Based on the simulative and analytical results, the system seismic resistance and the integrity of the support structure in the 4th PF feeder have been studied and the detail design confirmed.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new project - the poloidal field (PF) grid power supply system to replace the ac flywheel generator power supply system on the basis of the present running parameters of the HT-7 poloidal field and the short-circuit capacity of our transformer substation. The designed parameters of the PF grid power supply system have been verified to meet the requirements of the heating field (HF) and the vertical field (VF). In the meantime, in order to reduce the disturbance to the local power grid, the device of reactive power and harmonic current compensation has been added. Experimental results have confirmed the feasibility of the PF grid power supply system. Compared with the ac flywheel generator, the PF grid power supply system has the advantages of lower noise, precise control, convenient maintenance, simple operation and cost savings.  相似文献   

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