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通过模拟试验的方法,对影响激光触发放电电压的主要因素进行研究,结果表明,与正极性比较,激光更易于触发负极性电压气隙放电,空气湿度亦对激光触发放电电压有影响;空气湿度在95%,相对湿度下较40%相对湿度下,相同激光能量触发的放电电压提高5%。  相似文献   

Procoagulant synthesis by cultured fibroblasts triggered by cell adhesion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L R Zacharski  O R McIntyre 《Nature》1971,232(5309):338-339

Human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) are highly polymorphic proteins that initiate immunity by presenting pathogen-derived peptides to T?cells. HLA polymorphisms mostly map to the antigen-binding cleft, thereby diversifying the repertoire of self-derived and pathogen-derived peptide antigens selected by different HLA allotypes. A growing number of immunologically based drug reactions, including abacavir hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) and carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), are associated with specific HLA alleles. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of these associations, including AHS, a prototypical HLA-associated drug reaction occurring exclusively in individuals with the common histocompatibility allele HLA-B*57:01, and with a relative risk of more than 1,000 (refs?6, 7). We show that unmodified abacavir binds non-covalently to HLA-B*57:01, lying across the bottom of the antigen-binding cleft and reaching into the F-pocket, where a carboxy-terminal tryptophan typically anchors peptides bound to HLA-B*57:01. Abacavir binds with exquisite specificity to HLA-B*57:01, changing the shape and chemistry of the antigen-binding cleft, thereby altering the repertoire of endogenous peptides that can bind HLA-B*57:01. In this way, abacavir guides the selection of new endogenous peptides, inducing a marked alteration in 'immunological self'. The resultant peptide-centric 'altered self' activates abacavir-specific T-cells, thereby driving polyclonal CD8 T-cell activation and a systemic reaction manifesting as AHS. We also show that carbamazepine, a widely used anti-epileptic drug associated with hypersensitivity reactions in HLA-B*15:02 individuals, binds to this allotype, producing alterations in the repertoire of presented self peptides. Our findings simultaneously highlight the importance of HLA polymorphism in the evolution of pharmacogenomics and provide a general mechanism for some of the growing number of HLA-linked hypersensitivities that involve small-molecule drugs.  相似文献   

禾白粉病茵侵染小麦叶绿体的超微结构分析发现,被侵染组织表皮细胞下方的叶肉细胞代谢活性增强,叶绿体退化延迟,光合作用增强,细胞中积累了大量的脂肪滴,外观上表现为“绿岛”现象,说明植物的感病性与叶肉细胞的代谢状况有关。  相似文献   

为了解决自然灾害诱发的事故灾难(又称Natech事件)的风险评估问题,提出了针对Natech事件进行定量风险评估的流程框架和方法,并应用于洪水诱发储罐失效的概率和后果的风险分析中。该方法首先确定自然灾害的频率和强度,对在此灾害中可能遭受破坏的设备进行风险辨识;然后确定灾害情景的分类和特征,计算洪水触发储罐失效的概率;最后根据事件树分析的方法,对可能发生的灾害情景和后果进行分析。该文假设某化工厂储罐区域因洪水导致储罐失效,进而引发氨气泄漏的案例。应用该方法计算个人风险分布情况,并在地理信息系统(GIS)上进行了可视化展示。研究结果表明:该方法在定量化洪水诱发储罐失效的风险评估中具有可行性;同时给出了相关风险管理的措施和建议。  相似文献   

Core formation in planetesimals triggered by permeable flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yoshino T  Walter MJ  Katsura T 《Nature》2003,422(6928):154-157
The tungsten isotope composition of meteorites indicates that core formation in planetesimals occurred within a few million years of Solar System formation. But core formation requires a mechanism for segregating metal, and the 'wetting' properties of molten iron alloy in an olivine-rich matrix is thought to preclude segregation by permeable flow unless the silicate itself is partially molten. Excess liquid metal over a percolation threshold, however, can potentially create permeability in a solid matrix, thereby permitting segregation. Here we report the percolation threshold for molten iron-sulphur compounds of approximately 5 vol.% in solid olivine, based on electrical conductivity measurements made in situ at high pressure and temperature. We conclude that heating within planetesimals by decay of short-lived radionuclides can increase temperature sufficiently above the iron-sulphur melting point (approximately 1,000 degrees C) to trigger segregation of iron alloy by permeable flow within the short timeframe indicated by tungsten isotopes. We infer that planetesimals with radii greater than about 30 km and larger planetary embryos are expected to have formed cores very early, and these objects would have contained much of the mass in the terrestrial region of the protoplanetary nebula. The Earth and other terrestrial planets are likely therefore to have formed by accretion of previously differentiated planetesimals, and Earth's core may accordingly be viewed as a blended composite of pre-formed cores.  相似文献   

Little work has been done on the effect of being overweight on the wireless narrowband radio propagation of wearable medical instruments. In this paper, by applying a finite-difference time-domain technique and a statistical learning method, the authors find that being overweight might be an obstacle to body-surface wireless communication. The findings have certain instructive meanings for those engineers who are designing on-body medical instruments for patients, especially those patients who are overweight.  相似文献   

Little work has been done on the effect of being overweight on the wireless narrowband radio propagation of wearable medical instruments. In this paper, by applying a finite-difference time-domain technique and a statistical learning method, the authors find that being overweight might be an obstacle to body-surface wireless communication. The findings have certain instructive meanings for those engineers who are designing on-body medical instruments for patients, especially those patients who are overweight.  相似文献   

提出了一种使用高速公路路面纹理特征来检测车旁超车车辆的实时算法.在由单摄像机获取的序列图像中,算法片先利用标志线信息在待检测车道上设置一个检测窗口,并对窗口内路面的纹理特征进行建模;然后利用帧间窗口内路面纹理的连续性信息和相邻车道路面的相似性信息,根据异常检测函数来触发检测,判断检测窗口内是否存在感兴趣区域;最后根据图像中消失点和标志线的信息来确认感兴趣区域内是否存在超车车辆.实验结果表明:此方法能够及时准确地检测出从本车侧后方出现的超车车辆,算法计算量低,满足系统的实时性要求,并具备较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

叶绿体DNA种内多样化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
着重讨论了9科32种植物叶绿体DNA种内多样化,进而探讨叶绿体DNA种内多样化的遗传学基础和意义。  相似文献   

 真叶植物包括蕨类、裸子植物和被子植物。迄今已积累有较为丰富的真叶植物叶绿体基因组全序列数据。选取了29种真叶植物的叶绿体基因组全序列,采用PAML 软件基于位点间可变ω模型,分别分析了蕨类、裸子植物和被子植物叶绿体基因的适应性进化。结果显示:① 蕨类、裸子植物和被子植物各有6.5%、7.5%和19.2%的叶绿体基因受正选择作用;被子植物经历正选择的叶绿体基因明显比蕨类和裸子植物为多;② 被正选择作用的叶绿体基因主要是遗传系统和光合系统基因,它们的编码产物涉及叶绿体蛋白质合成、基因转录、能量转化与调节及光合作用等过程。推测叶绿体功能基因可能在真叶植物对陆生生态环境的适应过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
When human polymorphonuclear basophils, a type of white blood cell with antibodies of the immunoglobulin E (IgE) type on its surface, are exposed to anti-IgE antibodies, they release histamine from their intracellular granules and change their staining properties. The latter can be demonstrated at dilutions of anti-IgE that range from 1 x 10(2) to 1 x 10(120); over that range, there are successive peaks of degranulation from 40 to 60% of the basophils, despite the calculated absence of any anti-IgE molecules at the highest dilutions. Since dilutions need to be accompanied by vigorous shaking for the effects to be observed, transmission of the biological information could be related to the molecular organization of water.  相似文献   

Nickel accumulation by Hybanthus floribundus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B C Severne 《Nature》1974,248(5451):807-808

简要叙述了AGC和软件无线电的概念,重点介绍了ANALOG DEVICES公司的ADL5330可变增益放大器的特性以及基于此放大器设计的一套AGC系统,对其中DSP处理部分提出的新算法:幅度计算、门限判断和查表进行了详细讨论,给出了在TI公司的TMS320C55X数字信号处理器和CCS仿真系统上的处理流程和MATLAB仿真结果,结果表明:AGC系统可以实现信号到达接收机时约为60 dB的功率调整范围。  相似文献   

针对执行器失效故障和网络攻击,在离散事件触发通讯机制(DETCS)下研究了NCS故障容错与攻击容侵的协同设计问题.首先,给出了DETCS下NCS故障容错与攻击容侵的架构,并以此为基础建立了集触发条件、执行器故障与网络攻击于一体的闭环NCS故障/攻击并存模型;其次,通过构造Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函,综合应用时滞系统理论、改进的Wirtinger不等式及互反凸组合引理等,推证出了NCS可容错故障/容侵攻击的完整性充分条件,进而给出了鲁棒H容错/容侵控制器与事件触发矩阵的协同设计方法,达到了容错/容侵控制与网络通讯间的协同设计目标;最后,通过仿真算例验证了所得理论结果的有效性与可行性.  相似文献   

J Bajorath  S Raghunathan  W Hinrichs  W Saenger 《Nature》1989,337(6206):481-484
The X-ray crystal structure of the subtilisin-type enzyme proteinase K at 1.5 A resolution shows that is has two binding sites for Ca2+. Scatchard analysis indicates that one Ca2+ binds tightly, with pK 7.6 x 10(-8) M-1, and the other only weakly. Although Ca2+ is not directly involved in the catalytic mechanism and is 16.6 A away from the alpha-carbon atoms of the catalytic triad Asp 39-His 69-Ser 224, the activity of proteinase K towards the synthetic substrate succinyl-Ala-Ala-Ala-p-nitroanilide drops slowly to approximately 20% of its original value when it is depleted of Ca2+. This is not due to autolysis of the enzyme. The X-ray crystal structure of Ca2+-free proteinase K shows that removal of Ca2+ from the tight binding site triggers a concerted domino-like movement of five peripheral loops and of two alpha-helices. At a distance of 25 A from this calcium-binding site, the geometry of both the secondary substrate binding site and of the catalytic triad is affected by this movement thereby reducing the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

小麦叶绿体衰老的电镜观察及BA对叶绿体膜系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小麦(Triticum aestivum,L.Nondai 18:85021)十天苗第一片真叶切段在暗中诱导衰老。以蒸馏水作对照,用2%乙醇及5μMBA分别处理。比较48小时后叶绿体超微结构变化。BA显著延缓衰老,保持膜系统的完整性,与自由基清除剂乙醇的效果相似。此外,将已衰老48小时后的叶片转入BA溶液又经48小时,发现叶绿体的膜系统恢复到一定程度,接近起始状态。本文对BA保护膜系统的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Cretaceous oceanic anoxic event 2 triggered by a massive magmatic episode   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Turgeon SC  Creaser RA 《Nature》2008,454(7202):323-326
Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were episodes of widespread marine anoxia during which large amounts of organic carbon were buried on the ocean floor under oxygen-deficient bottom waters. OAE2, occurring at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (about 93.5 Myr ago), is the most widespread and best defined OAE of the mid-Cretaceous. Although the enhanced burial of organic matter can be explained either through increased primary productivity or enhanced preservation scenarios, the actual trigger mechanism, corresponding closely to the onset of these episodes of increased carbon sequestration, has not been clearly identified. It has been postulated that large-scale magmatic activity initially triggered OAE2 (refs 4, 5), but a direct proxy of magmatism preserved in the sedimentary record coinciding closely with the onset of OAE2 has not yet been found. Here we report seawater osmium isotope ratios in organic-rich sediments from two distant sites. We find that at both study sites the marine osmium isotope record changes abruptly just at or before the onset of OAE2. Using a simple two-component mixing equation, we calculate that over 97 per cent of the total osmium content in contemporaneous seawater at both sites is magmatic in origin, a approximately 30-50-fold increase relative to pre-OAE conditions. Furthermore, the magmatic osmium isotope signal appears slightly before the OAE2-as indicated by carbon isotope ratios-suggesting a time-lag of up to approximately 23 kyr between magmatism and the onset of significant organic carbon burial, which may reflect the reaction time of the global ocean system. Our marine osmium isotope data are indicative of a widespread magmatic pulse at the onset of OAE2, which may have triggered the subsequent deposition of large amounts of organic matter.  相似文献   

Chávez AE  Singer JH  Diamond JS 《Nature》2006,443(7112):705-708
Feedback inhibition at reciprocal synapses between A17 amacrine cells and rod bipolar cells (RBCs) shapes light-evoked responses in the retina. Glutamate-mediated excitation of A17 cells elicits GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)-mediated inhibitory feedback onto RBCs, but the mechanisms that underlie GABA release from the dendrites of A17 cells are unknown. If, as observed at all other synapses studied, voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) couple membrane depolarization to neurotransmitter release, feedforward excitatory postsynaptic potentials could spread through A17 dendrites to elicit 'surround' feedback inhibitory transmission at neighbouring synapses. Here we show, however, that GABA release from A17 cells in the rat retina does not depend on VGCCs or membrane depolarization. Instead, calcium-permeable AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptors (AMPARs), activated by glutamate released from RBCs, provide the calcium influx necessary to trigger GABA release from A17 cells. The AMPAR-mediated calcium signal is amplified by calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) from intracellular calcium stores. These results describe a fast synapse that operates independently of VGCCs and membrane depolarization and reveal a previously unknown form of feedback inhibition within a neural circuit.  相似文献   

Early tumorigenesis is associated with the engagement of the DNA-damage checkpoint response (DDR). Cell proliferation and transformation induced by oncogene activation are restrained by cellular senescence. It is unclear whether DDR activation and oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) are causally linked. Here we show that senescence, triggered by the expression of an activated oncogene (H-RasV12) in normal human cells, is a consequence of the activation of a robust DDR. Experimental inactivation of DDR abrogates OIS and promotes cell transformation. DDR and OIS are established after a hyper-replicative phase occurring immediately after oncogene expression. Senescent cells arrest with partly replicated DNA and with DNA replication origins having fired multiple times. In vivo DNA labelling and molecular DNA combing reveal that oncogene activation leads to augmented numbers of active replicons and to alterations in DNA replication fork progression. We also show that oncogene expression does not trigger a DDR in the absence of DNA replication. Last, we show that oncogene activation is associated with DDR activation in a mouse model in vivo. We propose that OIS results from the enforcement of a DDR triggered by oncogene-induced DNA hyper-replication.  相似文献   

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