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Studies on the interaction of zinc with human hemoglobin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zn has previously been shown to increase the oxygen affinity of both normal and sickle red blood cells. Experiments are presented which demonstrate that the oxygen affinity effect of Zn is due to a Zn-hemoglobin binding mechanism rather than a Zn-2,3 diphosphoglycerate binding mechanism. Further a large shift (6 mm Hg) in the oxygen affinity of a red cell-saline suspension occurs with a low Zn/hemoglobin (tetramer) molar ratio (0.4). Zn had no influence on the Bohr effect of hemoglobin but it did decrease the Hill coefficient. Hemoglobin binding experiments using partially purified hemoglobin indicated that Zn can bind to more than one amino acid residue but it appears that the amino acid residue with the highest binding capacity for Zn is also the residue involved in the oxygen affinity effect of Zn. Hydrogen ion concentration (pH 5–8) had no influence on the Zn/hemoglobin ratios obtained in these binding experiments. The possible (and the improbable) Zn binding sites on the hemoglobin molecule are discussed.  相似文献   

Point mutations alpha 58 His----Tyr (Hb M Boston), beta 6 Glu--lys (Hb C) and beta 26 Glu----Lys (Hb E) have been identified in abnormal hemoglobins by means of tryptic hydrolysis of their alpha- and beta-chains followed by mass-spectrometry coupled with direct extraction of ions from solution. The abnormal hemoglobin Hb M Boston alpha 58 (E7) His----Tyr has been for the first time found in the blood of a patient from the USSR. This express-method is generally applicable for the identification of point mutation in proteins. The amount of protein necessary for the analysis is 100-1000 pmole. The stability, proteolytic degradation of the identified abnormal Hb's and Hb Bart's were investigated. The molecular pathogenesis of the hemoglobinopathies are discussed from the point of view of the observed properties.  相似文献   

Alkylresorcinols can be found in high amounts in whole grain cereals, especially in rye. Previously it has not been possible to measure alkylresorcinols in plasma. In this paper a validated gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the quantitative determination of alkylresorcinols with chain lengths of C15:0, C17:0, C19:0, C21:0, and C23:0 in human plasma samples is presented. Other alkylresorcinols may be measured with the method as well, but their assay was not validated in this work. In this work also the amount of alkylresorcinol C25:0 was measured. The pretreatment of plasma samples consists of a simple incubation, an extraction with diethyl ether and a chromatographic purification before the GC-MS analysis. As internal standard an alkylresorcinol C20:0 was used. The validation of the method showed that it fulfilled the reliability criteria. Calibration graphs were linear over the range of 4.1-660pg per injection. The mean recovery percentage was 112+/-10.8%. Our results show that the alkylresorcinols are found in plasma in the same ratio, as found in rye grains, according to literature. The alkylresorcinols were in the unconjugated form. The total amounts of alkylresorcinols in two plasma samples analyzed here were 333 and 381nmol/L.  相似文献   

Sensitive Raman difference spectroscopy was used to monitor the protonation and deprotonation of histidine residues in apo-transferrin. We have shown previously that the behavior of small molecules and/or small molecular groups bound to proteins or other large macromolecules can be studied by Raman difference spectroscopy (Yue, K.T. et al. (1989) J. Raman Spectrosc. 20, 541-545). Using this method, we have measured the Raman difference spectra of human transferrin at different pH values with respect to pH 8.9, titrating its various histidine residues. About 12 +/- 2 of the 19 residues were titrated. The pH difference spectrum of transferrin obtained is very similar to that of histidine in solution, but with clear differences in the 1200-1400 cm-1 region. A titration curve with pKa of 6.08 +/- 0.01 fit the data of histidine in solution and a value of 6.56 +/- 0.02 was found for the average value of the 12 histidine residues inside transferrin. The technique has enough sensitivity at present to monitor a single histidine residue in a 130 kDa molecule and to determine the titration curve of one residue in a 40 kDa protein.  相似文献   

The serine proteases constitute a group of endopeptidases whose members owe their catalytic activity to the presence of a catalytic triad of amino acids consisting of a serine, a histidine and an aspartate. The pK(a) values for this histidine have been determined for several cases in which there is a negative charge installed at the serine to mimic the oxyanionic intermediate and related transition state for the catalytic pathway. Instances from this laboratory include (1) replacement of the serine by a cysteine in subtilisin to create a thiolate; (2) formation of monoisopropylphosphoryl-Ser 195 monoanionic phosphodiesters (in trypsin and chymotrypsin, Ser 221 in subtilisins); and (3) tetrahedral boronates formed with peptide boronic acids. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals pertinent to this histidine, or signals indirectly reflecting the state of ionization of this histidine, have been used effectively to monitor changes in the active center ionization state. In every case studied, there is elevation of the pK(a) at the histidine when the negative charge is installed at the serine position. Herein is reported the first NMR measurement of the active center His 63 pK(a) in thiolsubtilisin Carlsberg; it is elevated by 3 units compared with the parent enzyme. Using a numerical solution (finite difference) of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, a protein dielectric constant of 4 provides a good estimate of the experimentally observed pK(a) elevations. Very significantly, a very low protein dielectric constant (epsilon(p) = 3-5) is required in all of the comparisons, and for all three enzymes used (chymotrypsin, trypsin, and subtilisin). Finally, we discuss why the electrostatic perturbation sensed at His of the active center is more amplified by a negative charge on the Ser side than the same charge on the Asp side. A plausible explanation is that the positive charge on the imidazolium ring of the His is localized, with the N(delta 1) carrying a smaller fraction, the N(epsilon 2) carrying the bulk of the positive charge.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric method (HPLC-MS-MS) has been developed to quantitate clemastine in human plasma for the purpose of pharmacokinetic studies. Sample preparation was carried out by liquid-liquid extraction using deuterated clemastine as an internal standard. Chromatographic separation used a C18 reversed phase polymer column giving an extremely fast total run time of 2 min. The method was validated and used for the bioequivalence study of clemastine tablets in healthy male volunteers (n=28). The lower limit of detection proved to be 0.01 ng/ml for clemastine.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific assay method for allantoin is described together with its application to rat plasma. The method consists of two main successive steps: hydrolytic formation of glyoxylic acid from allantoin, and fluorometric measurement of NAD produced from the reaction of glyoxylic acid and NADH, catalyzed by glyoxylate reductase. As little as 0.1 μg of allantoin can be determined. For the determination of endogeneous allantoin levels in rat plasma, 50 μl of the plasma is sufficient. Due to the higher sensitivity and specificity, the proposed method has advantages over the colorimetric method which has long been used for the determination of allantoin.  相似文献   

A sensitive and efficient method was developed for the determination of carvedilol and its metabolites in human urine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Urine samples were hydrolyzed with beta-glucuronidase/arylsulfatase (from Helix pomatia) and the target compounds were extracted with liquid-liquid extraction. The extracts were completely derivatized with MSTFA and MBTFA and analyzed by GC-MS using an Ultra-2 column. The linearity of the assay ranges were 0.75-75 ngmL(-1) for carvedilol and o-desmethyl carvedilol (o-DMC), and 3.0-75 ngmL(-1) for 4-hydroxyphenyl carvedilol (4-HPC) and 5-hydroxyphenyl carvedilol (5-HPC). The absolute recovery of carvedilol and its metabolites added to a blank urine sample was 80.1-97.8%. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) of carvedilol and o-DMC were 0.30 and 0.75 ngmL(-1), and its of 4-HPC and 5-HPC were 0.75 and 3.0 ngmL(-1), respectively. The reproducibilities were 1.86-11.5% for the intra-day assay, and 0.70-1.71% for the inter-day assay precision and the degree of inaccuracy was -3.0 to 3.9% at the concentration of 75 ngmL(-1). The proposed GC-MS method was effective for the determination of carvedilol and its three metabolites in human urine.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of the beta-2 adrenoceptor (B2AR) play a fundamental role in receptor regulation by agonists. We have examined the effects of several agonists on net levels of B2AR palmitoylation and phosphorylation using epitope tagging in stably transfected human embryonal kidney (HEK) 293 cells, immunoaffinity purification, and mass spectrometry combined with the method of stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC). Palmitoylation of Cys341 was confirmed and did not change detectably after 30 min exposure of cells to saturating concentrations of dopamine, epinephrine, or isoproterenol. However, all of these agonists produced a marked increase in net phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of the third cytoplasmic loop was increased to a similar degree by all three agonists, whereas differences between agonists were observed in net phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain (isoproterenol approximately epinephrine > dopamine). Interestingly, agonist-induced phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain was observed exclusively in a proximal portion (between residues 339-369). None of the agonists produced detectable phosphorylation in a distal portion of the cytoplasmic tail, which contains all sites of agonist-induced phosphorylation identified previously by in vitro reconstitution. These results provide insight to agonist-dependent regulation of the B2AR in intact cells, suggest the existence of significant differences in regulatory phosphorylation events occurring between in vitro and in vivo conditions, and outline a general analytical approach to investigate regulated PTM of receptors in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) method is described for the determination of human plasma levels of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) is described. The method is sensitive and simple. The plasma sample spiked with the internal standard was extracted by dichloromethane (CH(2)Cl(2)) in acidic conditions, and the concentrated organic layer was injected into GC-MS. Because of endogenous GBL in human plasma, the method used a standard calibration curve. The calibration curve was linear from 10 to 1000 ng/ml. The method has been validated for accuracy and precision with the relative error and C.V. for intra- and inter-day within 10%. GBL-spiked plasma samples stored at -80 degrees C were stable for a 3-month period. The stability of plasma samples after three cycles of freezing and thawing and of prepared samples on an autosampler for 48 h were demonstrated. Plasma concentrations of GBL before and after administration of UFT were 24.3+/-14.2 and 84.9+/-22.4 ng/ml, respectively.  相似文献   

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