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混汞法是一种设备简单、操作简便且应用历史悠久的提金方法 ,在世界范围内得到了普遍使用 ,同时也导致了严重的汞污染。本文介绍了混汞法的流程以及汞的释放过程和释放因子 ;综述了应用混汞法提金的不同国家和地区 ,对由此引发的大气、水体、生物 (包括人体 )和土壤汞污染的研究现状 ,并讨论了采金地区的环境管理政策  相似文献   

混汞法采金地区的汞污染研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
混汞法是一种设备简单、操作简便且应用历史悠久的提金方法,在世界范围内得到了普遍使用,同时也导致了严重的汞污染。本文介绍了混汞法的流程以及汞的释放过程和释放因子;综述了应用混汞法提金的不同国家和地区,对由此引发的大气、水体、生物(包括人体)和土壤汞污染的研究现状,并讨论了采金地区的环境管理政策。  相似文献   

氧化汞和氧化亚汞生产过程中造成严重的汞污染,由于气型污染,被土壤吸附,蓄积形成147m污染半径,汞污染前后调查研究对比,土壤、蔬菜、鱼、地面水中汞残留超过正常范围。对汞污染后危害特点进行讨论,提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

科学家现在用新手段追踪环境中的汞,它们是两种不同类型的汞稳定同位素分配。鱼类汞污染是一个全球范围的人群健康威胁,因为积聚在鱼中的甲基汞毒性非常大。但是由于汞通过大气输送分布到全球,所以难以区分当地源和全球源,也难以区分自然源和人为源。  相似文献   

以某化工厂内含汞污染土壤为研究对象,进行了固化稳定化技术的中试试验,研究水泥和硫化钠的药剂配比和搅拌方式对处理效果的影响。结果表明,随着水泥添加量增大,汞的浸出浓度大体降低;随着硫化钠添加量的增大,汞的浸出浓度呈现明显上升的趋势;当水泥和硫化钠联用时,浸出液中汞未检出,处理效果较好;搅拌方式对土壤中汞的处理效果影响较小。综合考虑经济成本、处理效果以及增容等因素,建议采用0.05%(质量分数,下同)工业级硫化钠+5.00%复合硅酸盐水泥P.C 32.5的药剂配比和挖机铲斗混合搅拌的方式对土壤中的汞进行固化稳定化处理。  相似文献   

电厂燃煤过程中汞的迁移转化及控制技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
讨论了近年来国内外电厂煤燃烧过程中汞的形态分布以及迁移转化规律研究的最新成果,并在此基础上评价了现有电站污染控制系统的脱汞性能,考虑到汞的排放控制,提出了对现有设备的可能优化措施。在分析中,注意到汞的易挥发性,认为汞排放控制应该充分考虑烟气中汞形态的迁移转化。由于氧化态汞在汞控制中有着重要作用,其研究将是控制电厂汞排放的关键。先进的汞排放控制技术的开发应以增强汞的氧化态为优先发展方向。  相似文献   

采用间接加热-N2吹扫法,对汞污染载金炭中汞的脱除进行试验研究.主要考察了吹扫方式、焙烧温度、N2流量和处理时间对汞脱除效果的影响.结果表明,采用床层内部吹扫方式有利于载金炭中汞的脱除;在550℃、N2 1.6 m3/h·kg、吹扫3 h条件下,能够将载金炭中汞含量由13.833 g/kg降低至0.002 g/kg,汞脱除率达到99.98%以上,而炭烧损率仅1.84%.另外,进行了2种二段法脱汞试验研究:高温蒸汞-N2吹扫法和空气吹扫-N2吹扫法.结果表明,与一段法相比,前者能够大大降低N2的消耗量;而后者没有明显优势,N2用量和能耗均未能明显降低.  相似文献   

关中清灌区农田生态系统污染现状研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对陕西关中地区清灌区土壤、粮食、地下水及农田退水中的重金属、含氮化合物等污染物进行了分析研究,结果表明:灌区土壤重金属含量在陕西土壤背景值范围内,主要粮食作物尚未受到污染(除F外),但地下水已受到重金属、含氮化合物的污染。同时,灌区农田退水中三氮含量较高,直接排放渭河水体后,影响了渭河水质。另外还发现灌溉能减低土壤F污染。  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal variability of essential fatty acids (EFA) and methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations in four size categories of planktonic organisms in two coastal lakes. MeHg concentrations increased significantly with increasing plankton size and were independent of plankton taxonomy. However, total EFA increased from seston to mesozooplankton, but decreased in the cladoceran-dominated macrozooplankton size-class. Analysis of EFA patterns revealed that linoleic, alpha-linolenic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acids increased with increasing zooplankton size, but docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the cladoceran-dominated macrozooplankton was generally lower than in seston. This consistent pattern demonstrates that cladocerans, although bioaccumulating MeHg, convey less DHA than similar-sized copepods to their consumers. It is thus evident that fish consuming cladocerans have restricted access to DHA, yet unrestricted dietary access to MeHg. Thus, the structure of planktonic food webs clearly affects the composition of EFA and regulates dietary supply of these essential nutrients, while MeHg bioaccumulates with increasing zooplankton size.  相似文献   

Mercury presents a potential risk to the environment and humans, especially in its methylated form. It is among the highest priority environmental pollutants. River Idrijca (Slovenia) is highly contaminated with mercury due to past mercury mining. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the periphyton community in rivers such as Idrijca is a suitable indicator of Hg pollution and of changes in mercury methylation and could serve as an early warning system of increased input of MeHg in the food chain. Periphyton is the only site of primary production in temperate torrential rivers such as Idrijca and is therefore an important link in the food chain. It is also a potential site of Hg accumulation and its introduction to higher trophic levels. Our aim was to assess the response of the periphyton to seasonal and spatial variations in mercury levels and to evaluate its potential as an early warning system of changes in mercury reactivity and mobilization The results indicate that periphyton in a torrential river is too complex and unpredictable to be used as a sole indicator of mercury concentrations and changes in the river. Nevertheless, it can complement environmental measurements due to its importance in the riverine food web.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring network with leafy vegetables was established near a chlor-alkali plant in order to compare the accumulation of mercury to the atmospheric total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentration. Based on data obtained in the reference area the ‘normal’ mercury concentration in vegetables is between 0.6 and 5.4 μg kg−1 FW. The effect detection limits (EDLs) are between 1.2 and 11.0 μg kg−1 FW and the biological detection limits (BDLs), the lowest [TGM] that can be detected significantly, are between 3 and 4 ng m−3. The accumulation rate is lowest for lettuce and high for curly kale that proved to be an excellent accumulator and as such it is very useful for biomonitoring purposes. A comparison made in the 1980s between biomonitoring results with grass and the mercury concentration in leafy vegetables from private gardens nearby proved to be valid when applied to the current biomonitoring results with vegetables.  相似文献   

Dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) and total mercury (TM) concentrations were measured in Juam Reservoir, Korea. DGM concentrations were higher in spring (64+/-13pgL(-1)) and summer (109+/-15pgL(-1)), and lower in fall (20+/-2pgL(-1)) and winter (23+/-6pgL(-1)). In contrast, TM concentrations were higher in fall (3.2+/-0.1ngL(-1)) and winter (3.3+/-0.1ngL(-1)) than in spring (2.3+/-0.1ngL(-1)) and summer (2.2+/-0.4ngL(-1)). DGM concentrations were correlated with water temperature (p<0.0001), ORP (p<0.0001), UV intensity (UV-A: p=0.008; UV-B: p=0.003), and DOC concentration (p=0.0107). DGM concentrations varied diurnally with UV intensity. The average summer DGM (109+/-15pgL(-1)) and TM (2.2+/-0.4ngL(-1)) concentrations in Juam Reservoir were higher than the averages for North American lakes (DGM=38+/-16pgL(-1); TM=1.0+/-1.2ngL(-1)), but lower than levels reported for Baihua Reservoir in China.  相似文献   

为了解我国科研人员在汞污染防治技术领域的研究进展并分析该领域在中文科技期刊的发文趋势和发文规律,基于中国知网,检索出2013—2018年在各类中文期刊发表的全部汞污染防治技术论文共461篇。采用文献计量方法,统计分析了中文期刊数量和发文量、下载和被引次数、研究方向、发文区域、发文机构等指标数据。根据统计数据,整理出汞污染防治技术领域内影响力较大的6位重要学者。统计结果表明:汞污染防治技术的中文期刊发文数量稳定,每年发文量稳定在45~93篇,年均发文量为77篇;高等院校、科研单位和企业是汞污染防治技术论文的主要发文机构;汞污染防治技术的高被引论文的研究方向侧重于大气、水、土壤、食品和健康等;汞污染防治技术领域的知名学者和研究机构的论文受关注度高。计量分析结果可为我国科研人员在该领域的科研布局与研发提供信息支撑,为从事汞污染防治技术的政府决策部门提供参考。  相似文献   

Yang R  Jing C  Zhang Q  Wang Z  Wang Y  Li Y  Jiang G 《Chemosphere》2011,83(6):862-867
High mountains may act as cold traps for globally transported persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury (Hg). In the present study, 60 fish samples were collected from eight alpine lakes across the Tibetan Plateau. Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), total mercury (HgT) and methyl mercury (MeHg) were quantified in the fish muscle tissues to improve the understanding of pollution status and factors regulating the transport and fate of these contaminants on the Plateau. The results showed that lake-averaged ∑14PBDEs concentration was between 0.09 ng g−1 dw and 4.32 ng g−1 dw, which was lower than those reported for European mountains. The total mercury concentration in individual fish ranged from 243 to 2384 ng g−1 dw, and that of MeHg from 131 to 1610 ng g−1 dw, which is much higher than those reported in other mountain fish. The spatial variation of PBDEs and mercury in the Plateau is largely controlled by the specific meteorological patterns.  相似文献   

章诗辞  罗泽娇 《环境工程学报》2017,11(10):5771-5777
场地重金属污染是工业化进程的产物,污染来源多为原料及副产物的泄漏或不达标排放,给人类和环境造成不同程度的危害。本文以武汉某退役聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂厂为研究对象,结合氯化汞催化工艺特点,探究场地土壤重金属汞的污染来源及分布特征,为同类型场地土壤重金属汞的污染调查、防治、修复提供案例支撑。研究结果表明:1)参与调查的33个点位中有27.3%已达到相当严重的污染水平,潜在生态风险单项指数Ei值最高达57 900,污染分布范围主要集中于氯化汞催化乙炔生产氯乙烯(VCM)工艺段,水平迁移扩散能力不强;2)重金属汞的垂直迁移受土壤性质影响,粘土对重金属汞的截留效果佳,粘土层中0.8~1.0 m至1.8~2.0 m最大汞浓度衰减量达2 040 mg·(kg·m)-1,衰减率达97.2%,而疏松的杂填土则有利于汞的垂直下渗;3)调查区域受重金属汞污染呈现典型点源污染特征。  相似文献   

The small watershed approach is well-suited but underutilized in mercury research. We applied the small watershed approach to investigate total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) dynamics in streamwater at the five diverse forested headwater catchments of the US Geological Survey Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB) program. At all sites, baseflow THg was generally less than 1ng L(-1) and MeHg was less than 0.2ng L(-1). THg and MeHg concentrations increased with streamflow, so export was primarily episodic. At three sites, THg and MeHg concentration and export were dominated by the particulate fraction in association with POC at high flows, with maximum THg (MeHg) concentrations of 94 (2.56)ng L(-1) at Sleepers River, Vermont; 112 (0.75)ng L(-1) at Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico; and 55 (0.80)ng L(-1) at Panola Mt., Georgia. Filtered (<0.7microm) THg increased more modestly with flow in association with the hydrophobic acid fraction (HPOA) of DOC, with maximum filtered THg concentrations near 5ng L(-1) at both Sleepers and Icacos. At Andrews Creek, Colorado, THg export was also episodic but was dominated by filtered THg, as POC concentrations were low. MeHg typically tracked THg so that each site had a fairly constant MeHg/THg ratio, which ranged from near zero at Andrews to 15% at the low-relief, groundwater-dominated Allequash Creek, Wisconsin. Allequash was the only site with filtered MeHg consistently above detection, and the filtered fraction dominated both THg and MeHg. Relative to inputs in wet deposition, watershed retention of THg (minus any subsequent volatilization) was 96.6% at Allequash, 60% at Sleepers, and 83% at Andrews. Icacos had a net export of THg, possibly due to historic gold mining or frequent disturbance from landslides. Quantification and interpretation of Hg dynamics was facilitated by the small watershed approach with emphasis on event sampling.  相似文献   

To investigate the extent of Hg contamination due to artisanal Zn smelting activities in Weining County, northwestern Guizhou, China, total Hg and methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations in soil and surface water were determined. Samples of corn plants growing in the study area were also collected for total Hg analysis. A high geometric mean Hg emission factor of 75gHgt(-1)Zn was estimated and significantly elevated total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations were found in the atmosphere adjacent to the Zn smelting sites, ranging from 30 to 3814ngm(-3). Total Hg and MeHg concentrations in topsoil samples ranged from 62 to 355microgkg(-1) and from 0.20 to 1.1microgkg(-1), respectively. Total Hg Concentrations in corn plant tissues increased in the order of grains相似文献   

Gill U  Bigras L  Schwartz H 《Chemosphere》2004,56(11):1097-1103
A routine, automated analytical method for simultaneous determination of total and inorganic mercury by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry in multimedia is described. Excellent accuracy and precision results were obtained with human hair certified reference materials namely, BCR-397 and IAEA-086. The reproducibility relative standard deviation for total mercury was 4% and 22%, respectively. The limit of detection for total and inorganic mercury was 0.2 μg/g hair. The described method has been successfully applied in determination of total and inorganic mercury as well as organic mercury in human hair, urine and fish tissue samples.  相似文献   

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