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Measurements of adsorption isotherms for three volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (toluene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane) on polyacrylonitrile carpet fibers over the temperature range 25-45 degrees C were carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). Linear isotherms were observed in all cases with values of the Henry coefficient ranging from 0.063 to 0.941 mm. The results of additional experiments carried out in a simple test chamber containing a single source of VOC showed that the carpet fibers acted as a significant sink causing a prolonged elevation of VOC concentration in the air within the chamber. An unsteady-state model is presented, which adequately described the adsorption and desorption phenomena occurring in the test chamber and yielded realistic values of the adsorption and desorption rate constants. There was good agreement between the equilibrium and kinetic constants obtained in the TGA and test chamber experiments.  相似文献   

A novel technique, gas chromatography-UV spectrometry (GC-UV), was used to quantify volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in settled dust from 389 residences in Sweden. The dust samples were thermally desorbed in an inert atmosphere and evaporated compounds were concentrated by solid phase micro extraction and separated by capillary GC. Eluting compounds were then detected, identified, and quantified using a diode array UV spectrophotometer. Altogether, 28 compounds were quantified in each sample; 24 of these were found in more than 50% of the samples. The compounds found in highest concentrations were saturated aldehydes (C5-C10), furfuryl alcohol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT), 2-furaldehyde, and benzaldehyde. Alkenals were also found, notably 2-butenal (crotonaldehyde), 2-methyl-propenal (methacrolein), hexenal, heptenal, octenal, and nonenal. The concentrations of each of the 28 compounds ranged between two to three orders of magnitude, or even more. These results demonstrate the presence of a number of VOCs in indoor dust, and provide, for the first time, a quantitative determination of these compounds in a larger number of dust samples from residents. The findings also illustrate the potential use of GC-UV for analysing volatile compounds in indoor dust, some of which are potential irritants (to the skin, eyes or respiratory system) if present at higher concentrations. The potential use of GC-UV for improving survey and control of the human exposure to particle-bound irritants and other chemicals is inferred.  相似文献   

The presence of selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including aromatic, aliphatic compounds and low molecular weight carbonyls, and a target set of phthalates were investigated in the interior of 23 used private cars during the summer and winter. VOC concentrations often exceeded levels typically found in residential indoor air, e.g. benzene concentrations reached values of up to 149.1 µg m− 3. Overall concentrations were 40% higher in summer, with temperatures inside the cars reaching up to 70 °C. The most frequently detected phthalates were di-n-butyl-phthalate and bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in concentrations ranging from 196 to 3656 ng m− 3.  相似文献   

This study focuses on characterising the risk of exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by means of inhalation in people living in the vicinity of the largest chemical production site in the Mediterranean area. Eighty-six VOCs were initially selected for this study based on their adverse environmental and health effects. The monitoring campaign was conducted for 276 days in three different locations around the chemical site. The analytical method used for the characterisation was based on European standard method EN-14662-2, which consists of the active sampling of air for 24 h in charcoal tubes, followed by extraction with carbon disulphide and GC-MS analysis. Forty-four VOCs with toxicological data available concerning their carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects were quantified during the monitoring campaign. None of the quantified VOCs showed average concentrations exceeding their chronic reference concentrations and, therefore, no non-carcinogenic health effects are expected as a result of this exposure. However, the global average cancer risk due to VOC exposure in the area (3.3 × 10− 4) was found to be above the values recommended by the WHO and USEPA.The influence of the analytical method was also evaluated by comparing cancer risk estimates using a thermal desorption (TD) method based on method EN-14662-1. The results of the 24-h samples for the solvent extraction method were compared with the average of 12 daily samples of 2-h for the TD method for 24 sampling days. Although the global estimated lifetime cancer risk was statistically comparable for both methods, some differences were found in individual VOC risks.To our knowledge, this is the first study that estimates the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks posed by the inhalation of VOCs in people living near a chemical site of this size, and compares the estimated cancer risk obtained using two different standard analytical methods.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes recent data on the occurrence of major organic compounds (benzene, toluene, xylenes, styrene, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, naphthalene, limonene, α-pinene and ammonia, classified by the European Commission's INDEX strategy report as the priority pollutants to be regulated) and evaluates accordingly cancer and non-cancer risks posed by indoor exposure in dwellings and public buildings in European Union (EU) countries. The review process indicated that significant differences in indoor air quality exist within and among the countries where data were available, indicating corresponding differences in sources and emission strength of airborne chemicals, identified or not. Conservative exposure limits were not exceeded for non-carcinogenic effects, except for formaldehyde; for carcinogenic agents the estimated risks were up to three orders of magnitude higher than the one (10(-6)) proposed as acceptable by risk management bodies. However, the risk assessment evaluation process faces crucial difficulties, either due to the relative paucity of indoor air quality measurements in many EU countries, or by the lack of sampling consistency in the already existing studies, indicating the need for additional measurements of indoor air quality following a harmonized sampling and analytical protocol. Additionally, uncertainties embodied in the cancer potency factors and exposure limit values impose further difficulties in substance prioritization and risk management.  相似文献   

Environmental exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air is one of a number of concerns that the First Nation Community of Fort McKay, Alberta has related to development of Canada's oil sands. An in-depth investigation of trends in ambient air VOC levels in Fort McKay was undertaken to better understand the role and possible significance of emissions from Alberta's oil sands development. A non-parametric trend detection method was used to investigate trends in emissions and ambient VOC concentrations over a 12-year (2001  2012) period. Relationships between ambient VOC concentrations and production indicators of oil sands operations around Fort McKay were also examined. A weak upward trend (significant at 90% confidence level) was found for ambient concentrations of total VOCs based on sixteen detected species with an annual increase of 0.64 μg/m3 (7.2%) per year (7.7 μg/m3 increase per decade). Indicators of production (i.e., annual bitumen production and mined oil sands quantities) were correlated with ambient total VOC concentrations. Only one of 29 VOC species evaluated (1-butene) showed a statistically significant upward trend (p = 0.05). Observed geometric (arithmetic) mean and maximum ambient concentrations of selected VOCs of public health concern for most recent three years of the study period (2010  2012) were below chronic and acute health risk screening criteria of the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Thirty-two VOCs are recommended for tracking in future air quality investigations in the community to better understand whether changes are occurring over time in relation to oil sands development activities and to inform policy makers about whether or not these changes warrant additional attention.  相似文献   

The pollution profiles of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from different recycling workshops processing different types of plastic solid waste (PSW) and their health risks were investigated. A total of 64 VOCs including alkanes, alkenes, monoaromatics, oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs), chlorinated VOCs (ClVOCs) and acrylonitrile during the melting extrusion procedure were identified and quantified. The highest concentration of total VOCs (TVOC) occurred in the poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene) (ABS) recycling workshop, followed by the polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE) and polycarbonate (PC) workshops. Monoaromatics were found as the major component emitted from the ABS and PS recycling workshops, while alkanes were mainly emitted from the PE and PP recycling processes, and OVOCs from the PVC and PA recycling workshops. According to the occupational exposure limits' (OEL) assessment, the workers suffered acute and chronic health risks in the ABS and PS recycling workshops. Meanwhile, it was found that most VOCs in the indoor microenvironments were originated from the melting extrusion process, while the highest TVOC concentration was observed in the PS rather than in the ABS recycling workshop. Non-cancer hazard indices (HIs) of all individual VOCs were < 1.0, whereas the total HI in the PS recycling workshop was 1.9, posing an adverse chronic health threat. Lifetime cancer risk assessment suggested that the residents also suffered from definite cancer risk in the PS, PA, ABS and PVC recycling workshops.  相似文献   

Methods for determining individual exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOC) during normal daily activities were field tested on university student volunteers in Texas and North Carolina. The equipment tested included a personal monitor employing Tenax GC® to collect organic vapors for later analysis by GC-MS, and a specially designed spirometer for collecting samples of expired human breath on duplicate Tenax cartridges. The personal monitor and spirometer proved feasible for collecting abundant quantitative data on most of the 15 target organics. Air exposures to many VOC varied widely, sometimes over three orders of magnitude, among students on the same campus who had been monitored over the same time period and day. A log-linear relationship between breathing-zone air exposures and concentrations in exhaled breath was suggested for three chemicals: tetrachloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and vinylidene chloride. Air was the main route of exposure for all target compounds except the two trihalomethanes (chloroform and bromodichloromethane), which were transmitted mainly through water. Estimated total daily intake through air and water of the target organics ranged from 0.3 to 12.6 mg, with 1,1,1-trichloroethane at the highest concentrations in both geographic areas.  相似文献   

Mass transfer plays a significant role in the ozonation process. The prediction models associated with the volumetric overall mass transfer coefficient (KLa) and initial fractional ozone absorption (FOA0) during the ozonation process were developed through the use of dimensional analysis. It was found that the volumetric overall mass transfer coefficient is the function of diffusivity, agitation speed, and gas flow rate, and the parameters in the KLa equation are determined. Application of the prediction models for KLa and FOA0 would yield information to choose the most practically feasible operating parameters. The removability of total organic carbon (TOC) can be estimated based on the mass balance relationship and kinetic expression of TOC oxidation, during continuous laboratory ozonation of humic acid solution. The reaction rate constant averaged 0.0291 L/mg·min. The developed model in combination with the mass transfer and reaction kinetics can be used successfully in forecasting the most efficient agitation speed to control the formation of organic compounds. Also, the critical value of ozone partial pressure to achieve the highest TOC removability can be determined through the use of the above developed model.  相似文献   

Organic compounds emitted from a variety of indoor materials have been measured using small (166 L) environmental test chambers. The paper discusses: a) factors to be considered in small chamber testing; b) parameters to be controlled; c) the types of results obtained. The following types of materials have been tested: adhesives, caulks, pressed wood products, floor waxes, paints, and solid insecticides. Selected data are presented. For each material, chamber concentrations of organic compounds have been determined for a range of environmental conditions (e.g., air exchange rate, temperature and relative humidity). Emission rates for individual organic compounds, as well as total measured organics, were calculated. The effects of environmental variables on emission rates have been evaluated. Models are used to evaluate the effect of chamber walls and concentration on emission rates.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses for aqueous chlorine using Standard Methods indicated that in chlorinated solutions containing nitrogenous organic compounds, none of these methods gave a reliable measurement of free available chlorine. Examination of the cyanuric acid-aqueous chlorine system showed that combined chlorine reacted as if it were free chlorine in all the Standard Methods. The implication of these studies for water and wastewater chlorination is that in waters containing nitrogenous organic compounds, N-Chloro compounds form which may result in an overestimation of the disinfecting potential of the added chlorine, when free chlorine is measured by Standard Methods.  相似文献   

The presence of nitrogenous organic compounds in raw water sources for municipal supplies is of environmental concern because many of them exert significant chlorine demand, while some produce complex stable mutagenic products upon chlorination or are precursors to haloform formation. Seven N-organic compounds have been identified in municipal water concentrates (adenine, 5-chlorouracil, cytosine, guanine, purine, thymine, and uracil) at concentrations ranging from 20 to 860 μg/L. Eight compounds (adenine, cytosine, purine, pyrrole, thymine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and uracil) have been found in filtrates from cultures of either Anabaena flos aquae or Oscillatoria tenuis. Calculated CHCl3 levels which might have formed at pH 7 in the water supplies were well below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.1 mg/L proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for total trihalogenated methanes. Calculated levels of CHCl3 which might have been formed under more alkaline conditions, however, were more than 10% of the MCL and were therefore significant. Calculated levels of combined forms of chlorine yielding falsely positive tests for free chlorine in some samples were slightly less or exceeded the 0.5 mg/L free chlorine residual generally taken as an acceptable level of disinfection. The demonstration of a parallel increase in organic nitrogen content with population density in two laboratory grown blue-green algal cultures, and the finding of elevated organic nitrogen values in a water supply sample collected during the occurrence of a blue-green algal bloom, suggested that summer algal bloom occurrence can add considerably to the organic nitrogen content and the trihalomethane potential of water supplies.  相似文献   

Nonvolatile neutral organic compounds in tap water were examined by high-pressure liquid chromatography, infrared spectrometry, 1H- and 13C-FT-NMR, gel permeation chromatography, elementary analysis, and field desorption mass spectrometry. Neutral organic compounds in 10 m3 of tap water were continuously extracted by the Amberlite XAD-2 resin column, and separated into four fractions by silica-gel column chromatography. Removal of volatile compounds in fraction 3 including polar oxygenated compounds was carried out with microdistillation column under high vacuum by using a diffusion pump. Nonvolatile organic compounds isolated from tap water were identified as poly(vinyl acetate) derivatives with molecular weights ranging from 300 to 1300.  相似文献   

Four samples of scrap raw materials for an aluminium recycling plant were screened for the occurrence of persistent halogenated aromatic compounds. The samples contained waste from handling of electric and electronic plastics, filter dust from electronic crusher, cyclone dust from electronic crusher and light fluff from car shredder. In our screening analyses, brominated flame retardants were observed in all samples. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) were identified in all samples in amounts of 245-67450 ng/g. The major PBDE congeners found were decabromo- and pentabromodiphenyl ethers. 1,1-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane, hexabromobenzene, ethyl-pentabromobenzene, tetrabromobisphenol-A, pentabromotoluene and dimethyl tetrabromobenzene were observed in all scrap samples. The concentrations of PCBs, PCNs (polychlorinated naphthalenes) and nona- to undecachlorinated terphenyls in some of these scrap samples were remarkably high.  相似文献   

Intrapopulation diversity and correlations of 30 volatile compounds in needles have been studied in Scots pine populations of southern Siberia. Significant differences between populations have been revealed in the correlation pattern of relative terpenoid contents in needle samples. Stable combinations of closely associated mono- and sesquiterpenes and specific features of the general pattern of correlations between relevant characters have been determined.  相似文献   

The 350 nm UV-illuminated slurries of titanium dioxide were used to study the photocatalyzed degradation kinetics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as water contaminants. The initial rate data were well described by the Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate equation and the simplified Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate equation (i.e., ln(C0/C)=K′t). The latter will be more easily used for predicting the degradation of DOC concentration at various elapsed times. In different DOC initial concentrations the apparent first-order rate constant (K′) decreased and half-life increased when the initial DOC concentration decreased. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate form will be the most convenient to describe the oxidation rate of DOC in the drinking water resources, if it is as brief as v=kKC.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the major pollutants in indoor air, which significantly impact indoor air quality and thus influencing human health. A long-term exposure to VOCs will be detrimental to human health causing sick building syndrome (SBS). Photocatalytic oxidation of VOCs is a cost-effective technology for VOCs removal compared with adsorption, biofiltration, or thermal catalysis. In this paper, we review the current exposure level of VOCs in various indoor environment and state of the art technology for photocatalytic oxidation of VOCs from indoor air. The concentrations and emission rates of commonly occurring VOCs in indoor air are presented. The effective catalyst systems, under UV and visible light, are discussed and the kinetics of photocatalytic oxidation is also presented.  相似文献   

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