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Relatively little is known about condom use among bisexual men as separate and distinct from exclusively homosexual and heterosexual men. Most previous research on bisexual men has relied on nonprobabilistic, high-risk samples with limited generalizability. We examined the relationship between behavioral bisexuality and condom use in the 2002 cycle of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). Bisexually active men positively differed from heterosexually and homosexually active men on every indicator of confounding risk. Bisexually active men, however, did not report using condoms less often than other men during their last sexual encounters with males and females. Indeed, with female partners, bisexually active men reported higher rates of condom use than did other men. These relationships remained when all sociodemographic and confounding risk factors were held constant. Our results suggest that caution must be used when making assumptions about condom use in the general population of bisexual men from nonprobabilistic samples.  相似文献   

The dual control model of sexual response was developed to account for individual differences in sexual excitation and inhibition. According to this model, the balance between excitation and inhibition is of crucial importance in determining an individual's sexual response to a stimulus. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the existing literature on sexual excitation and inhibition in two ways. First, we investigated the distribution of excitation and inhibition scores in a representative population sample. Second, we conducted an exploratory study of the factors associated with variation in excitation and inhibition. We used data from a representative survey on the sexual health of men and women in Flanders (N = 1,825; mean age = 43.77; SD = 17.98). The results indicated that excitation and inhibition had a near normal distribution among men and women. However, the scores for sexual inhibition due to threat of performance failure (SIS1) among men, and for sexual inhibition due to the threat of performance consequences (SIS2) among women, were somewhat skewed. Furthermore, age, gender, physical and mental health, education level, and attitudes toward sex were all to some extent associated with differences in inhibition, excitation, or both.  相似文献   

For more than 30 years there have been calls in the UK to improve training for social workers in relation to substance use. Yet very little research has explored what training practitioners have received or what their training needs are. This study sought to establish practitioners' experiences of previous training in substance use and identify their current training needs. An online survey was disseminated to 3,164 practitioners in adults' (AS) and children's (CS) social care and 12 vignette-based focus groups were also held. Of the final sample of 597, more than a third of social workers had not received any training and a further fifth only received between one and four hours. Other social care staff fared worse. Overwhelmingly, respondents said that substance use knowledge and skills were very important to their practice but their professional education had not prepared them well. They identified a number of training needs including ‘how to talk to people about substance use’ and ‘the types of intervention and treatment available’. Most social care professionals report not being adequately prepared for working with substance use, particularly basic knowledge and skills which would help them to conduct assessments and signpost people to specialist substance services.  相似文献   

As most epidemiological surveys on sexual problems have not included assessment of associated distress, the principal aim of this study was to provide prevalence estimates of both DSM-IV-TR-defined (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000 American Psychiatric Association . ( 2000 ). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders , (4th ed., text rev.) . Washington , DC : Author .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and less commonly assessed sexual difficulties and dysfunction (e.g., lack of responsive sexual desire, lack of subjective arousal). A secondary aim was to obtain information about comorbidity between sexual desire and sexual arousal difficulties/dysfunction. This study comprised an online survey completed by 35,132 heterosexual Flemish men and women (aged 16 to 74 years). Results indicated that sexual dysfunctions were far less common than sexual difficulties, and some uncommonly assessed sexual problems (e.g., “lack of responsive desire” in women; “hyperactive sexual desire” in men) were quite prevalent. In women, there was a high comorbidity between “lack of spontaneous sexual desire” and “lack of responsive sexual desire”; between “lack of genital arousal” and “lack of subjective sexual arousal”; and between sexual desire and sexual arousal difficulties/dysfunctions. The implications of these findings for epidemiological research on sexual dysfunction and for the newly defined DSM-5 Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (APA, 2013 American Psychiatric Association . ( 2013 ). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders , (5th ed.) . Washington , DC : Author . [Google Scholar]) are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the association of orphanhood and completion of compulsory school education among young people in South Africa. In South Africa, school attendance is compulsory through grade 9, which should be completed before age 16. However, family and social factors such as orphanhood and poverty can hinder educational attainment. Participants were 10,452 16–24‐year‐olds who completed a South African national representative household survey. Overall, 23% had not completed compulsory school levels. In univariate analyses, school completion was lower among those who had experienced orphanhood during school‐age years, males, and those who reported household poverty. In multivariate analyses controlling for household poverty, females who had experienced maternal or paternal orphanhood were less likely to have completed school; orphanhood was not independently associated with males' school completion. Findings highlight the need for evidence‐informed policies to address the education and social welfare needs of orphans and vulnerable youth, particularly females, in South Africa.  相似文献   

Although research has shown a connection between minority stressors and internalizing mental health problems, the role of minority stress has mainly been neglected in the assessment of sexual problems among non-heterosexual men. Using online samples of heterosexual (n = 933) and non-heterosexual participants (n = 561) aged 18 to 50 years, this study aimed to comparatively assess sexual difficulties and problems and explore the role of minority stress in non-heterosexual men's sexual problems. Although the age-adjusted odds of reporting rapid ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and sex-related anxiousness significantly differed between the two groups, the overall prevalence of sexual difficulties and the associated levels of distress did not significantly differ between the samples. In multivariate assessment, anxiety and depression significantly increased the odds of reporting distressing sexual difficulties among both heterosexual and non-heterosexual participants. In the non-heterosexual sample, positive body image significantly decreased the odds of experiencing sexual problems. Pointing to a role of minority stress, highest levels of victimization related to sexual orientation increased the risk of sexual problems. This association was partially mediated by negative emotions. Our findings offer some support for a recent call to include sexual orientation among the social determinants of health recognized by the World Health Organization.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This article analyzes various roles of development practitioners (called outsiders) in five different cases of...  相似文献   

While sexual misperception does not irrevocably lead to sexual aggression, it remains a significant risk factor. The present study investigated the effects of rape-supportive attitudes, alcohol, and sexual arousal on sexual perception. We used a 2 × 2 between-participants factorial design to randomly assign 135 men from the general population to a condition with or without alcohol (blood alcohol concentration target of .08%) and to a condition with or without sexual arousal. Participants were asked to listen to an audiotape depicting a sexual interaction between a man and woman and to indicate if and when they believed the woman was no longer interested in having sex. Results, obtained through survival analyses, indicate that the effects of rape-supportive attitudes on sexual misperception are moderated by alcohol consumption. Alcohol appears to be an important situational factor for activating men’s implicit theories. Our study sheds new light on the role of knowledge structures in sexual perception: It identifies when, as well as suggesting how, rape-supportive attitudes may disturb sexual perception and ultimately lead to sexual misperception.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to examine the sexual behavior of emerging adult women in relation to their sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and perceptions of their parents' sexual attitudes; and second, to discuss the implications of this research in working with young adult women. Three hundred and sixty-four college-age women were administered the Sexual Experiences Inventory, Miller-Fisk Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire, and the Hendrick Sexual Attitude Scale. Ninety-six percent of the sample reported primarily heterosexual behavior. Sexual knowledge of participants was not related to their reports of sexual behavior. The sexual attitudes of college-age women and their perceptions of their parents' attitudes toward sexual behavior were found to relate positively to participant sexual permissiveness and sexual practice. The implications of these findings were discussed in relation to working with families and providing effective interventions to reduce unsafe sexual practices among emerging adult women.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a child sexual abuse prevention programs in preschool children in Kuwait. Three hundred and twenty participants were conveniently selected to complete a self-administered 57-item questionnaire. The attitudes, beliefs, and actions of participants related to CSA prevention were examined. Results reported minimum actions taken by participants in relation to CSA prevention, limited knowledge of how to handle the subject with the children, strong agreement with the suggested contents of CSA prevention program, and overall positive beliefs about the expected outcomes of prevention programs. The findings suggest that it is feasible to implement CSA prevention programs on kindergartens. Applications and limitations of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article replicated and extended Harriet Presser's (2000) investigation of the linkages between nonstandard work and marital instability. We reexplored this question using data from a sample of 2,893 newlywed couples from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) and using different analytic techniques. In contrast to Presser, we found that the key dimension of husbands' and wives' employment was nonemployment. Similar to Presser, we found that wives' working of fixed night shifts increased the risk of divorce, driven by the experience in marriages over 5 years in duration. However, we did not replicate Presser's finding that the effect is significant only among households with children; rather, wives' fixed night shifts were associated with divorce only among those without children.  相似文献   


Objectives: This study explored the association between emotion regulation difficulties and sexual activity, and whether emotion regulation difficulties moderated the link between attachment and sexual activity. Methods: U.S. college students (N = 373) from two institutions completed self-report measures of sexual activity, emotion regulation difficulties and attachment. Results: Findings indicated that greater emotion regulation difficulties were associated with less frequent exclusive sexual activity. Moreover, emotion regulation difficulties moderated links between attachment avoidance and sexual activity, and associations varied according to relational context and gender. Conclusions: Implications for promoting sexual health and relationship intimacy are discussed.  相似文献   

Assisted living and similar residential care is an important source of care for elders, including those with dementia. Meaningful activities may help residents maintain function, improve self-esteem, and enhance quality of life. Using data from the 2010 National Survey of Residential Care Facilities, this study identifies the extent of resident engagement in different types of activities; examines the extent to which cognitive status, other resident characteristics, and residential care community characteristics relate to activity engagement; and, among cognitively impaired residents, assesses whether being in dementia-specific settings is associated with activity engagement. Compared with persons without cognitive impairment, those with severe cognitive impairment are less likely to go on outings (79% versus 36%) and talk with family and friends (85% versus 72%). Residents with mild to severe cognitive impairment have higher participation in leisure activities than other residents if they live in dementia-specific settings (73% higher) than those who do not.  相似文献   

Gays and lesbians wishing to adopt are challenged with managing policies and practices about their right to adopt while also trying to identify adoption professionals that do not stigmatize against them. In an attempt to understand how attitudes toward same-sex couples potentially influence adoption professionals and surrounding policies/practices, 187 surveys were sent to adoption agencies throughout the United States. Questions posed focused on the directors' (a) knowledge of state and federal policies surrounding LGs adopting, (b) attitudes toward equal rights for same-sex couples, and (c) opinions of LGs as parents. These variables accounted for 42% of variance in regards to whether or not these agencies would accept applications from LGs.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated a negative impact of cognitive distraction on sexual activity, and body dissatisfaction has been associated with less satisfying and fewer sexual activities. In the current study we examined the extent to which cognitive distraction, based on body appearance and sexual performance, mediated the impact of body dissatisfaction on sexual difficulties among women and men. A sample of 493 women (Mage = 30.61) and 595 men (Mage = 37.90) completed an online survey. Women reported significantly higher levels of distressing sexual difficulties, significantly more body dissatisfaction, and greater cognitive distraction based on appearance than men. In contrast, men reported higher cognitive distraction based on performance than women. A path analysis model indicated that, for men, only cognitive distraction based on performance mediated the effects of body dissatisfaction on distressing sexual difficulties, and the mediation was only partial as body dissatisfaction had a significant direct effect on distressing sexual difficulties. In contrast, among women, both appearance-based cognitive distraction and performance-based cognitive distraction fully mediated the effects of body dissatisfaction on distressing sexual difficulties.  相似文献   

A cross sectional qualitative and quantitative pilot survey, using self-administered questionnaire and focus group discussions, was conducted to assess the feasibility of a health promotion programme implemented at the university. About 73 students participated in the survey and the discussion. We examined gender and cultural differences on sexual attitude and behaviour. There was a strong belief that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and STIs. Overall participants were not sure if condom use had any negative effects, although female respondents felt that condoms affect the pleasure of sexual intercourse.

The results suggest that there is a need for health promotion programmes aimed at young adults, who attend university. The programme should improve general health knowledge, targeting health promotion and sexual risk behaviour among university students. Such a programme would have to consider gender, socio-economic circumstances as well as national and cultural background of the target population.  相似文献   

印证是我国司法实践中审查认定证据的重要方法,但在性侵未成年人案件中,其局限性日渐凸显.破解性侵未成年人案件证明难题的关键在于经验法则的引入,以弥补印证在单一证据定案方面的缺陷.经验法则契合审查判断未成年被害人陈述的特殊要求,具有评价证据能力、证明力及推论事实的功能,可以作为连接证据与事实的桥梁,帮助司法人员进行事实认定.应明确在此类案件中以审查被害人陈述可信性为中心综合运用经验法则判断;引入最佳解释推理以规范经验法则运用;完善相应的配套机制,加强裁判文书说理及经验法则运用的公开.  相似文献   

Body image concerns typically affect women more so than men, but there is reason to believe that this pattern may depend on sexual orientation. The present study examined differences in levels of body satisfaction among men and women who identified as heterosexual, plurisexual (bisexual and pansexual), gay, and lesbian, using data from a large-scale national probability sample from New Zealand (N = 17,005). As expected, heterosexual men reported higher body satisfaction than heterosexual women. Gay and plurisexual men reported lower body satisfaction than heterosexual men. Gay men also reported lower body satisfaction than lesbian women, and did not differ significantly from heterosexual and plurisexual women. Ratings of heterosexual, plurisexual, and lesbian women’s body satisfaction did not differ significantly. Results held when adjusting for a range of demographic covariates (including age and BMI), and highlight the importance of examining the psychological and health outcomes associated with poor body image among gay men. These findings emphasize the relevance of sexual orientation in understanding men’s body image-related issues.  相似文献   

Drawing from the literature on sexual stigma, the principal aim of this study was to investigate predictors of heterosexual's internalization of negative attitudes regarding lesbian and gay parenting and the mediating role of beliefs in the controllability of homosexuality. A Portuguese sample of 1,430 heterosexual women and 502 heterosexual men responded to an online questionnaire about attitudes toward lesbian and gay parenting. Structural equation modeling was used to explore attitudinal predictors and mediation analysis. Mediation analyses revealed that sexual prejudice toward same-gender-parented families was predicted by gender, age, education, and religiosity, in that heterosexual men, those who were older, had less education, and were more religious held significantly more negative beliefs about lesbian and gay parenting, as well as lower perception of benefits associated with lesbian and gay parenting. Further, etiological beliefs mediated the effects of gender, age, and religiosity on sexual attitudes, highlighting the importance of the perception of controllability of homosexuality in justifying sexual prejudice.  相似文献   

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