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目的为了提高急诊科急性心肌梗死抢救护理成功率。方法对50例急性心肌梗死患者,采取在现有条件下,改进配合医生最便捷、有效抢救护理流程模式,缩短收住院时间。结果50例患者经急诊科初步急救,病情稳定护送综合ICU或心内科住院部,成功率94%,与改进前50例比较,成功率提高10%(P〈0.05),收住院时间由传统平均每人次15.5min,下降到平均每人次6min(P〈0.01)。结论探索急诊科急性心肌梗死抢救护理流程模式,改进能有效配合医生提高抢救成功率;明显缩短收住院时间,为时间就是生命的抢救中争取了更宝贵的时间,提高满意度。  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急诊科实施分组管理的护理效果.方法 根据我院急诊科情况和护士的知识、技能特点,按照急诊种类对31名护士进行分组管理.随机抽样调查方法调查急诊医生对诊治过程中护理工作及患者的满意度,对比实施分科分组前后护理人员的专科业务考核情况,评价分组前后的护理效果.结果 实施分组管理后,急诊科医生及患者对急诊科护理人员工作的满意度显著增高(P<0.05),护理人员专科考核的得分显著高于分组前(P<0.001).结论 实施分组管理有利于急诊科护理质量、护士整体素质的提高,有利于急诊科机能的优化发挥,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理质量程序化管理在急诊护理管理中的应用效果.方法 选择近2年急诊科实施护理质量程序化管理后接诊的861例患者作为研究对象,与实施护理质量程序化管理前的850例患者作对比,观察实施护理质量程序化管理前后的护理质量.结果 实施护理质量程序化管理后护理人员的接诊时间、出车时间、输液差错次数及护患纠纷次数较实施前显著减少;而专科考核得分、抢救成功率及患者对护理工作的满意度较实施前显著提高.结论 在急诊护理管理中应用护理质量程序化管理,可有效提高护理质量及工作效率.  相似文献   

目的 运用应急管理路径,提升急诊手术护理水平,提高急救护理质量.方法 调查分析手术室急诊护理中的相关危险因素,制定科学的应急管理路径,启动专项应急管理,观察与评价急诊手术的护理质量.结果 实施与应用各种应急管理路径后,手术室护士急救意识提高,应急应变能力增强,急救护理质量明显提高.结论 应急管理路径的实施有助于提高手术...  相似文献   

目的探索三级甲等综合性医院急诊科护士的工作沉浸体验,形成三级甲等综合性医院急诊科护士工作沉浸体验的诠释性描述。方法运用质性研究的现象学研究方法,在自然情景下对12名三级甲等综合性医院急诊科护士进行半结构式深度访谈,采用Giorgi分析方法分析收集的资料。结果急诊科护士工作沉浸体验的5个主题:专注于当前的工作任务忘却自我;自己能控制工作任务并有清晰的目标;行动与意识的融合,了解工作的进程;时间感的改变;体验能激发自身的工作动力。结论激励急诊科护士工作的是一种责任,包括对家庭的责任和工作责任感;急诊科护士的工作需要得到领导、同行和社会的认可,同时需要得到理解和尊重。  相似文献   

我院急诊科的护理人力资源管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用明确工作重点,建立急诊科护理人力资源调配制度,实施情感管理,强化服务意识以及正确处理工作双重重点等措施后,使有限的急诊科护理人力资源得到了合理调配,突出了急救护理的特点与内涵,急救护理质量得到提升。  相似文献   

权变领导理论在急诊科护理管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
急诊科是医院的窗口科室,急诊科的医疗护理服务水平能够反映整个医院的综合水平和文明程度。因此对于急诊科的护理管理者来说,有着更大的工作需求。权变领导理论可用于指导急诊科护理管理工作,以提高护理管理水平,从而促进护理工作效率和工作质量的提高,发挥护理工作的最佳效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨在急诊科护理管理中柔性管理措施的应用情况及效果。方法某院急诊科2012年9月开始实施以综合柔性管理为核心的护理管理措施,营造“以人为本”的文化氛围,建立自主管理平台和柔性激励机制等方法。比较实施柔性管理前后急诊科护士对本专业知识掌握情况及工作满意度。结果实施柔性护理管理后,急诊科护士的理论知识考核成绩优良率、技能知识考核成绩优良率、工作满意度分别为82.14%,89.29%,92.86%,均高于实施前的57.69%,61.54%,65.38%,差异有统计学意义(x2值分别为3.865,4.262,4.693;P〈0.05)。结论实施柔性护理管理可满足护士生理、心理、社会等多方面的需求,体现以人为本的管理理念,提高护士的工作积极性和创造性,可使其更好地服务于患者,缓和护患关系,提高管理效果。  相似文献   

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