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水声信道中一种抗多途跳频通信的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水声通道系统是当代海洋开发和海洋环境立体监测中的重要技术组成部分,广泛应用于海洋监测、海洋资源勘探和开发等方面。然而,水声信道的随机起伏、时-空-频变的多途特征使水声通信技术成为当代最为复杂的通信技术之一。本文介绍近年来在高速水声通信方面的一些研究进展,讨论了一种利用高速数字信号处理器(DSP)实现水声信道跳频通信的方案,并探讨了该方案在调制信号设计及信号处理实现上所采用的关键技术。  相似文献   

论文首先介绍浅海声信道声传输的基本特性,指出在此类信道中进行多媒体信息传输的特殊困难.随后论述了文本信息传输所具有的抗噪声、抗起伏等优良性能,较能适应于水声信道的复杂性和多变性,但属于较高速率的文本信息传输,多途干扰仍然是文本信息正确检测的根本障碍.文中分析了频率跳变技术克服时域扩散较短的浅海多途的可行性和需解决的关键技术.海上获得的初步实验结果说明了文本信息传输所具有的优越性,值得今后继续深入的研究.  相似文献   

在复杂的水声信道中 ,实现高速率的数据传输 ,水声换能器的带宽是一个重要的技术问题。实验中 ,为了拓宽换能器的带宽 ,我们利用圆柱形压电换能器的径向振动与液腔振动相耦合原理研制自由溢流式换能器和利用纵向振动与前盖板弯曲振动相耦合原理研制纵向振动复合棒换能器。本文介绍适应于复杂的水声信道中 ,进行高速率数据传输的两种宽频带换能器的研制  相似文献   

浅海信道中,多途干扰是水声遥控指令可靠检测的首要障碍,本文探讨频率编码遥控指令的抗多途对策,即通过阻塞多途来削落多途干扰。  相似文献   

郭继杰  程恩  王清池 《台湾海峡》2001,20(3):287-291
本文在确定了水声信道的数学描述后,提出了在信道自适应过程中,可以应用子波对信号进行多分辨率分解,逐尺度地对信道进行均衡,这样,不但减少了运算数据量,也减少了均衡所需的权系数个数,计算机仿真结果令人满意。  相似文献   

时变多径水声信道的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对浅海水声信道的时变特性,基于射线理论引入海洋参数——强度起伏参数Φ、不均匀度参数A,建立有效的时变多径信道模型,并采用Matlab工具进行仿真.仿真结果表明,该模型相比于确定性模型更容易理解、更真实.文中给出的模型和结论能够为实际通信系统中发射接收机深度等的选择和设计提供一定的参考和依据,有助于对水声信道的了解.  相似文献   

在传统以半双工体制为主的水声通信系统中,常将通信信号传播信道假设为稀疏信道以便于后续处理。但通过目前的实测结果来看,在以单独设备的形式进行带内全双工水声通信实现时,由于发射换能器到近端接收端这一短程传播过程受到通信机电子舱的影响,造成了自干扰成分与信道的复杂性。为了进一步了解壳体材料对自干扰强度、传播路径复杂度的影响,以及不同接收端布置下接收到的自干扰信号成分差异,拟基于有限元法对2种壳体材料及不同近端接收端位置处的环路自干扰信号进行仿真,并通过辅助仿真验证各接收位置处接收到的自干扰信号最主要成分,对自干扰信道特征进行分析,为后续自干扰抑制及各域干扰抵消提供初步的理论支持与依据。  相似文献   

水声数据在海洋信道传输过程中.除受到海洋噪声干扰外还存在由于信道界面反射引起的多途干扰。多途干扰的性质不同于海洋噪声及其它类型噪声.在抗干扰理论中所归纳的几种抗干扰方法均不适用本文提出一种编码方法.它使多途干扰信号在某一特定时刻以相同相位同时抵达接收点.由于信号的相互迭加作用使信号幅度增大.有效地提高海洋信道中数据传输的可靠性。  相似文献   

简述了浅海声信道中多途干扰的主要特征及其对脉位信息检测的影响,探讨克服多途干扰的几种可能途径,并提出了一种有效的抗多途方法,以实现浅海声信道中脉位信息的可靠、精确检测。  相似文献   

一个水声扩频通信系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄晓萍  桑恩方 《海洋工程》2007,25(1):127-132
严重的多途衰落、多普勒频偏是水声通信中引起误码的主要原因。低功耗、远距离、高隐蔽性、低信噪比检测、高可靠性的数据传输是水声通信的一个发展方向。设计并实现了一个水声扩频通信系统,有效地解决了以上问题,并采用快速相关算法,代替传统的矢量与矩阵相乘运算,极大地减少了程序的运行量,从而实时地处理接收信号。通过湖试和海试,验证了此通信系统的优良性能。  相似文献   

何秋银  王世练  张炜  许涛 《海洋工程》2018,36(1):138-144
水声信道的多径时延扩展和时变特性对信道估计和均衡技术的研究带来了很大的挑战,同时也决定了水声信道是一种时频双扩展信道,提出一种水声OFDM通信系统中基于软信息的迭代信道估计技术,利用基于复指数基扩展模型(CE-BEM)进行信道估计。OFDM系统本身可以消除由于多径引起的符号间干扰(ISI)。基于导频的BEM信道估计,可以实现对时变信道的估计,结合基于软信息迭代的迭代均衡模块,将每次迭代生成的符号软判决信息作为辅助导频用于信道估计。同时,为了防止由于信道时变引起的信道子载波间干扰(ICI)对导频符号的影响,采用基于保护间隔的导频插入法插入导频。仿真结果显示基于BEM的软信息迭代信道估计性能较非迭代信道估计时明显提升。  相似文献   

刘菲菲  郑荣 《海洋工程》2023,41(3):157-167
水下对接传输技术作为自主水下机器人(autonomous underwater vehicle,简称AUV)水下能源补给及数据传输的重要方式,受到国内外的重点关注,目前采用的水下对接传输方式主要分为接驳插拔传输及无线感应传输。在探究国内外AUV水下对接研究概况的基础上,归纳、总结以上两种传输方式的研究现状,分析对比其在对接传输效率、发展限制因素、对接控制技术等方面的区别。通过分析发现,接驳插拔传输在传输效率及功率方面具备优势,无线感应传输则具有更高的简易性、经济性。此发现为不同作业需求下传输方式的选择提供了基础。通过技术发展限制因素对比得出,在未来技术发展方向上,接驳插拔传输技术需提升系统稳定性、灵活性及费效比,无线感应传输需解决能量损耗、系统鲁棒性及涡旋损耗等问题。对两种传输技术未来发展前景及方向的预测,能够为AUV水下传输的发展提供重要参考。  相似文献   

A tutorial review of adaptive equalization techniques for combating intersymbol interference in high-speed digital communications over time-dispersive channels is given. Various equalizer structures and the associated adaptive algorithms, including both fractionally spaced and symbol-spaced equalizers, are presented. Also considered is the application of adaptive equalization techniques to underwater acoustic telemetry channels  相似文献   

Passive sonar systems that localize broadband sources of acoustic energy estimate the difference in arrival times (or time delays) of an acoustic wavefront at spatially separated hydrophones, The output amplitudes from a given pair of hydrophones are cross-correlated, and an estimate of the time delay is given by the time lag that maximizes the cross correlation function. Often the time-delay estimates are corrupted by the presence of noise. By replacing each of the omnidirectional hydrophones with an array of hydrophones, and then cross-correlating the beamformed outputs of the arrays, the author shows that the effect of noise on the time-delay estimation process is reduced greatly. Both conventional and adaptive beamforming methods are implemented in the frequency domain and the advantages of array beamforming (prior to cross-correlation) are highlighted using both simulated and real noise-field data. Further improvement in the performance of the broadband cross-correlation processor occurs when various prefiltering algorithms are invoked  相似文献   

针对海洋中尺度涡对水声传播的影响,利用中尺度涡区的历史水文实测数据提取涡旋强度,空间尺度等中尺度涡特征参数,建立了海洋中尺度涡理论计算模型。运用MMPE水下声场模型仿真试验研究了涡旋性质、强度和位置、声源频率和置放深度对声传播特性的影响。结果表明:暖涡使得会聚区的位置“后退”,会聚区宽度增加;冷涡使得会聚区的位置“前移”,会聚区宽度减小。涡旋的强度越大,“前移”或“回退”的效应越显著。  相似文献   

海洋中尺度涡建模及其在水声传播影响研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋中尺度涡对水声传播的影响,利用中尺度涡区的历史水文实测数据提取涡旋强度,空间尺度等中尺度涡特征参数,建立了海洋中尺度涡理论计算模型。运用MMPE水下声场模型仿真试验研究了涡旋性质、强度和位置、声源频率和置放深度对声传播特性的影响。结果表明:暖涡使得会聚区的位置后退,会聚区宽度增加;冷涡使得会聚区的位置前移,会聚区宽度减小。涡旋的强度越大,前移或后退的效应越显著。  相似文献   

ActiveX技术在海洋声信号处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Visual Basic6.0中应用ActiveX技术与Matlab混合编程,来处理海洋水声信号及海洋环境噪声实测数据,能够发挥各自的软件优势,既实现软件运行的无缝联接,又能大大简化繁琐的数据计算。  相似文献   

To prevent grounding of ships and collisions between ships in shallow coastal waters, an underwater data collection and communication network is currently under development: Acoustic Communication network for Monitoring of underwater Environment in coastal areas (ACME). Marine mammals might be affected by ACME sounds since they use sounds of similar frequencies (around 12 kHz) for communication, orientation, and prey location. If marine mammals tend to avoid the vicinity of the transmitters, they may be kept away from ecologically important areas by ACME sounds. One marine mammal species that may be affected in the North Sea is the harbour porpoise. Therefore, as part of an environmental impact assessment program, two captive harbour porpoises were subjected to four sounds, three of which may be used in the underwater acoustic data communication network. The effect of each sound was judged by comparing the animals' positions and respiration rates during a test period with those during a baseline period. Each of the four sounds could be made a deterrent by increasing the amplitude of the sound. The porpoises reacted by swimming away from the sounds and by slightly, but significantly, increasing their respiration rate. From the sound pressure level distribution in the pen, and the distribution of the animals during test sessions, discomfort sound level thresholds were determined for each sound. In combination with information on sound propagation in the areas where the communication system may be deployed, the extent of the 'discomfort zone' can be estimated for several source levels (SLs). The discomfort zone is defined as the area around a sound source that harbour porpoises are expected to avoid. Based on these results, SLs can be selected that have an acceptable effect on harbour porpoises in particular areas. The discomfort zone of a communication sound depends on the selected sound, the selected SL, and the propagation characteristics of the area in which the sound system is operational. In shallow, winding coastal water courses, with sandbanks, etc., the type of habitat in which the ACME sounds will be produced, propagation loss cannot be accurately estimated by using a simple propagation model, but should be measured on site. The SL of the communication system should be adapted to each area (taking into account bounding conditions created by narrow channels, sound propagation variability due to environmental factors, and the importance of an area to the affected species). The discomfort zone should not prevent harbour porpoises from spending sufficient time in ecologically important areas (for instance feeding areas), or routes towards these areas.  相似文献   

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