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The question of whether virus-induced immunosuppression includes the antibody response against the infecting virus itself was evaluated in a model situation. Transgenic mice expressing the T-cell receptor (TCR) specific for peptide 32-42 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) glycoprotein 1 presented by Db reacted with a strong transgenic cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response starting on day 3 after infection with a high dose (10(6) PFU intravenously [i.v.]) of the WE strain of LCMV (LCMV-WE); LCMV-specific antibody production in the spleen was suppressed in these mice. Low-dose (10(2) PFU i.v.) infection resulted in an antiviral antibody response comparable to that of the transgene-negative littermates. The induction of suppression of LCMV-specific antibody responses was specifically mediated by CD8+ TCR transgenic CTLs, since the LCMV-8.7 variant virus (which is not recognized by transgenic TCR-expressing CTLs because of a point mutation) did not induce suppression. In addition, treatment with CD8 monoclonal antibody in vivo abrogated suppression. Once suppression had been established, it was found to be nonspecific. The abrogation of antibody responses depended on the relative kinetics of the antibody response involved and the kinetics of the anti-LCMV CTL response. Analysis of T- and B-cell subpopulations showed no significant changes, but immunohistochemical analysis of spleens revealed extensive destruction of follicular organization in lymphoid tissue by day 4 in transgenic mice infected with LCMV-WE but not in those infected with the CTL escape mutant LCMV-8.7. Impairment of antigen presentation rather than of T or B cells was also suggested by adoptive transfer experiments, showing that transferred infected macrophages may improve the anti-LCMV antibody response in LCMV-immunosuppressed transgenic recipients; also, T and B cells from suppressed transgenic mice did respond in irradiated and virus-infected nontransgenic mice with antibody formation to LCMV. Such virus-triggered, T-cell-mediated immunopathology causing the suppression of B cells and of protective antibody responses, including those against the infecting virus itself, may permit certain viruses to establish persistent infections.  相似文献   

The role of beta2-integrins CD11b/CD18 and CD 11c/CD 18 in adhesion and migration of leukocytes on fibrinogen was studied. The monoclonal antibodies against CD11b inhibited the spontaneous adhesion of monocytic THP-1 cells on fibrinogen, whereas antibodies to CD11c more effectively inhibited the adhesion stimulated by chemokine MCP-1. By the RNA-interference method the clones of THP-1 with reduced expression of CD11b and general beta2-subunit CD18 were obtained. MCP-I stimulated the adhesion to fibrinogen of THP-1 cells of wild-type and mutant cells with reduced expression of CD11b (THP-1-CD11b-low), but not of cells with low expression of CD18 (THP-1-CD18-low). THP-1-CD18-low cells were also characterized by the impaired chemotaxis in presence of MCP-1. The data obtained suggest that spontaneous cell adhesion to fibrinogen is mediated to a greater extent by CD11b/CD18 integrins, while chemokine-stimulated adhesion and migration is mostly dependent on CD11c/CD18 molecules.  相似文献   

The interactions between cell surface receptors and sulfated glucosamineglycans serve ubiquitous roles in cell adhesion and receptor signaling. Heparin, a highly sulfated polymer of uronic acids and glucosamine, binds strongly to the integrin receptor alphaXbeta2 (p150,95, CD11c/CD18). Here, we analyze the structural motifs within heparin that constitute high affinity binding sites for the I domain of integrin alphaXbeta2. Heparin oligomers with chain lengths of 10 saccharide residues or higher provide strong inhibition of the binding by the alphaX I domain to the complement fragment iC3b. By contrast, smaller oligomers or the synthetic heparinoid fondaparinux were not able to block the binding. Semipurified heparin oligomers with 12 saccharide residues identified the fully sulfated species as the most potent antagonist of iC3b, with a 1.3 microM affinity for the alphaX I domain. In studies of direct binding by the alphaX I domain to immobilized heparin, we found that the interaction is conformationally regulated and requires Mg2+. Furthermore, the fully sulfated heparin fragment induced conformational change in the ectodomain of the alphaXbeta2 receptor, also demonstrating allosteric linkage between heparin binding and integrin conformation.  相似文献   

Based on the relative expression of CD11c and CD1a, we have identified three fractions of dendritic cells (DCs) in human peripheral blood, including a direct precursor of Langerhans cells (LCs). The first two fractions were CD11c+ DCs, comprised of a major CD1a+/CD11c+ population (fraction 1), and a minor CD1a-/CD11c+ component (fraction 2). Both CD11c+ fractions displayed a monocyte-like morphology, endocytosed FITC-dextran, expressed CD45RO and myeloid markers such as CD13 and CD33, and possessed the receptor for GM-CSF. The third fraction was comprised of CD1a-/CD11c- DCs (fraction 3) and resembled plasmacytoid T cells. These did not uptake FITC-dextran, were negative for myeloid markers (CD13/CD33), and expressed CD45RA and a high level of IL-3Ralpha, but not GM-CSF receptors. After culture with IL-3, fraction 3 acquired the characteristics of mature DCs; however, the expression of CD62L (lymph node-homing molecules) remained unchanged, indicating that fraction 3 can be a precursor pool for previously described plasmacytoid T cells in lymphoid organs. Strikingly, the CD1a+/CD11c+ DCs (fraction 1) quickly acquired LC characteristics when cultured in the presence of GM-CSF + IL-4 + TGF-beta1. Thus, E-cadherin, Langerin, and Lag Ag were expressed within 1 day of culture, and typical Birbeck granules were observed. In contrast, neither CD1a-/CD11c+ (fraction 2) nor CD1a-/CD11c- (fraction 3) cells had the capacity to differentiate into LCs. Furthermore, CD14+ monocytes only expressed E-cadherin, but lacked the other LC markers after culture in these cytokines. Therefore, CD1a+/CD11c+ DCs are the direct precursors of LCs in peripheral blood.  相似文献   

Eosinophils produce and release various proinflammatory mediators and also show immunomodulatory and tissue remodeling functions; thus, eosinophils may be involved in the pathophysiology of asthma and other eosinophilic disorders as well as host defense. Several major questions still remain. For example, how do human eosinophils become activated in diseased tissues or at the site of an immune response? What types of host immunity might potentially involve eosinophils? Herein, we found that human eosinophils react vigorously to a common environmental fungus, Alternaria alternata, which is implicated in the development and/or exacerbation of human asthma. Eosinophils release their cytotoxic granule proteins, such as eosinophil-derived neurotoxin and major basic protein, into the extracellular milieu and onto the surface of fungal organisms and kill the fungus in a contact-dependent manner. Eosinophils use their versatile beta(2) integrin molecule, CD11b, to adhere to a major cell wall component, beta-glucan, but eosinophils do not express other common fungal receptors, such as dectin-1 and lactosylceramide. The I-domain of CD11b is distinctively involved in the eosinophils' interaction with beta-glucan. Eosinophils do not react with another fungal cell wall component, chitin. Because human eosinophils respond to and kill certain fungal organisms, our findings identify a previously unrecognized innate immune function for eosinophils. This immune response by eosinophils may benefit the host, but, in turn, it may also play a role in the development and/or exacerbation of eosinophil-related allergic human diseases, such as asthma.  相似文献   

Integrin αDβ2 (CD11d/CD18) is a multiligand macrophage receptor with recognition specificity identical to that of the major myeloid cell-specific integrin αMβ2 (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1). Despite its prominent upregulation on inflammatory macrophages, the role of αDβ2 in monocyte and macrophage migration is unknown. In this study, we have generated model and natural cell lines expressing different densities of αDβ2 and examined their migration to various extracellular matrix proteins. When expressed at a low density, αDβ2 on the surface of recombinant HEK293 cells and murine IC-21 macrophages cooperates with β13 integrins to support cell migration. However, its increased expression on the αDβ2-expressing HEK293 cells and its upregulation by PMA on the IC-21 macrophages result in increased cell adhesiveness and inhibition of cell migration. Furthermore, ligation of αDβ2 with anti-αD blocking antibodies restores β13-driven cell migration by removing the excess αDβ2-mediated adhesive bonds. Consistent with in vitro data, increased numbers of inflammatory macrophages were recovered from the inflamed peritoneum of mice after the administration of anti-αD antibody. These results demonstrate that the density of αDβ2 is critically involved in modulating macrophage adhesiveness and their migration, and suggest that low levels of αDβ2 contribute to monocyte migration while αDβ2 upregulation on differentiated macrophages may facilitate their retention at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that vaccine-primed CD4(+) T cells can mediate accelerated clearance of respiratory virus infection. However, the relative contributions of Ab and CD8(+) T cells, and the mechanism of viral clearance, are poorly understood. Here we show that control of a Sendai virus infection by primed CD4(+) T cells is mediated through the production of IFN-gamma and does not depend on Ab. This effect is critically dependent on CD8(+) cells for the expansion of CD4(+) T cells in the lymph nodes and the recruitment of memory CD4(+) T cells to the lungs. Passive transfer of a CD8(+) T cell supernatant into CD8(+) T cell-depleted, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN)(421-436)-immune muMT mice substantially restored the virus-specific memory CD4(+) response and enhanced viral control in the lung. Together, the data demonstrate for the first time that in vivo primed CD4(+) T cells have the capacity to control a respiratory virus infection in the lung by an Ab-independent mechanism, provided that CD8(+) T cell "help" in the form of soluble factor(s) is available during the virus infection. These studies highlight the importance of synergistic interactions between CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell subsets in the generation of optimal antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

T cell upregulation of B7 molecules CD80 and CD86 limits T cell expansion in immunodeficient hosts; however, the relative roles of CD80 separate from CD86 on CD4 versus CD8 T cells in a normal immune system are not clear. To address this question, we used the parent-into-F1 (P→F1) murine model of graft-versus-host disease and transferred optimal and suboptimal doses of CD80 and/or CD86 knockout (KO) T cells into normal F1 hosts. Enhanced elimination of host B cells by KO T cells was observed only at suboptimal donor cell doses and was greatest for CD80 KO→F1 mice. Wild-type donor cells exhibited peak CD80 upregulation at day 10; CD80 KO donor cells exhibited greater peak (day 10) donor T cell proliferation and CD8 T cell effector CTL numbers versus wild-type→F1 mice. Fas or programmed cell death-1 upregulation was normal as was homeostatic contraction of CD80 KO donor cells from days 12-14. Mixing studies demonstrated that maximal host cell elimination was seen when both CD4 and CD8 T cells were CD80 deficient. These results indicate an important role for CD80 upregulation on Ag-activated CD4 and CD8 T cells in limiting expansion of CD8 CTL effectors as part of a normal immune response. Our results support further studies of therapeutic targeting of CD80 in conditions characterized by suboptimal CD8 effector responses.  相似文献   

Neonatal cytotoxic T cell responses have only been elicited to date with immunogens or delivery systems inducing potent direct APC activation. To define the minimal activation requirements for the induction of neonatal CD8(+) cytotoxic responses, we used synthetic microspheres (MS) coated with a single CD8(+) T cell peptide from lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or HIV-1. Unexpectedly, a single injection of peptide-conjugated MS without added adjuvant induced CD4-dependent Ag-specific neonatal murine cytotoxic responses with adult-like CTL precursor frequency, avidity for Ag, and frequency of IFN-gamma-secreting CD8(+) splenocytes. Neonatal CD8(+) T cell responses to MS-LCMV were elicited within 2 wk of a single immunization and, upon challenge, provided similar protection from viral replication as adult CTLs, demonstrating their in vivo competence. As previously reported, peptide-coated MS elicited no detectable activation of adult CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DC). In contrast, CTL responses were associated with a partial activation of neonatal CD11c(+) DC, reflected by the up-regulation of CD80 and CD86 expression but no concurrent changes in MHC class II or CD40 expression. However, this partial activation of neonatal DC was not sufficient to circumvent the requirement for CD4(+) T cell help. The effective induction of neonatal CD8(+) T cell responses by this minimal Ag delivery system demonstrates that neonatal CD11c(+) DC may mature sufficiently to stimulate naive CD8(+) neonatal T cells, even in the absence of strong maturation signals.  相似文献   

MHC class I-restricted T cell epitopes lack immunogenicity unless aided by IFA or CFA. In an attempt to circumvent the known inflammatory side effects of IFA and CFA, we analyzed the ability of immunostimulatory CpG-DNA to act as an adjuvant for MHC class I-restricted peptide epitopes. Using the immunodominant CD8 T cell epitopes, SIINFEKL from OVA or KAVYNFATM (gp33) from lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein, we observed that CpG-DNA conveyed immunogenicity to these epitopes leading to primary induction of peptide-specific CTL. Furthermore, vaccination with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus gp33 peptide triggered not only CTL but also protective antiviral defense. We also showed that MHC class I-restricted peptides are constitutively presented by immature dendritic cells (DC) within the draining lymph nodes but failed to induce CTL responses. The use of CpG-DNA as an adjuvant, however, initiated peptide presenting immature DC progression to professional licensed APC. Activated DC induced cytolytic CD8 T cells in wild-type mice and also mice deficient of Th cells or CD40 ligand. CpG-DNA thus incites CTL responses toward MHC class I-restricted T cell epitopes in a Th cell-independent manner. Overall, these results provide new insights into CpG-DNA-mediated adjuvanticity and may influence future vaccination strategies for infectious and perhaps tumor diseases.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood CD8+ T cells constitutively express a low level of IL-2-R beta chains which were shown in this study to be preferentially carried by the CD45R0+ subset. Such receptors can transduce signals for in vitro IL-2-induced cytolytic function and for the initiation of soluble anti-CD3 and IL-2-induced cell proliferation. Using these stimulation models, a comparison was made between the responsiveness of resting, small CD45R0+ and CD45RA+ subpopulations of CD8+ T cells, both of them being isolated by negative selection and rigorously depleted of monocytes and of IL-2-inducible non-MHC-restricted CTL. Strong proliferation was induced in CD8+/CD45R0+ cells in response to IL-2 and soluble anti-CD3 (each of these stimuli being by itself ineffective), while in contrast, CD8+/CD45RA+ cells manifested, in this system, little reactivity. Accordingly, no conversion to the CD45R0 phenotype occurred in single stained CD45RA+ T cells following their incubation with the stimuli. A similar restriction of reactivity to CD8+/CD45R0+ T cells was observed with respect to IL-2-induced targetable T cell cytotoxicity. The CTL activity induced by IL-2 alone occurred without cell division. In contrast, the additional increase in CTL activity occurring upon the synergistic actions of anti-CD3 mAb and IL-2 coincided with intense cell proliferation, with no generation of LAK activity. The inhibition exerted by anti-IL-2-R beta mAb in the cytolytic and the proliferative activities induced by these stimuli in resting CD8+/CD45R0+ T cells emphasizes the importance of constitutive IL-2-R beta chains in the biology of these cells.  相似文献   

Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is an acute sporadic infection that usually affects young adults, and during infection a massive expansion of CD8 T cells is generally considered to occur. However, CD28 expression of the expanded cells has not been characterized. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells of acute IM (AIM) patients were analyzed by flow cytometry, a continuous spectrum of CD28 intensity ranging from negative to high, which could be separated into CD28 negative, intermediate (int), and positive, was seen for CD8 T cells. We studied 26 IM patients who were diagnosed on the basis of standard methods and found that all patients had the continuous CD28 spectrum. CD28 is a costimulatory molecule on T cells, and its expression is associated with the subdivision of CD8 cells into cytotoxic (CD28-positive) and suppressor (CD28-negative) T cells. After 24 h of ex vivo culturing, however, the continuous spectrum was found to consist of only CD28-positive and CD28-negative CD8 T cells, because the CD28-int cells had disappeared due to apoptosis. The CD28-int T cells have several cytotoxic functions, suggesting that CD28-int T cells are effectors. Examination of other costimulatory markers in AIM patients showed that CD80 and CD152 were not affected. In patients with other viral infections, such as measles or rubella, however, the continuous spectrum was not detected. These results suggest that there is an unusual CD28 expression pattern in patients with AIM, namely, the presence of a functional CD28-int subset among CD8 T cells. These findings are of special importance for clarifying the defense mechanism against Epstein-Barr virus infection, and the role of CD28 molecules in humans and should also be helpful for the diagnosis of AIM.  相似文献   

We investigated the circulating cytotoxic CD160+ CD8(high) subset in correlation to antiviral immunity and response to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in HIV+ subjects. The study included 45 treatment-naive patients receiving HAART for 18 months, retrospectively defined as good (n=29) and transient (n=16) responders. HIV-specific CD8 T lymphocyte levels were measured by IFNgamma production in response to p17 Gag, in the presence of immobilized anti-CD160 mAb. We report a significantly increased baseline level of CD160+ CD8(high) subset in good therapy responders. CD160+ CD8(high) subset correlates with CD4+ T cell count, immune activation, and viral load. CD160+ CD8(high) lymphocytes contain a high amount of Granzyme B and include virus-specific T lymphocytes in HIV-1+ subjects. Co-stimulation through CD160 molecules enhances IFNgamma production in response to p17 Gag. Therefore, the CD160+ CD8(high) subset may be useful for monitoring of virus-specific cellular immunity and predicting response to antiretroviral therapy in chronic HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The impact of the immune system on the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, is a rapidly growing area of investigation. Evidence from human patients and animal models implicates neurotropic viral infections, and specifically the antiviral immune response of brain-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, as potential drivers of disease pathology. While infiltration and retention of CD8+ T cells within the brain following viral infection is associated with improved survival, CD8+ T cells also contribute to neuronal death and gliosis which underlie cognitive impairment in several disease models. Here we review the role of antiviral CD8+ T cells as potential mediators of cognitive impairment and highlight the mechanisms by which brain-resident CD8+ T cells may contribute to neurodegenerative disease pathology.  相似文献   

The antitumor effect of IFN-alpha is mediated by the activation of CTLs, NK cells, and the generation of highly potent Ag-presenting dendritic cells (IFN-DCs). In this study, we show that IFN-DCs generated in vitro from monocytes express CD56 on their surface, a marker which has been thought to be specific for NK cells. FACS analyses of CD56(+) and CD56(-) IFN-DCs showed a nearly identical pattern for most of the classical DC markers. Importantly, however, only CD56(+) IFN-DCs exhibited cytolytic activity up to 24% that could almost completely be blocked (-81%) after coincubation with anti-TRAIL. Intracytoplasmatic cytokine staining revealed that the majority of IFN-DCs independently of their CD56 expression were IFN-gamma positive as well. In contrast, CD56(+) IFN-DCs showed stronger capacity in stimulating allogenic T cells compared with CD56(-) IFN-DC. Based on these results, five patients with metastasized medullary thyroid carcinoma were treated for the first time with monocyte-derived tumor Ag-pulsed IFN-DCs. After a long term follow-up (in mean 37 mo) all patients are alive. Immunohistochemical analyses of delayed-type hypersensitivity skin reaction showed a strong infiltration with CD8(+) cells. In two patients no substantial change in tumor morphology was detected. Importantly, by analyzing PBMCs, these patients also showed an increase of Ag-specific IFN-gamma-secreting T cells. In summary, we here describe for the first time that cytotoxic activity of IFN-DCs is mainly mediated by an IFN-DC subset showing partial phenotypic and functional characteristics of NK cells. These cells represent another mechanism of the antitumor effect induced by IFN-alpha.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha2beta1, which is a membrane protein consisting of noncovalently bound alpha2 and beta1 chains, mediates cell binding to collagen and plays a role in platelet functions. DNAs encoding the chimeric proteins in which the extracellular domains of each alpha2 and beta1 chain was fused to hinge and Fc regions of human IgG(1)gamma chain were cotransfected into CHO cells. Soluble integrin alpha2beta1 (salpha2beta1) in which alpha2 and beta1 chains were covalently bound by disulfide bonds was recovered from the culture supernatant. salpha2beta1 maintained functional characteristics of cell surface alpha2beta1 as indicated by cation-dependent binding to collagen and conformational changes induced by cations or ligand. Intravenously administered salpha2beta1 in rats colocalized with collagen in inflamed microvessels. Moreover, salpha2beta1-conjugated liposome administered intravenously reduced bleeding time of the thrombocytopenic mice. These results indicated that salpha2beta1 has pharmaceutical utilities as an agent for detecting injured vessels and a component of platelet substitute.  相似文献   

Co-administration of soluble Ag and anti-CD4 mAb has been successfully used to induce long term Ag-specific tolerance. The mechanisms underlying persistent immunologic unresponsiveness are unclear. We have now studied whether tolerance toward complex viral Ag expressed on Moloney sarcoma virus (MSV)-transformed tumor cells can be induced when given at the time of severe helper cell depletion. Although mice that had been injected with anti-CD4 mAb at the time of immunization regained the ability to recognize MSV Ag, their humoral and cytotoxic immunity to MSV were severely compromised. Ag-specific low responsiveness was maintained for more than 6 mo. To analyze the T cell repertoire of low responder mice we have estimated precursor frequencies of MSV-specific proliferative and cytotoxic T cells after the CD4+ T cell subset was fully reconstituted. There was no difference in the frequencies of control and low responder mice excluding clonal deletion as the mechanism maintaining low responsiveness. In co-culture experiments the defect in low responder mice could be localized to the regenerated CD4+ T cell subset, suggesting the induction of CD4+ suppressor-inducer cells. Alternatively, regenerated CD4+ cells in anti-CD4 conditioned mice had acquired a defect to provide help for MSV-specific responses. In spite of the potentials to induce low responsiveness to selected Ag by anti-CD4 conditioning, the risk to cause persistent virus-specific immunodeficiency might limit the clinical application of anti-CD4 therapy.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):2081-2091
The A-domain is a approximately 200-amino acid peptide present within structurally diverse proadhesive proteins including seven integrins. A recombinant form of the A-domain of beta 2 integrins CR3 and LFA-1 has been recently shown to bind divalent cations and to contain binding sites for protein ligands that play essential roles in leukocyte trafficking to inflammatory sites, phagocytosis and target cell killing. In this report we demonstrate that the neutrophil adhesion inhibitor, NIF produced by the hookworm Ancyclostoma caninium is a selective CD11b A-domain binding protein. NIF bound directly, specifically and with high affinity (Kd of approximately 1 nM) to recombinant CD11b A-domain (r11bA). The binding reaction was characterized by rapid association and very slow dissociation, and was blocked by an anti-r11bA monoclonal antibody. No binding was observed to rCD11aA. The NIF-r11bA interaction required divalent cations, and was absent when the mutant r11bA D140GS/AGA (that lacks divalent cation binding capacity) was used. The NIF binding site in r11bA was mapped to four short peptides, one of which being an iC3b binding site. The interaction of NIF with CR3 in intact cells followed similar binding kinetics to those with r11bA, and occurred with similar affinity in resting and activated human neutrophils, suggesting that the NIF epitope is activation independent. Binding of NIF to CR3 blocked its ability to bind to its ligands iC3b, fibrinogen, and CD54, and inhibited the ability of human neutrophils to ingest serum opsonized particles. NIF thus represents the first example of a disintegrin that targets the integrin A-domain, and is likely to be used by the hookworm to evade the host's inflammatory response. The unique structure of NIF, which lacks a disintegrin motif, emphasizes basic structural differences in antagonists targeting A+ and A- integrins, that should be valuable in drug design efforts aimed at generating novel therapeutics. Identification of the region in NIF mediating A-domain binding should also be useful in this regard, and may, as in the case of disintegrins, unravel a new structural motif with cellular counterparts mediating important physiologic functions.  相似文献   

The membrane receptor 2B4 is a CD2 family member that is involved in lymphocyte activation. A fraction of human CD8+ alphabeta T cells up-regulate 2B4 in vivo, and here we demonstrate that this correlates with the acquisition of effector cell properties such as granzyme B and perforin expression, rapid IFN-gamma production, and down-regulation of the lymph node homing chemokine receptor CCR7. In PBLs from healthy donors, cytomegalovirus-specific effector T cells were 2B4 positive, whereas naive melanoma Ag (Melan-A/melanoma Ag recognized by T cells-1)-specific T cells were 2B4 negative. In melanoma patients, Melan-A-specific T cells up-regulated 2B4 in parallel with in vivo differentiation. This occurred in PBLs after vaccination with Melan-A peptides and in tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes, likely through disease-associated activation of Melan-A-specific T cells. Thus, 2B4 expression correlates with CD8+ T cell differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

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