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Dieback of Passion Fruit in Surinam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Surinam, the commercial cultivation of the yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) is difficult due to the occurrence of dieback. Symptoms referred to as dieback include a decrease in elongation of the shoot end internodes after a period of normal growth leading to wilting and death of the shoots. Fruits from plants showing dieback symptoms are much smaller than those from healthy plants. From shoots with dieback symptoms, three fungi were isolated including Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. However, inoculation experiments with these fungi on shoots of vigorously growing plants were negative, even after wound inoculation. It appeared that plants with dieback symptoms had a poorly developed root system, From these roots Fusarium solani was isolated, which appeared to be highly pathogenic to roots of the yellow passion fruit. After inoculation of the roots of 3-month-old plants, roots became infected and the aerial plant parts showed typical dieback symptoms. Plants with their root system reduced either by inoculating with F. solani or by clipping, and subsequently inoculated with C. gloeosporioides on the aerial parts 2 weeks later, showed dieback symptoms and infection by C. gloeosporioides in shoots with these symptoms. Thus, a badly functioning root system, for example caused by infection of F. solani leads to dieback and predisposes plants to infection by C. gloeosporioides. The latter fungus itself is not a primary pathogen of shoots of the yellow passion fruit in Surinam.  相似文献   

The fungus Eutypa lata (syn. E. armeniacae), known as the causal agent of the death of many different woody plants, was found on dead branches of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) in Greece. Isolations from diseased branches yielded consistently typical colonies of the asexual stage of the fungus (Libertella blepharis, syn. Cytosporina sp.), which proved to be undistinguishable from other cultures of the pathogen obtained from 15 different hosts. Furthermore, all isolates from pistachio tested for pathogenicity on apricot were pathogenic and yielded characteristic cankers.  相似文献   

Prevalent mutations in prostate cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Quantitative and structural genetic alterations cause the development and progression of prostate cancer. A number of genes have been implicated in prostate cancer by genetic alterations and functional consequences of the genetic alterations. These include the ELAC2 (HPC2), MSR1, and RNASEL (HPC1) genes that have germline mutations in familial prostate cancer; AR, ATBF1, EPHB2 (ERK), KLF6, mitochondria DNA, p53, PTEN, and RAS that have somatic mutations in sporadic prostate cancer; AR, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2 (RAD53), CYP17, CYP1B1, CYP3A4, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1, PON1, SRD5A2, and VDR that have germline genetic variants associated with either hereditary and/or sporadic prostate cancer; and ANXA7 (ANX7), KLF5, NKX3-1 (NKX3.1), CDKN1B (p27), and MYC that have genomic copy number changes affecting gene function. More genes relevant to prostate cancer remain to be identified in each of these gene groups. For the genes that have been identified, most need additional genetic, functional, and/or biochemical examination. Identification and characterization of these genes will be a key step for improving the detection and treatment of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Stem lesions, cankers and dieback of shoots were common on bothyoung and mature plants of Skimmia japonica following the exceptionallyhot and dry summer of 1976. Phoma macrostoma var. macrostoma, Phomopsis skimmiae, Fusariumlateritium and a species of Diplodia were regularly isolatedfrom necrotic tissue. P. macrostoma var. macrostoma was isolatedmost frequently and produced more necrosis and larger cankersthan other species in inoculated plants. All four species, however,were regarded as weak parasites only causing substantial damagein drought-stressed plants or when large inocular were implanteddirectly into host tissue. Skimmia japonica, Rutaceae, stem lesions, canker, dieback, fungal parasites  相似文献   

Phialophora parasitica, Causal Agent of Cherry Dieback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Structure-activity relationships of the phytotoxins stemphyloxin I and II from Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici were investigated by quantitative comparison of their biological activity with chemically related phytotoxins from Phoma betae, betaenones A, B and C. Phytotoxicity was estimated by inhibition of incorporation of14C-leucine into proteins of exponentially growing tomato cells. The values of 50 % inhibition for stemphyloxin I and II and for betaenones A, B and C were 0.075, 16, 55, 350 and 1 μM respectively. The β-ketoaldehyde moiety appeared to be essential in, conferring biological activity and its toxicity was influenced by its spatial orientation. The presence of an hydroxyl group in stemphyloxin I and II enhanced activity in comparison with the respective compounds betaenones C and A which lack this group.  相似文献   

The occurrence of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) was assessed in alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) in Grisons (Switzerland) from 1950 to 1999. The first IKC outbreaks were reported in the 1950's. Since then, the number of affected subpopulations constantly increased and, by 1999, IKC outbreaks were reported in 39 of 51 (77%) chamois sub-populations. From 1992-99, a total of 243 chamois which died of the consequences of IKC were recorded. The number of cases differed between years, and a distinct seasonal trend was observed. Infectious keratoconjunctivitis was more common during summer and autumn, with 48% of the cases recorded in August-October. Juveniles (< 4 yr of age) were mostly represented. To verify the presence of Mycoplasma conjunctivae in chamois we analyzed conjunctival swabs taken from animals affected with IKC. Among a sample of 28 affected chamois, M. conjunctivae was identified 14 times (50%). An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect specific M. conjunctivae antibodies in sera of alpine chamois with IKC. We performed a serologic investigation to assess whether M. conjunctivae infection is self-maintained in the chamois population in Grisons. In subpopulations with IKC oubreaks, seroprevalence was low (8%). Seroprevalence was even lower in subpopulations with recent IKC outbreaks (3%). We concluded that the M. conjunctivae infection is not self-maintained in alpine chamois in Grisons. The agent may originate in domestic sheep living in proximity to chamois during summer. Control of IKC in chamois should consider immunoprophylaxis in sheep or limiting interspecific transmission of M. conjunctivae.  相似文献   

Quality of sleep influences the level of daytime functioning, including stress levels, psychosomatic complaints, general health, and overall well-being. As people age, they complain more about disturbed sleep, insomnia, increased time in bed, and sleep fragmentation. These complaints can be related to circadian rhythm desynchronization, hypnotic or other medication use, chronic bedrest, napping, dementia, or to sleep apnea, a disorder of respiratory cessation which is quite prevalent in the elderly. We review here the results of 12 years of research on sleep in the elderly. In studies of three populations of elderly, it was found that between 24% and 42% had five or more apneas per hour of sleep and 4%–14% had 20 or more apneas per hour of sleep. Since apnea is related to dementia and even to mortality, this high prevalence of apnea is of extreme importance.Supported by grants Nos. NIA 02711, NIA 08415, NBHLI 40930, RSDA NIMH 00117 (to DFK) and by the Veterans Affairs Research Administration. Special appreciation is given to Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Dr. Melville R. Klauber, Robert Fell, William Mason, Linda Parker, and Jennifer Bloomquist for help with these studies.  相似文献   

The ascomycete Eutypa lata is the causative agent of eutypa dieback in grapevines, a serious economic problem in major wine grape producing areas. In order to develop a predictive, non-destructive assay for early detection of fungal infection, the phenolic metabolite profiles of 11 strains of E. lata grown on four different artificial growth media were analyzed by HPLC and their variability compared with growth on Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine wood and wood extracts. Six compounds were generally produced in significant amounts, namely eutypinol, eulatachromene, and eutypine and its benzofuran cyclization product, together with siccayne and eulatinol. The two most widely distributed and abundant metabolites were eutypinol and eulatachromene, which were present in 8 of the strains grown on grapewood aqueous extract fortified with sucrose. Metabolite production on grapevine extract was greatly enhanced relative to the artificial media, indicating that this native substrate provides optimal conditions and a more representative profile of the metabolites produced in the natural disease state. The primary metabolites were tested in a grapeleaf disc bioassay to establish their relative toxicity. Neither eutypinol nor siccayne were phytotoxic; eulatachromene, eulatinol, eutypine, and the benzofuran exhibited necrotic effects in the bioassay. The results indicate that eutypa dieback may be caused by several E. lata metabolites rather than a single compound.  相似文献   

Chilli leaf curl disease is an important constraint to production of chilli peppers ( Capsicum annum L.) across the Indian subcontinent and is caused by begomoviruses in association with betasatellites. Betasatellites are symptom modulating single-stranded DNA satellites associated with the majority of monopartite begomoviruses and are responsible for diseases of many crops including chilli peppers. Here, we have studied the diversity of a betasatellite of chillies in the Punjab and North Western Frontier Province of Pakistan. Sequence analysis of thirteen full-length clones showed that a single species of satellite, Chilli leaf curl betasatellite (ChLCB), is prevalent in chilli throughout the surveyed region. ChLCB has only been identified in Pakistan and infecting chilli. It thus probably represents a chilli adapted satellite. The ChLCBs fall into two groups, the first occurs in the less intensively cultivated north and shows a high level of sequence diversity (relative to the second group), while the second occurs in the southern cotton-growing areas and shows little sequence diversity. Between these two areas there is a region of overlap where both ChLCB types occur. The phylogeographic segregation of ChLCB we attribute to geographic isolation (in the north), leading to divergence and intensive cultivation (in the south), leading to homogenization. However, the lack of diversity (only a single species) bodes well for the prospects of achieving resistance to the disease by either conventional or pathogen-derived strategies.  相似文献   

During 2009–2011, a dieback disease of mango (Mangifera indica) has recently emerged on mango trees in Panzhihua City, Sichuan province of China. The disease is characterized by large irregular brown‐coloured speckles on the petioles and twigs, vascular necrosis and dry leaves and complete twig mortality. Fusarium species were isolated repeatedly from the infected petioles and twigs. The species was identified as Fusarium decemcellulare Brick based on morphology and sequence analysis of Translation Elongation Factor‐1alpha (TEF‐1α) gene. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by pathogenicity tests on potted mango seedlings. To our knowledge, this is the first record of dieback on mango caused by Fdecemcellulare in China.  相似文献   

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