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功率放大器的自适应预失真线性化技术   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
重点介绍了几种主要的功率放大器的自适应预失真技术,包括基带预失真、中频预失真及射频预失真技术,以及几种自适应预失真工作函数的产生方法,并利用多项式产生工作函数的方法对功率放大器进行预失真调整,使其线性度得到明显改善。  相似文献   

Adaptive digital baseband predistortion is a well-known linearisation technique for removing intermodulation products that radio frequency power amplifiers (PAs) introduce. This paper proposes a new baseband predistortion method that is based on a non-iterative, fast adaptation algorithm without convergence restrictions. The response of the PA in a batch of training magnitude stimuli is used for the computation of the predistortion gain. The latter is directly extracted in rectangular form without prior transformations and AM/AM and AM/PM non-linearities sequential estimation. The influence of the gain table size and the imperfections of the modulator and demodulator in the method's performance are examined. Experimental measurements of an in-house prototype show a linearity improvement of about 25 dB.  相似文献   

We develop a new wideband digital feedback predistortion (WDFBPD) technique for modulated signals with wide bandwidths by combining digital feedback predistortion (DFBPD) linearization and memory-effect compensation techniques. For the experiments, a class-AB amplifier using an LDMOSFET with 90-W peak envelope power is employed. The proposed technique is compared with existing DFBPD and memory polynomial (MP) techniques for a 2.14-GHz forward-link WCDMA 2FA signal with 10-MHz carrier spacing. The experimental results show that the new WDFBPD technique has better linearization performance than conventional DFBPD and lower computational complexity than the MP technique.  相似文献   

王晶琦  张锦  薛伟  吴文 《微波学报》2021,37(1):74-78
数字预失真技术通过在功率放大器的前端级联数字预失真器来补偿功放的非线性失真,而直接学习结构(Direct Learning Architecture,DLA)作为一种广泛使用的自适应数字预失真算法结构,因其预失真性能优良,前景最为看好.传统DLA预失真算法需要求得功率放大器高精度模型,其结构复杂且计算量大.针对这一问题...  相似文献   

刘军  艾渤 《电讯技术》2007,47(6):1-6
阐述了目前国内外功率放大器(PA)线性化技术的研究状况,重点研究了其中最有应用前景的数字基带自适应预失真技术及其最新研究进展,分析并指出了相关方法的优缺点,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

功率放大器(power amplifiers, PAs)会对输入的宽带线性调频信号(linear frequency modulated, LFM)引入幅度失真和相位失真,这将导致接收机脉冲压缩处理后的输出信号主瓣展宽,旁瓣电平抬高,从而恶化雷达距离分辨率甚至产生虚假目标。文中提出采用有限冲击响应滤波器(finite impulse response, FIR)模型对宽带LFM信号激励下的功放进行行为建模和数字预失真(digital predistortion, DPD)补偿。利用宽带测试平台对500 MHz 瞬时带宽LFM信号激励下峰值功率15 W 的S波段功放进行验证。实验结果表明,浅饱和和深饱和情况下FIR模型都能准确建模功放的失真特性,浅饱和情况下DPD能够补偿幅度失真和相位失真,而深饱和情况下只能补偿相位失真,经过DPD补偿脉冲压缩后的峰值旁瓣电平都明显降低。  相似文献   

This paper presents a hardware implementation of a digital predistorter (DPD) for linearizing RF power amplifiers (PAs) for wideband applications. The proposed predistortion linearizer is based on a nonlinear auto-regressive moving average (NARMA) structure, which can be derived from the NARMA PA behavioral model and then mapped into a set of scalable lookup tables (LUTs). The linearizer takes advantage of its recursive nature to relax the LUT count needed to compensate memory effects in PAs. Experimental support is provided by the implementation of the proposed NARMA DPD in a field-programmable gate-array device to linearize a 170-W peak power PA, validating the recursive DPD NARMA structure for W-CDMA signals and flexible transmission bandwidth scenarios. To the best of the authors' knowledge, it is the first time that a recursive structure is experimentally validated for DPD purposes. In addition to the results on PA efficiency and linearity, this paper addresses many practical implementation issues related to the use of FPGA in DPD applications, giving an original insight on actual prototyping scenarios. Finally, this study discusses the possibility of further enhancing the overall efficiency by degrading the PA operation mode, provided that DPD may be unavoidable due to the impact of memory effects.  相似文献   

Due to dynamic changes of supply voltage, envelope-tracking (ET) power amplifiers (PAs) exhibit very distinct characteristics in different power regions. It is very difficult to compensate the distortion induced by these amplifiers by employing conventional digital predistortion techniques. In this paper, by introducing a new piecewise Volterra model based on a vector threshold decomposition technique, we first set several thresholds in the input power level according to the PA characteristics, and decompose the input complex envelope signal into several sub-signals by using these thresholds. We then process each sub-signal separately by employing the dynamic deviation reduction-based Volterra series, and finally recombine them together to produce the predistorted output. Experimental results show that by using this new decomposed piecewise digital predistorter model, the distinct characteristics of the ET system at different signal power levels can be accurately modeled, and thus, the distortion, including both static nonlinearities and memory effects, caused by the amplifier nonlinear behavior can be effectively compensated.  相似文献   

在并发双波段调制信号驱动下,射频功放的非线性更显著和复杂,对其进行线性化将面临新的问题。文中研究了低频波段和高频波段的同步性对线性化的影响,提出同步并发双波段射频信号生成方法,用于解决两频段信号加载时的不同步问题。文中使用1001型(中间两个载波空缺)CDMA2000信号和单载波WCDMA信号分别作为低频段和高频段的测试信号,施加到一个峰值功率为51dBm的Doherty功放上进行实验验证。实验结果表明:两频段不同步将造成无法使用数字预失真方法对功放进行线性化;在同步情况下,采用记忆多项式(MP)可显著提高并发双波段射频功放的线性度。  相似文献   

Conventional radio-frequency (RF) power amplifiers operating with wideband signals, such as wideband code-division multiple access (WCDMA) in the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) must be backed off considerably from their peak power level in order to control out-of-band spurious emissions, also known as “spectral regrowth.” Adapting these amplifiers to wideband operation therefore entails larger size and higher cost than would otherwise be required for the same power output. An alternative solution, which is gaining widespread popularity, is to employ digital baseband predistortion ahead of the amplifier to compensate for the nonlinearity effects, hence allowing it to run closer to its maximum output power while maintaining low spectral regrowth. Recent improvements to the technique have included memory effects in the predistortion model, which are essential as the bandwidth increases. In this paper, we relate the general Volterra representation to the classical Wiener, Hammerstein, Wiener–Hammerstein, and parallel Wiener structures, and go on to describe some state-of-the-art predistortion models based on memory polynomials. We then propose a new generalized memory polynomial that achieves the best performance to date, as demonstrated herein with experimental results obtained from a testbed using an actual 30-W, 2-GHz power amplifier.  相似文献   

数字预失真(Digital Predistortion,DPD)技术是改善高功率放大器(HPA)非线性特性的一种性价比较高的方法.提出了一种查表法实现短波窄带HPA线性化的方案.采用DSP Builder工具及IP核模块,在Matlab/Simulink环境下设计与仿真了基于数字下变频器(DDC)的幅度测量电路,成功估计了信号时延,并在FPGA芯片上进行了硬件测试.  相似文献   

微波功率放大器互调失真与数字基带预失真线性化技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现代通信信号电磁环境模拟器对谐波和互调失真的战术技术指标要求,介绍了一种用数字基带预失真技术对微波功率放大器进行线性化来有效地抑制信号的二、三次谐波和减小三阶互调分量的新方法,并对数字基带预失真线性化系统的工作原理进行了详尽地论述。分析结果表明,数字基带预失真技术不失为微波功率放大器线性化技术的新方法,完全有可能满足现代通信信号电磁环境模拟器对谐波和互调失真的技术指标要求。  相似文献   

研究一种用于改善射频功率放大器非线性失真的预失真技术。文中给出了平行式失真信号产生电路结构,提出了该电路改善射频功率放大器非线性新的应用方式,并对其特性进行了分析,在此基础上添加了自适应控制电路,提高了系统的稳定性。最后给出了ADS仿真结果。实验结果表明,IMD3的性能得到有效的改善。  相似文献   

自适应功放线性化技术的一种快速算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邬书跃  田新广  鲍平 《信号处理》2002,18(3):254-256
提出了一种基于快速弦截法的数字基带预失真线性化技术的自适应算法,用于移动发射机中功率放大器的线性化。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法较二分法、线性迭代法收敛速率更快,而且只要求解的精度和预失真器的精度足够高,便可得到满意的线性度改善。  相似文献   

数字预失真功放的输出动态提升技术在现代功率放大器设计和研究中已成为一个重要的课题。本文基于数字预失真功放自身特征以及自适应信号处理技术,提出了一种全新的输出动态提升技术。理论分析和试验结果表明:采用该新型技术的数字预失真功放不仅输出动态得到了大幅度提升,而且线性也有一定程度改善。  相似文献   

Frequency-Selective Predistortion Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a frequency-selective RF vector predistortion linearization system for RF multicarrier power amplifiers (PAs) affected by strong differential memory effects. Differential memory effects can be revealed in two-tone experiment by the divergence for increasing tone-spacing of the vector Volterra coefficients associated with the lower and upper intermodulations tones. Using large-signal vector measurement with a large-signal network analyzer, a class-AB LDMOS RF PA is demonstrated to exhibit a strong differential memory effect for modulation bandwidth above 0.3 MHz. New frequency-selective RF and baseband predistortion linearization algorithms are proposed to separately address the linearization requirements of the interband and inband intermodulation products of both the lower and upper sidebands. Theoretical verification of the algorithms are demonstrated with Matlab simulations using a Volterra/Wiener PA model with memory effects. The baseband linearization algorithm is next implemented in a field-programmable gate array and experimentally investigated for the linearization of the class-AB LDMOS PA for two carrier wideband code-division multiple-access signals. The ability of the algorithm to selectively linearize the two interband and four inband intermodulation products is demonstrated. Adjacent channel leakage ratio of up to 45 dBc for inband and interband are demonstrated experimentally at twice the typical fractional bandwidth.  相似文献   

杨旸  刘畅  李凯  李阳  孙芳蕾  张国威 《信号处理》2023,39(3):450-458
近年来,深度学习(Deep Learning,DL)在通信场景中的应用逐渐兴起,其中就包括射频发射机的数字预失真(Digital Predistortion,DPD)处理。然而,由于射频功率放大器(Power Amplifier,PA)固有的非线性失真和记忆效应特点,如果直接应用传统DL算法去实现DPD会出现拟合效果不佳、自适应性差等现象。针对这个问题,本文提出了一种由多智能体反馈神经网络实现的数字预失真器(Multi-Agent Feedback Enabled Neural Network for Digital Predistortion,MAFENN-DPD),该网络引入了具有高纠错能力的反馈智能体结构,其主要特点是基于Stackelberg博弈理论去加速网络训练和收敛,同时我们还应用信息瓶颈理论指导网络超参数设计以增强MAFENN-DPD对PA记忆效应变化的动态适应能力。我们进行了一系列的实验来验证MAFENN-DPD的有效性。与使用典型前馈网络实现的DPD方案相比,基于MAFENN-DPD的方案在相邻信道功率比(Adjacent Channel Power Ratio,ACPR)指标上提高了约5 dB。同时,在没有通信过程中的大量先验知识的情况下,MAFENN-DPD实现了与使用记忆多项式方法建模的DPD方案十分接近的ACPR性能。仿真结果说明MAFENN-DPD相比传统神经网络可进一步提升ACPR性能,同时相比记忆多项式方法具有更好的自适应建模能力和通用性,并且具有多智能体反馈结构特征的神经网络未来在其他的通信场景中也具有应用推广的潜力。   相似文献   

通过典型的功放无记忆模型分析了功放的非线性对DAB信号所造成的失真及基带预失真技术的作用机理。介绍一种基于该机理的硬件实现,通过在数字基带对信号进行预失真处理,补偿后端的射频功放所产生的非线性幅度失真和相位失真,从而有效地改善了DAB射频功放的线性度。  相似文献   

Digital predistortion (DPD) is one of the most effective techniques that can compensate for the distortions caused by the nonlinearities and memory effects of power amplifiers (PAs). In this paper, a new DPD solution which directly solves the inverse function of a PA model is presented for wideband transmitter applications. The major components of the general memory polynomial (GMP) model are selected to effectively characterize the PA’s nonlinearity and memory effects through model identification. In the direct learning algorithm that followed, the DPD function is obtained by constructing and then solving the reverse function of the identified PA model. Due to the high accuracy of the proposed modeling process and the direct learning algorithm, the DPD function is accurately derived, which could significantly compensate for the nonlinear distortions. Simulations and experiments are performed on wideband long-term evolution (LTE) signals to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed DPD method. It is demonstrated that a 22-dB adjacent channel leakage ratio improvement is achieved for a 100-MHz LTE-advanced signal, which even outperforms the conventional GMP-based DPD method by about 3 dB.  相似文献   

在卫星通信中,高速数据传输系统要求使用频谱利用率高的高阶调制技术,但高阶调制对高功率放大器(HPA)的非线性非常敏感,会造成码间干扰和邻信道间干扰。提出一种基于小波神经网络的自适应预失真算法,以实现HPA的线性化,同时推导了自适应算法的迭代公式。仿真结果表明,该算法不仅能明显改善信号星座图,并与基于RBF神经网络的自适应预失真算法相比能提高收敛速度,同时HPA线性化性能也有所提高。  相似文献   

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