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The anterior crucial ligament and medial collateral Iigament of the left knee joint in 32 New Zea- 1and rabbits were sectioned. The resulting joint in stability led to osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Trans mission electron microscopic study revealed that dur- ing the course of development of osteoarthritis there were changes in the part of both the articular car tilage matrix and the cells. The matrical changes comprised those in size and orientation of the col lagen fibrils and in proteoglycans. The cellular changes involved proliferation, degeneration and those in configuration of the cells. AlI these changes varied with different localities of the articular cartilage and with the time of articular instability.  相似文献   

The healing process of a standardized radial fracture was studied under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The active cellular activities of all main kinds of "osteogenesis cells", the collagen fibrils they produce and the three dimensional configurations of various calli are {lescribed. In the process of calcification, calcium salt moves from intracellular to the intercellular milieu throughout the whole course of fracture healing. In the early stage, calcium s.alt crystals deposited within the collagen fibrils in an un- homogeneous manner. As union is attained, the callus turns into finer homogeneous and becomes denser and more compact. It is concluded that the SEM is of value in the study of fracture healing mechanism.  相似文献   

Cellular activity in rabbit radius fractures is studied and observed by elcctron micro- scope. After fract,urc, polymorphonuclear neu- trophils, macrophages, fibrobIasts, chondroblasts and osteoblasts and osteoeytes appear at the fracture site in suc.cession. They represenL Lhe folloiving stages of fraet,ure healing: inflamma- tory stage, debridement stage, fibrous caUus stage, primary bony callus stage and secondary bony callus stage. Fibroblasts particjpate in and possess the action of osteagcnesis.  相似文献   

将50只家兔造成实验性桡骨骨折,分批取骨痂标本,用光镜和电子显微镜观察表明,在骨折愈合过程中,破骨细胞是骨吸收的主要执行者,巨噬细胞能吞噬死骨,但不能吸收骨质。  相似文献   

In the course of healing of standardized radius fracture in rabbits, there is emergence of extracellular matrix vesicles with subsequent calcification priOr to the deposition of calcium salts in the collagen fibrils. The calcified matrix vesicles turn into flocculent cal cospherules which coalesce to form bone substance. The phenomenon of calcification of matrix vesicles takes place not only around the osteoblasts and chon drocytes but also around the fibroblasts. The same se- quential events about changes in matrix vesicle can be detected whether the fibroblasts are in an active se- creting state, and transform into osteocytes, or under- go degeneration, decease, and replacement by bone substance. Because deposition of calcium salt crystals takes place in the collagen fibrils abutting the fibro- blasts and the fibroblasts transform into osteocytes, the findings in our study show the importance of fibroblasts in osteogenesis in the course of fracture healing.  相似文献   

The results of electron microscopic observa- tion on transformation of fibroblasts and chond- rocytes in experimental fracture healing in 75 healthy male white rabbits are reported. It is found that in the course of fracture healing, fibroblasts either undergo degenerative changes leading to decease and replacement by bony tissue or transform without degeneration into osteocytes directly. Consequently they not only produce collagen fibrils and form fibrous callus, but also play an important role in elaborating bony callus and creating osteocytes. In endochondral ossification, chondrocytes pass through various degenerative changes to end in decease and replacement by bony tissue.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopic investigation of standardized fractures of radii in 50 rabbits re vealed that fibroblasts took part in the formation of bony callus. The osteogenetic role played by the fibroblasts can be categorized into the following 5 aspects: a. Fibroblasts synthesize and secrete Type collagen fibrils and induce deposition of calcium salt crystals in the collagen fibrils. b. Fibroblasts produce matrix vesicles in their surroundings. These matrix vesicles become calcified and turn into floccu- lent calcospherules which coalesce and fuse into bone tissues. c. Fibroblasts harbor calcium granules in their mitochondria, thus providing calcium for calci- fication of the intercellular matrix and bone forma tion between the cells. d. Fibroblasts can transform directly into osteocytes; there is bone formation around the fibroblasts, the bone tissues surround the fibroblast in the form of bony lacuna, then the fibro- blast in the lacuna transforms into osteocyte. e. Fibroblasts can undergo degenerative changes leading to decease and replacement by bone tissues.  相似文献   

成年(10—16岁),老年(20—23岁)猕猴6只,高脂高胆固醇造型22—28个月,透射电镜下发现:①大脑中动脉内皮水肿,质膜泡增多,间隙增宽,内膜基质增多。②中膜平滑机细胞异型化,间质胶原纤维增生。③老年猴中央支也表现出上述改变。结果提示:高脂血症可以导致脑动脉硬化,为中老年人脑血管病防治提供形态学资料。  相似文献   

We studied normal lumbar intervertebral discs of rat, rabbit and man (fetus and adult) by transmis- sion electron microscope. It was found that although the annulus fibrosus was composed of fibrocartilage, the cells in the lacunae of the fibrocartilage showed configuration transition from fibroblasts to notochordal cells. Elastic fibers could be detected in the annulus. Nucleus pulposus contained notochordal cells which may exist singly or in stacks in a loose matrix. In patients with protruding or ruptured lumbar intervertebral discs, the diseased disc material originated from the nucleus pulposus, the superficial stratum of the annulus fibrosus, and the cartilagi nous tissue. Both living and degenerate notochordal cells existed in the nucleus pulposus. In the cartilaginous tissue, chondrocytes showed active secretory function or underwent interstitial growth and degeneration. The cellular component of the superficial stratum of the annulus fibrosus was com- prised mainly of living fibrocartilage cells similar to fibroblasts.  相似文献   

目的 :了解实验性急性胰腺炎大鼠早期胰岛微血管的超微结构变化 ,并探讨其与急性胰腺炎的关系。方法 :采用皮下注射超大剂量雨蛙素诱发大鼠急性水肿性胰腺炎 ,用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察急性胰腺炎早期胰岛微血管的形态和变化。结果 :①在透射电镜下 ,胰岛毛细血管内皮细胞肿胀 ,管腔狭窄、不规则 ,内皮细胞“窗孔”数量增加。②在扫描电镜下 ,胰岛毛细血管外形不规则 ,与外分泌部毛细血管之间的吻合明显减少 ;毛细血管表面可见铸型剂形成的泡状物。结论 :急性胰腺炎早期即有胰岛微血管损伤的表现 ,推测其与胰腺炎的进展密切相关。  相似文献   

The diseased synovium of rheumatoid arthritis patients was studied under transmission electron microscope and the following findings could be observed. The cellular components of the synovial intimal layer comprised Type-A and Type-B cells and in addition Type-AB cells, which exhibited the characteriastics of both A and B cells. The intercellular matrix was electron-lucent and appeared porous as a result of edema incident to rheumatoid inflammation. The synovial subintimal tissue revealed obvious infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In between the intimal layer and the subintimal tissues there appeared another stratum inhabited chiefly by Type-AB cells. The cytoplasm of these cells contained a large amount of fat droplets. The intercellular matrix was denser than that of the intimal layer. All these changes imply a heightened metabolic activity on the part of the cells due to inflammation and immunological stimulation.  相似文献   

用家兔造成实验性视网膜缺血,通过光镜、电镜观察其病理变化。结果表明家兔视网膜对缺血的耐受时间是60分钟,主要病理改变是变性、溶解和增生。  相似文献   

Tnree different kinds of fibers are generated in the course of fracture healing: tibrin fibers, typical collagen fibrils produced by fibroblasts and ostcoblasts aud equally important atypical collagen fibrils produced by chondroblasts. In tho special situation of fracture repiiir mature collagen fibrils winh periodicity can be produced c7irectly in fibroblast CYtoplasZn.  相似文献   

Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, a drug activating the circulation and alleviating stagnation, was ad ministered t0 50 New Zealand rabbits that had re- ceived standardized fractures of the radius. Radio graphs of the fractures showed that callus formation appcared earlier and was denser than in 50 control rabbits studied earlier. Transmission electron micros copy revealed five favorable effects of the drug, the first three of which were cellular. First, the osteo genic cells (the progenitors of the csteob:asts and chondrocytes) increased in both number and sites of distribution. Second, the fibroblasts, in addition to changing in configuration, showed very active pro- tein synthesis, with exuberant extracellular coflagcn fibril formation. The normal process of fibroblast degeneration was also expedited. Thus, the replace ment of fibroblasts by bony tissue was promoted. Third, an increased number of osteoclasts emerged in different areas of fracture callus and thus remodel ing was facilitated. Fourth, there was exuberant collagen fibril formation, which promoted p*:oduc tion of organic matrix. Fifth, the swollen mito- chondria of the fibroblasts contained more dense cal cium granules and thus provided more calcium for the calcification of matrix vesicles and collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

In the early period of repair following a standardized fracture of the radius of rabbits, ca- pillary formation can be seen in five different callus regions. The capillaries may be formed from a single endothelial ceH, or conjointly by two or more endothelial cells. When the endothelial cells con- tacted with each other, the cell membranes may be intimately joined together or form a cleft to fa- cilitate the passage of water, while in some cases a membranous flap may be formed, extending into the capillary lumen. There are pericytes surrounding and abutting on the capillaries. Both capillaries and pericytes are invested by a basal Iamina.  相似文献   

实验性低眼压视网膜超微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光镜和电镜观察了家兔低眼压在不同时间视网膜超微结构的改变。本实验表明低眼压1.33kpa(10mmHg)以下,14天以后视网膜发生病理改变,21天以后则出现严重的病理改变:视网膜神经纤维层萎缩、变薄,神经节细胞以及视杆、视锥细胞的外节破坏,并出现神经胶质细胞增生。电镜下的改变早于光镜。本实验提示我们,对临床上的低眼压,尤其青光眼术后的低眼压,应予以重视。  相似文献   

Osteoblasts and cfmndroblasts t,urn fibrous callus into bony callus through intramembra- nous and endochondrial ossification, completjng fracture repair. In fracture repair, with its special demands, the fibroblasts form bone, so czdcium salt crystal deposition takcs place in the collagen fibrils surrounding them. Depo- sitian of calcium salL crystals takes place not only in the typical collagen fibrils with 6-10 A periodici饥 brit also in the atypical collagen fibrils which are produced by chondroblasts and are irregular in size and array and pre- sent n0 6如 A periotlicity. Calcium salt crystals are not deposited throughout the whole length of the collagen fibrils at long one and tlie same time, instead they appear in scgmcnts before ihey coalesce inta single oncs in the iibril. There is an earlier deposition of calcimn salt crystals in the coar- ser and more mature and remote collagen fibnls than in the tibrils which are fi玎er, youn= ger and nearer to the cells. Calcium salts ex- ist in the form of granules in the membranes of mitochondria, rough suiiaced endoplasmic reticulum and in othcr inl.racellular mem'ora- nous strucfurcs. These granules provide es- sential raw materials lor calcium salt deposition in extracellular collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

Intra-articular fractures involving the subchondral bone were produced surgically in both left and right medial femoral condyles of twenty rabbits. The edges of the fractures on the left side were well approximated, while those on the right side maintained with a gap of 2 mm. Transmission electron microscopic study of the nearby articular cartilages conducted 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 months after the fracture revealed the following results: 1) The neighbouring articular chondrocytes tended once to assume the configuration of fibroblasts; 2) Those remote from the fracture showed both degeneration and hyperplasia to form clones; 3) Even after the intra-articular fractures were well-healed, degeneration and hyperplasia of the articular chondrocytes nearby the fracture would persist for some time.  相似文献   

Twelve male patients with non-union of fracture neck femur of 6-12 months duration were managed by open reduction and internal fixation and tensor fascia lata or gluteus medius muscle pedicle bone grafting through the anterior route. Internal fixation was done with Knowles pins and Asinis screws or combination of both. Union could be achieved in 11 out of the 12 cases. Functional recovery of hip was good in 9, fair in 2 and poor in one.KEY WORDS: Bone transplantation, Femur neck, Fractures, ununited, Fracture fixation, Tensor fascia lata  相似文献   

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