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针对含有内生变量的面板数据回归模型,提出基于工具变量的分位数回归估计方法.首先,通过引入工具变量解决协变量的内生性问题,然后利用分位数回归的方法对回归系数进行估计.在一些正则条件下,证明所提出估计的大样本性质,通过模拟研究证实该方法的有限样本性质.  相似文献   

本文应用最优化理论,对固定效应的面板数据分位数回归模型,提出一种模式搜索方法,此方法可以同时估计出所有分位点处的解释变量系数和所有个体的固定效应值。进一步利用蒙特卡洛模拟比较现有文献中涉及的面板数据分位数回归方法,结果显示无论误差项是否满足经典假设,模式搜索分位数回归法较之其他分位数回归估计方法更为有效.  相似文献   

文章考虑协变量含有测量误差的变系数模型,为了消除测量误差的影响,在估计过程中引入工具变量,利用工具变量对含有测量误差的协变量进行校正.为了获得稳健估计,利用分位数回归方法得到不同分位点上系数函数的估计.在一些正则条件下,证明了所提出的估计的渐近正态性.模拟研究比较了Naive估计,基于工具变量校正的分位数回归估计(IVQR)以及基于工具变量校正的最小二乘估计(IVLS),模拟结果表明文章提出的方法优于已有的方法.最后采用文章提出的方法对中国农村居民的金融资产余额的影响因素进行了分析,结果表明住户债务余额系数呈现U型变化,家庭收入系数呈现倒U型变化.  相似文献   

何晓霞  徐伟  李缓  吴传菊 《数学杂志》2017,37(5):1101-1110
本文研究了基于面板数据的分位数回归模型的变量选择问题.通过增加改进的自适应Lasso惩罚项,同时实现了固定效应面板数据的分位数回归和变量选择,得到了模型中参数的选择相合性和渐近正态性.随机模拟验证了该方法的有效性.推广了文献[14]的结论.  相似文献   

针对面板数据回归模型,本文结合复合分位数回归,提出了改进的两阶段分位数回归估计方法,所提出的估计不仅保留了分位数回归的优点,而且保留了变量的含义.进一步,采用所提出的方法分析了对外贸易对经济增长的影响.分析表明,对外贸易对经济增长具有正向影响,且在对外贸易开放度越高的地区,其对经济增长的影响越大。  相似文献   

本文研究了含有个体固定效应的面板数据空间误差模型,基于工具变量法给出了估计模型未知参数的分位回归方法.随机模拟结果显示,工具变量分位回归估计是处理空间面板数据的有效手段,且明显优于均值回归方法.  相似文献   

车辆保险产品的定价一般会考虑保单持有人的索赔概率和期望索赔额等两个因素,零调整逆高斯回归模型作为解决这类问题的一个有力工具,由于变量分布的限定,从而具有一定的局限性.针对该问题,本文基于零调整逆高斯回归模型和分位数回归模型的思想,提出零调整分位数回归模型,并结合实际数据进行了拟合分析.与零调整逆高斯回归模型拟合的结果比较表明,零调整分位数回归模型可以作为研究车辆保险中索赔额的一个有力工具.  相似文献   

将Box-Cox变换与分位数回归模型相结合(两阶段法),是分位数回归研究领域的一大进步。该法虽然两步都与分位数回归的检验函数紧密结合,但是由于没有利用分位数回归的优良性质,而是引入了中间参变量,因此增加了模型的累进误差,降低了模型精度。更重要的是,两阶段法没有对于分位数回归领域中普遍出现的分位数回归曲线的相交问题给出解决方法。针对这些问题,经研究应该首先确定Box-Cox变换的参数,避免模型中不确定因素的引入,然后对数据进行整体变换并结合分位数检验函数,直接利用分位数回归的优良性质,最终确定分位数回归模型的参数。实例证明,该方法提高了模型的精度,可以有效地解决分位数回归曲线的相交问题。  相似文献   

本文结合复合分位数回归和自适应LASSO惩罚方法为固定效应面板数据模型提供了一种稳健变量选择过程。先通过正向正交偏差变换消除固定效应,再利用自适应LASSO构造惩罚复合分位数回归目标函数,进而同时进行回归系数的估计和变量选择。在一些正则条件下,证明了所提出的估计具有Orcale性质。该方法不仅消除了固定效应对估计的影响,而且具有稳健性。模拟研究了所提出方法的有限样本性质并将其应用于实际数据分析。  相似文献   

分位数回归方法由于其具有稳健性,不仅能够全面刻画响应变量的条件分布,还能提供更有现实意义的回归参数,已经逐渐成为各个领域统计分析的强有力的工具.但在许多实际应用中,人们不仅想要探寻不同水平下(即不同分位数)响应变量与解释变量之间的关系,更希望找到一个最优水平,也即最优分位数,使其上的回归结果最真实可靠,最好地反映总体情况.文中提出一种新的回归方法一最优分位回归方法,给出此类问题一个完美的解决方案.该方法的灵感主要来源于稀疏函数的定义,可以证实与传统均值回归相比最优分位回归方法更具优势:(1)稳健性.不受误差分布的限制;(2)有效性.回归结果蕴含信息更丰富;(3)灵活性.对任意模型及数据均适用.文中的模拟结果也对以上三条性质给予极大的支持.最后食品消费数据的分析结果表明当考虑食品消费与人均收入的关系时,中下等收入人群的消费模式为社会的主流模式.  相似文献   

李素芳  张虎  吴芳 《运筹与管理》2019,28(10):89-99
针对传统面板协整检验在建模过程中易受异常值影响以及其原假设设置的主观选择问题,本文利用动态公共因子刻画面板数据潜在的截面相关结构,提出基于动态因子的截面相关结构的贝叶斯分位面板协整检验,结合各个主要分位数水平下参数的条件后验分布,设计结合卡尔曼滤波的Gibbs抽样算法,进行贝叶斯分位面板协整检验;并进行Monte Carlo仿真实验验证贝叶斯分位面板协整检验的可行性与有效性。同时,采用中国各省金融发展和经济增长的面板数据进行实证研究,结果发现在各主要分位数水平下中国金融发展和经济增长之间具有协整关系。研究结果表明:贝叶斯分位面板协整检验方法避免了传统面板数据协整方法由于原假设设置不同而发生误判的问题,克服了异常值的影响,能够提供全面准确的模型参数估计和协整检验结果。  相似文献   

We propose a two-step variable selection procedure for censored quantile regression with high dimensional predictors. To account for censoring data in high dimensional case, we employ effective dimension reduction and the ideas of informative subset idea. Under some regularity conditions, we show that our procedure enjoys the model selection consistency. Simulation study and real data analysis are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper highlights some recent developments in testing predictability of asset returns with focuses on linear mean regressions, quantile regressions and nonlinear regression models. For these models, when predictors are highly persistent and their innovations are contemporarily correlated with dependent variable, the ordinary least squares estimator has a finite-sample bias, and its limiting distribution relies on some unknown nuisance parameter, which is not consistently estimable. Without correcting these issues, conventional test statistics are subject to a serious size distortion and generate a misleading conclusion in testing predictability of asset returns in real applications. In the past two decades, sequential studies have contributed to this subject and proposed various kinds of solutions, including, but not limit to, the bias-correction procedures, the linear projection approach, the IVX filtering idea, the variable addition approaches, the weighted empirical likelihood method, and the double-weight robust approach. Particularly, to catch up with the fast-growing literature in the recent decade, we offer a selective overview of these methods. Finally, some future research topics, such as the econometric theory for predictive regressions with structural changes, and nonparametric predictive models, and predictive models under a more general data setting, are also discussed.  相似文献   

在带有罚函数的变量选择中,调节参数的选择是一个关键性问题,但遗憾的是,在大多数文献中,调节参数选择的方法较为模糊,多凭经验,缺乏系统的理论方法.本文基于含随机效应的面板数据模型,提出分位回归中适应性LASSO调节参数的选择标准惩罚交叉验证准则(PCV),并讨论比较了该准则与其他选择调节参数的准则的效果.通过对不同分位点进行模拟,我们发现当残差E来自尖峰分布和厚尾分布时,该准则能更好地估计模型参数,尤其对于高分位点和低分位点而言.选取其他分位点时,PCV的效果虽稍逊色于Schwarz信息准则,但明显优于A1kaike 信息准则和交叉验证准则.且在选择变量的准确性方面,该准则比Schwarz信息准则、Akaike信息准则等更加有效.文章最后对我国各地区多个宏观经济指标的面板数据进行建模分析,展示了惩罚交叉验证准则的性能,得到了在不同分位点处宏观经济指标之间的回归关系.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the estimation problem of a tree model for multiple conditional quantile functions of the response. Using the generalized, unbiased interaction detection and estimation algorithm, the quantile regression tree (QRT) method has been developed to construct a tree model for an individual quantile function. However, QRT produces different tree models across quantile levels because it estimates several QRT models separately. Furthermore, the estimated quantile functions from QRT often cross each other and consequently violate the basic properties of quantiles. This undesirable phenomenon reduces prediction accuracy and makes it difficult to interpret the resulting tree models. To overcome such limitations, we propose the unified noncrossing multiple quantile regressions tree (UNQRT) method, which constructs a common tree structure across all interesting quantile levels for better data visualization and model interpretation. Furthermore, the UNQRT estimates noncrossing multiple quantile functions simultaneously by enforcing noncrossing constraints, resulting in the improvement of prediction accuracy. The numerical results are presented to demonstrate the competitive performance of the proposed UNQRT over QRT. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

To better forecast the Value-at-Risk of the aggregate insurance losses, Heras et al. (2018) propose a two-step inference of using logistic regression and quantile regression without providing detailed model assumptions, deriving the related asymptotic properties, and quantifying the inference uncertainty. This paper argues that the application of quantile regression at the second step is not necessary when explanatory variables are categorical. After describing the explicit model assumptions, we propose another two-step inference of using logistic regression and the sample quantile. Also, we provide an efficient empirical likelihood method to quantify the uncertainty. A simulation study confirms the good finite sample performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

纵向数据常常用正态混合效应模型进行分析.然而,违背正态性的假定往往会导致无效的推断.与传统的均值回归相比较,分位回归可以给出响应变量条件分布的完整刻画,对于非正态误差分布也可以给稳健的估计结果.本文主要考虑右删失响应下纵向混合效应模型的分位回归估计和变量选择问题.首先,逆删失概率加权方法被用来得到模型的参数估计.其次,结合逆删失概率加权和LASSO惩罚变量选择方法考虑了模型的变量选择问题.蒙特卡洛模拟显示所提方法要比直接删除删失数据的估计方法更具优势.最后,分析了一组艾滋病数据集来展示所提方法的实际应用效果.  相似文献   

This paper develops a Bayesian approach to analyzing quantile regression models for censored dynamic panel data. We employ a likelihood-based approach using the asymmetric Laplace error distribution and introduce lagged observed responses into the conditional quantile function. We also deal with the initial conditions problem in dynamic panel data models by introducing correlated random effects into the model. For posterior inference, we propose a Gibbs sampling algorithm based on a location-scale mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution. It is shown that the mixture representation provides fully tractable conditional posterior densities and considerably simplifies existing estimation procedures for quantile regression models. In addition, we explain how the proposed Gibbs sampler can be utilized for the calculation of marginal likelihood and the modal estimation. Our approach is illustrated with real data on medical expenditures.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a shape-restricted nonparametric quantile regression to estimate the τ-frontier, which acts as a benchmark for whether a decision making unit achieves top τ efficiency. This method adopts a two-step strategy: first, identifying fitted values that minimize an asymmetric absolute loss under the nondecreasing and concave shape restriction; second, constructing a nondecreasing and concave estimator that links these fitted values. This method makes no assumption on the error distribution and the functional form. Experimental results on some artificial data sets clearly demonstrate its superiority over the classical linear quantile regression. We also discuss how to enforce constraints to avoid quantile crossings between multiple estimated frontiers with different values of τ. Finally this paper shows that this method can be applied to estimate the production function when one has some prior knowledge about the error term.  相似文献   

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