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Injuries of bladder and urethra cause diagnostic and therapeutic problems to urologists and surgeons. A retrospective study of 98 patients from 1975 until 1982 with pelvic trauma and damage of the lower urinary tract is presented concerning etiology, mechanism of accident and therapeutic possibilities, as well as the analysis of 24 patients with anterior urethra damage In all 38 cases with ruptured bladder operation was performed. 66 patients with posterior urethra damage were treated with regard to their general status. In this study conservative management with catheter or cystostomy seems to be more favourable in posterior urethra damage than primary reconstructions especially when considering the rate of urethral structure. Furthermore problems of posttraumatic difficulties with sexual potency are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In dem vorliegenden Bericht werden die Kurerfahrungen mit der kombinierten Anwendung von Heilgymnastik, naturgemäßen Heilmethoden und Chiropraktik im Sportsanatorium Isny von Januar 1953 bis März 1955 im Verlauf von 27 Kuren (1365 Kriegsversehrte) besprochen und aus der ärztlichen Betreuung die Behandlungsergebnisse der häufigsten Erkrankungen dargelegt.Aus dem Sportsanatorium Isny im Allgäu  相似文献   

It will be reported about 20 open wound of the heart, which were observed between 1964 and October 1980 at the II. Univ. Clinic of Traumatology in Vienna. 17 of them could be operated and 10 could be discharged healed. In 14 cases the cause was a stab, in 5 cases a gun-shot and in one case an explosion. The right and the left ventricle were wounded in equal numbers. Six patients were reanimated successfully after admission but died after operation. In three cases the reanimation was not successful. Except in one case the anterolateral thoracotomy was chosen for entering. An experienced, well trained team is absolutely necessary to provide such wounds.  相似文献   

Divergent opinions exist in treating severe kidney damage. Therapeutic possibilities are shown in 150 kidney injuries, analysed in a retrospective study, during an 8-year period (1975 to 1982) in an urological and surgical department. Conservative treatment was preferred in nearly all kidney trauma grade I (according to Hodges). Nephrectomy was done in 87,5 % of all grade III kidney injuries. In grade II kidney damage 9,1 % were managed by conservative and 90,9 % by operative therapy. 78 % of the injuried kidneys, grade II and III, could be saved. Operative treatment is highly more recommended regardless whether kidney trauma happened with or without other injuries. Decisions between both therapeutic possibilities, conservative or operative, depend upon posttraumatic complications and the urgency of polytraumatic injuries. Early cooperation between urologist and surgeon is most important.  相似文献   

Blunt renal injuries are classified into 4 groups, namely contusions (grade I), lacerations (grade II), severe fractures (grade III) and pedicle injuries (grade IV). A group of 71 patients with closed renal trauma is reported being classified into 46 grade I, 20 grade II, 3 grade III and 2 grade IV cases. Only the 5 patients with grade III and IV injuries needed surgical intervention resulting in nephrectomy in all 5 cases. Late complications occurred in 4 of the 20 patients of group II, namely contracted kidneys in 2 and hypertension in another 2 instances. The appropriate treatment should be chosen on an individual basis. In grade III and IV renal trauma, surgical intervention is generally required resulting in most in stances in nephrectomy. In grade I lesions expectant management is considered the rule. Controversy exists regarding the optimal therapy of grade II injuries. Statistics demonstrate that surgical intervention in these cases will result in greater renal tissue loss as compared with expectant management.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Schweiz genießt der lange autologe Venenbypass absolute Priorität zur Rekonstruktion von Verschlüssen, die bis unterhalb des Kniegelenkes reichen. Typisch für die helvetische Gefäßchirurgie ist auch die Tatsache, daß unter Umständen aus sportlichen Gründen bereits im Stadium II rekonstruiert wird. Ganz allgemein hängen die Resultate von einer sehr differenzierten Liste von Faktoren ab: Wahl des Verfahrens (TEA/Venenbypass), EA/Venenbypass), Charakter der Arteriosklerose (stenosierend/dilatierend), Lokalisation Verschlüsse/Stenosen, Einflußbahn/Ausflußbahn, med. Rezidivprophylaxe u. a.  相似文献   

ZusammenfaBung In einer Studie über 19 entnommene Leichennieren erhielten wir leider nur 13 mal die erbetenen Auskünfte über Transplantationsfunktionszeit und Empfängerüberlebens-dauer.Während 5 Patienten nach der Transplantation verstarben, befinden sich 2 erneut im Dialyse-Programm. 6 Patienten sind 24–71 Monate nach durchgeführter Transplantation rehabilitiert. 9 von 13 Transplantaten zeigten nach einem Jahr eine ausreichende Funktion. Dieses über der EDTA-Statistik liegende Ergebnis läBt unser Vorgehen bei dem bestehenden Spendermangel als dringend notwendig und nachahmenswert erscheinen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1982-1986 wurden bei 913 colorectalen Eingriffen in 165 Fällen die Kontinuität mit einem Klammernahtgerät wiederhergestellt (u. a. 116 Rectum- und Sigmacarcinome, 31 Diverticulitiden). Komplikationsrate von 20,3% versus 24% bei manueller Naht. Neun Nahtinsuffizienzen: dreimal Relaparotomie erforderlich, ein Patient verstorben. Anastomosenstenosen bei 5 Patienten — 1 Nachresektion. Technische Fehler bei 5 Patienten, davon nur einer durch das Gerät bedingt. Die locoregionäre Rezidivrate nach anteriorer Rectumresektion bei Patienten, deren Operation länger als 2 Jahre zurücklag, betrug 10,4% versus 17,8% bei Handnaht.  相似文献   

Over a period of 10 years various orthopaedic-paediatric operations were performed under hyperbaric spinal anaesthsia. Methods. The children were randomly assigned to five groups: I, 0–6 months; II, 6–12 months; III, 1–5 years; IV, 5–10 years; V, 10–15 years. The children fasted for at least 4–6?h prior to surgery and were premedicated with midazolam. Spinal anaesthesia was achieved with hyperbaric (8% glucose) bupivacaine 0.5% at a dose of 0.5–1.0?mg/kg. After the monitors were attached, the patient was placed in the lateral decubitus position with chin extended. The lumbar spine was punctured in the lowest, most easily palpable interspace below the third lumbar vertebra using a 25-, 29-gauge, 9-cm disposable spinal needle. The local anaesthetic was injected over a period of 15–30?s. Ketamine 1?mg/kg was administered intravenously if the child was restless. The spread of blockade was tested by means of pin pricks and motor blockade with a Bromage schema. All patients were monitored electrocardiographically. If necessary a transcutaneous pO2 monitor was used to avoid high arterial oxygen tension. The spinal anaesthesia was considered to be completely successful if the child was assessed as free of pain during the surgical procedure and if no supplementary agents were used. Midazolam was necessary for sedation. Results. The children ranged in age from 6 weeks to 15 years. Haemodynamic pattern and respiration were stable during spinal anaesthesia. The intra- and postoperative condition of circulation and analgesia were very good, also without complications. The only intraoperative complication was hypotension in groups IV and V. Conclusions. The duration of spinal anaesthesia in infants is shorter than in adult patients. Spinal anaesthesia is a suitable anaesthetic technique for paediatric surgery. This method of anaesthesia may avoid the increased incidence of postoperative respiratory complications associated with general anaesthesia. Special anatomical and pharmacological considerations for infants under 1 year of age include the fact that the spinal cord may end as low as L3 in the neonate. Our results show that spinal anaesthesia can be safely and reliably performed in these infants. Hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% as a spinal anaesthetic agent in infants has been investigated extensively and produces consistently good operating conditions. The technique has not resulted in hypotension or bradycardia, and no complications have occurred. We did not use atropine in any patient. However, the superiority of spinal anaesthesia over other forms of anaesthesia in this group of patients remains to be demonstrated. Continuous training and critical analysis are needed for good results.  相似文献   

Von 471 im Jahre 1977 mitgegebenen Fragebögen (nach Schirren und Lindemann 1972) über die Ehefrau wurden 157 (33,3%) von den behandelnden Frauenärzten an uns zurückgeschickt und ausgewertet. Die Basaltemperatur war bei 114 Patientinnen gemessen worden (72,6% der beantworteten Bögen), davon fanden sich bei 41 Patientinnen primär monophasische Zyklen (26,1%). Bei 43 Patientinnen war die Basaltemperatur nicht gemessen worden oder es fehlten entsprechende Angaben (27,4% der beantw. Bogen). Der Postkoitaltest wurde bei 24 Patientinnen durchgeführt (15,2% d. beantw. Bogen), bei 6 Patientinnen fiel er pathologisch aus. Prüning der Tubendurchgängigkeit (Pertubation, Hysterosalpingographie und Pelviskopie) erfolgte bei 60 Patientinnen (43,9% der beantw. Bogen), bei 3 Frauen lag ein Tubenverschluß vor (1,9% der beantw. Bogen).
Insgesamt zeigen sich in den Ergebnissen gute Ansätze zu weiterer fruchtbarer gynäkologisch-andrologischer Kooperation.  相似文献   

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