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The effects of pH and Eh on release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments of West Lake under different conditions were investigated by simulation test. Results showed that the net flux of NH4+-N release from sediments increased with pH, but NO3--N showed negative-going release at all tested pH levels. The net flux of NH4+-N release from sediments was higher under anaerobic or aerobic condition of the overlying water, but only under aerobic condition would net release of NO3--N occur. It was also shown that phosphorus released was mainly in its inorganic form, higher pH and anaerobic conditions of overlying water greatly stimulated release of phosphorus. In situ measurement at several West Lake locations indicated that sediment resuspension induced by boat propeller stimulated nutrients release from sediment into overlying water.  相似文献   

The effects of pH andEh on release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments of West Lake under different conditions were investigated by simulation test. Results showed that the net flux of NH4 +-N release from sediments increased with pH, but NO3 -N showed negative-going release at all tested pH levels. The net flux of NH4 +-N release from sediments was higher under anaerobic or aerobic condition of the overlying water, but only under aerobic condition would net release of NO3 -N occur. It was also shown that phosphorus released was mainly in its inorganic form, higher pH and anaerobic conditions of overlying water greatly stimulated release of phosphorus. In situ measurement at several West Lake locations indicated that sediment resuspension induced by boat propeller stimulated nutrients release from sediment into overlying water. Project (No.294059) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Aquaculture, one of fastest-growing food in-dustries, has increased worldwide at an average rate of 9.2% per year since 1970, compared with only 1.4% for capture fisheries and 2.8% for terrestrial farmed meat production system (FAO, 2002). Aquaculture has become the most advanced among agricultural fields. Simultaneously, due to intensive farming and lack of controlling guidelines, aquacul-ture’s impact on the environment has become of in-creasing concern. Excessive nutrie…  相似文献   

万历二十五年,袁宏道至杭州游历,在此期间创作了大量诗文.这些诗文对西湖进行了抒写,与其在吴县、公安所作诗作相比,具有不同的地域文化气息,形成了袁宏道独特的西湖诗文特点.  相似文献   

桂林西湖曾是桂林市区最大的湖泊,经过一段沧桑的交迁后完全湮废。如今的桂林西湖依然面临诸多问题,将古西湖复原是应对困境的良策。复原的古西湖能充分发挥生态功能、旅游功能、泄洪抗旱功能等,从而带来巨大的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益。桂林“两江四湖”工程各方面成功的经验,使古西湖复原工程更具可行性。  相似文献   

杭州因西湖而闻名,景色秀美,人文荟粹的西湖吸引了历代诗人,并成为其吟咏对象。对西湖诗人及其诗词作品的分析,有助于我们探究杭州地域文化的形成及其独特内涵,并对当下发展杭州文化,开发人文资源颇有裨益。  相似文献   

通过对惠州市西湖风景区的木本植物资源的调查, 结果表明该景区的木本植物种类总类为48 科127 种, 其中裸子植物有6 科8 种, 被子植物有42 科118 种。在对木本植物种类、优势科和主要特征分析的基础上, 讨论西湖风景区木本植物现状, 并就西湖风景区今后规划发展的木本植物配制和引进方面提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

通过对惠州市西湖风景区的草本植物资源调查,发现该景区的草本植物种类总类为33科73种,其中双子叶植物有23科47种,单子叶植物有10科26种。在对草本植物种类、优势科和主要特征分析的基础上,讨论西湖风景区草本植物现状,并就西湖风景区今后规划发展的草本植物配制和引进方面提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

1929年举办的西湖博览会是中国会展史上具有里程碑意义的盛会,在国内外产生了强烈的反响。博览会在组织、宣传、营销等方面均有不少值得称道的地方,尤其是其宣传推广方面的很多做法在今天举办各类博览会时仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了加强西洞庭湖湿地生物多样性保护,2002-2011年笔者对西洞庭湖鱼类资源进行了系统的调查研究,共鉴定出鱼类110种,隶属于9目20科。本文详细报道了2002-2011年西洞庭湖鱼类资源调查研究结果,分析了鱼类资源分布特征、消减原因,并提出了相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

通过对《惠州西湖志》的编纂过程、版本源流、文字内容的勘误情况以及该书作者张友仁的人生简历进行考证,分析了该书所载史料的重大作用及其所反映的宗教文化对惠州西湖的人文社会和人文景观的重要影响,认为该书是建设和管理现代惠州西湖,保存和编修惠州地方文献最为权威和全面的史料之一。  相似文献   

在养老服务体系中,社会化是其发展的必然趋势,而西湖区的居家养老服务便采取了通过招标以政府向社会实体购买服务的提供方式。为了解西湖区居家养老服务提供及满意度情况,采取深度访谈与问卷调查相结合的调查方法,以"模式——服务人员——满意度"为研究思路。调查结果显示,西湖区在制度设置、体系设计上已取得不错的成果,养老产业的扶持引导、养老资源的整合、服务人员的专业化水平、服务的多元化与个性化、服务人员与老年人的沟通等问题是政府、社会组织、社区、家庭等责任主体需共同努力改善之处。  相似文献   

Effects of dietary supplementation with fructooligosaccharides on the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus inMiichthys miiuy fries were investigated. Nine hundredMiichthys miiuy fries were divided into 3 groups, each with triplicates. The basal diet and the basal diet supplemented with carnitine groups were considered as the negative and positive controls respectively. Results showed that the nitrogen concentration in excreted feces decreased significantly in fries fed the diet supplementation with 1000×10−6 fructooligosaccharides and 200×10−6 carnitine (P<0.05). The ammonic-nitrogen concentration decreased significantly in the carnitine group only (P<0.05), indicating the decreasing tendency caused by the supplementation with fructooligosaccharides. Supplementation with both did not have significant effects on the concentration of phosphorus in feces ofMiichthys miiuy fries. Project supported by Public Bidding Item in Key Research of Zhejiang Province (No. 02110281-2) and Ningbo Tackle Key Problem for Agricultural Development (No. 2004C-100030), China  相似文献   

桂林西湖曾是桂林市区最大的湖泊,在历史上发挥过重要作用。自唐代李渤开发隐山西湖使其变成著名景区以来,西湖经历了沧桑沉浮的变迁。通过挖掘历史文献、碑刻、口碑资料及田野调查等,对西湖历史地理变迁的轨迹予以梳理,并揭示其在不同历史时期发挥的主要功能和作用。对西湖变迁的历史考察发现,西湖变迁既有自然原因,也有人为原因和社会原因等。  相似文献   

杨维桢是元代以"西湖"为题创作《竹枝词》的第一人。由杨维桢发起的"西湖竹枝酬唱",规模空前,影响深远。"西湖竹枝酬唱"的最终成果《西湖竹枝集》,选编了122位诗人的184首诗,是文学史上的第一部《西湖竹枝词》总集。其内容主要包括对元代西湖地区的自然景观、人文景观、民俗风情等的描写。《西湖竹枝集》对明、清两代的各类《竹枝词》创作,均产生了无可替代的影响。  相似文献   

1909年沪杭铁路开通,将杭州与新兴都市——上海接驳。源源不断的上海都市客激活了西湖旅游,为杭州发展注入了前所未有的动力。上海越喧嚣,西湖越人潮汹涌。杭州“很快地发展成为中国不可多见的新都市的原因,大部分要靠着西湖。”与此同时,杭州的城市价值及西湖新兴建设的困境也更明显。  相似文献   

《西湖二集》是"西湖小说"中成就比较突出的一本文人话本小说集,作者周清原在书中寄予了自己的满腔孤愤和热切的政治理想,无论从题材选择、思想意蕴还是语言风格上都具有鲜明的个性化色彩。  相似文献   

张可久的散曲以西湖为中心形成了浓郁的地域特色,从中抽绎出湖光山色、水边佳丽、东坡诗兴与林逋梅魂等因素,以此作为切入点恰可观照张可久的心灵指向。  相似文献   

《西湖的雪景》话语的涩,趣,叙述的随便与叙述者的优越感,既是传统文化的"遗传密码"的 显示,又有时代的投影与外来文化的影响,更代表了一种不同于鲁迅的大憎大爱,而是趋向于平和、中府的知 识分子对生活与世界的立场位置与思考方式。  相似文献   

王阳明所作余姚、绍兴、西湖、泰山诗作,熔物、性、情、理于一炉,从不同的视角表达了诗人对自然山水形态美的亲和力,历显山水的质感和人文底蕴,昭示“良知”的灵光。诗中充满入世与归隐的矛盾心态与寻求精神自由心路轨迹。艺术上不为世风所染,开明中期以降秀逸俊爽的一代诗风。  相似文献   

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