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郑国凡 《考试周刊》2009,(20):36-37
一种语言是在各种社会文化因素的共同作用之下形成的。这类社会文化因素包括历史、地理、经济、政治等不同方面。这种社会文化因素不但影响着一种语言的形成,而且影响着对这种语言的实际应用。只有充分考虑到这种文化因素的影响,语言学习者才能够更好地掌握和理解这种语言,进而才能正确地使用。本文通过词汇与习语两方面来简要阐释文化对语言的影响作用。  相似文献   

语言是一种社会现象,它随社会的变化而变化。从语言系统本身的发展来看,在一个社会阶段中,重要的概念、事物、关系、体系等都有最终被词化的倾向,即以独立的词项去承载其语义。因此,社会影响着语言,只有把语言置于动态的社会之中才能揭示语言的动态本质。  相似文献   

语言是一种社会现象,它随社会的变化而变化。从语言系统本身的发展来看,在一个社会阶段中,重要的概念、事物、关系、体系等都有最终被词化的倾向,即以独立的词项去承载其语义。因此,社会影响着语言,只有把语言置于动态的社会之中才能揭示语言的动态本质。  相似文献   

我国的大众传媒的迅速发展,人们开始越来越关注广播电视给人们带来的积极影响。通过对广播电视中传播语言促进人们在口语上的表达能力,本文就是在围绕广播电视传播语言语体特点和风格分析,分析当前我国广播电视的现状,在传播语言方面有哪些特点值得人们学习,在学习的过程中促进我们自身语言的发展。  相似文献   

以往的研究多从口语和书面语这两种语言形式角度给广播电视语言定位。然而从符号·学角度看,广播电视语言则是记录口语、书面语的一种符号系统。作为符号的广播电视语言应该注重语形和语义的研究。  相似文献   

中国广播电视传媒发展到现阶段,有声语言传播的重要地位日益凸显,其形成的强大传播效果越来越得到从业人员的重视。如何形成有声语言传播的规范,如何提高有声语言传播的质量是本文探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   

广播电视语言在很大程度上接近日常口语,应定位于“说话”的形式上。这是多元化社会发展的需求,也是广播电视自身发展规律的需求。但是要“说好话”必须受众的语言需求及电视节目主持人,用意员自身素质两个方面加以要求。  相似文献   

语言是对某个时期变化的描述性的,或是概括性的记载,词汇是文化的浓缩。本文以词汇为窗口,从社会,科技及政治三个方面分析了社会文化变迁对英语的影响,并从历史的角度分析了外来文化在英语形成过程中的作用。  相似文献   

王娟 《现代语文》2015,(3):108-109
儿童语言习得过程是儿童在社会文化环境下潜意识地掌握语言和学习文化的一个过程。儿童学习语言虽然有先天的能力,但更重要的是后天语言环境因素的影响。本文试从语言观念、性格角色及社会文化环境等方面对儿童语言习得的影响因素进行深入分析,以进一步促进儿童语言习得水平的发展。  相似文献   

广播电视节目主持人语言问题研究是广播电视节目主持人研究的重要课题,广播电视节目主持人通过语言实现信息的有效传播,不规范的语言问题对信息传播将产生不良影响,本文旨在找出广播电视节目主持人语言问题的症结,提出对策建议,帮助广播电视节目主持人建立符合时代发展需要及审美诉求的语言面貌.  相似文献   

Teacher training being considered by all countries to be an essential problem, great efforts have been made to face the needs for this in existing training schools. It was thought that it was only necessary to create more and larger installations. But it was soon realised that the extension of the former system does not answer the new needs.  相似文献   

对于许多电视台的经营者而言,使自己的节目在电视节目"超市"中脱颖而出,一个好名字是至关重要的。本文在收集了367个电视节目名称的基础上,对其命名的语音特征、命名的词汇选择、命名的艺术手法和命名的语言要求等进行了分析。  相似文献   

针对电视教材编制领域存在轻视音响语言的现象,分析音响语言的传递信息、烘托气氛等功能,并探讨其在电视教材中的几种常用方法。  相似文献   

体态语在课堂教学中的运用对学生的影响,是一个不可忽视的问题,是一种隐性的力量,它在课堂教学中起着非常重要的作用。通过对体态语言的功能进行梳理,从而进一步明确体态语言在课堂教学中的作用。期待广大教师在课堂教学中,更加重视和积极运用体态语言,发挥好体态语言的作用。  相似文献   

以天猫的电商广告语为例,从社会语言学的视角分析、探讨电商广告语在社会现实、性别、以及年龄差异的社会因素影响下的特征,以期为社会语言学研究开拓新思路。  相似文献   

We administered the GSS-2, a standardised measure of suggestibility, to 5- to 12-year-old children to ascertain whether neglected children’s responses to leading questions distinguish them from those of their non-neglected counterparts. Neglected children (n = 75) were more likely than an age-matched sample of non-neglected children (n = 75) to yield to leading questions, despite no difference in their ability to recall the test stimuli. Subsequent collection of individual difference data from the neglected sample revealed that this effect could not be attributed to intelligence, language ability, problem behaviours, age at onset of neglect, or time spent in out-of-home care. With respect to social skill, however, suggestibility was positively correlated with communicative skill, and marginally positively correlated with assertion and engagement. While on the surface our social skills findings seem counter-intuitive, it is possible that maltreated children with relative strengths in these areas have learned to comply with adults in their environment as a way to protect themselves or even foster belonging. Our data, while preliminary, raise interesting questions about whether targeted interventions could help these children to more actively participate in decisions about their lives.  相似文献   

Given the research that suggests the social use of language is the latest developing aspect of language, it was hypothesized that children with speech/language impairment (SLI) are particularly susceptible to social interaction difficulties, resulting in diminished social competence. This hypothesis was explored with SLI and non‐language‐impaired (NLI) 4‐ and 5‐year‐old children by gathering measures of social problem solving ability (as rated by teachers, parents, and peers), emotion knowledge, and language development. Results provided partial support for the hypothesis above. Speech/language‐impaired children were rated significantly lower on parent ratings of self‐control and higher in internalizing behaviors, and lower on teacher ratings of assertiveness, than the NLI controls. There were no differences noted on peer sociometric ratings or mutual friendships. However, SLI children scored lower on a stereotypical test of emotional knowledge, while scoring similarly to NLI controls on a nonstereotypical test. A test of language development (TELD‐2) differentiated the SLI and NLI groups, both expressively and receptively. In addition, the TELD‐2 indicated a significant difference in semantic processing errors, but not syntax errors, between the two groups. The differential effects of speech/language impairment on the development of social competence were explored. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 313–321, 2004.  相似文献   

言语禁忌现象存在于古今中外各个民族,在人们的生产、生活中有着不可忽视的力量。不同地区不同民族有着自己特有的禁忌语,本文将从场合、话题、参与者三个角度对合肥方言中的禁忌语进行社会语言学分析。  相似文献   

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