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The gamma subunit of transducin is farnesylated.   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Protein prenylation with farnesyl or geranylgeranyl moieties is an important posttranslational modification that affects the activity of such diverse proteins as the nuclear lamins, the yeast mating factor mata, and the ras oncogene products. In this article, we show that whole retinal cultures incorporate radioactive mevalonic acid into proteins of 23-26 kDa and one of 8 kDa. The former proteins are probably the "small" guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) and the 8-kDa protein is the gamma subunit of the well-studied retinal heterotrimeric G protein (transducin). After deprenylating purified transducin and its subunits with Raney nickel or methyl iodide/base, the adducted prenyl group can be identified as an all-trans-farnesyl moiety covalently linked to a cysteine residue. Thus far, prenylation reactions have been found to occur at cysteine in a carboxyl-terminal consensus CAAX sequence, where C is the cysteine, A is an aliphatic amino acid, and X is undefined. Both the alpha and gamma subunits of transducin have this consensus sequence, but only the gamma subunit is prenylated. Therefore, the CAAX motif is not necessary and sufficient to direct prenylation. Finally, since transducin is the best understood G protein, both structurally and mechanistically, the discovery that it is farnesylated should allow for a quantitative understanding of this post-translational modification.  相似文献   

The most common form of blindness at birth, Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA), is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. Mutations in six different retina-specific genes, including a recently discovered gene, AIPL1, have been linked to LCA in humans. To understand the molecular basis of LCA caused by aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) mutations, and to elucidate the normal function of AIPL1, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen using AIPL1 as bait. The screen demonstrated that AIPL1 interacts specifically with farnesylated proteins. Mutations in AIPL1 linked to LCA compromise this activity. These findings suggest that the essential function of AIPL1 within photoreceptors requires interactions with farnesylated proteins. Analysis of isoprenylation in cultured human cells shows that AIPL1 enhances the processing of farnesylated proteins. Based on these findings, we propose that AIPL1 interacts with farnesylated proteins and plays an essential role in processing of farnesylated proteins in retina.  相似文献   

Mammalian cardiac atria possess several unidentified biologically active peptides. Fractionation of rat atrial extracts by gel filtration chromatography revealed two major fractions [apparent molecular weights of 20,000-30,000 (peak I) and less than 10,000 (peak II)], both of which were potent natriuretic agents (eliciting a 25-fold increase in sodium excretion) and smooth muscle relaxants. Vigorous treatment with trypsin (100 units/ml at 37 degrees C for 15 min) of both fractions abolished all biological activity. Further purification of the lower molecular weight fraction (peak II) by ion-exchange chromatography indicated two subfractions that possessed potent natriuretic activity and that preferentially relaxed either intestinal (designated peak IIA) or vascular (peak IIB) smooth muscle assay tissues. The similarity of the biological effect of the high (peak I) and low (peak II) molecular weight peptides led us to test the possibility of precursor-product relationship. Mild proteolytic treatment of the high molecular weight peptide with trypsin (1 unit/ml at room temperature) markedly enhanced the smooth muscle relaxant activity. Subsequent analysis of the trypsin (1 unit/ml)-treated high molecular weight peptide (peak I) by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography revealed that the peptide now resembled the low molecular weight peptides (peaks IIA and IIB) present in the original atrial extract. These data suggest that the cardiac atria contain a relatively inactive (smooth muscle relaxant) high molecular weight peptide and suggest that biologically active low molecular weight peptides can subsequently be generated by proteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

An antiserum raised against a peptide was used to select a unique RNA species from a degenerate pool of RNAs designed to resemble an autoantibody recognition site in U1 RNA. The peptide and the selected RNA epitope could compete for antibody binding, suggesting that both RNA and peptide epitopes occupy the same or overlapping antigen-combining sites. Thus, the RNA epitope functioned as a specific inhibitor of the antibody-antigen interaction. We demonstrate that the RNA epitope can be used to tag unrelated RNA molecules and also to detect the presence of the antibody. We propose that sequence-specific recognition of RNA by antibodies may involve protein-RNA contacts similar to those occurring in other nucleic acid-binding proteins. In addition, these findings are compatible with the suggestion that nucleic acid-binding autoantibodies may arise through immunological cross-reactivity between proteins and nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Rough and smooth microsomes were prepared from ascites tumor cells, rat liver, and bovine adrenal cortex. Proteolytic removal of the signal peptide in pre-placental lactogen and asparagine-linked glycosylation of the alpha subunit of chorionic gonadotropin by these fractions were examined in mRNA-dependent lysates from ascites cells. Both processing steps were performed by smooth microsomes, which was unexpected because it has been presumed that only rough microsomes contain components for ribosomal binding. Thus smooth microsomes are apparently capable of interacting with polysomes bearing secretory nascent chains, and cleavage and asparagine-linked glycosylation activities are present in both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin, a highly conserved protein of 76 amino acids found in all eukaryotes, is translated from mRNAs that contain either multiple, contiguous coding sequences of the protein or a single ubiquitin coding sequence fused to sequences coding for 52 or 76 amino acids. We describe here formation of monoubiquitin from in vitro translation of mRNAs containing either two complete sequences or one complete ubiquitin and 60% of a second ubiquitin. No diubiquitin precursor was found with the complete diubiquitin mRNA, but the truncated mRNA formed proteins with apparent molecular masses of 30, 24, 7, and 4 kDa. The latter two are the expected products from truncated ubiquitin mRNA. The 30-kDa protein was immunoprecipitated by anti-ubiquitin antibodies and was converted to ubiquitin and the 4-kDa form by a ubiquitin isopeptidase-like activity in wheat germ. Other data indicated that the 30-kDa protein had multiple ubiquitins, all linked by isopeptide bonds to the truncated ubiquitin. One of these was the radiolabeled translation product, which should have been linked to the truncated protein by a normal peptide bond. A model is proposed in which ubiquitin itself participates in a transpeptidase activity.  相似文献   

Antigen processing for presentation of peptide epitopes by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules involves genes in the MHC class II region. Among these, PSF1 and PSF2 encode subunits of a transporter, which presumably delivers cytosolic peptides across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane to class I molecules. This close functional relationship of the transporter and class I heavy chain genes and their linkage within the MHC raise the question of whether PSF1 and PSF2, like most class I genes, are polymorphic. By single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and DNA sequencing, a small number of amino acid sequence variants of both PSF1 and PSF2 was identified in a panel of cell lines. This limited polymorphism may contribute to a higher degree of variability at the level of the functional transporter, in which different alleles of the PSF1 and PSF2 subunits may be combined. A possible involvement of the PSF1 and PSF2 genes in susceptibility to MHC-associated diseases was examined in a preliminary assessment in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, or celiac disease.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain MM18 cells containing malE-lacZ hybrid protein was reported to accumulate prolipoprotein when they were induced with maltose [Ito, K., Bassford, P. J. & Beckwith, J. (1981) Cell 24, 707-717]. We have shown that the prolipoprotein accumulated in maltose-induced MM18 cells is not modified, lacking covalently linked glyceride. When the cell envelope of MM18 containing unmodified prolipoprotein was incubated in the presence of detergent with [2-3H]glycerol-labeled cell envelope of strain JE5505 lacking murein lipoprotein, incorporation of [2-3H]glycerol radioactivity into both prolipoprotein and processed mature lipoprotein was observed. Likewise, when [3H]-palmitate-labeled JE5505 cell envelope was incubated with the MM18 cell envelope containing unmodified prolipoprotein in the presence of detergent, [3H]palmitate radioactivity was incorporated into prolipoprotein by ester linkage and into mature lipoprotein by both ester and amide linkages. These results indicate that our in vitro system contains activities of prolipoprotein modification and processing enzymes, including glyceryltransferase, O-acyltransferase, signal peptidase, and N-acyltransferase. The signal peptidase activity in our in vitro system was completely inhibited by globomycin. At pH 5.0, glyceryltransferase was inactive. Signal peptidase was active at pH 5.0, provided that prolipoprotein had been modified by glyceryltransferase (O-acyl-transferase) during a prior incubation at pH 9.1. These results strongly suggest that the modification of prolipoprotein by glyceryltransferase (and O-acyltransferase) precedes, and may in fact be a prerequisite for, the processing of prolipoprotein by signal peptidase.  相似文献   

T E Porter  L S Frawley 《Endocrinology》1991,129(5):2707-2713
We have previously reported that the normal expression of PRL-secreting cells in neonatal rats requires a maternal signal specific to the first few days of lactation. These results raised the possibility that a milk-borne factor(s) ingested by the neonate and absorbed into the circulation might induce the ontogenic appearance of PRL cells. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether milk from this period could directly stimulate the differentiation of PRL secretors in culture. Monodispersed anterior pituitary cells from 1-day-old pups were cultured for 6 days with aqueous extracts of milk from early (days 2, 3, and 4) and late (days 15 and 16) lactation and then subjected to reverse hemolytic plaque assays for PRL and GH release. We found that the addition of milk extracts (10 mg/ml) from either early or late lactation stimulated the differentiation of PRL secretors (to 6.1 +/- 1.0% and 2.4 +/- 0.7% of all pituitary cells, respectively; mean +/- SE; n = 3) above that in control cultures without milk (0.2 +/- 0.2%). Thus, early milk was more than twice as effective as late milk in this regard (P less than 0.05). This effect appeared to be specific to PRL cell differentiation, since the relative abundance of GH secretors was not different between cells treated with either early or late milk (29.3 +/- 4.8% and 33.7 +/- 3.9%, respectively). On the other hand, late milk was more than twice as effective as early milk at increasing the capacity of GH secretors to release hormone (P less than 0.05). Preliminary characterization by gel filtration chromatography and proteolytic hydrolysis indicates that the bioactivity that differentiates PRL secretors is a small peptide(s) of 2000-6000 daltons. Taken together, our results demonstrate that a milk-borne peptide(s) is capable of specifically stimulating the differentiation of PRL-secreting cells in vitro, and that this bioactivity is more prevalent in milk from early lactation.  相似文献   

G Noel  R E Mains 《Endocrinology》1991,129(3):1317-1325
Compared to corticotropes in the adult rat anterior pituitary, neonatal corticotropes exhibit a significantly lower extent of conversion of precursor molecules into ACTH and a substantially greater extent of ACTH cleavage into smaller product peptides similar in size to alpha-melanotropin and corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide (CLIP). In the present study we examined pro-ACTH/endorphin (PAE; also called POMC) processing in corticotropes at different times during postnatal development to determine when these cells cease cleaving ACTH into smaller peptides and when they cease accumulating large amounts of intact precursor in vivo. The pattern of processing observed in the newborn is maintained through the second week after birth. A dramatic decrease in ACTH cleavage occurs between the second and third postnatal weeks. The extent of precursor cleavage increases toward the adult pattern by the fifth postnatal week. Explants of newborn anterior pituitary were previously shown to exhibit increased cleavage of ACTH into ACTH-(1-13)NH2 and CLIP, a process that was suppressed by glucocorticoids. To determine whether corticotropes from older animals maintained this plasticity and what intercellular interactions might be required, dissociated primary cultures were maintained in complete serum-free medium with or without added glucocorticoids. After 7 days in complete serum-free medium, the cellular content of both intact precursor and peptides the size of CLIP was increased compared to the corresponding in vivo pattern for animals from birth through adulthood. Although corticotropes from younger animals exhibited more pronounced changes when placed in culture, even cultures from adult animals exhibited some ACTH cleavage. For corticotrope cultures prepared from animals up to postnatal day 15, chronic treatment with dexamethasone did not suppress ACTH cleavage activity, although glucocorticoids did suppress ACTH cleavage in cultures from animals older than postnatal day 22. Biosynthetic labeling studies with cultures from 4- to 5-week-old rats demonstrated that the powerful suppressive effect of dexamethasone on the cleavage of newly synthesized ACTH-(1-39) was only evident 24 h after addition of the glucocorticoid to the culture medium. In contrast, removal of dexamethasone allowed cleavage of ACTH to commence within a few hours.  相似文献   

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) is a prohormone which undergoes extensive tissue and cell specific post-translational processing producing a number of active peptides with diverse biological roles ranging from control of adrenal function to pigmentation to the regulation of feeding. One approach to unraveling the complexities of the POMC system is to engineer mouse mutants which lack specific POMC peptides. We describe here the design, generation, validation, and preliminary analysis of one such partial POMC mutant specifically lacking α-MSH. In contrast to POMC null mutant mice, mice lacking α-MSH in the presence of all other POMC peptides maintain adrenal structures and produce corticosterone comparable to wildtype littermates; however, they still have decreased levels of aldosterone, as found in POMC null mutant mice. Our findings demonstrate that α-MSH is not needed for maintenance of adrenal structure or for corticosterone production, but is needed for aldosterone production. These data demonstrate that mouse strains generated with precise genetic modifications of POMC peptide processing can answer questions about POMC peptide function. Further analysis of this and additional strains of mice with modified POMC peptide processing patterns will open up a novel avenue for studying the roles of individual POMC peptides.  相似文献   

Isolated central spindles or spindles in detergent-permeabilized cells from the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis can undergo ATP-dependent reactivation of spindle elongation in vitro. We have used a peptide antibody raised against a 10-amino acid portion common to the kinesin superfamily motor domain to look for kinesin-like motor activity during anaphase B of mitosis. The peptide antibody localizes to central spindles. Upon ATP reactivation of spindle elongation, antigens recognized by the antibody are associated exclusively with the central spindle midzone where antiparallel microtubules of each half-spindle overlap. The antibody recognizes several polypeptides by immunoblot using isolated spindle extracts. One of these polypeptides behaves like kinesin with respect to nucleotide-specific binding to and release from taxol-stabilized microtubules. Preincubation of the spindle model with the peptide antibody inhibits subsequent ATP reactivation of spindle elongation. Coincubation of the peptide antibody with peptide antigen rescues spindle function. These results support a role for kinesin-related protein(s) in spindle elongation (anaphase B) of mitosis and suggest that one or several polypeptides that we have identified in spindle extracts may fulfill this function.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid peptide, the hallmark of Alzheimer disease, forms fibrillar toxic aggregates in brain tissue that can be dissolved only by strong denaturing agents. To study beta-amyloid formation and its inhibition, we prepared immune complexes with two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), AMY-33 and 6F/3D, raised against beta-amyloid fragments spanning amino acid residues 1-28 and 8-17 of the beta-amyloid peptide chain, respectively. In vitro aggregation of beta-amyloid peptide was induced by incubation for 3 h at 37 degrees C and monitored by ELISA, negative staining electron microscopy, and fluorimetric studies. We found that the mAs prevent the aggregation of beta-amyloid peptide and that the inhibitory effect appears to be related to the localization of the antibody-binding sites and the nature of the aggregating agents. Preparation of mAbs against "aggregating epitopes," defined as sequences related to the sites where protein aggregation is initiated, may lead to the understanding and prevention of protein aggregation. The results of this study may provide a foundation for using mAbs in vivo to prevent the beta-amyloid peptide aggregation that is associated with Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

Thymocytes from DO10 T-cell-receptor transgenic mice undergo apoptosis, or programmed cell death, when chicken ovalbumin-(323-339) peptide is administered in vivo. Using DO10 mice thymocytes, we have now developed a simple in vitro model system that recapitulates the in vivo clonal-deletion process. When transgenic thymocytes were cocultured with fibroblasts, B cells, or thymic nurse cell lines (all bearing I-Ad) in the presence of chicken ovalbumin-(323-339), deletion of the transgenic TCR+CD4+CD8+ thymocytes was seen within 8-20 hr. Thymocytes designed to bear I-Ad on their surface could mediate the deletion themselves. Thus, thymocyte clonal deletion entirely depends on the stage at which the thymocytes are vulnerable to the onset of apoptosis, rather than on the nature of the peptide antigen-presenting cells. Furthermore, thymic nurse cell line TNC-R3.1 could cause deletion, strongly suggesting that some thymic epithelial/stromal components are potentially capable of participating in negative selection. In all cases examined, little deletion could be induced at a peptide concentration less than 10 nM, thus defining the minimum amount of peptide antigen required for negative selection. The peptide-dependent in vitro negative-selection system will allow further dissection of the molecular and cellular processes involved in clonal deletion due to apoptosis in the thymus.  相似文献   

In a prior study of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) binding to cultured thyroid cells, we reported that at 4 C, more than 95% of bound ANP is recovered on cell membranes, with negligible ANP internalization observed. Since ANP binding was inhibited by TSH, we have further studied TSH effects on postbinding ANP processing to determine whether this phenomenon reflects enhanced endocytosis of the ANP-receptor complex. An ANP chase study was initiated by binding [125I] ANP to thyroid cells at 4 C for 2 h, followed by incubation at 37 C. ANP processing was then traced by following 125I activity at various time intervals in three fractions: cell surface membranes, incubation medium, and inside the cells. Radioactivity released into medium represented processed ANP rather than ANP dissociated from surface membranes, since prebound [125I]ANP could not be competitively dissociated by a high concentration of ANP (1 mumol/L) at 37 C. Chase study results showed that prebound ANP quickly disappeared from cell membranes down to 34% by 30 min. Internalized ANP peaked at 10 min, with 21% of initial prebound ANP found inside the cells. At the same time, radioactivity recovered in incubation medium sharply increased between 10-30 min from 8% to 52%. Preincubation of cells with chloroquine (which blocks degradation of the ANP-receptor complex by inhibiting lysosomal hydrolase) caused a 146% increase in internalized [125I]ANP by 30 min (39% compared to 15% control), while medium radioactivity decreased from 52% to 16%, suggesting that processing of the receptor complex is mediated via lysosomal enzymes. In chase studies employing cells pretreated with chloroquine, TSH stimulated the internalization rate of ANP-receptor complex. By 30 min, TSH significantly reduced the membrane-bound ANP, and the decrease was inversely correlated to the increase in internalized radioactivity. In the absence of ANP ligand, TSH also modulated receptor translocation, resulting in decreased receptor number on surface membrane. However, TSH did not affect ANP degradation on the basis of analysis by immunoprecipitation and high performance liquid chromatography. Taken together, these data suggest that TSH downregulates ANP receptor on thyroid cell surface membranes, and that an ANP degradative pathway exists which is not mediated through receptor binding.  相似文献   

The influence of nonstimulatory "competitor" peptides on the binding of an antigenic peptide to a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule was investigated. Using high-performance size-exclusion chromatography and fluorescein-labeled peptides, we show that the presence of the peptides dynorphin A-(1-13) and poly(L-lysine) results in enhancement rather than inhibition of the binding of hen egg lysozyme peptide-(107-116) [HEL-(107-116)] to the detergent-solubilized mouse class II molecule IEd. In parallel, dynorphin A-(1-13) and poly(L-lysine) were found to enhance the specific activation of an IEd-restricted T-cell hybridoma by HEL-(107-116). A molecular mechanism involving an intermediate two peptide-MHC class II protein complex is proposed to explain the enhancement of peptide binding to class II molecules by an irrelevant second peptide.  相似文献   

Fricker LD 《Endocrinology》2007,148(9):4185-4190
Neuropeptidomics is the analysis of the neuropeptides present in a tissue extract. Most neuropeptidomic studies use mass spectrometry to detect and identify the peptides, which provides information on the precise posttranslationally modified form of each peptide. Quantitative peptidomics uses isotopic labels to compare the levels of peptides in extracts from two different samples. This technique is ideal for examining neuropeptide levels in a variety of systems and is especially suited for studies of mice lacking peptide-processing enzymes. This review is focused on the neuropeptidomics technique and its application to the analysis of mice with a mutation that inactivates carboxypeptidase E, a critical enzyme in the biosynthesis of many neuroendocrine peptides. Mice without carboxypeptidase E activity are overweight, and a key question is the identification of the peptide or peptides responsible. The quantitative peptidomics approach has provided some insights toward the answer to this question.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase [orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase (alkaline optimum), EC] of E. coli was synthesized in a cell-free system, and the size of the direct translation product was analyzed. The product has a higher molecular weight than the mature alkaline phosphatase found in the periplasm. The direct translation product can be processed to the mature size by an E. coli membrane fraction; the processing activity copurifies with the outer-membrane fraction. The presumed precursor can dimerize to form active enzyme without being processed, and the resultant enzyme appears to be more hydrophobic than the mature enzyme. These findings are discussed in connection with the "signal hypothesis" proposed for the excretion of proteins across membranes.  相似文献   

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