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Recent evidence suggests that patients with chronic inflammatory disorders are at increased cardiovascular risk. A number of different mechanisms have been postulated to contribute to atherosclerotic disease progression in these patients including traditional cardiovascular risk factors, cytokine upregulation, immume mediated pathways and increased oxidative stress. Novel treatments target inflammatory pathways and have beneficial effect on rheumatic disease activity however; their impact on cardiovascular risk reduction remains unclear. Further longitudinal studies are required to assess the value of different therapeutic approaches on cardiovascular outcome of these patients.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence points to the fact that plasma HDL cholesterol levels do not always accurately predict HDL function including reverse cholesterol transport and modulation of inflammation. These functions appear to have evolved as part of our innate immune system. HDL is anti inflammatory in healthy individuals in the absence of systemic oxidative stress and inflammation. In those with chronic illnesses such as renal failure however, HDL may become dysfunctional and actually promote inflammation. HDL may be thought of as a shuttle whose size can be estimated by HDL cholesterol levels. The content of the shuttle however, is what determines the anti inflammatory potential of HDL and can change from one, supporting reverse cholesterol transport to one that is less efficient in carrying out this function. Chronic kidney disease (CKD), and inflammatory disorder, is associated with development of accelerated atherosclerosis and premature death from coronary artery disease (CAD). Patients with CKD present with dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and systemic inflammation. Among the abnormalities in lipid metabolism in these patients is reduced levels and protective capacity of HDL. Recent studies have shown that HDL from patients with end stage renal disease is not capable of preventing LDL oxidation and that it induces monocyte migration in artery wall model systems. Treatment of plasma from these patients, with an HDL mimetic peptide improved the anti inflammatory properties of patient's HDL and made LDL more resistant to oxidative modification. Animal models of kidney disease also had proinflammatory HDL and treatment with the peptide mimetic improved markers of inflammation and anti inflammatory capacity of HDL. Whether HDL mimetic peptides will have therapeutic benefit in patients with renal failure will have to be determined in clinical studies.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an artificial environmental endocrine disrupter. Excess exposure to BPA may induce many disorders in the metabolism and cardiovascular system. However, the underlying toxicological mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this study, we administered genetically hyperlipidemic Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL‐MI) rabbits (male, 14 week old), which have more common features with humans than the mouse and rat especially in the metabolism and cardiovascular system, with BPA at 40 mg kg–1 day–1 for 8 weeks by gavage and compared their plasma lipids, glucose and insulin response with those of the vehicle group. All of the rabbits were sacrificed, and their pancreas, liver, adipose tissue, heart and aorta were analyzed using histological and morphometric methods. Furthermore, we treated human hepatoma HepG2 cells and human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), with different doses of BPA based on the serum BPA levels in the WHHL rabbits for 6 h to investigate the possible molecular mechanisms. Our results showed that BPA‐treated rabbits showed insulin resistance, prominent adipose accumulation and hepatic steatosis. Additionally, BPA exposure also caused myocardial injury and enhanced the development of atherosclerosis in the aortic arch with increased macrophage number (86%) and advanced lesion areas (69%). Increased expression of inflammatory genes found in the liver of BPA‐treated rabbits along with the up‐regulation of ER stress, lipid and glucose homeostasis and inflammatory genes in the cultured HepG2 cells and HUVECs suggest that BPA may induce metabolic disorders and enhance atherosclerosis through regulating above molecular pathways in the liver and endothelium. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) is a polypeptide hormone that has a high degree of structural similarity to human proinsulin. Owing to its ubiquitous nature and its role in promoting cell growth, strategies to inhibit IGF1 actions are being pursued as potential adjunctive measures for treating diseases such as short stature, atherosclerosis and diabetes. In addition, most tumour cell types possess IGF1 receptors and conditions in the tumour microenvironment, such as hypoxia, can lead to enhanced responsiveness to IGF1. Therefore, inhibiting IGF1 action has been proposed as a specific mechanism for potentiating the effects of existing anticancer therapies or for directly inhibiting tumour cell growth.  相似文献   

Coronary heart disease (CHD), whose primary aetiology is atherosclerosis, is the leading cause of mortality and a major cause of morbidity in the industrialised world [1]. Serum lipoprotein levels are aetiologically related to the risk of atherosclerosis and CHD [2]. The liver and the gastrointestinal system are the major protagonists involved in regulation of lipoprotein biochemical-physiological mechanisms and the development of hypercholesterolaemia. Furthermore, specific lipoprotein receptors are being discovered as targets for pharmacological intervention to correct lipoprotein disorders. Agents that target lipoprotein regulation in the liver, gastrointestinal-biliary and atherosclerotic tissues resulting in improved serum lipoprotein levels and/or control of primary and secondary dyslipidaemic disorders including diabetes, are currently undergoing clinical trials. The most novel promising compounds, after the greatly effective newest HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are drugs that affect peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARα and PPARγ receptors, bile acid transport mechanisms, cholesterol absorption and cholesterol acyltransferase and other biochemical targets of lipoprotein regulation. Current knowledge and ongoing trials with these agents are described here within the boundaries of investigator confidentiality agreements.  相似文献   

Coronary heart disease (CHD), whose primary aetiology is atherosclerosis, is the leading cause of mortality and a major cause of morbidity in the industrialised world [1]. Serum lipoprotein levels are aetiologically related to the risk of atherosclerosis and CHD [2]. The liver and the gastrointestinal system are the major protagonists involved in regulation of lipoprotein biochemical-physiological mechanisms and the development of hypercholesterolaemia. Furthermore, specific lipoprotein receptors are being discovered as targets for pharmacological intervention to correct lipoprotein disorders. Agents that target lipoprotein regulation in the liver, gastrointestinal-biliary and atherosclerotic tissues resulting in improved serum lipoprotein levels and/or control of primary and secondary dyslipidaemic disorders including diabetes, are currently undergoing clinical trials. The most novel promising compounds, after the greatly effective newest HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are drugs that affect peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARalpha and PPARgamma receptors, bile acid transport mechanisms, cholesterol absorption and cholesterol acyltransferase and other biochemical targets of lipoprotein regulation. Current knowledge and ongoing trials with these agents are described here within the boundaries of investigator confidentiality agreements.  相似文献   

低密度脂蛋白胆固醇增高是动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的重要危险因素,近年来大量研究结果表明高三酰甘油血症也是动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的重要危险因素。针对高三酰甘油血症的治疗可降低心血管事件的发生率。本文对三酰甘油的代谢、高三酰甘油血症和动脉粥样硬化的关系、高三酰甘油血症的治疗进展等作一简述。  相似文献   

Bisphosphonates and atherosclerosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bisphosphonates are used for the treatment of bone resorption, hypercalcemia, osteoporosis and Paget's disease. Etidronate, pamidronate and clodronate also inhibit the development of experimental atherosclerosis without altering serum lipid profile. Bisphosphonates inhibit the arterial calcification, lipid accumulation and fibrosis. They accumulate extensively in arterial walls and suppress macrophages in atheromatous lesions. In macrophage cultures, bisphosphonates inhibit the cellular accumulation and degradation of atherogenic LDL-cholesterol and foam cell formation. Further, they inhibit various enzymes involved in cell signal transduction and cholesterol biosynthesis. Recently, etidronate has been shown to inhibit the thickening of carotid arterial wall even in man.  相似文献   

Arsenic and atherosclerosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a correlation between environmental or occupational arsenic exposure and a risk of vascular diseases related to atherosclerosis. Studies summarized in this review suggest that arsenic induces endothelial dysfunction, including inflammatory and coagulating activity as well as impairs nitric oxide (NO) balance. This may provide the pathophysiological basis for atherogenic potential of arsenic. Consistent with these data, arsenic accelerates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E (ApoE) deficient mice, a model of human atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The influence of emoxipine (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine hydrochloride) and mexidol (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate) on the content of lipid peroxidation products in peripheral blood and the dynamics of clinical symptoms of gastrointestinal tract pathology has been studied in patients of middle and senile age with atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta. It is established that a two-week 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives leads to a decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation products. The administration of emoxipine led to the most pronounced control of pain.  相似文献   

Oxidant stress and atherosclerosis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Overproduction of reactive oxygen species or increased oxidative stress is considered a major mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction, the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis and its adverse events. Evidence supports the importance of nitric oxide derived from endothelial nitric oxide synthase as a vasoprotective substance, and of vascular NAD(P)H oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species as important signaling molecules in vascular cells. Recent studies show that dysfunction of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in atherosclerosis generates O(2)(-) rather than nitric oxide, and that upregulation of vascular NAD(P)H oxidase is closely associated with atherosclerotic progression and plaque instability.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and atherosclerosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxidative stress is a continuous level of oxidative damage in animal cells, which is caused by an overabundance of reactive oxygen species or a decline in antioxidant ability against them. Oxidative stress increases with individual risk factors of atherosclerosis such as obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and smoking. Thus, oxidative stress is considered to play a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This review discusses the relationship between oxidative stress and atherosclerosis based on findings from our research group. We have found that atherosclerotic lesions are formed in the aorta of mice fed a high-cholesterol and high-linoleic diet, in parallel with elevated serum lipid peroxide levels. This model is useful for primary screening of antiatherosclerotic agents with antioxidative activity. One notable factor in the development of atherosclerosis is oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL). In order to examine OxLDL levels in blood, we have developed anion-exchange HPLC methods using stepwise elution. Using these methods, we have found that OxLDL markedly increases in a rat model of metabolic syndrome, in animals exposed to cigarette smoke and in smokers in parallel with other oxidative stress markers. These oxidative stress markers have been attenuated by administration of several antioxidants. In addition, we have found that smoking accelerates atherogenesis in the aorta of apoE-deficient mice and this acceleration can be ameliorated by administration of vitamin E. These observations suggest that antioxidant supplementation may be an effective therapeutic strategy for metabolic syndrome and smoking-induced diseases in which elevated oxidative stress plays a pivotal role.  相似文献   

李强  张爽 《药品评价》2013,(21):11-14
肠道菌群对胆汁酸以及胆固醇的代谢与吸收直接影响着血胆固醇的水平.而胆固醇水平的高低又是影响动脉粥样硬化发生、发展的重要因素。肠道菌群的有效调节可能成为防治动脉粥样硬化的潜在治疗靶点.本文通过将对肠道菌群影响动脉粥样硬化的可能机制进行综述。  相似文献   

Inflammation plays a central role in the development of atherosclerotic disease, from the early phases of lesion formation to plaque disruption, the main underlying cause of acute ischemic syndromes. Arachidonic acid metabolism is implicated in the pathophysiology of ischemic syndromes affecting the coronary or cerebrovascular territory, as demonstrated by biochemical measurements of eicosanoid biosynthesis and the results of inhibitor trials in these settings. In particular, much attention has been focused on the pathway catalyzed by cyclooxygenase (COX), which leads to the generation of a variety of lipid mediators known as prostanoids. Two COX isozymes have been characterized, COX-1 and COX-2, that differ in terms of regulatory mechanisms of expression, tissue distribution, substrate specificity, and preferential coupling to upstream and downstream enzymes. Whereas the role of platelet COX-1 in acute ischemic diseases is established, the role of COX-2 in atherothrombosis remains unclear. In this article, we summarize the findings from our group suggesting a crucial role for COX-2 in modulating atherosclerotic plaque stability or instability, according to the variable expression of upstream and downstream enzymes in the prostanoid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a rate-limiting enzyme that hydrolyzes circulating triglyceride-rich lipoprotein such as very low density lipoproteins and chylomicrons. A decrease in LPL activity is associated with an increase in plasma triglycerides (TG) and decrease in high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. The increase in plasma TG and decrease in HDL cholesterol are risk factors of coronary heart disease. However, whether LPL directly or indirectly promotes or protects against atherosclerosis remains unclear as two contrary views exist in this regard: one where LPL promotes atherosclerosis and one where LPL protects against atherosclerosis. Many studies have been carried out to investigate whether LPL is an anti-atherogenic or atherogenic enzyme by using animals with genetic defects or with an excess of this enzyme. From these studies, much evidence has been acquired showing that LPL is an anti-atherogenic enzyme. We hypothesized that elevating LPL activity would cause a reduction of plasma TG and increase in HDL cholesterol, resulting in protection against the development of atherosclerosis. To test this hypothesis, we studied the effects of the LPL activator NO-1886 in animals. NO-1886 has been shown to increase LPL mRNA in adipose tissue and myocardium, and increase LPL activity in adipose tissue, myocardium and skeletal muscle, resulting in an elevation of postheparin plasma LPL activity and LPL mass in rats. NO-1886 has also been shown to decrease plasma TG levels accompanied by a concomitant rise in HDL cholesterol. Long-term administration of NO-1886 to rats and rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis inhibited the development of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries and aortae. The results of multiple regression analysis in these studies suggest that the increase in plasma HDL cholesterol and the decrease in TG protect against atherosclerosis. We have determined in our studies that the atherogenic lipid profile is changed to an anti-atherogenic lipid profile by increasing LPL activity, resulting in protection against the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, we believe that high activity of LPL is anti-atherogenic, whereas a low activity of LPL is atherogenic.  相似文献   

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