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Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Yuantong Capsule (YTC) in treating vascular dementia (VD). Methods: Eighty-three patients of VD were randomized on ratio of 2 : 1 into two groups, the 54 patients in the treated group were treated with YTC orally administered, 3 times a  相似文献   

Clinical Study of Effect of Yizhi Capsule(益智胶囊)on Senile Vascular DementiaCHENKai(陈揩),CHENKe-ji(陈可冀),ZHOUWen-quan(周文泉),etal(G...  相似文献   

63 patients with senile vascular dementia were randomly divided into the treatment group (treated byacupuncture) and the control group (treated with piracetam).The authors observed the changes in thescore of Hasegawa's dementia scale (HDS),P_(300),rheoencephalogram,topographic EEG,superoxidedismutase (SOD) activity in erythrocytes,and lipid peroxide (LPO) level in plasma before and aftertreatment.The statistical data showed that the total effective rate in the treatment group (80.6%) wassignificantly higher than that in the control group (25%),and the differences in the observed indexesbefore and after treatment were significant (P<0.05 or P<0.01) in the treatment group but not in thecontrol group (P>0.05),indicating that the acupuncture treatment was superior in immediatetherapeutic effect on senile vascular dementia to drug treatment.  相似文献   

Endothelin(ET)andcalcitoningenerelatedpeptide(CGRP)areapairofnewlyfoundvascularactivatingmediawithoppositiveaction.ETisavasoconstrictivepeptideproducedbyvascularendothelialcells(VEC)withstrongandprotractedeffect,thestrongestvasoconstrictorinthehumanb…  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the clinical effectand mechanism of Shenfu Injection(SFI)intreating senile cerebral infarction.Methods:Eighty-two aged patients with cerebral in-farction were randomly divided into the trea-ted group treated with SFI and the controlgroup treated with Venoruton.The clinicaleffect was observed,the hemorrheologic and  相似文献   

Clinical Study on Protective Effect of Xinmaitong Capsule on Damage of Vascular Endothelial Cells@丘瑞香@贺敬波@蓝军  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the clinical therapeutic effect of Qianggan Capsule (QGC) in treating chronic hepatitis B with liver fibrosis from the pathological aspect. Methods: Sixty-three patients of chronic hepatitis B with liver fibrosis were randomly divided into the treated group (n=45) and the control group (n=18). Both groups were treated with general liver protective drugs, such as Glucurone and vitamins B complex for 6 months. To the treated group, QGC was used additionally. The levels of serum alanine transaminase and liver fibrosis indexes including hyaluronic acid (HA), collagen type Ⅳ (C-Ⅳ) and laminin (LN) as well as the pathological examination of liver biopsy were observed before and after treatment. Results: The liver cirrhosis indexes, HA, C-Ⅳ and LN, were improved significantly in the treated group after treatment, P<0.05. The liver function improvement rate in the treated group and the control group was 90.3% and 66.7% respectively, comparison of the two groups showed insignificant difference, P>0.05. Pathological examination showed that the effective rate of treatment on liver inflammatory necrosis activity grade in the treated group was 57.8% and that on liver fibrosis stage was 75.6%, which were significantly improved as compared with those before treatment (P<0.05 and P<0.01), while in the control group, no significant improvement was found after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion: QGC has marked effects in reversing liver fibrosis and alleviating hepatic inflammatory necrosis in patients of chronic hepatitis B with liver fibrosis, and could lower the serum liver fibrosis related indexes effectively.  相似文献   

Intestinalmetaplasiaofgastricmucosaiscloselyrelatedtotheoccuranceofgastriccan-cerandistheprecancerouslesionofgastriccancer(l'2).Secondarypreventivemeasuresf0rgastriccanceraredesignedtost0pthedevelop-mentofitsprecancerouschange.TheauthorsusedPiweipingCapsule(PWPC)orSanji-uweitai(SJWT,-Agr$)totreatl43pa-tientssufferingfromchronicgastritisofgastricantrumwithintestinalmetaplasia(IM),andtakingpathology,cyclicadem0sinemon0phos-phate(cAMP),deoxyribonucleicacid(DNA)ofgastricmuc0saandlymphocyte…  相似文献   

The author believes that senile dementia is very closely related to not only deficiency of the liver and kidney, but also Eight Extra Channels, Du Channel in particular. Nourishing the liver and kidney and clearing Du Channel in the treatment can greatly enhance the therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

Senile vascular dementia refers to organic lossof intellectual function due to cerebral damagescaused by insufficient blood supply.The following isa summary on achievements in its etiology,pathogenic mechanism,type identification and  相似文献   

Chronicatrophicgastritis(CAG)isthecommonandfrequentlyoccuringdiseaseofdigestivesystem.Sinceitiscloselyrelatedtothecarcinomaofthestomach,WHOplacedCAGontheprecancerousconditionsin1978andplacedtheintestinalmetaplasia(IM)anddysplasiaassociatedwithCAGo…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect and mechanism of Garlicin in treating coronary heart disease (CHD) with angina pectoris. Methods: Clinical study: 55 patients were selected and randomized into the Garlicin group and the nitroglycerin group. To Garlicin group, 60 mg of Garlicin was given by adding in 5% glucose solution for intravenous dripping once per day, the therapeutic course  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of Shenmai Injection (SI) in treating congestive heart failure (CHF). Methods: The changes in cAMP, cGMP, serum cardiac troponin T (cTnT, a specific marker reflecting myocardial injury), creatine kinase (CK) and creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK-  相似文献   

Aprospective,randomized,doubleblindedclinicalstudywasconductedfor6months,fromNov.1998toOct.2000,toobjectivelyevaluatethetherapeuticefficacyofYigucapsule(益骨胶囊,YGC)intrea tingpostmenopausalosteoporosis(PMO)andtoexploreitspossiblemechanism.Theresultswerereportedasfollows.METHODS DiagnosticStandardAccordingtothestandardrecommendedby WHOin1994(1),patientscanbediagnosedassuf feringfromosteoporosiswhenthelevelofBMDin themislowerthantheaveragenormallevelof youngadultsby2.5standarddeviatio…  相似文献   

Seniledementia(SD),namely,Alzhei mer sdisease(AD)isakindofdegenera tioninthenervesystemthatoftenoccursinmid oldagedpersons,beingoneofthecom monestdiseasethatinducesdementia,andmainlycharacterizedbyintegralfunctionaldisorderofcognition,especiallythememorydisorder,changesinbehaviorandpersonali ty,aswellasaffectationofdailylivingca pacity(1).Alongwiththedevelopmentoftheagingpopulationintheworld,anincreasingtrendwasshownintheoccurrenceofAD.Becauseofitsunclearpathogenesis,theWesternmedicalapproa…  相似文献   

Slow transit constipation (STC) is a disease of kinetic disturbance in the lower digestive tract, clinically manifesting mainly dysporia, prolonged discharging time and abdominal distention. The disease is protracted, with its cause unknown and no safe and effective treatment. In light of the effective treatment for constipation with crude Rhi-zoma Atractylodes alba (RAA) reported in litera-  相似文献   

Itwasknowningeneralthatthecentralkeyofcoronaryrestenosisformationafterpercutaneoustrans luminalcoronaryangioplasty(PTCA)istheint  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of Kaixin Capsule (开心胶囊, KXC) on myocardial ischemia and plasma endothelin (ET) level in patients with diabetic heart disease (DHD). Methods: The 72 subjects for observation were randomly selected from inpatients whose diagnosis fit to the standard of DHD. The 32 patients allocated in the control group were treated with conventional Western medicine, and the 40 patients in the treated group were treated with conventional Western medicine in combination with KXC, with the therapeutic course for both groups as 60 days. Results: On ECG, the total effective rate and markedly ef- fective rate in the treated group was 85. 0% and 37. 5% respectively, higher than those in the control group's 68.7% and 28. 1% respectively, and showing significant difference between the two groups (P〈 0.05). The level of ET in patients in both groups was significantly higher than normal range, after treatment, but reduced to different extent, and the comparison between them also showed that the difference was significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion: KXC might, by way of inhibiting and blocking the release of ET, lower its level in plasma so as to improve the myocardial ischemic condition of patients with DHD.  相似文献   

Objective:To observe the clinical effect ofShengmai Injection(SMI)in treating senile cere-bral infarction and to explore its mechanism.Methods:One hundred and twelve patients withsenile cerebral infarction were divided into the  相似文献   

Objective:To observe the clinical effect and protection of vascular endothelium of Zhixin-kang Capsule (ZXKC) in middle-aged and old people with unstable effort angina and hyperlipidemia. Methods: Sixty-five patients with unstable effort angina were randomly divided into ZXKC group (34 cases) and control group (31 cases). Conventional western medical therapy was given to both groups, with ZXKC group receiving additional ZXKC treatment. Data of 20 healthy persons were taken as normal group. Forty-eight patients with hyperlipidemia were divided into ZXKC group treated with ZXKC (31 cases) and control group treated with Yixintong (17 cases). The changes of clinical symptoms and laboratory indexes in all the patients were observed before and after treatment. Results: In patients with unstable effort angina, the efficacy of treatment of ZXKC, the withdrawal rate of nitroglycerin, the relieving of symptoms, the improvement of the electrocardiogram, the counts of circulating endothelial cells, the content of p  相似文献   

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