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为了在水流计算中定量化利用遥感水位数据,基于偏微分方程最优化控制理论建立了变分模型来融合二维平面非恒定流的数学模型和数据。根据遥感数据空间信息密集的特点,提出遥感水位数据同化的新算法。采用人工合成数据考察了面域遥感数据对于定常参数和时变两类参数的反演效果。试验结果表明,遥感数据提供的空间分布式信息有利于空间分布式参数的反演识别,而且通过引入考虑水面空间变化信息的附加项,可以改善观测信息的同化,更好地辨识时变参数(流量过程)。以Moselle河的RADARSAT卫星遥感水位数据检验了模型的实用性。  相似文献   

河网非恒定水沙数学模型研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
建立了能够适用于多种情况的河网非恒定流水沙数学模型。推导提出了河网泥沙方程组的分级解法,提出了适用于河网计算的汊点分沙模式,分析和对比了多种分沙模式的适用性,对河网区域中可蓄水汊点也提出了相应的处理办法。采用汉江杜家台分蓄洪区的资料作了模型的验证和应用。  相似文献   

三门峡库区一维非恒定非均匀泥沙输移数学模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄河是高含沙河流,含沙量季节差异显著。因此研究黄河干流的非恒定水沙输移规律以及库区泥沙的淤积问题极为重要。应用圣维南方程组以及非恒定泥沙连续方程建立了非恒定非均匀泥沙含沙量计算公式,并根据沙量平衡方程推求出三门峡库区河底高程的变化规律。使用已有的资料对模型进行的验证表明:模型计算与实测资料符合良好,该模型具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

罗光兰  章应耕 《水文》1994,(3):33-37
非恒定流动能与加速比降对流量计算的影响分析罗光兰,章应耕(湖南省水文总站)一、非恒定流基本方程分析天然河道非恒定渐变流基本微分方程可表示为:且假定非恒定流中沿程水头损失与恒定流中沿程水头损失具有相同的规律,将(1)式对流程L的偏导数合并在一在同一时刻...  相似文献   

计算明渠非恒定流的一个Lattice BGK模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了Lattice Boltzmann(LB)方法的建模原理,通过比较LB的多尺度方程和明渠St.Venant方程,建立了计算一维明渠非恒定流的一个Lattice BGK模型。对几个典型应用实例进行了模拟分析,与Preissmann隐格式及特征线法作了比较,证明将该方法引入实际明渠非恒定流计算是可行的。  相似文献   

为深入认识非恒定流驱动下床面形态的演变规律及尺度变化趋势,采用水泵控制系统生成了一系列历时与洪峰流量不同的洪水过程来冲刷由粗沙组成的实验动床(中值粒径d50=1.95 mm),研究中运用非恒定流的形态、非恒定性及水流做功参数来量化洪水过程;统计分析河床高程数据得到床面形态的波长、波高及陡度。实验结果表明:在不同尺度的非恒定流洪水作用下,实验动床表面分别形成了沙垄、交错边滩以及介于两者之间的过渡型床面形态;洪水的非恒定性对床面形态尺度的影响最大,其次是水流做功参数,而非恒定流的形态影响较为微弱;在此基础上构建了用于描述非恒定流驱动条件与床面形态尺度响应的定量关系。  相似文献   

本文写出了三维非稳定潜水流相对应的伴随方程,获得了用变分法计算这类流动问题的灵敏度系数公式,并将其用于解决地下水,地表水联合模拟的预测问题,计算结果表明,用这种方法求参数控制反问题是有效的。  相似文献   

提出一种求解流体力学参数控制反问题的新思路--控制论方法。将流体力学参数控制反问题纳入控制论范畴,提为分布参数系统的最优控制问题,并提出应用计算机辅助优化法实现求解。以一个矩形坝非均质渗透系数反演问题为例,用所提方法进行了求解。研究结果表明,应用控制论方法求解参数控制反问题是合理可行的,是研究反问题的新思路。与其它参数控制反问题求解方法相比,用计算机辅助优化法求解参数控制反问题简单易行,且适应性强,为拓广流体力学参数控制反问题的工程应用提供了可能。  相似文献   

河网非恒定流汊点分组解法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在分析汊点分组解法的基础上,提出了汊点分组解法的一般理论和算法。新方法的特点是可将河网汊点分片编码处理,而且汊点分组后可通过适用于一般分级解法的原汊点水位关系得到新的汊点方程组,新方法的通用性较好,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

构建起具有通用性的黄河下游一维非恒定输沙数学模型.该模型建立了新的泥沙连续性方程与河床变形方程,克服了以往数学模型计算中取饱和恢复系数小于1等缺陷,引入了符合黄河下游河道水沙特点的水流挟沙力和河床糙率计算等公式,给出了悬移质含沙量以及悬移质泥沙平均粒径沿横向分布的计算方法,以及阐明了河槽在冲淤过程中河宽变化规律的模拟技术.运用Preissmann四点差分格式离散水流方程,并与泥沙连续性方程进行非耦合求解.  相似文献   

The theory of variational inequalities enables us to formulate and solve free boundary problems in fixed domains, while most other methods assume the position of the unknown domain in solving the problem. Here the problem of seepage flow through a rectangular dam with a free boundary is formulated as a vertical inequality following the ideas of Baiocchi. In order to demonstrate the essential ideas of extending the domain of the solution of problems with free boundaries, the problem of the deflection, of a string on a rigid support is first examined. Next, variational inequalities are derived which are associated with several cases of seepage problems. An approximation theory, including a priori error estimates, is developed using finite element methods, and an associated numerical scheme is given. It is shown that for linear and quadratic finite element methods, the rates of convergence are 0(h) and 0(h1.25-δ), 0 < δ < 0.25, respectively, if the permeability is constant.  相似文献   

Geologic problems related to dam sites in Jordan and their solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The geologic structures associated with several selected dam sites in Jordan and the tectonic effects on dam foundations and reservoir margins are reviewed. Rock defects, especially discontinuities represented by faults and closely spaced, open joints are investigated. Related problems, such as loss of water from the reservoir by seepage and leakage within the dam foundation are evaluated. The regional seismicity is analyzed and a design earthquake is established for each dam site.

Two major embankment dams are investigated, together with two large proposed dams and several small dams.

This paper discusses in some detail the regional setting and site-specific geology, and the occurrence, size and inclination of faults and joints at each dam site. Moreover, the effects of the faults on the operational performance of each dam are described and specific techniques are used or proposed for remediation are outlined.

The study shows that the combination of faults and joint features cause leakage problems at the operational dams in Jordan. Although, preventive measures such as grouting have been implemented, further leakage and/or seepage problems are anticipated and a monitoring system is needed to control and foresee such problems.

Jordan is an earthquake-prone region. Consequently, it is recommended that the design of embankment dams in the vicinity of the Dead Sea-Jordan Valley Rift should include such considerations as dynamic loading and associated hazards, including embankment acceleration zoning, foundation liquefaction risk and rockhead rupture. The magnitude of the design earthquake at each dam site can be estimated following the guidelines of ICOLD (1989), which are based on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis.  相似文献   

非稳定孔口出流模型在水文地质计算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文改进了流体力学的非稳定孔口出流公式,导出的新公式可由流量的变化求出流体的储量。当含水层(体)为瞬时补给,流量可以精确地测量时,就可以用一个贮水容器的非稳定孔口出流来模拟它的衰减泄流。  相似文献   

W. Macaitis 《GeoJournal》1985,11(3):229-237
The first water problem imposed by the urbanization of the Chicago metropolitan area was drainage. Early Chicago was a flat, marshy plain. Development required dry land, and this was produced primarily by draining. As Chicago grew, its prime water supply, Lake Michigan, was polluted by the wastes of its population. To protect the lake, the flows of the Chicago and Calumet rivers were reversed by a system of canals. Federal court limitations on the use of this canal system and accelerated urbanization in the 1920s led to Chicago's early adoption of sewage treatment. Today's water pollution and flooding problems have resulted in the mammoth Tunnel and Reservoir Project, one of the largest urban water resource construction projects in the world.  相似文献   

明渠非恒定流流速分布及非恒定流作用下推移质运动分别是水力学和泥沙运动力学研究中的重要问题之一。近几十年来,国内外许多学者在这些领域做过很多探索,取得了一定进展,也存在较多问题。在总结相关研究成果的基础上,简述了明渠非恒定流试验方法、流速分布、床面切应力、非恒定流输沙与水流运动不同步现象、产生原因、以及非恒定流推移质输沙公式等方面的成果,指出了现有研究中存在的不足,提出了需要进一步研究的关键问题:应用先进的量测仪器,研究非恒定流作用下非均匀沙运动输移规律。  相似文献   

It is classically assumed that the pressuremeter modulus (determined from the initial slope of the pressuremeter expansion curve) can be used as an estimate for the soil's shear modulus, provided disturbance effects can be neglected. This approximation is only rigorous in the plane-strain case and requires that the height of the cell be large in comparison with its diameter. The present paper allows to quantify the error that results from this approximation as a function of the height over diameter ratio. The analysis is based on an application of the variational principles of elasticity. It is shown that the static and the kinematic approaches lead, respectively, to a lower- and an upper-bound estimate of the pressuremeter modulus expressed in terms of the soil's elastic coefficients. The calculations are completely carried out in the case of an infinite cavity subjected to a pressure on a finite length. It is shown that the plane-strain approximation overestimates the shear modulus. Based on the kinematic approach, a method is developed to derive the shear modulus from the pressuremeter modulus which accounts for the finite slenderness of the cell. This method can be extended to more complex geometries and material properties, including soil heterogeneity and anisotropy.  相似文献   

A mixed finite element–boundary element solution for the analysis of two-dimensional flow in porous media composed of rock blocks and discrete fractures is described. The rock blocks are modelled implicitly by using boundary elements whereas finite elements are adopted to model the discrete fractures. The computational procedure has been implemented in a hybrid code which has been validated first by comparing the numerical results with the closed-form solution for flow in a porous aquifer intercepted by a vertical fracture only. Then, a more complex problem has been solved where a pervious, homogeneous and isotropic matrix containing a net of fractures is considered. The results obtained are shown to describe satisfactorily the main features of the flow problem under study. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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