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煤浆磁化对水煤浆性质影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了磁化对蒸馏水、自来水和工业废水配制的水煤浆性质的影响,磁化对水煤浆添加剂吸附量的影响。结果表明:较强的磁场强度和较短的磁化时间可以显著地降低水煤浆的粘度,磁化会使水煤浆添加剂的吸附量增加,并对水煤浆的磁化机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

研究了利用鸡西煤制备水煤浆的特性 ,测试了不同药剂种类、用量在不同浓度、温度下对水煤浆流动性及稳定性的影响 ;结果表明 ,鸡西煤是一种污染少、热值高、易于制取高浓度水煤浆并能保持很好稳定性的煤种 ,适合作为大规模水煤浆工业应用的原料。  相似文献   

为了分析磁化添加剂或磁化水对水煤浆性能的影响,以鸡西烟煤为研究对象,采用正交实验法,找出磁化强度和磁化时间因素的影响程度和最佳配制条件,并对比了2种情况下水煤浆的性能,最后根据实验中添加剂在煤表面的吸附量,分析了磁化机理。  相似文献   

研究了磁化时间和磁感应强度对超细煤水煤浆流变特性的影响和磁化对不同浓度超细煤水煤浆流变特性的影响。结果表明,磁感应强度为675mT、磁化时间为10min时,磁化可明显改善超细煤水煤浆流变特性。在675mT的磁感应强度下,磁化时间对不同浓度的超细煤水煤浆的流变特性影响较大,磁化高浓度比磁化低浓度超细煤水煤浆的时间短,更有利于流变特性的改善。  相似文献   

煤化工企业生产中通常采用生产废水制备水煤浆,以减少生产废水的处理量。以宁东煤为研究对象,以水煤浆黏度和流动性为试验指标,通过试验考察COD、TDS、p H值、添加剂用量等因素对水煤浆成浆性能的影响。试验结果表明:水煤浆黏度较流动性更敏感,当添加剂质量分数为0.25%时,制备的水煤浆黏度、流动性满足气化系统工艺要求;制浆水中的COD含量不仅影响水煤浆黏度,还影响其流变性,正常情况下COD质量浓度应控制在400 mg/L以下;制浆水中COD质量浓度大于400 mg/L时,可通过改变添加剂用量和更换添加剂种类等方法改善浆体性能;p H值和TDS值对水煤浆的影响较小。  相似文献   

配煤提高神华煤成浆性能的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对神华煤的难成浆性,以乌沙山神华煤作为研究对象,以定黏浓度作为评价指标,利用安阳双环添加剂厂的MC型添加剂对神华煤进行了阳泉煤、淮南B煤、阳城煤、俄罗斯B煤、神火煤和大会战煤等六种成浆性能好的煤与神华煤的配煤湿法制浆实验,利用malven激光粒度仪测定所制浆样的粒度,经过Rosin-Rammler粒度分析,表明浆样的粒度均符合水煤浆的粒度要求,并达到了较高的堆积效率,通过定黏浓度的测定,得到配煤的成浆浓度都较神华煤的成浆浓度有较大的提高,其中以淮南B煤配煤组合的成浆效果最好,定黏浓度为66.83%.  相似文献   

通过正交实验对木质素磺酸钠(SL)和丙烯酰胺(AM)接枝反应的条件进行了优化,考察了合成产物对烟煤成浆浓度、黏度和稳定性的影响.结果表明,当AM与SL质量比为1∶5,温度为40℃,引发剂K2S2O8-NaHSO3含量为3%条件下反应2.5h,得到的产物作为水煤浆分散剂,在添加量为0.8%(占干煤基的比例),煤浆浓度为69%时,黏度为550mPa·s,3d后的穿透率达74.75%;相同情况下使用未经改性的SL为分散剂制浆,黏度为610mPa·s,3d后穿透率为70.68%,明显低于改性分散剂制浆的穿透率,且改性SL所制煤浆同未改性SL所制煤浆的析水率相比也降低了4.45%.  相似文献   

采用低温(200℃~450℃)加热的方法,对宁东地区羊场湾煤进行改质实验,并考察改质对煤成浆性能的影响。实验结果表明:250℃~300℃时,煤的内水含量减少到最小,煤样的表面含氧官能团特别是羧基和羟基含量是影响煤成浆的主要因素,低温改质可大大提高煤的成浆性能。最佳的低温改质条件是:改质温度为350℃,加热时间30 min。  相似文献   

分析了榆林地区低阶烟煤YL、YY煤种的煤质特征,以此煤种为水煤浆原料,采用木质素添加剂时,制浆浓度约61%,增加添加剂用量对提高煤浆浓度效果不明显;采用聚羧酸分散剂AO-1、石油基聚乙烯系列PP-1、萘系等分别与木质素复配的添加剂制浆时,在稳定性、流动性指标满足要求的前提下,制浆浓度可提高至63%。  相似文献   

以贵州省开阳煤为研究对象,分析了开阳煤的煤质特性,按照烟煤成浆性难度指标D对开阳煤成浆性进行了评价.以开阳煤为原料配制水煤浆,对成浆性和流变特性进行了分析.结果表明,开阳煤比较容易制浆,煤浆具有较好的流动性,并表现出假塑性流体特性.添加剂YKL用量为0.15%时,煤浆更具有经济实用的优势.从煤浆黏度、流动性和流变特性分析得出,浓度63%的开阳煤水煤浆满足水煤浆加压气化技术的要求.  相似文献   

Douglas Brenner 《Fuel》1985,64(2):167-173
Considerable insight into the macromolecular state of coal has been obtained by examining the optical anisotropy of untreated solvent-swollen, and chemically derivatized thin sections of coal. From the effect of pressure on the optical anisotropy, and from the rate and degree of recovery after release of pressure, it was found possible to determine whether the coal is in a plastic or rubbery state, whether a rubbery state is cross-linked and how mobile the macromolecular chain segments are. The experimental technique utilized for this work was transmission optical microscopy in polarized light of uncontaminated thin sections of vitrinite from a bituminous coal. The study included in-situ microscopic examination of swollen coal immersed in pyridine, THF, toluene and several other solvents. Some samples were O-methylated to assess the impact of hydrogen bonding. New results and conclusions derived from this study include: (1) the vitrinite of raw bituminous coal is a plastic macromolecular substance; (2) coal swollen in pyridine (and some other ‘specific’ solvents) is a cross-linked rubber and its macromolecular chain segments have substantial mobility; (3) when pyridine-extracted coal dries, it reverts to a plastic; (4) the large discrepancies previously found between values of Mc (molecular weight between crosslinks) measured by solvent-swelling and by stress-strain techniques is caused by differences in secondary interactions; (5) various solvents can, by their effect on secondary interactions, create appreciably different macromolecular structures in the coal; (6) different solvents, depending on their effect on secondary interactions in the coal, can be expected to extract chemically different molecules from a coal - rates of extraction and the ability of solvents to extract larger molecules should also differ; (7) O-methylated coal is a plastic, and thus, in addition to hydrogen bonding, other secondary interactions are of great importance; (8) it is likely that in their dry condition, solvent-treated coal and O-alkylated coal, as well as untreated coal, are in glassy states; (9) pyridine by itself appears to relax substantially all secondary interactions which are weakened by O-methylation, only permanent bonds are not relaxed; (10) previous measurements of Mc can now be reassessed in view of these results.  相似文献   

艾东宾 《山西化工》2009,29(4):47-48,61
通过对烟煤反火炉造气的研究,了解了强黏烟煤在模拟反火炉中的燃烧情况,探讨了各风速与不同煤粒径之间、气体产率与风速之间的关系,为解决反火炉易断火及烟煤造气烟尘大、焦油中沥青含量及游离碳过高、烟煤制气中的“破黏”、反火炉产气效率低等问题提供了可靠的依据,也为确定烟煤反火炉造气的最佳炉型、结构及最优工艺条件和控制手段提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

煤对CWM分散剂吸附性能的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
黄仁和  曾凡 《煤炭转化》1997,20(1):59-65
本文选择三种具有代表性CWM分散剂,借助FT-IR和XPS等现代实验手段对分散剂在煤表面的吸附性能进行了分析,揭示了CWM分散剂吸附特征,为从组成和结构上选取优良分散剂提供实验依据。  相似文献   

Two bituminous coals, crushed to < 0.32 cm (18 in), have been stored for 455 days under argon at room temperature and examined for indications of oxidation. The only changes noted over this time were a 20–30% reduction in maximum fluidity from the Gieseler plastometer test for both coals, and conversion of 5% of the pyrite to iron oxyhydroxide in one coal. Although minor, these changes do indicate that more stringent conditions are necessary to minimize oxidation during long-term storage (>2 years).  相似文献   

介绍了6t/h水煤浆喷嘴在茂名热电厂410t/h燃油锅炉改烧水煤浆工程上的研制和应用情况,重点阐述水煤浆特殊流体特性对喷嘴的要求,以及水煤浆喷嘴热态调试结果,并针对存在的问题提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

生物质与烟煤混合燃烧特性及动力学分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用非等温热分析方法研究了生物质(麦秆)和烟煤混合燃烧的反应特性。结果表明,生物质的添加可以降低混合样品的燃烧着火温度和燃烬温度,且混合样品燃烧反应性能随着生物质混合比例的增加而提升;生物质添加质量分数为20%时,煤和生物质混合燃烧协同作用最明显。使用Coats-Redfern(CR)、Flynn-Wall-Ozawa(FWO)和Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose(KAS)动力学模型对混合样品燃烧活化能进行计算,其值在挥发分燃烧阶段随着生物质混合比例的增加而增加,在焦炭燃烧阶段呈现下降趋势;通过对FWO和KAS动力学模型有效性进行分析发现,FWO和KAS模型在描述混合样品燃烧动力学时存在一定的局限性,而采用适宜机理函数的CR模型更适用于描述混合样品的燃烧反应动力学,对燃烧机理的分析也印证了动力学的分析结果。  相似文献   

V.M. Malhotra  W.R.M. Graham 《Fuel》1985,64(2):270-272
The e.p.r. and i.r. spectra of hand-picked samples of calcite from Pittsburgh No. 8 coal, show that it contains the Mn2+ paramagnetic ion and clay minerals as impurities. Furthermore, comparison of the e.p.r. spectra of hand-picked and natural calcite shows that the Mn2+ spectrum in this coal originates from calcite, which when diluted in KBr or coal produces a spectrum similar to that reported by other investigators. The results obtained when coal-derived calcite was treated with dilute H2SO4 and HCI rules out the possibility that the Mn2+ originates from the pyrite or clays present in the coal.  相似文献   

The economic and environmental penalties resulting from the breakage of coal into fines makes it desirable to understand the breakage mechanism. This could lead to the ability to predict and perhaps minimize the generation of fines. Since breakage begins at the mine, data on size distribution of channel samples hand cut from the mine face of 159 mines in the US Appalachian range and reported by the Bureau of Mines were re-evaluated. Regression analysis to determine Rosin-Rammler constants showed the composite of all 159 coals to have a slope of 0.86 with a correlation coefficient of 0.934. The mean slope for all the coals was 0.876 with a standard deviation of < 10%. However, the Rosin-Rammler intercept showed wider variation. Other data show similar results within each group for 20 UK coals, 4 continuous-mined US coals and 4 conventional-mined US coals. However, each group differed in slope from each other. This suggests there may be a common property for similar coals within a given region, although the actual Rosin-Rammler slope is affected by the mining technique. The nature of this relationship is not understood.  相似文献   

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