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To realize high‐speed communication, broadband transmission has become an indispensable technique in the next‐generation wireless communication systems. Broadband channel is often characterized by the sparse multipath channel model, and significant taps are widely separated in time, and thereby, a large delay spread exists. Accurate channel state information is required for coherent detection. Traditionally, accurate channel estimation can be achieved by sampling the received signal with large delay spread by analog‐to‐digital converter (ADC) at Nyquist rate and then estimate all of channel taps. However, as the transmission bandwidth increases, the demands of the Nyquist sampling rate already exceed the capabilities of current ADC. In addition, the high‐speed ADC is very expensive for ordinary wireless communication. In this paper, we present a novel receiver, which utilizes a sub‐Nyquist ADC that samples at much lower rate than the Nyquist one. On the basis of the sampling scheme, we propose a compressive channel estimation method using Dantzig selector algorithm. By comparing with the traditional least square channel estimation, our proposed method not only achieves robust channel estimation but also reduces the cost because low‐speed ADC is much cheaper than high‐speed one. Computer simulations confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Li-jun GE  Hui GUO  Yue LI  Lan ZHAO 《通信学报》2017,38(12):57-62
A sparsity-adaptive channel estimation algorithm based on compressive sensing was proposed for massive MIMO systems when the number of channel multi-paths was unknown.By exploiting the joint sparsity characteristics of the sub-channels,the proposed block sparsity adaptive matching pursuit (BSAMP) algorithm first selected atoms by setting a threshold and finding the position of the maximum backward difference,which reduces the energy dispersion caused by the non-orthogonality of the observation matrix and improves the performance of the algorithm.Then a regularization method was utilized to improve the stability of the algorithm.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm recovers the channel state information accurately and shows a high computational efficiency.  相似文献   

Due to the sparse structure of ultra‐wideband (UWB) multipath channels, there has been a considerable amount of interest in applying the compressive sensing (CS) theory to UWB channel estimation. The main consideration of the related studies is to propose different implementations of the CS theory for the estimation of UWB channels, which are assumed to be sparse. In this study, we investigate the suitability of standardized UWB channel models to be used with the CS theory. In other words, we question the sparsity assumption of realistic UWB multipath channels. For that, we particularly investigate the effects of IEEE 802.15.4a UWB channel models and the selection of channel resolution both on channel estimation and system performances from a practical implementation point of view. In addition, we compare the channel estimation performance with the Cramer‐Rao lower bound for various channel models and number of measurements. The study shows that although UWB channel models for residential environments (e.g., channel models CM1 and CM2) exhibit a sparse structure yielding a reasonable channel estimation performance, channel models for industrial environments (e.g., CM8) may not be treated as having a sparse structure due to multipaths arriving densely. Furthermore, it is shown that the sparsity increased by channel resolution can improve the channel estimation performance significantly at the expense of increased receiver processing. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the implementation of a modified version of Bayesian relevance vector machine (RVM)‐based compressive sensing method on cognitive radio network with wavelet transform for spectrum hole detection. Bayesian compressive sensing is used in this work to deal with the complexity and uncertainty of the process. The dependency of the Bayesian compressive sensing on the knowledge of noise levels in the measurement has been relaxed through the proposed Bayesian RVM‐based compressive sensing algorithm. This technique recovers the wideband signals even with fewer measurements maintaining considerably good accuracy and speed. Wavelet transform is used in this paper to enable the detection of primary user (PU) even in the low regulated transmission from unlicensed user. The advantage of this approach lies in the fact that it enables the evaluation of all possible hypotheses simultaneously in the global optimization framework. Simulation study is performed to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed technique over the cognitive radio environment. The performance of the proposed technique is compared with the conventional Bayesian approach on the basis of recovery error, recovery time and covariance to verify its superiority.  相似文献   

Channel estimation is an integral part of standard adaptive receiver designs used in narrowband, digital wireless communication systems. In this tutorial paper, commonly used approaches to channel estimation are reviewed. Both time‐invariant and time‐varying channels are considered. For time‐varying channels, both pilot symbol interpolation and data‐directed channel tracking are considered. Applications include the Global System for Mobile communications, the Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution system, and another Time‐Division Multiple‐Access system known as Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronics Industry Association/Interim Standard—136 (TIA/EIA/IS‐136 or IS‐136). Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

魏浩  郑宝玉  侯晓赟  朱艳 《通信学报》2013,34(10):20-182
为了更有效地对放大转发双向中继信道进行估计,对级联卷积信道的稀疏特性进行了分析,并基于其稀疏性,采用压缩感知技术,通过合理地设计导频将合成级联卷积信道分解成2个独立的级联卷积信道分别进行信道估计。研究分析和仿真结果表明,级联卷积信道具有稀疏性且其稀疏度在一定范围内变化。所提的方案只需在端节点对级联卷积信道进行估计就可以完成双向信息的交换,提高了频谱效率,降低了信道估计误差,并且无需信道稀疏度的先验信息。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于压缩感知(CS,compressive sensing)理论的不连续子载波正交频分复用(NC-OFDM,non-contiguous orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)系统信道估计新方法,全面研究了认知无线电NC-OFDM系统CS信道估计的理论框架、导频图案的设计、信道估计算法,并依据CS测量矩阵设计理论提出了测量矩阵互相关最小化的导频图案优化准则。仿真结果表明,同已有的NC-OFDM系统信道估计方法相比,CS信道估计能够在多种禁用子载波场景下,使用较少导频获得很好的信道估计性能。  相似文献   

针对在多普勒环境下LTE-A(改进的长期演进)系统时频域二维稀疏信道的特性,根据导频在时频域的分布以及二者之间的相关性,通过将搜索空间分解为时域上OFDM(正交频分复用)符号间和频域上子载波间范围,提出了一种基于OMP(正交匹配追踪)算法改进压缩感知的信道估计。仿真结果表明,改进的OMP算法较原始算法具有更低的MSE(均方误差)。  相似文献   

This paper presents the idea of sparse channel estimation using compressed sensing (CS) method for space–time block coding (STBC), and spatially multiplexing (SM) derived hybrid multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) Asymmetrically clipped optical‐orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO‐OFDM) optical wireless communication system. This hybrid system accounts multiplexing gain of SM and diversity gain of STBC technique. We present a new variant of sparsity adaptive matching pursuit (SaMP) algorithm called dynamic step‐size SaMP (DSS‐SaMP) algorithm. It makes use of the inherent and implicit structure of SaMP, along with dynamic adaptivity of step‐size feature which is compatible with the energy of the input signal, thus the name dynamic step size. Existing CS‐based recovery algorithms like orthogonal matching pursuit, SaMP, adaptive step‐size SaMP, and proposed DSS‐SaMP were compared for hybrid MIMO‐ACO‐OFDM visible light communication system. The performance analysis is demonstrated through simulation results with respect to bit error rate, symbol error rate, mean square error, computational complexity, and peak‐to‐average power ratio. Simulation results show that the proposed technique gives improved performance and lesser computational complexity in comparison with conventional estimation algorithms.  相似文献   

李坤  张静  李潇  金石 《电信科学》2020,36(10):46-55
作为第六代移动通信发展的主流方向,智能通信正在蓬勃发展中,且初步展示了其与传统通信方法相比的优势。人工智能辅助的信道估计作为智能通信的重要组成,在已有的研究成果中展示了其相比传统信道估计算法的优越性,尤其是基于压缩感知技术、超分辨技术、残差学习等开展的信道估计研究均获得了丰硕的成果。针对人工智能辅助的信道估计技术,结合近来学术界最新研究成果,分别从基于深度卷积神经网络、基于深度循环神经网络、基于超分辨技术、基于压缩感知技术 4 个维度展示了人工智能辅助的信道估计的全貌。最后,对比总结了4类信道估计方法优劣及其未来研究方向,展望了信道估计与深度学习结合的广阔前景。  相似文献   

5G移动通信技术相比于目前的4G移动通信技术,其峰值速率将增长数十倍,达到吉比特.未来移动通信系统面临着硬件成本高昂、系统功率消耗过高等问题,成为高传输速率通信的主要瓶颈之一.为了解决上述问题,学术界展开了对低功耗高效传输技术的研究,其中能够有效解决上述问题的途径之一就是低精度(如1~3 bit) ADC的接收机.通过对高斯信道下低精度量化的信道容量进行分析,发现相较于传统高精度ADC接收机,2~3 bit的ADC所带来的信道容量损失在可接受的范围内.面向低精度量化在无线通信系统中的应用,综合论述了低精度量化对信道容量的影响以及低精度量化下接收机的设计,解决了低精度量化下诸如同步、增益控制、信道估计等问题,为低精度量化通信系统的具体实现提供指导.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of localizing a group of targets whose number is unknown by wireless sensor networks. At each time slot, to save energy and bandwidth resources, only part of sensor nodes are scheduled to activate to remain continuous monitoring of all the targets. The localization problem is formulated as a sparse vector recovery problem by utilizing the spatial sparsity of targets’ location. Specifically, each activated sensor records the RSS values of the signals received from the targets and sends the measurements to the sink node where a compressive sampling‐based localization algorithm is conducted to recover the number and locations of targets. We decompose the problem into two sub‐problems, namely, which sensor nodes to activate, and how to utilize the measurements. For the first subproblem, to reduce the effect of measurement noise, we propose an iterative activation algorithm to re‐assign the activation probability of each sensor by exploiting the previous estimate. For the second subproblem, to further improve the localization accuracy, a sequential recovery algorithm is proposed, which conducts compressive sampling on the least squares residual of the previous estimate such that all the previous estimate can be utilized. Under some mild assumptions, we provide the analytical performance bound of our algorithm, and the running time of proposed algorithm is given subsequently. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to the low power spectral density and complicated transfer propagation of ultra‐wideband (UWB) signal, it is important to estimate UWB channel accurately. But it is difficult to sample UWB signals directly due to their wider band width. However, compressed sensing (CS) theory provides a feasible way through lower sampling speed. Common CS‐UWB channel estimation methods adopt convex optimization, non‐sparse or non‐restricted form. In order to strengthen the restriction on sparsity of the reconstructed channel vector, a non‐convex optimization method is proposed in this paper to estimate UWB channel. Proposed method sets the objective function as a non‐convex optimization model using lp–norm. This model is combined as a convex function to approximate the objective function and reconstruct the UWB channel vector iteratively. Because lp–norm is closer to l0–norm than l1 and l2–norm, its restriction on sparsity of objective vector is stricter. The simulation results show that this method can enhance reconstruction performance compared with existing CS‐UWB channel estimation methods. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈发堂  梁志勇  王阳阳 《电讯技术》2023,63(8):1199-1205
波束空间信道估计中大多为窄带信道模型,因此,将基于天线开关网络(Antenna Switching Network, ASN)的导频分组方案应用到宽带信道中,将信道估计构建为稀疏信号恢复问题。针对稀疏信号重构算法中基于广度优先准则的多径匹配追踪算法(Breadth First Based Multipath Matching Pursuit, MMP-BF)需要已知稀疏度的问题,使用分段弱正交匹配追踪算法(Stagewise Weak Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, SWOMP)的阈值准则代替MMP-BF算法的相关性准则,并在每一次迭代结束后根据估计值再次采用阈值准则进行回溯以提高原子选择的准确性。仿真结果表明,在信噪比为0 dB时,改进算法在低导频开销下相比正交匹配追踪(Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, OMP)等传统算法估计精度提高了至少2 dB,相比MMP-BF算法在不同路径个数下具有更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in frequency‐selective fading environments has been well explored. However, OFDM is more prone to time‐selective fading compared with single‐carrier systems. Rapid time variations destroy the subcarrier orthogonality and introduce inter‐carrier interference (ICI). Besides this, obtaining reliable channel estimates for receiver equalization is a non‐trivial task in rapidly fading systems. Our work addresses the problem of channel estimation and ICI suppression by viewing the system as a state‐space model. The Kalman filter is employed to estimate the channel; this is followed by a time‐domain ICI mitigation filter that maximizes the signal‐to‐interference plus noise ratio (SINR) at the receiver. This method is seen to provide good estimation performance apart from significant SINR gain with low training overhead. Suitable bounds on the performance of the system are described; bit error rate (BER) performance over a time‐invariant Rayleigh fading channel serves as the lower bound, whereas BER performance over a doubly selective system with ICI as the dominant impairment provides the upper bound. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王磊  蔡跃明  杨炜伟  屠佳 《通信学报》2011,32(6):116-123
针对两跳多中继放大转发协同通信系统,分析了信道估计误差对系统性能的影响。考虑机会中继和全参与中继两种中继策略,分别推导了系统误码率的闭式表达式,并分析了不同信道估计质量阶数下的系统分集增益。平均信噪比损失率分析表明机会中继较全参与中继对信道估计误差更为敏感。仿真结果验证了理论分析。  相似文献   

在快衰落多输入多输出(MIMO)-正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中,为了避免传统的信道估计方法中存在大量系数需要估计的问题,利用快衰落信道在角时延多普勒域可稀疏的特性,提出了基于压缩感知的MIMO-OFDM系统快衰落信道估计方法。根据压缩感知的受限等距特性(RIP),推导了一种少量导频随机结构测量矩阵,用于测量快衰落信道在角时延多普勒域稀疏系数。接收端可从这些少量的测量数据中以高概率重构出快衰落信道。理论分析与仿真结果都表明:该方法与传统的信道估计方法相比,所得到的系统数据传输效率及估计性能都有了明显提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of a training‐based least square (LS) and linear minimum mean‐square‐error (LMMSE) channel estimation for both hop‐by‐hop and multi‐hop direct forwarding wireless sensor networks over frequency‐selective fading channels. Specifically, to investigate the properties of the channel estimation, we accomplish a theoretical analysis of MSE in terms of various link parameters. From the performance evaluation, we analytically present the effects of the number of hops on the MSE performance for channel estimations in both multi‐hop networks. Interesting observations of MSE behaviors under various conditions are discussed, and the receiver complexity and channel equalization performance are also analyzed. Finally, through the computer simulations, the analytical results and detection performance are demonstrated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the average symbol error rate (SER) for a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) maximal ratio combining (MRC) system with Rayleigh fading desired signal in the presence of non‐Rayleigh fading co‐channel interferers (CCIs) and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). To simulate the actual environments of wireless transmission, we assume that the transceiver only obtains imperfect channel estimation (ICE). For the cases of Nakagami and Rician fading CCIs, analytic expressions for the SER have been derived approximately by introducing the modified signal‐to‐interference and noise power ratio (SINR) that can be obtained by averaging the CCI term in the original SINR over the distribution of ICE of intended user. These formulas can provide important reference of design of MIMO diversity systems. Numerical simulations verify the effectiveness of these formulas. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In amplify‐and‐forward relay networks, the equivalent channel to the destination node is not independent of equivalent noise and the equivalent noise does not follow a Gaussian distribution. Therefore, it is difficult to directly estimate the equivalent channel based on traditional optimal rules. In this paper, we propose a two‐pilot estimation (TPE) scheme that decomposes a non‐Gaussian noise channel estimation problem into two channel estimation problems in Gaussian noise. In TPE scheme, the relay‐destination channel is first estimated by one pilot and the other pilot is used to estimate the equivalent channel with the aid of the estimated relay‐destination channel. Simulation results show that the TPE scheme can achieve less estimation error and larger system throughput than other existing channel estimators in slow fading case. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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