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《Acta Astronautica》2008,62(11-12):1130-1135
The low gravity of a small asteroid would present a challenge for an astronaut attempting to work on its surface. Extravehicular activities (EVAs) of the sophistication of the Apollo Moon missions are not likely to be possible if astronauts attempt to walk freely on the asteroid, hover above its surface, or anchor locally into the regolith. Manipulating large rocks, drilling, and excavating at multiple locations is a high priority science objective, but would be difficult without a hold-down mechanism. If the asteroid has even a small rotation rate, maneuvering precisely over its surface could be cumbersome. A plausible means of conducting complex EVAs is to tie ropes entirely around the asteroid, under which the astronaut is pushed downward onto the asteroid surface by the tension in the rope. The downward force provides an artificial gravity that permits the astronaut to drill, excavate, hammer, and carefully document materials on the surface without the worry of being thrown from the asteroid. An astronaut could also use the ropes as handholds or guides to maneuver freely over the surface.  相似文献   

A possibility to prevent collisions with the Earth of dangerous celestial bodies by directing at them small asteroids is considered. It is proposed to solve this problem using a gravitational maneuver near the Earth.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to quantify the performance of an Electric Solar Wind Sail for accomplishing flyby missions toward one of the two orbital nodes of a near-Earth asteroid. Assuming a simplified, two-dimensional mission scenario, a preliminary mission analysis has been conducted involving the whole known population of those asteroids at the beginning of the 2013 year. The analysis of each mission scenario has been performed within an optimal framework, by calculating the minimum-time trajectory required to reach each orbital node of the target asteroid. A considerable amount of simulation data have been collected, using the spacecraft characteristic acceleration as a parameter to quantify the Electric Solar Wind Sail propulsive performance. The minimum time trajectory exhibits a different structure, which may or may not include a solar wind assist maneuver, depending both on the Sun-node distance and the value of the spacecraft characteristic acceleration. Simulations show that over 60% of near-Earth asteroids can be reached with a total mission time less than 100 days, whereas the entire population can be reached in less than 10 months with a spacecraft characteristic acceleration of 1 mm/s2.  相似文献   

Claudio Bombardelli   《Acta Astronautica》2009,65(7-8):1162-1167
The article demonstrates the feasibility of artificially increase the spin rate of asteroids about 200 m in diameter beyond the limit in which they begin to disrupt. In the proposed concept a tethered satellite of less than a few tens of kilometres length anchored to the asteroid surface is employed as a mean to exchange angular momentum with the celestial body and increase its spin rate. Simple calculations based on angular momentum and energy conservation show that a 200 m diameter asteroid can be spun-up to critical rotation speed in less than one year with current technology.The scheme can be utilized as a unique scientific tool to characterize the asteroid internal structure and composition.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1999,44(5-6):267-280
An impending demand for exploring the small bodies such as the comets and the asteroids envisioned the Japanese MUSES-C mission to the near Earth asteroid Nereus. An autonomous optical guidance and navigation strategy around the asteroid is discussed in this paper. Four major new schemes are dealt with here: They are (1) Aligned intercept guidance, (2) Strategic building of the flight phases, (3) Image processing of line-of-sight shift information instead of characteristic point tracking, and (4) Stability and accuracy analysis associated with the guidance and navigation strategies developed here. Some comprehensive numerical illustrations are also given to support them.  相似文献   

Human interplanetary missions are constrained by the problem of astronaut exposure to galactic cosmic radiation. This paper surveys the existing on-line near-Earth object (NEO) data base in an effort to identify NEOs that cross both Earth's ad Mars’ orbits and could be used as cosmic ray shields by interplanetary voyagers. The search concentrated on low-inclination Mars-crossing NEOs that approach Earth, Mars, and main-belt asteroids in the 2020–2100 time frame. Both outbound and return transfers were searched for. Several candidates for Earth–Mars, Mars–Earth, and Earth–Vesta transfers have been found from the very incomplete August 2008 data base. Other aspects of this interplanetary transfer option are considered.  相似文献   

The Desert Research and Technology Studies (D-RATS) 2011 field test involved the planning and execution of a series of exploration scenarios under operational conditions similar to those expected during a human exploration mission to a near-Earth asteroid (NEA). The focus was on understanding the operations tempo during simulated NEA exploration and the implications of communications latency and limited data bandwidth. Anchoring technologies and sampling techniques were not evaluated due to the immaturity of those technologies and the inability to meaningfully test them at D-RATS. Reduced gravity analogs and simulations are being used to fully evaluate Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV) and extravehicular (EVA) operations and interactions in near-weightlessness at a NEA as part of NASA's integrated analogs program. Hypotheses were tested by planning and performing a series of 1-day simulated exploration excursions comparing test conditions all of which involved a single Deep Space Habitat (DSH) and either 0, 1, or 2 SEVs; 3 or 4 crewmembers; 1 of 2 different communications bandwidths; and a 50-second each-way communications latency between the field site and Houston. Excursions were executed at the Black Point Lava Flow test site with a remote Mission Control Center and Science Support Room at Johnson Space Center (JSC) being operated with 50-second each-way communication latency to the field. Crews were composed of astronauts and professional field geologists. Teams of Mission Operations and Science experts also supported the mission simulations each day. Data were collected separately from the Crew, Mission Operations, and Science teams to assess the test conditions from multiple perspectives. For the operations tested, data indicates practically significant benefits may be realized by including at least one SEV and by including 4 versus 3 crewmembers in the NEA exploration architecture as measured by increased scientific data quality, EVA exploration time, capability assessment ratings, and consensus acceptability ratings provided by Crew, Mission Operations, and Science teams. A combination of text and voice was used to effectively communicate over the communications latency, and increased communication bandwidth yielded a small but practically significant improvement in overall acceptability as rated by the Science team, although the impact of bandwidth on scientific strategic planning and public outreach was not assessed. No effect of increased bandwidth was observed with respect to Crew or Mission Operations team ratings of overall acceptability.  相似文献   

小行星环境特性不仅是小行星科学研究的基础,也是在设计小行星工程任务时所要综合考虑的关键因素。文章通过对现有的研究资料进行总结,从空间环境、表面环境和内部环境3个方面阐述了小行星的环境特性;最后,对中国国家航天局公布的我国首次小行星探测任务的探测目标——近地小行星(469219)2016HO3和主带彗星133P/Elst-Pizarro的特点进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of optical detection of hazardous asteroids of 100–1000 m diameter on the Earth’s surface and in space. Appropriate instruments suitable for solving this problem are also considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mission analysis comparison of human missions to asteroids using two distinct architectures. The objective is to determine if either architecture can reduce launch mass with respect to the other, while not sacrificing other performance metrics such as mission duration. One architecture relies on chemical propulsion, the traditional workhorse of space exploration. The second combines chemical and electric propulsion into a hybrid architecture that attempts to utilize the strengths of each, namely the short flight times of chemical propulsion and the propellant efficiency of electric propulsion. The architectures are thoroughly detailed, and accessibility of the known asteroid population is determined for both. The most accessible asteroids are discussed in detail. Aspects such as mission abort scenarios and vehicle reusability are also discussed. Ultimately, it is determined that launch mass can be greatly reduced with the hybrid architecture, without a notable increase in mission duration. This demonstrates that significant performance improvements can be introduced to the next step of human space exploration with realistic electric propulsion system capabilities. This leads to immediate cost savings for human exploration and simultaneously opens a path of technology development that leads to technologies enabling access to even further destinations in the future.  相似文献   

敏捷遥感卫星工作模式研究   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
综述了国外商业遥感卫星发展情况,归纳总结了高分辨率商业卫星的主要技术指标和特点。在充分调研国外敏捷遥感卫星的基础上,从成像目标需求、分辨率与幅宽关系、立体成像三方面总结出此类卫星的技术特点,阐述了发展敏捷遥感卫星的重要意义和作用,并深入分析了实现姿态敏捷控制的技术途径。利用姿态的敏捷控制能力,研究提出了多点目标成像、立体成像、宽幅拼接成像、动态扫描成像等4种典型工作模式,完成了敏捷卫星主要工作模式的分析与设计,并基于此工作模式要求,提出了敏捷卫星工程实现的技术途径。  相似文献   

李翱  于勇  褚超  张振华 《宇航学报》2018,39(6):697-701
针对现代雷达系统功能需求多样化、处理数据量大的特点,提出一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)处理平台的多模式高效频域脉冲压缩方法。其快速傅里叶变换(FFT)模块采用复式FFT结构,其运算能力比基-4 Burst I/O结构提高了一倍;参考函数模块采用实时查表法,根据发射信号基本参数对参考信号进行实时生成;脉冲压缩模块进行了知识产权(IP)核封装处理,使其既能通过灵活配置适应多工作模式实用需求,又能够便利地移植和复用。采用此方法在基于Virtex-7 FPGA硬件平台上进行试验验证,结果表明,该方法能够高效地实现8192点至32768点脉冲压缩处理,处理点数多,实时性高,且处理结果满足航天工程应用要求。  相似文献   

关于航天工艺工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
最近,航天科工集团工艺专家组组长谈凤奎同志,结合十六大精神学习,按照各项工作要有新举措的要求,针对新形势下,如何开展航天工艺工作,提高航天制造技术水平,进行认真思考,提出了一些颇有新意的见解。现将谈总文章刊登如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The possibilities of an expedition to asteroids of the Main belt with the goal of obtaining samples of their matter using a spacecraft with a small-thrust electric propulsion, which is under development as a part of the Fobos-Grunt project, are considered. Obtaining matter from different regions of the Solar system is necessary in order to understand its origin and the structure of the Earth. Approximate estimates are made for the flights of spacecraft with electric propulsion and different power of solar batteries, and with perturbation maneuver near Mars for expeditions to the Main asteroid belt, including its middle part.  相似文献   

Trajectories of spacecraft with electro-jet low-thrust engines are studied for missions planning to deliver samples of matter from small bodies of the Solar System: asteroids Vesta and Fortuna, and Martian moon Phobos. Flight trajectories are analyzed for the mission to Phobos, the limits of optimization of payload spacecraft mass delivered to it are determined, and an estimate is given to losses in the payload mass when a low-thrust engine with constant outflow velocity is used. The model of an engine with ideally regulated low thrust is demonstrated to be convenient for calculations and analysis of flight trajectories of a low-thrust spacecraft.  相似文献   

光阴似箭,日月如梭。从2001年12月10日民航南宁空管中心成立,到2007年9月6日民航广西空中交通管理分局挂牌,近6年的时间转眼过去了。6年的时间对于浩浩汤汤的历史长河来说,不过是沧海一粟。然而这6年,对于一直以保障祖国蓝天空管安全为己任的广西空管人来说,是一个从蹒跚起步、逐渐成长、风雨兼程、  相似文献   

论文针对高职高专院校辅导员工作的现实,认为高职高专院校的学生生源素质决定高职高专院校辅导员不仅要有满腔的政治热情,还要有较好的综合素质、较强的工作能力、较高的工作艺术,建立和谐的师生关系,真正做学生的人生导师、专业教师、生活良师和情感沟通的朋友.  相似文献   

从载人航天器测控与通信分系统链路资源出发,提出了基于地面S频段测控及导航信号接收链路全向覆盖,宽波束中继链路自主组阵,窄波束中继天线自主跟踪的测控与通信分系统安全工作模式,确保任何情况下测控通信链路都能够稳定建立,特别是在载人航天器出现异常掉电又恢复后,测控与通信分系统能够自动恢复高、低速天地链路,确保载人航天器安全工作。该模式设计经过地面测试验证和在轨飞行验证,既能够满足正常飞行时链路余量大于3 dB的要求,又有效减少了紧急情况下载人航天器对地面的依赖,取得了良好的在轨应用效果。  相似文献   

The feasible rendezvous, flyby and sample return mission scenario to different spectral-type asteroids for the 2015–2025 are investigated. The emphasis is put on the potential target selection and the design of preliminary interplanetary transfer trajectory in this paper. First, according to different scientific motivations, some potential targets with different spectral-type and physical property are selected. Then, some optimal rendezvous and sample return opportunities for different spectral-type asteroids are presented by using pork-chop plots method and Sequential Quadratic-Programming (SQP) algorithm. In order to reduce the launch energy and total velocity increments for sample return mission, the Earth swingby strategy is used. In addition, the feasible trajectory profiles of flyby and rendezvous with two different spectral-type asteroids in one mission are discussed. A hybrid optimization method combing the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm and SQP algorithm is introduced as a trajectory design method for the mission. Finally, some important parameters of transfer trajectory are analyzed, which would have a direct impact on the design of spacecraft subsystem, such as communication, power and thermal control subsystem.  相似文献   

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