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At luminosities below a few percent of Eddington, accreting black holes switch to a hard spectral state which is very different from the soft blackbody-like spectral state that is found at higher luminosities. The hard state is well-described by a two-temperature, optically thin, geometrically thick, advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) in which the ions are extremely hot (up to 1012 K near the black hole), the electrons are also hot (∼109−10.5 K), and thermal Comptonization dominates the X-ray emission. The radiative efficiency of an ADAF decreases rapidly with decreasing mass accretion rate, becoming extremely low when a source reaches quiescence. ADAFs are expected to have strong outflows, which may explain why relativistic jets are often inferred from the radio emission of these sources. It has been suggested that most of the X-ray emission also comes from a jet, but this is less well established.  相似文献   

We examine the supernova remnant SNR 0540-697 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using data from the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer. The X-ray emission from this supernova remnant (SNR) had previously been hidden in the bright emission of the nearby X-ray binary LMC X-1; however, new observations with Chandra can finally reveal the SNR's structure and spectrum. We find the SNR to be a thick-shelled structure about 19 pc in diameter, with a brightened northeast region. Spectral results suggest a temperature of 0.31 keV and an X-ray luminosity (0.3-3.0 keV) of 8.4x1033 ergs s(-1). We estimate an age of 12,000-20,000 yr for this SNR, but note that this estimate does not take into account the possibility of cavity expansion or other environmental effects.  相似文献   

研究了环绕致密天体的吸积盘的稳定性质和振动模式。特别关注了在热致和粘滞扰动作用下稳定的对流起支配作用的盘外流。还研究了相对论性吸积盘的振动模式。一些在盘内的捕获的 ,非衰减的模式也许可以用来解释X射线双星和活动星系核中所观测到的准周期振动。  相似文献   

Any quasi-periodic variations discovered in blazar light curves would contain important information on the location and nature of the processes within the emission regions. In non-blazar active galactic nuclei, particularly Seyfert galaxies, any such fluctuations are very likely to be associated with the accretion disks, but in blazars they would almost certainly have to emanate from jets. This brief review summarizes recent claims for the presence of quasi-periodic variability in the X-ray emission of several AGN, focusing on blazars. Although no individual claim of the presence of a QPO in AGN X-ray light curves is absolutely convincing, there are some good cases for the presence of QPOs, including the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy, RE J1034+396, the quasar, 3C 273 and the BL Lac, PKS 2155?304.  相似文献   

A peak exists in the distribution of observed black hole masses and no satisfactory explanation has been forthcoming so far. Here, we attempt an interpretation. We first establish a link between the helium core mass and the initial black hole mass, based on the result of 2-dimensional simulation of stellar core collapse by Fryer et al. Then the helium core masses are computed by using the PPE stellar evolution code, and the distribution of initial black hole masses for black hole binaries in stellar populations II and I is obtained. These are then compared with observations.  相似文献   

通过几十年的观测研究, 黑洞X射线双星(X-Ray Binary, XRB)部分特征被揭示. 然而, 吸积盘结构尚不确定. 黑洞XRB功率密度谱的截断频率与准周期振荡(Quasi Periodic Oscillation, QPO)的相关性质(W-K关系)可以限制吸积盘结构. 利用慧眼-HXMT (Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope)观测到的5个黑洞XRB的数据, 对黑洞XRB的W-K关系进行了研究, 结果表明在慧眼-HXMT观测的3个探测器能段中W-K关系成立. 此外在MAXI J1535-571之中存在截断频率和吸积盘内半径的相关关系, 这和截断的吸积盘结构一致. 如果观测到的功率密度谱来自质量吸积率的扰动传播, 可以推测吸积盘内半径接近最内圆形稳定轨道, 此黑洞可能是高自旋系统.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the power spectrum of the X-ray nova MAXI J1535-571 at the initial stage of its outburst in September 2017. Based on data from the SWIFT and INTEGRAL instruments, we have traced the evolution of the QPO parameters (primarily their frequency) with time and their correlation with changes in the X-ray spectrum of the source (changes in the emission flux and hardness). We place constraints on the theoretical QPO generation models.  相似文献   

黑洞吸积的双模式特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑洞吸积必定是跨声速的。对于静态、绝热吸积流,比能量E、比角动量L和质量吸积率M都是空间的常量。跨声速解的非奇异条件,F(E,L,M)=0,使独立参数减为只有两个。对于一对给定的E和L的符合条件E_c>E>E_(Barr)的值(这里E_c是一临界值,E_(Barr)是引力和离心力的联合势垒),上述非奇异条件给出两个不同的吸积率值,对应着两个不同的吸积流声速点位置。然而,物理上合理的整体解却是唯一的,它总是使两个吸积率值中之较小者得到实现。 对于一个不转动的黑洞,吸积以两种模式之一进行。一是类球吸积或称Bondi吸积,角动量的影响和相对论效应均微不足道;另一是盘吸积,这两个因素起决定性作用。两种模式之间的转换是基于声速点位置的间断性跳跃,而这种跳跃是由吸积流参数(例如角动量)的连续变化所引发。Bondi吸积可称为高态而盘吸积为低态,因为前者总对应着较高的吸积率。 随时间变化的吸积流很可能在这两种模式之间来回振荡,呈现出周期性或准周期性或无规则行为。这可以用来解释天鹅座X-1和若干活动星系核的光变现象,从而为黑洞的存在提供有力的观测依据。  相似文献   

采用含有频率涨落噪声和指数形式关联随机力作用的广义朗之万(Langevin)方程模型描述黑洞吸积盘的垂向振荡,推导出吸积盘随机振荡光度功率谱密度的解析表达式,并讨论了系统参数对功率谱密度中低频准周期振荡(Low Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations,LFQPOs)现象的影响。研究结果发现选取合适的系统参数时,功率谱密度曲线上出现了一个基频和一个二次谐频的共振双峰低频准周期振荡,基频峰对应的中心频率为吸积盘振荡的特征频率;随机力关联时间决定了基频峰的高度和宽度,频率噪声强度和粘滞阻尼只对二次谐频峰产生影响。结果说明吸积盘的随机振荡模型可以作为低频准周期振荡起源的一种解释。  相似文献   

卢炬甫 《天文学进展》2001,19(3):365-374
在已知的四种黑洞吸积盘模型中,Shapiro-Lightman-Eardley(SLE)盘是不稳定的,细(Slim)盘研究得还不够,较为成功的是最早建立的Shakura-Sunyaev盘(SSD)和近年成为热点的径移主导吸积流(ADAF)。SSD和ADAF看来分别适用于吸积流中离黑洞较远和较近的区域,故二者的结合即ADAF+SSD模型有望对黑洞吸积流作出较为完整的描述,但这个结合模型也还有不少未解决的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we employ a stochastic oscillating accretion disk model for the power spectral index and variability of BL Lac object S5 0716+714. In the model, we assume that there is a relativistic oscillation of thin accretion disks and it interacts with an external thermal bath through a friction force and a random force. We simulate the light curve and the power spectrum density (PSD) at (i) over-damped, (ii) critically damped and (iii) under-damped cases, respectively. Our results show that the simulated PSD curves depend on the intrinsic property of the accretion disk, and it could be produced in a wide interval ranging from 0.94 to 2.05 by changing the friction coefficient in a stochastic oscillating accretion disk model. We argue that accretion disk stochastic oscillating could be a possible interpretation for observed PSD variability.  相似文献   

近十几年来,人们已经对吸积盘进行了深入的研究。前人很多工作都是解析工作。虽然解析工作能够简单明了地揭示盘的许多重要性质,但吸积盘的很多重要性质(例如:对流和外流)没有办法通过解析工作进行深入的研究。数值模拟是研究天体物理的重要手段。近十年来,随着计算机技术的迅速发展,数值模拟在天体物理研究中扮演了越来越重要的角色。本论文主要用数值模拟的手段研究吸积盘中一些重要的物理过程。  相似文献   

围绕黑洞作开普勒运动的环状发光物所发射的光,将受到多普勒颇移和引力的综合作用.本文用光子输运方程方法,针对洛仑兹型发射谱线,求出在Schwarzschild度规下谱线轮廓的精确解,并讨论了Hercules星系团中类星体1604+179光谱的认证.  相似文献   

In this paper, perturbations of an accretion disk by a star orbiting around a black hole are studied. We report on a numerical experiment, which has been carried out by using a parallel-machine code originally developed by Dönmez (2004). An initially steady state accretion disk near a non-rotating (Schwarzschild) black hole interacts with a “star”, modeled as an initially circular region of increased density. Part of the disk is affected by the interaction. In some cases, a gap develops and shock wave propagates through the disk. We follow the evolution for order of one dynamical period and we show how the non-axisymetric density perturbation further evolves and moves downwards where the material of the disk and the star become eventually accreted onto the central body. When the star perturbs the steady state accretion disk, the disk around the black hole is destroyed by the effect of perturbation. The perturbed accretion disk creates a shock wave during the evolution and it loses angular momentum when the gas hits on the shock waves. Colliding gas with the shock wave is the one of the basic mechanism of emitting the X-rays in the accretion disk. The series of supernovae occurring in the inner disk could entirely destroy the disk in that region which leaves a more massive black hole behind, at the center of galaxies.  相似文献   

The evolution of young (≲ 10 Myr) star clusters with a density exceeding about 105 star pc−3 are strongly affected by physical stellar collisions during their early lifetime. In such environments the same star may participate in several tens to hundreds of collisions ultimately leading to the collapse of the star to a black hole of intermediate mass. At later time, the black hole may acquire a companion star by tidal capture or by dynamical – three-body – capture. When the captured star evolves it starts to fill its Roche-lobe and transfers mass to its accompanying black hole. This then leads to a bright phase of X-ray emission, which lasts for the remaining main-sequence lifetime of the donor. If the star captured by the intermediate mass black hole is relatively low mass ≲ 2 M⊙) the binary will also be visible as a bright source in gravitational waves. Based on empirical models we argue that, for as long as the donor remains on the main sequence, the source will be ultraluminous Lx >rsim 1040 ergs-1 for about a week every few month. When the donor star is more massive >15 M⊙, or evolved off the main sequence the bright time is longer, but the total accretion phase lasts much shorter.  相似文献   

X射线双星中的回旋共振散射吸收特征(即回旋吸收线特征)是直接测量中子星磁场的工具。回旋吸收线表现为X射线能谱中多阶吸收特征。截至目前,已在30多颗源中探测到该现象,其能量范围为10-80 keV,对应的磁场强度范围为10^7-10^9 T。随着X射线探测技术的进步,回旋吸收线观测及理论研究也迅速发展,包括谐频和基频回旋吸收线能量之比、回旋吸收线形状的复杂性、回旋吸收线形态参数间的相关性、回旋吸收线能量与光度的关系、回旋吸收线的脉冲相位解析谱及回旋吸收线能量的长时标演化等。未来,人们将通过对回旋吸收线的研究,在探测高磁场中子星,以及在探究中子星磁场结构和吸积柱物理等方面取得更多成果。  相似文献   

I summarize the main observational properties of low-luminosity AGNs in nearby galaxies to argue that they are the high-mass analogs of black hole X-ray binaries in the “low/hard” state. The principal characteristics of low-state AGNs can be accommodated with a scenario in which the central engine is comprised of three components: an optically thick, geometrically accretion disk with a truncated inner radius, a radiatively inefficient flow, and a compact jet.  相似文献   

We here investigate the possibility that the ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray (UHECR) events observed above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) limit are mostly protons accelerated in reconnection sites just above the magnetosphere of newborn millisecond pulsars that are originated by accretion-induced collapse (AIC). We formulate the requirements for the acceleration mechanism and show that AIC pulsars with surface magnetic fields 1012 G/=10(20) eV. Because the expected rate of AIC sources in our Galaxy is very small ( approximately 10(-5) yr(-1)), the corresponding contribution to the flux of UHECRs is negligible and the total flux is given by the integrated contribution from AIC sources produced by the distribution of galaxies located within the distance that is unaffected by the GZK cutoff ( approximately 50 Mpc). We find that reconnection should convert a fraction xi greater, similar0.1 of magnetic energy into UHECRs in order to reproduce the observed flux.  相似文献   

本文以声速点的物理量作为边界条件,积分流体力学方程组,给出了几何薄光学厚的黑洞吸积盘的温度分布.结果表明在这种吸积盘的内缘温度将急剧下降.另外,我们发现几何薄光学薄气体压为主的α-律吸积盘是热不稳定的.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of three cool brown dwarfs that fall in the effective temperature gap between the latest L dwarfs currently known, with no methane absorption bands in the 1-2.5 μm range, and the previously known methane (T) dwarfs, whose spectra are dominated by methane and water. The newly discovered objects were detected as very red objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging data and have JHK colors between the red L dwarfs and the blue Gl 229B-like T dwarfs. They show both CO and CH(4) absorption in their near-infrared spectra in addition to H(2)O, with weaker CH(4) absorption features in the H and K bands than those in all other methane dwarfs reported to date. Due to the presence of CH(4) in these bands, we propose that these objects are early T dwarfs. The three form part of the brown dwarf spectral sequence and fill in the large gap in the overall spectral sequence from the hottest main-sequence stars to the coolest methane dwarfs currently known.  相似文献   

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