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This contribution presents data for laser ablation multicollector ICP‐MS (LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS) analyses of NIST SRM 610 and 612 glasses with the express purpose of examining the Pb isotope homogeneity of these glasses at the ~ 100 μm spatial scale, relevant to in situ analysis. Investigation of homogeneity at these scales is important as these glasses are widely used as calibrators for in situ measurements of Pb isotope composition. Results showed that at the levels of analytical uncertainty obtained, there was no discernable heterogeneity in Pb isotope composition of NIST SRM 610 and also most probably for NIST SRM 612. Traverses across the ~ 1.5 mm glass wafers supplied by NIST, consisting of between 75 and 133 individual measurements, showed no compositional outliers at the two standard deviation level beyond those expected from population statistics. Overall, the measured Pb isotope ratios from individual traverses across NIST SRM 610 and 612 wafers closely approximate single normally‐distributed populations, with standard deviations similar to the average internal uncertainty for individual measurement blocks. Further, Pb isotope ratios do not correlate with Tl/Pb ratios measured during the analysis, suggesting that regions of volatile element depletion (marked by low Tl/Pb) in these glasses are not associated with changes in Pb isotope composition. For NIST SRM 610 there also appeared to be no variation in Pb isotope composition related to incomplete mixing of glass base and trace element spike during manufacture. For NIST SRM 612 there was some dispersion of measured ratios, including some in a direction parallel to the expected mixing line for base‐spike mixing. However, there was no significant correlation parallel to the mixing line. At this time this cannot be unequivocally demonstrated to result from glass heterogeneity, but it is suggested that NIST SRM 610 be preferred for standardising in situ Pb isotope measurements. Data from this study also showed significantly better accuracy and somewhat better precision for ratios corrected for mass bias by external normalisation to Pb isotope ratios measured in bracketing calibrators compared to mass bias corrected via internal normalisation to measured 205Tl/203Tl, although the Tl isotopic composition of both glasses appears to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

We present data for the concentrations of eleven rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb, Lu) in eleven international geochemical reference materials obtained by isotope dilution multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). We have analysed both rock powders and synthetic silicate glasses, and the latter provide precise data to support the use of these as reference materials for in situ trace element determination techniques. Our data also provide precise measurements of the abundance of mono-isotopic Pr in both glasses and powders, which allows more accurate constraints on the anomalous redox-related behaviour of Ce during geochemical processes. All materials were analysed in replicate providing data that typically reproduce to better than one percent. Sm/Nd ratios in all these materials also reproduce to better than 0.2% and are accurate to < 0.2% and can thus be used as calibrants for Sm-Nd geochronology. Our analyses agree well with existing data on these reference materials. In particular, for NIST SRM 610, USGS BHVO-2, AGV-1 and AGV-2, our measured REE abundances are typically within < 2% (and mostly 1%) of REE concentrations previously determined by isotope dilution analysis and thermal ionisation mass spectrometry, consistent with the higher degree of precision and accuracy obtained from isotope dilution techniques. Close agreement of results between basaltic glass reference materials USGS BHVO-2G and BCR-2G and the BHVO-2 and BCR-2 powders from which they were created suggests that little fractionation, concentration or dilution of REE contents occurred during glass manufacture.  相似文献   

The NIST glass certified reference materials, SRM 610-617, have been widely adopted by the geological community as calibration samples for a variety of in situ trace element analytical techniques. There is now an urgent requirement for similar reference materials for in situ isotopic analytical techniques. We have analysed SRM 610, 612 and 614 for their Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Large differences in isotopic composition were observed between each CRM, suggesting a significant trace element content in the initial starting material (base glass). As a result, isotopic compositions for one CRM cannot be extrapolated to another, and each must be calibrated for use independently. We present the first compilation of working values for these glasses.  相似文献   

Isotope dilution determinations of Lu, Hf, Zr, Ta and W are reported for nine test portions (five for W) of NIST SRM 610 and 612 glass wafers. Additionally, all test portions were analysed for their Hf isotope compositions. In general, high field strength elemental (HFSE) distributions in NIST SRM 610 and 612 were reproducible to ~± 1%, except for Zr (± 5%) in NIST SRM 612, and absolute reported concentrations agreed with previously published values, but with higher precision. The slightly worse reproducibility of Zr in NIST SRM 612 compared to other HFSE is interpreted to result from analytical scatter, rather than sample inhomogeneity. The analyses demonstrated elemental homogeneity for both glass wafers for samples of 1–2 mg with respect to the precision of the method, i.e., ± 1% or better. Average Hf isotope compositions for both glass wafers agreed within uncertainty and the weighted average of all determinations yielded a mean 176Hf/177Hf ratio of 0.282111 ± 0.000009 (95% confidence level). However, although mean values for NIST SRM 610 and 612 agreed within analytical limits, NIST SRM 610 test portions showed a tendency of systematically elevated isotope composition of ~ 0.5 ?Hf units when compared to NIST SRM 612, which may indicate a slightly more radiogenic Hf isotope composition of NIST SRM 610. The results of this study suggest that NIST SRM 610 and 612 are valuable calibrators for HFSE in situ analyses within the given uncertainties.  相似文献   

Molybdenum concentration and δ98/95Mo values for NIST SRM 610 and 612 (solid glass), NIST SRM 3134 (lot 891307; liquid) and IAPSO seawater reference material are presented based on comparative measurements by MC‐ICP‐MS performed in laboratories at the Universities of Bern and Oxford. NIST SRM 3134 and NIST SRM 610 and 612 were found to have identical and homogeneous 98Mo/95Mo ratios at a test portion mass of 0.02 g. We suggest, therefore, that NIST SRM 3134 should be used as reference for the δ–Mo notation and to employ NIST SRM 610 or 612 as solid silicate secondary measurement standards, in the absence of an isotopically homogeneous solid geological reference material for Mo. The δ98/95MoJMC Bern composition (Johnson Matthey ICP standard solution, lot 602332B as reference) of NIST SRM 3134 was 0.25 ± 0.09‰ (2s). Based on five new values, we determined more precisely the mean open ocean δ98/95MoSRM 3134 value of 2.09 ± 0.07‰, which equals the value of δ98/95MoJMC Bern of 2.34 ± 0.07‰. We also refined the Mo concentration data for NIST SRM 610 to 412 ± 9 μg g?1 (2s) and NIST SRM 612 to 6.4 ± 0.7 μg g?1 by isotope dilution. We propose these concentration data as new working values, which allow for more accurate in situ Mo determination using laser ablation ICP‐MS or SIMS.  相似文献   

The calcium isotopic composition of NIST SRM 915b and 1486 provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology was analysed. The δ44/40Ca values of the two reference materials relative to NIST SRM 915a were: NIST SRM 915b =+0.72 ± 0.04‰ and NIST SRM 1486 =?1.01 ± 0.02‰. NIST SRM 1486 did not require any chemical separation prior to measurement.  相似文献   

We present new concentration data for twenty four lithophile trace elements in NIST certified reference material glasses SRM 610-SRM 611 in support of their use in microanalytical techniques. The data were obtained by solution ICP-MS and isotope dilution TIMS analysis of two different sample wafers. An overall assessment of these new results, also taking into account ion probe studies that have been published in the literature, shows that these wafers can be considered to be homogeneous. Therefore, individually analysed wafers are believed to be representative of the entire batch of the SRM 610-611 glasses. Possible exceptions are the alkali metals (and a few volatile or non-lithophile trace elements). The analysed concentrations range between 370 μg g−1 (Cs) and 500 μg g−1 (Sr) and agree well with published values. On the basis of our new data and data recently published in the literature we propose "preferred average" values for the elements studied. These values are, within a few percent, identical to those proposed by other workers.  相似文献   

The SRM 600 series of glasses, SRM 611 to SRM 619, which nominally contain 500 (SRM 610, 611), 50 (SRM 612, 613), 1 (SRM 614, 615) and 0.02 (SRM 616, 617) μg g−1 of sixty one elements are now being extensively used as microprobe standards. Recent compilations of the trace element concentrations, which include many new multi-element bulk analyses, do not all give the same value within the stated uncertainty; this observation appears to raise questions about the degree of homogeneity on a microscale reported from probe measurements. The ion microprobe cannot give absolute concentrations, but can accurately measure the abundance ratios between glasses of similar major element chemistry. Recent and new probe measurements show that, although the absolute concentrations are significantly lower than the nominal values, the average dilution factors are 12 : 1 : 0.02 : 0.0004 and close to weighed amounts. The consistency between the ratios of random samples of glasses (SRM 610/SRM 612 and SRM 611/SRM 613) strongly supports a high degree of homogeneity on all scales. The measured abundance ratios between two glasses can, therefore, act as a useful check on bulk measurement accuracy. A clear correlation in the SRM 610, 611/SRM 612, 613 ratios measured by ion probe and SRM 612 trace concentrations measured by bulk techniques demonstrates that SRM 610, 611 has a much more uniform trace content than SRM 612, 613.  相似文献   

Research into natural mass‐dependent stable isotope fractionation of cadmium has rapidly expanded in the past few years. Methodologies are diverse with MC‐ICP‐MS favoured by all but one laboratory, which uses thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS). To quantify the isotope fractionation and correct for instrumental mass bias, double‐spike techniques, sample‐calibrator bracketing or element doping has been used. However, easy comparison between data sets has been hampered by the multitude of in‐house Cd solutions used as zero‐delta reference in different laboratories. The lack of a suitable isotopic reference material for Cd is detrimental for progress in the long term. We have conducted a comprehensive round‐robin assay of NIST SRM 3108 and the Cd isotope offsets to commonly used in‐house reference materials. Here, we advocate NIST SRM 3108 both as an isotope standard and the isotopic reference point for Cd and encourage its use as ‘zero‐delta’ in future studies. The purity of NIST SRM 3108 was evaluated regarding isobaric and polyatomic molecular interferences, and the levels of Zn, Pd and Sn found were not significant. The isotope ratio 114Cd/110Cd for NIST SRM 3108 lies within ~ 10 ppm Da?1 of best estimates for the Bulk Silicate Earth and is validated for all measurement technologies currently in use.  相似文献   

A combination of EMPA, sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP II) and/or LA-ICP-MS techniques was used to measure the concentration of selenium (Se) in NIST SRM 610, 612, 614 and a range of reference materials. Our new compiled value for the concentration of Se in NIST SRM 610 is 112 ± 2 μg g−1. The concentration of Se in NIST SRM 612, using NIST SRM 610 for calibration, determined using LA-ICP-MS (confirmed using SHRIMP II) was 15.2 ± 0.2 μg g−1. The concentration of Se in NIST SRM 614, using LA-ICP-MS was 0.394 ± 0.012 μg g−1. LA-ICP-MS determination of Se in synthetic geological glasses BCR-2G, BIR-1G, TB-1G and the MPI-DING glasses showed a range in concentrations from 0.062 to 0.168 μg g−1. Selenium in the natural glass, VG2, was 0.204 ± 0.028 μg g−1.  相似文献   

In this study the homogeneity of the zinc isotopic composition in the NIST SRM 683 reference material was examined by measuring the Zn isotopic signature in microdrilled sample powders from two metal nuggets. Zinc was purified using AG MP‐1M resin and then measured by MC‐ICP‐MS. Instrumental mass bias was corrected using the “sample‐standard bracketing” method and empirical external normalisation with Cu doping. After evaluating the potential effects of varying acid mass fractions and different matrices, high‐precision Zn isotope data were obtained with an intermediate measurement precision better than ± 0.05‰ (δ66Zn, 2s) over a period of 5 months. The δ66ZnJMC‐Lyon mean values of eighty‐four and fourteen drilled powders from two nuggets were 0.11 ± 0.02‰ and 0.12 ± 0.02‰, respectively, indicating that NIST SRM 683 is a good isotopic reference material with homogeneous Zn isotopes. The Zn isotopic compositions of seventeen rock reference materials were also determined, and their δ66Zn values were in agreement with most previously published data within 2s. The δ66Zn values of most of the rock reference materials analysed were in the range 0.22–0.36‰, except for GSP‐2 (1.07 ± 0.06‰, n = 12), NOD‐A‐1 (0.96 ± 0.03‰, = 6) and NOD‐P‐1 (0.78 ± 0.03‰, = 6). These comprehensive data should serve as reference values for quality assurance and interlaboratory calibration exercises.  相似文献   

We present boron isotope and concentration data from magmatic (komatiitic to rhyolitic) and sedimentary geological silicate and artificial glass reference materials that cover a wide spectrum of boron isotope compositions and boron concentrations. Boron isotope compositions were determined by TIMS (Cs2BO2+ -graphite and BO2- method) and boron concentrations by ICP-AES. Boron concentrations ranged from 7 to 159μ g-1 and agree within 14% with published values. Based on replicate analyses of individually prepared sample aliquots an overall external reproducibility of better than 10% was determined. The obtained δ11B values ranged from -12.6 to +13.6% and were reproducible within 1.1 % (2 RSD; excluding NTIMS) on the basis of individually prepared sample aliquots. The δ11B values of JA-1 (+5.3%), JB-3 (+5.9%) and JR-2 (+2.9%) overlap the published data within analytical uncertainty. For the first time δ11B values for the TB (-12.6%) and the MPI-DING glasses GOR-128-G (+13.6%), GOR-132-G (+7.1 %) and StHs6/80-G (-4.5%) are reported. The δ11B values obtained by the Cs2BO2+ -graphite and the BO2- method as well as the majority of δ11B values obtained using different sample preparation methods agree within analytical uncertainty. Therefore, we conclude that none of these analytical methods introduce any systematic error on the obtained δ11B values.  相似文献   

Over 1400 electron probe and 700 ion probe microanalyses were performed on eleven mineral separates to evaluate their potential as reference materials for in situ Li isotopic determination. Our results suggest the homogenous distributions of major elements, Li and its isotopes for each sample. Hence, these samples are suitable to be used as reference materials for in situ measurements of Li abundance and Li isotopes by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) or laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). These samples have the advantage of mitigating probable matrix effects during calibration owing to the wide range of compositions. The effect of composition on the δ7Li of olivine measured by SIMS is a linear function of composition, with δ7Li increasing by 1.0‰ for each mole per cent decrease in forsterite component.  相似文献   

Isotopic reference materials are essential to enable reliable and comparable isotope data. In the case of boron only a very limited number of such materials is available, thus preventing adequate quality control of measurement results and validation of analytical procedures. To address this situation a unique set of two boron isotope reference materials (ERM‐AE102a and ‐AE104a) and three offset δ11B reference materials (ERM‐AE120, ‐AE121 and ‐AE122) were produced and certified. The present article describes the production and certification procedure in detail. The isotopic composition of all the materials was adjusted by mixing boron parent solutions enriched in 10B or 11B with a boron parent solution having a natural isotopic composition under full gravimetric control. All parent solutions were analysed for their boron concentration as well as their boron isotopic composition by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) using isotope dilution as the calibration technique. For all five reference materials the isotopic composition obtained on the basis of the gravimetric data agreed very well with the isotopic composition obtained from different TIMS techniques. Stability and homogeneity studies that were performed showed no significant influence on the isotopic composition or on the related uncertainties. The three reference materials ERM‐AE120, ERM‐AE121 and ERM‐AE122 are the first reference materials with natural δ11B values not equal to 0‰. The certified δ11B values are ?20.2‰ for ERM‐AE120, 19.9‰ for ERM‐AE121 and 39.7‰ for ERM‐AE122, each with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of 0.6‰. These materials were produced to cover about three‐quarters of the known natural boron isotope variation. The 10B enriched isotope reference materials ERM‐AE102a and ERM‐AE104a were produced for industrial applications utilising 10B for neutron shielding purposes. The certified 10B isotope abundances are 0.29995 for ERM‐AE102a and 0.31488 for ERM‐AE104a with expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of 0.00027 and 0.00028, respectively. Together with the formerly certified ERM‐AE101 and ERM‐AE103 a unique set of four isotope reference materials and three offset δ11B reference materials for boron isotope determination are now available from European Reference Materials.  相似文献   

We report an approach for the accurate and reproducible measurement of boron isotope ratios in natural waters using an MC‐ICP‐MS (Neptune) after wet chemistry sample purification. The sample matrix can induce a drastic shift in the isotopic ratio by changing the mass bias. It is shown that, if no purification is carried out, the direct measurement of a seawater diluted one hundred times will induce an offset of ?7‰ in the isotopic ratio, and that, for the same concentration, the greater the atomic mass of the matrix element, the greater the bias induced. Whatever the sample, it is thus necessary to remove the matrix. We propose a method adapted to water samples allowing purification of 100 ng of boron with a direct recovery of boron in 2 ml of 3% v/v HNO3, which was our working solution. Boron from the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA‐B1 seawater reference material and from the two groundwater reference materials IAEA‐B2 and IAEA‐B3, was chemically purified, as well as boron from the certified reference material NIST SRM 951 as a test. The reproducibility of the whole procedure (wet chemistry and MC‐ICP‐MS measurement) was ± 0.4‰ (2s). Accuracy was verified by comparison with positive‐TIMS values and with recommended values. Seawater, being homogeneous for boron isotope ratios, is presently the only natural water material that is commonly analysed for testing accuracy worldwide. We propose that the three IAEA natural waters could be used as reference samples for boron isotopes, allowing a better knowledge of their isotopic ratios, thus contributing to the certification of methods and improving the quality of the boron isotopic ratio measurements for all laboratories.  相似文献   

An organic solvent‐free two‐step column procedure is presented that provided robust, high yield and super clean separation of Li from silicate rock sample matrices. The measured δ7Li value for BHVO‐2 of +4.29 ± 0.23‰ (1s) is comparable with the reported values. The δ7Li values for GSJ JP‐1 (+3.14 ± 0.41‰, 1s) and USGS DTS‐2 (+4.91 ± 0.34‰, 1s) presented here provide new reference values for ultramafic rock reference materials.  相似文献   

In this article, we document a detailed analytical characterisation of zircon M127, a homogeneous 12.7 carat gemstone from Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Zircon M127 has TIMS‐determined mean U–Pb radiogenic isotopic ratios of 0.084743 ± 0.000027 for 206Pb/238U and 0.67676 ± 0.00023 for 207Pb/235U (weighted means, 2s uncertainties). Its 206Pb/238U age of 524.36 ± 0.16 Ma (95% confidence uncertainty) is concordant within the uncertainties of decay constants. The δ18O value (determined by laser fluorination) is 8.26 ± 0.06‰ VSMOW (2s), and the mean 176Hf/177Hf ratio (determined by solution ICP‐MS) is 0.282396 ± 0.000004 (2s). The SIMS‐determined δ7Li value is ?0.6 ± 0.9‰ (2s), with a mean mass fraction of 1.0 ± 0.1 μg g?1 Li (2s). Zircon M127 contains ~ 923 μg g?1 U. The moderate degree of radiation damage corresponds well with the time‐integrated self‐irradiation dose of 1.82 × 1018 alpha events per gram. This observation, and the (U–Th)/He age of 426 ± 7 Ma (2s), which is typical of unheated Sri Lankan zircon, enable us to exclude any thermal treatment. Zircon M127 is proposed as a reference material for the determination of zircon U–Pb ages by means of SIMS in combination with hafnium and stable isotope (oxygen and potentially also lithium) determination.  相似文献   

This study presents an experimental procedure to fabricate high‐purity silica glass containing a selected element at a specified mass fraction. The procedure was used to prepare glasses doped with trace‐level mass fractions of Ti with the goal of improving analytical confidence when measuring trace elements in quartz. Systematic tests were performed to determine the ideal conditions and procedures for doping nanoporous silica gel with the highest efficiency of dopant recovery. Silica gel was cleaned in concentrated HCl, immersed in a non‐polar doping medium at a controlled pH and doped with precise quantities of ICP‐MS standard solution. Using liquids composed of longer chain molecules as the doping medium diminishes recovery, suggesting that large molecules could obstruct nanopores to inhibit capillary uptake of the dopant. A control experiment using crystalline quartz reinforced the effectiveness of nanoporous silica gel for doping with trace‐level precision. Layered aggregates of silica gel doped with different Ti mass fractions were hot‐pressed to create multi‐layered reference materials that were analysed with multiple techniques at a variety of spatial scales. Analyses at the intra‐grain scale (cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis), at the single grain scale (SIMS), at the sample layer scale (EPMA, laser ablation‐ICP‐MS) and at the bulk scale (ICP‐OES) demonstrated acceptable homogeneity at sample volumes characteristic of most microanalysis techniques and show that nanoporous silica gel holds promise as a highly retentive doping substrate for preparing reference materials for laser‐, electron‐ and ion‐beam microanalysis.  相似文献   

Lead isotope ratio data were obtained with good precision and accuracy using a 266 nm femtosecond laser ablation (fLA) system connected to a multi‐collector ICP‐MS (MC‐ICP‐MS) and through careful control of analytical procedures. The mass fractionation coefficient induced by 266 nm femtosecond laser ablation was approximately 28% lower than that by 193 nm excimer laser ablation (eLA) with helium carrier gas. The exponential law correction method for Tl normalisation with optimum adjusted Tl ratio was utilised to obtain Pb isotopic data with good precision and accuracy. The Pb isotopic ratios of the glass reference materials NIST SRM 610, 612, 614; USGS BHVO‐2G, BCR‐2G, GSD‐1G, BIR‐1G; and MPI‐DING GOR132‐G, KL2‐G, T1‐G, StHs60/80‐G, ATHO‐G and ML3B‐G were determined using fLA‐MC‐ICP‐MS. The measured Pb isotopic ratios were in good agreement with the reference or published values within 2s measurement uncertainties. We also present the first high‐precision Pb isotopic data for GSE‐1G, GSC‐1G, GSA‐1G and CGSG‐1, CGSG‐2, CGSG‐4 and CGSG‐5 glass reference materials obtained using the femtosecond laser ablation MC‐ICP‐MS analysis technique.  相似文献   

Mass fractions of S, Cu, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Te, Ba, Sm, W and Tl were determined by isotope dilution sector field ICP‐MS in the same sample aliquot of reference materials using HF‐HNO3 digestion in PFA beakers in pressure bombs and glassy carbon vessels in a high‐pressure asher (HPA‐S) for comparison. Additionally, Bi was determined by internal standardisation relative to Tl. Because isobaric and oxide interferences pose problems for many of these elements, efficient chromatographic separation methods in combination with an Aridus desolvator were employed to minimise interference effects. Repeated digestion and measurement of geological reference materials (BHVO‐1, BHVO‐2, SCo‐1, MAG‐1, MRG‐1 and UB‐N) gave results with < 5% relative intermediate precision (1s) for most elements, except Bi. Replicates of NIST SRM 612 glass digested on a hot plate were analysed by the same methods, and the results agree with reference values mostly within 2% relative deviation. Data for the carbonaceous chondrites Allende, Murchison, Orgueil and Ivuna are also reported. Digestion in a HPA‐S was as efficient as in pressure bombs, but some elements displayed higher blank levels following HPA‐S treatment. Pressure bomb digestion yielded precise data for volatile S, Se and Te, but may result in high blanks for W.  相似文献   

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