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HEVC继承了传统的客观率失真模型,主要采用均方误差、平方误差和或绝对误差和等客观评价方法作为失真测度.然而,这些方法并不能得到很好的主观视觉感知质量.为了进一步解决HEVC的计算复杂度,提出了将结构相似度(Structural Similarity,SSIM)引入到HEVC的率失真代价函数中.该方法使用失真测度均方误差对SSIM进行改进,将改进后的SSIM对率失真代价函数进行优化,求解出拉格朗日乘子,从而实现率失真性能的提升.实验结果表明,该方法与HEVC参考测试模型相比,在全Ⅰ帧(All Intra,AI)配置下,率失真性能平均提高了2.6%,同时可以获得很好的编码质量,以及可忽略的编码时间增长.  相似文献   

An approach to the lossy compression of color images with limited palette that does not require color quantization of the decoded image is presented. The algorithm is particularly suited for coding images using an image-dependent palette. The technique restricts the pixels of the decoded image to take values only in the original palette. Thus, the decoded image can be readily displayed without having to be quantized. For comparable quality and bit rates, the technique significantly reduces the decoder computational complexity.  相似文献   

Optimal hierarchical coding is sought, for progressive or scalable image transmission, by minimizing the variance of the error difference between the original image and its lower resolution renditions. The optimal, according to the above criterion, pyramidal and subband image coders are determined for images subject to corruption by quantization or transmission noise. Given arbitrary analysis filters and assuming adequate knowledge of the noise statistics, optimal synthesis filters are found. The optimal analysis filters are subsequently determined, leading to formulas for globally optimal structures for pyramidal and subband image decompositions. Experimental results illustrate the implementation and performance of the optimal coders.  相似文献   

基于小波变换的多尺度SSIM算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱方  孙涛  郭劲  王挺峰 《液晶与显示》2015,30(2):317-325
提出一种基于小波变换的多尺度结构相似度的图像质量评价(WWMS-SSIM)算法。首先对原始图像和失真图像分别进行小波变换,在对应的低频子带图像中比较亮度和相关度差异,在对应高频子带图像中比较对比度、相关度和结构差异,然后赋予不同子带图像不同的视觉加权值,最后得到归一化的图像质量评价值。通过对不同失真类型图像以及Live数据库图像的评价,证明了提出的算法(WWMS-SSIM)相对均方误差、峰值信噪比、结构相似度以及改进的结构相似度评价算法更符合人类的主观视觉感受。  相似文献   

近年来,基于结构相似性的视频质量的客观评价方法得到了广泛的关注,它建立在人眼对结构失真较为敏感这一假设之上,实验表明其性能优于峰值信噪比。该方法并没有考虑人眼视觉系统对不同的频率分量和对不同视频区域的敏感程度不同。基于人眼视觉系统的特点和结构相似性,提出了一种改进的视频质量评价方法,实验表明它与主观视频质量的相关性明显好于峰值信噪比和结构相似性。  相似文献   

在空化水洞实验中,需要从大量的数字图像中准确获取空化区域的外形、波动周期等重要信息。首先对比了几种常见的图片边缘提取算法,并选择Canny算子提取空泡结构信息,进而研究了采用SSIM算法对空化图像进行分析的可行性,并通过合理调节结构相似度的比重获得更好的效果。此外,设计了图像的循环批处理程序,该程序通过Matlab编程实现。运算结果表明,采用结构系数为主要特征的相关系数进行分析,更能准确获取空化区域的外形、波动周期等重要信息,更有利于对空化形态进行动态分析。针对一组空化数为0.4的高速摄像图像,该相关系数在0.315~0.375之间变化,空化波动频率约为115 Hz。  相似文献   

已有的基于误差统计量的评价算法存在误判的缺点,因此提出基于结构相似性的全参考图像质量评价算法。算法通过实际图像和原始参考图像的亮度项、对比度项、结构相似度项三个方面信息的比较,评价失真图像的质量。实验结果表明,提出的算法优于MSE和PSNR。  相似文献   

龚文娟  董安国  韩雪 《激光技术》2017,41(4):507-510
为了去除高光谱影像的数据冗余,提高高光谱影像处理的精度和效率,提出了一种基于波段指数的高光谱影像波段选择算法。采用小波变换对高光谱图像数据进行去噪处理,依据联合偏度-峰度指数将波段进行分组,再根据波段指数的大小确定相对较小指数的波段,并将其作为冗余波段进行去除,从而得到最小波段集。结果表明,利用该波段集和全波段所选的端元是一致的,在不影响端元提取的前提下,最大程度地去除了冗余波段,而且该波段集与全波段的分类精度较接近。该算法在波段选择过程中具有可行性与有效性,为降低高光谱影像维数提供了一种帮助。  相似文献   

We describe a new way to organize a full-search vector quantization codebook so that images encoded with it can be sent progressively and have resilience to channel noise. The codebook organization guarantees that the most significant bits (MSBs) of the codeword index are most important to the overall image quality and are highly correlated. Simulations show that the effective channel error rates of the MSBs can be substantially lowered by implementing a maximum a posteriori (MAP) detector similar to one suggested by Phamdo and Farvardin (see IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.40, no.1, p.156-193, 1994). The performance of the scheme is close to that of pseudo-gray coding at lower bit error rates and outperforms it at higher error rates. No extra bits are used for channel error correction.  相似文献   

在AVS帧内预测模式的选择过程中,以绝对误差和(SAD)作为失真度量,通过相应的i_sad代价函数进行选择,但是这种方法被证明不能很好地符合人眼视觉(HVS).由于结构相似度(SSIM)算法相对简单,准确性好,优于传统的PSNR等方法,因此提出了将SSIM和SAD作为帧内预测模式选择的标准.实验表明,将SSIM和SAD用于AVS帧内预测模式选择,获得了比原AVS更好的重建图像质量和更高的编码压缩率.  相似文献   

AVS帧内模式选择算法中,常采用率失真优化(RDO)方法作为最后模式选择的代价函数来对帧内的5种预测模式进行选择.虽然该方法可以选出相较绝对误差和(SAD)方法更优的预测模式,但是仍不能很好地满足人眼视觉系统的主观性.结构相似度(SSIM)作为一种新的图像质量评价方法,不仅算法简单且包含符合人眼视觉感知的结构信息,故更优于传统的PSNR等评价方法.对原有帧内模式选择算法进行改进,将SSIM和RDO结合在一起共同作为帧内模式选择的代价函数.实验结果表明,该新的模式选择算法获得了更好的编码质量和更高的编码效率.  相似文献   

基于结构相似的H.264主观率失真性能改进机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H.264以客观失真作为失真准则进行码率控制(RC)和率失真优化(RDO)模式选择,无法得到最优的主观质量。该文在作者之前研究成果的基础上将基于结构相似(SSIM)的主观失真用于指导H.264基于RDO的帧间模式选择,进一步提出了宏块(MB)层自适应的分析型拉格朗日(Lagrange)乘子来更好地平衡码率和SSIM失真。实验结果表明:在给定目标码率下,该文算法相比基于客观质量的编码算法及基于SSIM的RC算法(但未进行基于SSIM的RDO帧间预测)更有效地编码了图像结构信息,得到了更好的主观率失真性能和主观图像质量。  相似文献   

基于SSE和SSIM的H.264帧内预测模式选择改进算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在H.264的帧内预测模式选择过程中,率失真优化(RDO)的失真测度用当前编码块和预测块之间的平方误差和(SSE)或绝对误差和(SAD)来度量,而这两种失真测度被证明不能很好地符合人眼视觉(HVS)。该文参考软件JM16.2,提出了联合SSE和结构相似度(SSIM)作为失真测度用于RDO的方法(CSSRDO)。算法首先找到SSIM和码率的近似关系, 然后综合以SSE作为失真测度的RDO函数,并结合人眼视觉特性,建立了联合SSE和SSIM作为失真测度的RDO模型。实验表明,将CSSRDO用于H.264帧内预测模式选择获得了比JM16.2更高的编码效率和更好的重建图像质量。  相似文献   

Much of the work on turbo decoding assumes that the decoder has access to infinitely soft (unquantized) channel data. In practice, however, a quantizer is used at the receiver and the turbo decoder must operate on finite precision, quantized data. Hence, the maximum a posteriori (MAP) component decoder which was designed assuming infinitely soft data is not necessarily optimum when operating on quantized data. We modify the well-known normalized MAP algorithm taking into account the presence of the quantizer. This algorithm is optimum given any quantizer and is no more complex than quantized implementations of the MAP algorithm derived based on unquantized data. Simulation results on an additive white Gaussian noise channel show that, even with four bits of quantization, the new algorithm based on quantized data achieves a performance practically equal to the MAP algorithm operating on infinite precision data  相似文献   

基于约瑟夫森效应的电压标准与基于量子霍尔效应的电阻标准是两项基本的量子化电学标准,为推进计量量子化的发展和普及,本文对这两个标准的物理学原理与基本状况分别做简要介绍。  相似文献   

The keratoconus index (KI) is a new biometric parameter to make diagnosis and to follow the development of the keratoconus in human eyes. Using images from an ultrasound biomicroscope, we show a semi-automatic method to speed up the computation of the KI.  相似文献   

The least mean square (LMS) algorithm is investigated for stability when implemented with two's complement quantization. The study is restricted to algorithms with periodically varying inputs. Such inputs are common in a variety of applications, and for system identification, they can always be generated as shown with an example. It is shown that the quantized LMS algorithm is just a special case of a quantized periodically shift-varying (PSV) filter. Two different sufficient conditions are obtained for the bounded input bounded output (BIBO) stability of the PSV filter. When the filter is BIBO stable, two different bounds on the filter output are also derived. These conditions and bounds are then applied to the quantized LMS algorithm. The results are illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

One of the most important issues for researchers developing image processing algorithms is image quality. Methodical quality evaluation, by showing images to several human observers, is slow, expensive, and highly subjective. On the other hand, a visual quality matrix (VQM) is a fast, cheap, and objective tool for evaluating image quality. Although most VQMs are good in predicting the quality of an image degraded by a single degradation, they poorly perform for a combination of two degradations. An example for such degradation is the color crosstalk (CTK) effect, which introduces blur with desaturation. CTK is expected to become a bigger issue in image quality as the industry moves toward smaller sensors. In this paper, we will develop a VQM that will be able to better evaluate the quality of an image degraded by a combined blur/desaturation degradation and perform as well as other VQMs on single degradations such as blur, compression, and noise. We show why standard scalar techniques are insufficient to measure a combined blur/desaturation degradation and explain why a vectorial approach is better suited. We introduce quaternion image processing (QIP), which is a true vectorial approach and has many uses in the fields of physics and engineering. Our new VQM is a vectorial expansion of structure similarity using QIP, which gave it its name-Quaternion Structural SIMilarity (QSSIM). We built a new database of a combined blur/desaturation degradation and conducted a quality survey with human subjects. An extensive comparison between QSSIM and other VQMs on several image quality databases-including our new database-shows the superiority of this new approach in predicting visual quality of color images.  相似文献   

This paper presents four classes of codes which meet the Johnson's upper bound and twoclasses of codes which have gone beyond the Graham's lower bound.  相似文献   

Asymptotic bounds on frameproof codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the asymptotic behavior of frameproof codes. Some lower bounds are derived from the theory of error-correcting codes. In particular, the lower bound obtained directly by applying algebraic-geometry codes is improved by employing the Jacobian group structure of algebraic curves  相似文献   

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