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Seismic Rock physics plays a bridge role between the rock moduli and physical properties of the hydrocarbon reservoirs. Prestack seismic inversion is an important method for the quantitative characterization of elasticity, physical properties, lithology and fluid properties of subsurface reservoirs. In this paper, a high order approximation of rock physics model for clastic rocks is established and one seismic AVO reflection equation characterized by the high order approximation(Jacobian and Hessian matrix) of rock moduli is derived. Besides, the contribution of porosity, shale content and fluid saturation to AVO reflectivity is analyzed. The feasibility of the proposed AVO equation is discussed in the direct estimation of rock physical properties. On the basis of this, one probabilistic AVO inversion based on differential evolution-Markov chain Monte Carlo stochastic model is proposed on the premise that the model parameters obey Gaussian mixture probability prior model. The stochastic model has both the global optimization characteristics of the differential evolution algorithm and the uncertainty analysis ability of Markov chain Monte Carlo model. Through the cross parallel of multiple Markov chains, multiple stochastic solutions of the model parameters can be obtained simultaneously, and the posterior probability density distribution of the model parameters can be simulated effectively. The posterior mean is treated as the optimal solution of the model to be inverted.Besides, the variance and confidence interval are utilized to evaluate the uncertainties of the estimated results, so as to realize the simultaneous estimation of reservoir elasticity, physical properties, discrete lithofacies and dry rock skeleton. The validity of the proposed approach is verified by theoretical tests and one real application case in eastern China.  相似文献   

Research on seismic fluid identification driven by rock physics   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Seismic fluid identification works as an effective approach to characterize the fluid feature and distribution of the reservoir underground with seismic data. Rock physics which builds bridge between the elastic parameters and reservoir parameters sets the foundation of seismic fluid identification, which is also a hot topic on the study of quantitative characterization of oil/gas reservoirs. Study on seismic fluid identification driven by rock physics has proved to be rewarding in recognizing the fluid feature and distributed regularity of the oil/gas reservoirs. This paper summarizes the key scientific problems immersed in seismic fluid identification, and emphatically reviews the main progress of seismic fluid identification driven by rock physics domestic and overseas, as well as discusses the opportunities, challenges and future research direction related to seismic fluid identification. Theoretical study and practical application indicate that we should incorporate rock physics, numerical simulation, seismic data processing and seismic inversion together to enhance the precision of seismic fluid identification.  相似文献   







岩石正交各向异性的实验观测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
岩石速度各向异性由多种因素引起,如果这些因素在岩石中构成正交分布,就会出现正交各向异性.在实验室通过选择了三种不同岩性的岩石,采用超声脉冲测试方法中的横波偏振扫描方式,观测了岩石样品三个坐标方向上的横波速度变化,通过分析三个传播方向上出现横波分裂的差异,以及出现最大或最小快慢横波振幅的偏振方向发现,可从横波偏振方向和速度值判断出纹理砂岩和裂隙大理岩样品存在不同程度的速度正交各向异性和裂隙方向等特征,认为这两种岩石的正交特性的原因是岩石的层理或裂隙与岩石本身的结构(定向颗粒或结晶)构成的.实验室超声波测试可以找出正交各向异性的结构方向.  相似文献   

Rock typing and flow unit detection are more challenging in clastic reservoirs with a uniform pore system. An integrated workflow based on well logs, inverted seismic data and rock physics models is proposed and developed to address such challenges. The proposed workflow supplies a plausible reservoir model for further investigation and adds extra information. Then, this workflow has been implemented in order to define different rock types and flow units in an oilfield in the Persian Gulf, where some of these difficulties have been observed. Here, rock physics models have the leading role in our proposed workflow by providing a diagnostic framework in which we successfully differentiate three rock types with variant characteristics on the given wells. Furthermore, permeability and porosity are calculated using the available rock physics models to define several flow units. Then, we extend our investigation to the entire reservoir by means of simultaneous inversion and rock physics models. The outcomes of the study suggest that in sediments with homogeneous pore size distribution, other reservoir properties such as shale content and cementation (which have distinct effects on the elastic domain) can be used to identify rock types and flow units. These reservoir properties have more physical insights for modelling purposes and can be distinguished on seismic cube using proper rock physics models. The results illustrate that the studied reservoir mainly consists of rock type B, which is unconsolidated sands and has the characteristics of a reservoir for subsequent fluid flow unit analysis. In this regard, rock type B has been divided into six fluid units in which the first detected flow unit is considered as the cleanest unit and has the highest reservoir process speed about 4800 to 5000 mD. Here, reservoir quality decreases from flow unit 1 to flow unit 6.  相似文献   




地震反演是储层定量描述和地震油气识别的关键技术,反演结果在复杂构造区域的横向连续性和保真性是影响地震资料定量解释精度的重要因素.基于此,本文发展了地震数据互相关驱动的多道反演方法.考虑地层反射系数与地震数据在结构上具有相似性的特点,基于地震数据互相关描述地层反射系数的结构特征,并将其作为多道地震反演的横向约束条件;此外,为改善地震数据本身横向连续性差对反演结果的影响,在目标泛函的惩罚项中引入局部优化算子,构建了一个易于求解的多道地震反演目标泛函.与常规多道地震反演方法相比,本文方法能够设计更合理、更符合实际情况的横向约束算子,提高反演结果的横向连续性,并且能有效降低地震资料质量对反演结果的影响.模型测试和实际应用验证了本方法的可靠性和稳定性.  相似文献   

针对某复杂断块天然气目标储层,在岩石物理分析的指导下,综合利用地质、地震、测井等资料,提出了一套面向复杂天然气藏的叠前地震预测技术.首先基于地震岩石物理分析得到的初始横波信息,采用叠前贝叶斯非线性三参数反演得到了井旁控制点处精确纵横波速度和密度信息,然后通过叠前/叠后联合反演技术实现了面向目标的弹性阻抗体反演及含气储层敏感参数直接提取,最后结合小波变换时频谱分析的方法从叠前地震资料中估算地层吸收参数值,提高天然气藏识别精度.实际应用表明,综合各种叠前地震预测技术,可以大大提高对复杂天然气藏的识别精度,降低勘探风险.  相似文献   

叠前弹性阻抗反演及其在含气储层预测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
叠前弹性阻抗反演方法,由于充分利用振幅随偏移距变化的信息,与叠后波阻抗反演相比,对岩性及流体的分辨能力和可信度有较大提高,是当前叠前方演的一个重要方向.本文讨论了弹性阻抗反演的基本原理和流程,指出了该方法的应用条件和关键步骤.对J地区东营组浊积砂岩的实例研究表明,大角度弹性阻抗对含气砂岩具有非常理想的分辨能力,利用近角度和远角度弹性阻抗的交会分析,能够可靠地识别含气砂岩的分布范围.研究结果对该区砂岩气藏的勘探具有重要意义.  相似文献   

地震岩石物理研究概述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
地震岩石物理是研究岩石物理性质与地震响应之间关系的一门学科,它通过对各种岩心资料、测井资料和地震资料进行综合分析,研究岩性、孔隙度、孔隙类型、孔隙流体、流体饱和度和频率参数等对岩石中弹性性质的影响,并提出利用地震响应预测岩石物理性质的理论和方法,是地震响应与储层岩石参数之间联系的桥梁,进行定量储层预测的基本前提.在查阅了大量相关资料的基础上,对国内外地震岩石物理研究现状进行了详细的概述,并总结了其存在问题和发展前景.  相似文献   

叠前同时反演是油气探测的一种有效工具.其理论基础是平面P波Zoeppritz方程计算的反射系数的近似,是入射角的函数.叠前同时反演可以利用三项或两项Fatti方程进行反演分析.本文针对实际油田的测井数据,利用反射率法模拟了仅包含P波一次反射记录,包含P波一次反射和P波层间多次波记录以及全波场地震记录,再利用叠前同时反演对合成地震记录进行反演研究.研究结果表明,在大偏移距处P波主要反射受到其它模式波的污染,从而影响了叠前同时反演结果的精度.对于薄互层介质当转换波影响严重时,使用小角度数据的两项AVO反演比使用大角度数据的三项AVO反演更合理可靠.  相似文献   

反演本质上具有不适定性,在反演过程中采用一定的策略很有必要.本文采用反射率法正演、共轭梯度法反演的正反演体系,从不同频带数据的最佳收敛步长、目标函数的组成等方面对反演的影响进行了探讨.在此基础上采用分频反演、分层反演及变权重目标函数的策略,利用海上测井弹性参数模型对地震叠前波形数据进行了弹性参数反演试验.通过对反演结果的分析指出对反演的中间结果进行质量评估和质量控制的必要性.  相似文献   

地震岩石物理模型综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
由于石油勘探与开发技术的发展,最近十多年岩石物理学已经成为一门非常有实用价值的学科,它有机地把岩石的物理特性和地震特性联系起来.理论模型是进行岩石物理学研究的主要方法之一.本文归纳总结了基于岩石弹性性质的各种模型,主要包括层状模型、球形孔隙模型、包含体模型和接触模型,以及它们的假设条件、适用范围、局限性和近些年来国内外的应用现状,最后预测了地震岩石物理研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

地震岩石物理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地震岩石物理(Seismic Rock Physics)是研究岩石物理性质与地震响应之间关系的一门学科,旨在通过研究不同温度压力条件下岩性、孔隙度、孔隙流体等对岩石弹性性质的影响,分析地震波传播规律,建立各岩性参数、物性参数与地震速度、密度等弹性参数之间的关系.本文主要论述了半个多世纪以来,国内外地震岩石物理在岩石、流体基础研究、烃类检测等方面取得的主要进展,并分析目前国内岩石物理的研究现状、存在的问题、最新研究动向及展望.  相似文献   

潘辉  印兴耀  李坤  裴松 《地球物理学报》2022,65(6):2276-2293

多类型油气藏储层受到煤层反射干扰, 有效识别与去除煤层地震响应是提高煤系储层地震描述精度的关键技术之一.常规煤层匹配识别欠缺考虑煤层弹性参数的影响, 引起煤层定位不准确、识别可靠性低、运算效率低等问题, 本文充分考虑了弹性参数对煤层具有较好的指示作用, 首次提出了地震反演驱动的改进匹配追踪煤层识别方法.首先根据岩石物理分析, 构建煤层指示因子, 提出匹配追踪煤层指示参数的地震反演方法, 该参数能够较好地刻画煤层空间展布; 基于此, 在地震反演驱动下获得了煤层的先验位置, 将其引入匹配追踪算法中约束匹配追踪搜索邻域, 为缓解现有匹配追踪算法运行效率缓慢, 将经验模态分解(EMD)引入匹配追踪领域, 同时将连续相位替换瞬时相位加快匹配追踪运算效率, 研发了煤层指示因子约束下基于EMD字典的改进匹配追踪煤层识别算法.模型测试验证了本文方法识别煤层的可行性, 实际资料的计算结果表明, 该方法在保持精度的情况下大大提高了计算效率, 此外, 预测的煤层与实际测井解释的煤层基本一致, 有助于油气储层预测和识别, 具有重要的实际应用价值.





基于粒子群优化算法的叠前角道集子波反演   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文探讨了粒子群优化(PSO)算法在叠前地震角道集子波反演中的应用.在基本最优PSO算法的基础上,提出了对粒子更新速度进行平滑滤波的改进最优粒子群算法.由于代表子波的粒子的维数较大,如果粒子的各维元素相互独立,将导致粒子速度更新紊乱,影响搜索速度.通过对粒子速度进行三点均值滤波,加强了单个粒子各维元素的相互联系,并防止了粒子速度逃逸,使粒子更快地向有利于最优解的位置收敛.该方法应用于叠前角道集子波的反演中,取得了较好的子波反演效果,证明了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

岩石力学模型是描述地层原地应力状态的基础,而常规各向同性模型难以刻画地层本征横观各向同性(VTI)和天然高角度裂缝的耦合作用,建立更为准确的正交各向异性模型变得尤为重要.本文利用VTI介质中发育单组垂直缝的Schoenberg裂缝等效模型,简化了一般正交各向异性介质的表征参数,推导了由背景VTI介质弹性参数和裂缝参数的各向异性杨氏模量、泊松比和水平地应力的精确方程.借鉴Thomsen弱各向异性近似思路,舍去裂缝弱度参数高阶扰动项,推导了正交各向异性介质岩石力学近似方程,由裂缝弱度表示的近似方程更为直观地反映了裂缝对背景介质力学性质的影响,杨氏模量和泊松比值随裂缝法向弱度的增大而显著减小.选取页岩实验数据进行数值实验,结果表明本文方程与实际物理规律相吻合,随裂缝弱度的增加,形成相同应变所需的水平地应力值降低,且近似方程与模拟结果相对误差小于5%,有助于提高岩石力学参数估算和地应力预测精度.  相似文献   

CO2 saturations are estimated at Sleipner using a two-step imaging workflow. The workflow combines seismic tomography (full-waveform inversion) and rock physics inversion and is applied to a two-dimensional seismic line located near the injection point at Sleipner. We use baseline data (1994 vintage, before CO2 injection) and monitor data that was acquired after 12 years of CO2 injection (2008 vintage). P-wave velocity models are generated using the Full waveform inversion technology and then, we invert selected rock physics parameters using an rock physics inversion methodology. Full waveform inversion provides high-resolution P-wave velocity models both for baseline and monitor data. The physical relations between rock physics properties and acoustic wave velocities in the Utsira unconsolidated sandstone (reservoir formation) are defined using a dynamic rock physics model based on well-known Biot–Gassmann theories. For data prior to injection, rock frame properties (porosity, bulk and shear dry moduli) are estimated using rock physics inversion that allows deriving physically consistent properties with related uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty related to limited input data (only P-wave velocity) is not an issue because the mean values of parameters are correct. These rock frame properties are then used as a priori constraint in the monitor case. For monitor data, the Full waveform inversion results show nicely resolved thin layers of CO2–brine saturated sandstones under intra-reservoir shale layers. The CO2 saturation estimation is carried out by plugging an effective fluid phase in the rock physics model. Calculating the effective fluid bulk modulus of the brine–CO2 mixture (using Brie equation in our study) is shown to be the key factor to link P-wave velocity to CO2 saturation. The inversion tests are done with several values of Brie/patchiness exponent and show that the CO2 saturation estimates are varying between 0.30 and 0.90 depending on the rock physics model and the location in the reservoir. The uncertainty in CO2 saturation estimation is usually lower than 0.20. When the patchiness exponent is considered as unknown, the inversion is less constrained and we end up with values of exponent varying between 5 and 20 and up to 33 in specific reservoir areas. These estimations tend to show that the CO2–brine mixing is between uniform and patchy mixing and variable throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   

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