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We present spectroscopic emission studies of a laser-produced potassium plasma generated by the fundamental mode (1064 nm) and the second harmonic (532 nm) of a Q-switched pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The spectra predominantly reveal the spectral lines of neutral potassium. We use experimentally observed line profiles of neutral potassium to determine the excitation temperature using Boltzmann plots, and the Stark-broadened line profiles to determine the electron-number density. We also study variations in the excitation temperature and electron-number density as functions of the laser irradiance.  相似文献   

发射光谱法研究纳秒激光烧蚀硅等离子体特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用调Q Nd3+∶YAG激光器三倍频355 nm激光脉冲烧蚀空气环境的硅样品,观测不同脉冲激光能量下产生的等离子体在380~420 nm范围内的时间-空间分辨等离子体发射光谱,观测到在等离子体羽膨胀初期存在N+发射光谱。在局域热力学平衡近似条件下,根据时间-空间分辨等离子体发射光谱计算得到等离子羽体电子温度和电子密度随时间延时存在二次指数衰减变化,等离子体羽体电子温度和电子密度的空间分布近似呈Lorentz分布,发现在确定激光脉冲能量下电子密度空间分布最大值偏离光谱强度最大空间位置并对产生原因进行分析,探讨了等离子体羽参数与激光脉冲能量的关系。  相似文献   

吴涛  王新兵  唐建  王少义  饶志明  杨晨光  卢宏 《光学学报》2012,32(4):430002-297
利用CO2激光烧蚀锡靶产生等离子体,当入射到靶面的单个脉冲能量为400mJ,半峰全宽(FWHM)为75ns时,使用光谱仪和增强型电荷耦合器件(ICCD)采集了等离子体的时间分辨光谱。在局域热平衡假设下,利用谱线的斯塔克展宽和五条Sn II谱线的相对强度计算并得到了等离子体电子密度、电子温度和辐射谱线强度随时间的变化规律;利用掠入射极端紫外平场光栅光谱仪,结合X射线CCD同时探测了光源在6.5~16.8nm波段的时间积分极端紫外辐射光谱。实验结果表明:激光点燃等离子体早期的100ns内有很强的连续谱,此后才能分辨出明显的原子和离子线状谱。在延时0.1~2.0μs的时间区间内,等离子体中的电子温度和密度分别在2.3~0.5eV和7.6×1017~1.2×1016 cm-3范围内,均随时间经历了快速下降,然后再较缓慢下降的过程。激光锡等离子体极端紫外不可分辨辐射跃迁光谱峰值中心位于13.5nm,FWHM为1.1nm。  相似文献   

以激光烧蚀快脉冲放电激发土壤为例,研究了激光烧蚀快脉冲放电等离子体技术产生的土壤等离子体的电子数密度和温度。根据实验测得的Si原子和离子谱线的强度和萨哈玻尔兹曼方程,计算了等离子体的电子温度,并从分析Si I 250.69nm谱线的斯塔克展宽中导出了等离子体的电子数密度。与使用同样激光能量激发的激光等离子体相比,激光烧蚀快脉冲放电激发等离子体的电子数密度和温度都明显增加,与观察到的光谱信号强度是一致的。  相似文献   

脉冲激光烧蚀碲镉汞材料的等离子体发射谱   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
脉冲激光辐照处于不同背景气压下的Hg0.8Cd0.2Te材料表面,用时间和空间分辨诊断技术探测了激光照射后产生的等离子体发射谱,根据所获得的飞行时间谱测量了等离子体中粒子的出射速度,结果表明粒子速度随着出射距离的增加迅速减小,且背景气压对出射速度有很大的影响,而激光能量对粒子速度的影响不大。另外根据谱线的展宽计算了等离子体中的电子密度,结果表明,电子密度在激光辐照样品后的短时间内迅速减小,且电子密度最大的位置不是出现在靶的表面而是在距表面一定距离处。  相似文献   

We present the optical emission characteristics of the sodium plasma produced at the surface of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) also known as Chile saltpeter. We used a Q-switched Nd:YAG (Quantel Brilliant) pulsed laser having a pulse duration of 5?ns and 10?Hz repetition rate which is capable of delivering 400?mJ at 1064?nm and 200?mJ at 532?nm. The target material was placed in front of laser beam in air (atmospheric pressure). The experimentally observed line profiles of neutral sodium have been used to extract the electron temperature using the Boltzmann plot method, whereas the electron number density has been determined from the Stark broadening. The electron temperature is calculated by varying the distance from the target surface along the line of propagation of the plasma plume and also by varying the laser irradiance. Besides, we have studied the variation of number density as a function of laser irradiance as well as its variation with the distance from the target surface. It is observed that electron temperature and electron number density increase as the laser irradiance is increased.  相似文献   

将准分子激光剥蚀取样后的产物经由电感耦合等离子质谱与光谱分析,从而获得被激光剥蚀样品的元素与同位素含量信息,是迄今为止适应于表面原位微区分析最为重要的分析科学技术手段之一.基于准分子激光剥蚀取样技术分别与电感耦合等离子体质谱或发射光谱技术联用的分析手段,已经被广泛应用于地质学、材料学、环境科学,甚至生命科学领域的原位微...  相似文献   

 有些等离子体,本身并不存在电极和参考点,而该电极或参考点是提供偏压朗缪尔探针所必需的。为了获得超高速碰撞所产生等离子体的特征参量,建立了一种新的静电探针诊断技术,该技术不需要扫描频率,其探针可用于测量与时间相关的电子温度、电子密度。该诊断系统基于双通道电路,电流和电压谱通过数字示波器同步输出。研究的主要目的是,应用双朗缪尔探针诊断2024-T4铝弹丸超高速碰撞2024-T4铝靶时产生的瞬态等离子体。  相似文献   

The laser plasma produced by irradiation of a graphite target simultaneously by the first and second harmonics of two Nd3+:YAG lasers has been studied by emission spectroscopy methods. The delay between radiation pulses () varied from 0 to 700 sec. It is established that in the absence of a delay between pulses ( = 0) the increase in the intensity of plasma emission at the wavelengths corresponding to the radiative transitions of the C2 and C3 molecules is of nonradiative character. The plasma produced by laser radiation at the wavelength = 1064 nm exerts its influence on the radiation spectrum of the plasma produced by laser radiation at the wavelength = 532 nm, if the magnitude of the delay between laser pulses does not exceed 30 sec. The most probable reason for this character of influence of the prepulse on the laser plasma radiation spectrum is sublimation of soot particles caused by laser radiation at = 532 nm.  相似文献   

利用针-板介质阻挡放电装置,在4 mm长的气隙中产生了大气压氩气射流等离子体。利用电学方法实现了对放电电流和电荷量的同时测量,并且对放电脉冲数和放电功率进行了研究;利用发射光谱法对放电等离子体进行了空间分辨测量,并根据ArⅠ696.54 nm的Stark展宽计算了等离子体的电子密度。结果发现:随着外加电压的增加,每个周期内的放电脉冲数增加,放电功率也增加。随着针头距离的增加,电子密度由2.94×1015cm-3逐渐减小到2.28×1015cm-3。实验结果表明:电场强度对放电脉冲数和电子密度的空间分布起重要作用。  相似文献   

308nm准分子激光对C60薄膜的刻蚀特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁东  楼祺洪 《光学学报》1995,15(7):09-912
测量在空气和真空中308nm准分子激光对C60薄膜的刻蚀速率和刻蚀阈值,讨论了环境中氧气对刻蚀特性的影响。  相似文献   

Electron temperature and electron number density are important parameters in the characterization of plasma. In this paper the electron temperature and electron number density of soil plasma generated by laser ablation combined with nanosecond discharge spark at different discharge voltages have been studied. Saha-Boltzmann plot and Stark broadening are used to determine the temperature and electron number density. It is proved that local thermal equilibrium is fulfilled in the nanosecond spark enhanced plasma. The enhanced optical emission, signal to noise ratio and the stability in term of the relative standard deviation of signal intensity at different spark voltages were investigated in detail. A relative stable discharge process was observed with use of a 10 kV discharge voltage under the carried experimental configuration.  相似文献   

聚四氟乙烯材料表面激光改性与刻蚀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘爱华  张运海  满宝元 《光学学报》2006,26(7):073-1077
利用波长为248 nm的准分子激光束在不同激光能量密度下照射聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)材料的表面,并用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、拉曼(Raman)光谱等手段对激光处理前后样品的表面形貌、化学成分和结构进行测量和分析,进而对激光与聚四氟乙烯相互作用的机理进行了研究。实验结果表明,激光辐照使聚四氟乙烯表面产生去氟效应,导致表面碳化、分子链的交联以及含氧基团的产生,随着激光能量密度的增加,C=C双键逐渐形成。这些结构的变化可以导致表面硬度和粘结性增强。激光能量密度的大小对照射后样品表面的物理性质和化学结构有着重要的影响,它是聚合物表面激光改性和烧蚀的关键因素。  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles were produced by laser ablation of a continuously flowing aerosol of microparticles entrained in argon, nitrogen and helium at a variety of gas pressures. Nanoparticles produced in this new, high-volume nanoparticle production technique are compared with our earlier experiments using laser ablation of static microparticles. Transmission electron micrographs of the samples show the nanoparticles to be spherical and highly non-agglomerated under all conditions tested. These micrographs were analyzed to determine the effect of carrier gas type and pressure on size distributions. We conclude that mean diameters can be controlled from 4 to 20 nm by the choice of gas type and pressure. The smallest nanoparticles were produced in helium, with mean sizes increasing with increasing molecular weight of the carrier gas. These results are discussed in terms of a model based on cooling via collisional interaction of the nanoparticles, produced in the laser exploded microparticle, with the ambient gas.  相似文献   

金方圆  鄂书林  王海峰  陈波 《发光学报》2012,33(10):1143-1148
为研究双温方程中电子热传导项和电子与晶格耦合项对激光辐照物体表面温度场求解的影响,对这两项施加了约束条件。由于飞秒和亚皮秒激光与物质相互作用时间短,电子与晶格来不及耦合,所以对耦合项施加时间约束;根据相分离条件(CPPS),对热传导项施加空间约束。利用有限元方法建立了激光烧蚀金属铜膜表面的有限元模型。通过分析双温方程中热传导项和耦合项对计算结果的影响,发现短脉冲激光与铜金属相互作用过程中电子与晶格耦合项可以忽略,而传导项不可忽略。求解适当激光功率下的双温方程,得到了激光作用中心电子与晶格在不同脉冲宽度激光辐照下的温度变化关系。根据100 fs激光作用后晶格温度场的空间分布情况,研究了激光作用的相分离区域、相爆炸区域以及熔融区域的分布情况。  相似文献   

Electron plasma induced by a focused femtosecond pulse (130 fs, 800 nm) in quartz, fused silica, K9 glass, and Soda Lime glass was investigated by pump-probe technology. Pump and probe shadow imaging and interferometric fringe imaging have been used to determine plasma density, relaxation time, and electron collision time in the conduction band. In these materials, the electron collision time is about several femtoseconds when the electron density is in the 1019cm−3 range. The electron relaxation processes are different: lifetime is about 170 fs in pure quartz and fused silica, and about 100 ps in K9 and Soda Lime glass. The modified electron band by doped ions is regarded to be responsible for the difference of decay time in these materials.  相似文献   

基于1064 nm Nd:YAG激光器,对比研究了紫铜和黄铜等离子的特征参数。洛仑兹函数拟合Cu I 324.75 nm得到紫铜和黄铜等离子体的电子密度分别是3.61017 cm-3和3.31017 cm-3。为了减小谱线自发辐射跃迁几率不确定性和测量误差带来的计算误差,采用改进型迭代玻耳兹曼算法精确求解紫铜等离子体和黄铜等离子体的电子温度分别是6316 K和6051 K,分析表明,两种等离子体特征参数的差异主要是由于黄铜中的锌元素的电离能(9.39 eV)大于铜元素的电离能(7.72 eV)而造成的。实验数据证实激光诱导的紫铜和黄铜等离子体满足局部热力学平衡模型和光学薄模型。  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide ultrafine particles (UFPs) are produced by pulsed laser ablation of titanium or titanium dioxide (anatase and rutile) rods in an atmosphere of He or O2/He mixture. The collected UFPs on cellulose membrane filters at the exit of the ablation chamber are analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TiO2 particles produced are composed of very small particles (diameter: 10–50nm) that are completely anatase, irrespective of the rod material, and relatively large particles (diameter: 100nm–1m) that are a mixture of anatase and rutile. The large particles consist of the direct strip-off fragments coming from the rod surface. The particles obtained from the laser ablation on TiO2 rods in an atmosphere of He contains gray particles that are supposed to be amorphous TiO2 (x < 2). In the presence of O2 in the ablation chamber, these oxygen defects in amorphous TiO2 are stabilized and anatase UFPs are formed. These results suggest that the crystal phase of the products can be controlled by adjusting the rod material and the gases used in the ablation process.  相似文献   

Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) has been irradiated with a frequency quadrupled Nd:YAG laser and a KrF*-excimer laser at a repetition rate of 1 Hz. The analysis of ablation depth versus pulse number data reveals a pronounced incubation behavior. The thresholds of ablation (266 nm: 210 mJ cm−2, 248 nm: 940 mJ cm−2) and the corresponding effective absorption coefficients αeff (266 nm: 48900 cm−1, 248 nm: 32700 cm−1, αlin = 2 cm−1) were determined. The significant differences in the ablation thresholds for both irradiation wavelengths are probably due to the different pulse lengths of both lasers. Since the shorter pulse length yields a lower ablation threshold, the observed incubation can be due to a thermally induced and/or a multi-photon absorption processes of the material or impurities in the polymer.Incubation of polymers is normally related to changes of the chemical structure of the polymer. In the case of PDMS, incubation is associated with local chemical transformations up to several hundred micrometers below the polymer surface. It is possible to study these local chemical transformations by confocal Raman microscopy, because PDMS is transparent in the visible. The domains of transformation consist of carbon and silicon, as indicated by the appearance of the carbon D- and G-bands between 1310 and 1610 cm−1, a band appearing between 502 and 520 cm−1 can be assigned to mono- and/or polycrystalline silicon.The ablation products, which are detected in the surroundings of the ablation crater consist of carbon and amorphous SiOx (x ≈ 1.5) as detected by infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The electric discharge generated between the electrodes of a classic spark plug could not assure a fast and total combustion of the air – hydrocarbon mixture. To be able to improve the quality of the combustion process through the ignition system improvement it is necessary to have a complete diagnostic of the discharge produced by a spark plug, from physical and chemical point of view. This work presents a comparative study of the reduced electric field and the vibrational temperature for a classic spark produced in air at atmospheric pressure, as functions of pulses widths applied by the power supply. The reduced electric field was calculated by using the rotational temperature values established by a previous study, considering them as temperature plasma gas temperatures. The vibrational temperature was determined by using the N2second positive molecular emission spectra. The spark plug was supplied with trains of pulses containing one or two pulses having variable widths provided by a special power supply. The results obtained for the vibrational temperature of nitrogen molecules are close to these obtained for the rotational temperature calculated by using a spectroscopic diagnostic method based on the OH UV molecular band spectra (between 2000 and 3500 K). The electron temperature values, imposed by the reduced electric field (up to 2000 Td), are superior to 10000 K. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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