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采用耐酸性良好的离子交换膜,研究含金属离子高浓度硝酸溶液的扩散渗析过程,用于回收水溶液中的硝酸.分别考察了进料液流量、硝酸浓度、酸水流量比等操作条件对非稳态扩散渗析过程的酸回收率和金属离子截留率的影响.结果 表明,硝酸的回收率随进料液流量的增大先提高后下降,随原料液中硝酸浓度的增大而下降,随酸水流量比的增大而增加.当进...  相似文献   

利用卷式膜分离器分离有机蒸气/氮气混合气的过程研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用硅橡胶( L T V)/ 聚醚酰亚胺( P E I) 复合膜做成的卷式膜分离器,进行了有机蒸气( V O C)/ 氮气混合气分离过程的研究,主要考察了原料气的处理量、浓度、压力以及渗透侧真空度对有机蒸气脱除率的影响.实验结果表明,当压力为0 .6 M Pa ,处理量为1 .03 m 3/h ,渗透侧真空度为0 .02 M Pa 时,有机蒸气的脱除率达到90 % 以上;提高原料气侧的压力以及在渗透侧抽真空,都可以使脱除率增加  相似文献   

锚具是用在后张法结构或构件中,用于保持预应力筋的拉力并将其传导到混凝土(或钢结构)上所用的永久性锚固装置,在桥梁建设中应用很广。本文介绍静载试验中锚具效率系数与极限拉力时总应变的测量不确定度分析。  相似文献   

外夹式超声流量计的仪表系数会随着安装管径的不同而发生改变,但两者之间的相关关系却没有得到有效的研究。基于一台外夹式超声流量计在DN100~500mm不同管径的实验和数据分析,建立管径与仪表系数之间的数学模型。利用数学模型实现对未标定管径仪表系数的修正,不再需要引入附加误差,有效提高了计量准确性。  相似文献   

以小型变压吸附制氧装置上进行的实验为基础,计算分析了ν=0.05~0.27 m/s,εb=0.32~0.47,dp=0.0016~0.0026 m的传质系数。结果表明:1.传质系数随流速的增大而增大,且在较低流速范围内(ν=0.05~0.1 m/s),流速对传质系数的影响较大;2.传质系数与间隙率基本成线性关系,且随空隙率的增大而减小;3.传质系数随吸附介质颗粒直径的增大而明显减小。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对冷风机传热系数的实验研究,得到了几点结论:一是蒸发温度对传热系数的影响,二是结霜工况对传热系数的影响,三是制造翅片管的材料对传热系数的影响。  相似文献   

Following on from the work of Anabtawi et al. (2003), this study examined how the volumetric liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient, kLa, of oxygen in air in three-phase spout-fluid beds was affected by varying the system parameters of bed height, bed diameter, gas velocity, and liquid velocity. The liquid used was 0.1% CMC solution, displaying a pseudo-plastic rheology, with 1.75 mm glass spheres as packing. The values of the Sherwood number were lower than in previous studies (Anabtawi et al., 2003), in the range 9,000-186,000. Gas velocity had a similar effect on kLa as in a bubble column, with results also giving good agreement with previous work on two-phase and three-phase spouted bed systems. The correlation obtained for the effect of liquid velocity on kLa compared well with that of Schumpe et al. (1989). An increase in the height of packing increased kLa to the power of 0.319, with an increase in column diameter also causing an increase in kLa, which is in agreement with the results of Akita and Yoshida (1973).  相似文献   

Following on from the work of Anabtawi et al. (2003) Anabtawi, M. Z., Hilal, N. and Al Muftah, A. E. 2003. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient in non-Newtonian fluids in spouted-fluid beds: Part I. Chem. Eng. Technol., 26: 759764.  [Google Scholar], this study examined how the volumetric liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient, k L a, of oxygen in air in three-phase spout-fluid beds was affected by varying the system parameters of bed height, bed diameter, gas velocity, and liquid velocity. The liquid used was 0.1% CMC solution, displaying a pseudo-plastic rheology, with 1.75 mm glass spheres as packing. The values of the Sherwood number were lower than in previous studies (Anabtawi et al., 2003 Anabtawi, M. Z., Hilal, N. and Al Muftah, A. E. 2003. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient in non-Newtonian fluids in spouted-fluid beds: Part I. Chem. Eng. Technol., 26: 759764.  [Google Scholar]), in the range 9,000–186,000. Gas velocity had a similar effect on k L a as in a bubble column, with results also giving good agreement with previous work on two-phase and three-phase spouted bed systems. The correlation obtained for the effect of liquid velocity on k L a compared well with that of Schumpe et al. (1989) Schumpe, A., Deckwer, W. and Nigam, K. D. P. 1989. Gas-liquid mass transfer in three- phase fluidized beds with viscous pseudoplastic liquids. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 67: 873877. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. An increase in the height of packing increased k L a to the power of 0.319, with an increase in column diameter also causing an increase in k L a, which is in agreement with the results of Akita and Yoshida (1973) Akita, K. and Yoshida, F. 1973. Gas hold-up and volumetric mass transfer coefficient in bubble columns. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 12: 7680. [Crossref] [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

逆流换热器是多元混合工质低温节流制冷机中最为关键的部件之一,本文针对多元低温混合工质节流制冷机经常采用的管套管式逆流换热器进行实验研究,得出了采用不同工质下的换热器温度、压力沿程分布情况,并进一步得到了混合工质逆流换热器的整机换热系数,实验中各条件都是真实制冷机的典型运行工况,实验结果加深了我们对采用多元混合工质在具有相变传热情况下的工作特性的了解,对今后制冷机换热器的设计具有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

鉴于建筑节能现场测试是目前我国建筑热工与暖通空调领域研究的热点、难题。介绍了建筑围护结构的几种现场检测方法,对其检测依据、数据处理、影响因素提出分析,并对一些存在的问题进行了解决,提出了几种检测方法的改进思路。  相似文献   

目的探讨大规模定制整体衣柜单元组合设计的规范及组合方法。方法通过市场调研、观察研究和理论分析的方法,在对整体衣柜定义、整体衣柜设计要素和整体衣柜设计原则探讨的基础上,通过将整体衣柜分解成若干个单元、能随意组合和内部功能的划分、通用五金连接和组装便可实现多样化的结构形式,对大规模定制整体衣柜结构设计规范化进行研究,主要包括整体衣柜的用材构成、基本结构构成设计、最合理化尺寸设计、大规模定制整体衣柜结构设计规范化的实施过程。结论对大规模定制家具的实践和整体衣柜结构设计开发具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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