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In order to resolve discrepancies in the literature concerning the subcellular localization of NADPH oxidase, we disrupted human neutrophils by nitrogen cavitation and fractionated the subcellular organelles on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. The lightest fraction was 20- to 40-fold enriched for piasma membranes as determined by the marker enzymes alkaline phosphatase and phosphodiesterase I as well as by the ratio of lipid phosphorus to protein. There was a significant decrease in the specific activities of the granule markers myeloperoxidase, lysozyme, and-glucuronidase. An intermediate fraction was enriched in membrane markers but not to the extent the lightest fraction was enriched. This fraction contained more granular contamination, as shown by the marker enzymes. In contrast, the densest bands of the gradient were enriched for granule markers with little contamination by plasma membrane. Superoxide generation and NADP formation were primarily associated with the two membrane-enriched fractions from polymorphonuclear leukocytes stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate. The NADP formation associated with a dense granule fraction observed previously in our laboratory was probably due to a cyanide-stimulated oxidation of NADPH by myeloperoxidase.This research was supported by grant AI-10732 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, and by NIH Biomedical Research Support grant RR-05404.Deceased June 29, 1982.  相似文献   

Donors' neutrophils are capable for inhibiting the growth of and killing staphylococci both intra- and extracellularly. In the absence of serum the rate of extracellular killing of microbes by donors' neutrophils is reaching that of killing phagocytized bacteria, while in the serum introduction the rate of intracellular killing overwhelms that of extracellular. Burnt patients' neutrophils fail to control the microbes multiplication either intra- or extracellularly without serum, while in combination with it both intra- and extracellular killing activity of neutrophils of the burnt sharply increases being superior to relevant combination of healthy subjects.  相似文献   

The bactericidal capacity of neutrophils from healthy adults, male children with chronic granulomatous disease, and obligate heterozygote mothers for type Ic group B streptococci was assessed, using a fluorochrome microassay. Neutrophils from patients with chronic granulomatous disease had impaired bactericidal capacity for group B streptococci when compared with adults (P less than 0.01). Carriers demonstrated intermediate killing capacity.  相似文献   

Studies in rats indicate that neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs] are associated with areas of tissue damage after treatment with the hepatotoxicant, alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate (ANIT). Several synthetic and naturally occurring substances stimulate PMNs to release cytotoxic mediators, such as superoxide (O2-). The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that ANIT stimulates the release of O2- from isolated rat PMNs. PMNs derived from rat peritoneum were treated with ANIT in vitro and tested for release of O2-. ANIT caused the release of O2- from PMNs in a concentration-dependent manner. Maximal O2- release (10 +/- 1 nmoles/30 minutes/2 x 10(6) cells) was achieved by an ANIT concentration of 110 microM. This ANIT-induced O2- release was significantly reduced or blocked completely by preincubation of PMNs for 10 minutes with 10 microM or 100 microM SKF 525A, respectively. The beta-isomer of ANIT, which does not cause cholestasis in vivo, did not stimulate O2- release. ANIT-stimulated O2- production decreased sharply after 5 minutes of incubation with ANIT and ceased entirely between 10 to 15 minutes. Shortly after this decrease in O2- production was an increase in the extracellular activity of lactate dehydrogenase. PMNs exposed to ANIT also failed to exclude trypan blue dye, either in the presence or in the absence of superoxide dismutase and catalase, suggesting a direct, oxygen radical-independent, cytotoxic effect of ANIT on PMNs. Release of the lysosomal enzyme, beta-glucuronidase, occurred within 5 minutes of incubation of isolated PMNs with ANIT (110 microM). These results indicate that exposure of rat PMNs to the hepatotoxicant, ANIT, causes the release of cytotoxic agents, whereas its less hepatotoxic beta-isomer does not.  相似文献   

Carrageenan, a sulfated polyanionic polysaccharide, is commonly used to induce inflammation in experimental animals, and this model is used to screen for the effectiveness of antiinflammatory drugs. Carrageenan-induced inflammation has been attributed to a variety of autocoids including histamine, bradykinin, complement, Superoxide, and prostaglandins. This study examines the effects of carrageenan on human PMN in a serum-free system. Carrageenan was found to stimulate the reduction of NBT by PMNs without stimulating membrane depolarization, oxygen consumption, H2O2 production, or myeloperoxidase secretion. Carrageenan stimulates a heat-labile, NBT-reducing system which is unassociated with the usual stimulus-response coupling seen with other PMN activators such as PMA, FMLP, and zymosan.  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that fever, or hyperthermia, results in enhanced survival of lizards infected by Aeromonas hydrophila. In the present study, the effects of hyperthermia on certain immune functions were assayed in vitro with purified human leukocytes. Lymphocyte transformation responses to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin and the common antigen streptokinase-streptodornase were enhanced at 38.5 degrees C relative to 37 degrees C whether analyzed according to absolute counts per minute of incorporated tritiated thymidine or according to stimulation indexes. Enhancement of response was not accompanied by acceleration of response. Augmentation of transformation response was generally not seen at 40 degrees C; incubation at that temperature was associated with decreased cellular viability. Significant, though small, increases of the bactericidal capacity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes at 40 degrees C relative to 37 degrees C were shown at 1 h with Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes, but not with Staphylococcus aureus. Mononuclear phagocytes did not show enhanced bactericidal capacity at the elevated temperature with any of these organisms in this in vitro system. Hyperthermia may enhance certain host defense mechanisms and warrants further study.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) from bone marrow of 24-month-old rats kill Escherichia coli less efficiently than PMN from 3-month-old rats. Secretion of O2- and killing of E. coli by PMN from both young and old rats can be significantly augmented by preincubation with either 250 U of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) or 250 ng of growth hormone (GH) per ml. This priming is specific, because neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against either IFN-gamma or GH completely abrogate the enhanced O2- secretion by PMN from young rats. However, in contrast to PMN from young rats, PMN from aged rats are not primed to kill E. coli by 10-fold-lower concentrations of either IFN-gamma (25 U/ml) or GH (25 ng/ml). To explore the mechanism for the reduction in bacterial killing by PMN from old rats, a syngeneic GH-secreting pituitary cell line (GH3) was implanted in vivo. PMN from GH3-treated aged rats, but not control aged rats, could now be primed in vitro for O2- secretion by IFN-gamma (25 U/ml). Although PMN from aged rats do not respond to the lower doses of either IFN-gamma or GH, the combination of both reagents totally restores the ability of PMN to secrete O2- and to kill E. coli. This synergistic priming is observed with PMN from aged rats, but not with those from young rats, and can be detected when both reagents are added simultaneously or when they are added in either sequence. Furthermore, addition of a monoclonal antibody against either IFN-gamma or GH abrogates the synergism of these two molecules. Collectively, these data identify an important alteration in myeloid cells from aged rodents by showing that their PMN are intrinsically unable to respond to low concentrations of IFN-gamma by secreting O2- and killing bacteria. The results also define a previously unrecognized synergism in PMN from aged animals by showing that GH synergizes with IFN-gamma both in vivo and in vitro to restore these suppressed responses.  相似文献   

The O2*(-) production has been studied in rat peritoneal neutrophils of different age (3, 12 and 24 months), in order to analyse whether the neutrophil respiratory burst is modified with increasing age. To stimulate NADPH oxidase, the enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst, two stimuli that act in different way have been used: phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (N-FMLP). Production of O2*(-) decreased with age in neutrophils stimulated with N-FMLP (about 40%), but not in the stimulated with PMA. No difference in NADPH oxidase activity was found with age. The NADPH is supplied to the respiratory burst mainly by the pentose phosphate shunt. A progressive and significant decrease in the two most important enzymes of this route, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, was detected as a function of age; in spite of this reduction, the NADPH produced by cells from old animals seems not limiting for the O2*(-) production. The N-FMLP-induced decrease in the O2*(-) production may be related to the age-dependent increase in the membrane fluidity observed. A decline in the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio and a rise in the total polyunsaturated fatty acids content were found, that correlated well with the increase in the membrane fluidity. The decrease (50%) of phosphatidylinositols in the 24-month-old animals may be also related to the age-impairment in the respiratory burst found after stimulation with N-FMLP. These studies suggest that the age-related alterations in neutrophil may result in diminished neutrophil function and increased susceptibility to infection in the ageing.  相似文献   

Silica, or silicon dioxide, has been shown to be toxic for macrophages. This is probably because it damages phagolysosomal membranes, allowing lysosomal enzymes to disrupt the cell. Neutrophils also take up particles such as silica and in addition they contain lysosomes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether incubation in vitro with silica inhibits function not only of mouse macrophages, but also of mouse neutrophils. The data show that incubation with silica for 1-3 hr decreases viability of both macrophages and neutrophils. Silica decreases the ability of macrophages and neutrophils to phagocytose both erythrocytes and bacteria, and it inhibits the ability of both cells populations to kill the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Thus, it appears that silica, at least in vitro, is harmful to neutrophils as well as to macrophages.  相似文献   

Formation of short-term memory in day-old chickens trained on an aversive discrimination task was successfully blocked by 4 mM monosodium glutamate and isotonic potassium chloride (KCl). Memory was suppressed as early as 5 min after learning and temporal parameters associated with the actions of these drugs were similar to those reported for 1 to 2 mM KCl [6]. The findings were attributed to the depolarizing action of these drugs preventing the K+ conductance change hyperpolarization postulated to underlie short-term memory formation. In addition, isotonic KCl administered before learning resulted in loss of discrimination early after training rather than amnesia per se. This was possibly due to cortical spreading depression by isotonic KCl. However, spreading depression appears irrelevant to the behavioral effects of isotonic KCl and glutamate on memory formation.  相似文献   

The in vitro generation and release of 5-lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid by bovine peripheral blood neutrophils and alveolar neutrophils elicited with either a heat-killed bacterium, Haemophilus somnus, or platelet-activating factor, were compared. After stimulation with calcium ionophore A23187 for 2.5-60 min, up to 4.5 +/- 0.7 (mean +/- SEM) ng of LTB4 per 10(6) cells was released into the media by circulating neutrophils. LTB4 release by alveolar neutrophils was significantly less (P less than .05) than that of peripheral blood neutrophils from the same animal; 5-HETE release by circulating neutrophils was maximal after 5 min stimulation by ionophore (1.2 +/- 0.1 ng/10(6) cells) but was not identified in cell culture media after 20 min. Alveolar neutrophils released similar amounts of 5-HETE when compared to circulating neutrophils, and release of 5-HETE by alveolar neutrophils was maximal after 5 min of stimulation. However, the 5-HETE released into the culture media persisted throughout the 60 min time period at levels which were maximal (1.5 +/- 0.2 to 1.8 +/- 0.3 ng/10(6) cells). Bacterial killing and the release of superoxide anion were not different between the two cell populations.  相似文献   

Superoxide anion (O2-) production and bactericidal capacity of morphologically mature bone marrow polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) were evaluated in 30 haematologically normal individuals. These same parameters of peripheral PMNs were estimated in 15 healthy volunteers before and after glucagon-induced marrow granulocyte reserve mobilization. Bone marrow PMN in comparison with cells obtained from peripheral blood manifested impaired superoxide anion production and diminished bactericidal capacity. The admixture of bone marrow PMN released into the circulation by the use of glucagon administration significantly lowered both estimated PMN functions.  相似文献   

The contributions of complement and antibody to phagocytosis and, as a separate process, intracellular killing of Proteus mirabilis, were investigated using mouse peritoneal exudate neutrophils. Phagocytosis of P. mirabilis was promoted by both immune mouse (IMS) and normal mouse (NMS) sera. Opsonization by IMS promoted significantly greater phagocytosis than did NMS, as did NMS compared with heated IMS (HIMS). The ability of NMS to opsonize P. mirabilis for both phagocytosis and phagocytic killing was diminished by chelation with EGTA and abolished by chelation with EDTA. This suggested that fixation of complement by both alternative and classical pathways provided optimal opsonization of this organism in NMS. In order to study intracellular killing as a process separate from phagocytosis, peritoneal exudate cell suspensions were exposed to P. mirabilis, previously incubated with 1% NMS, 1% IMS, 10% HNMS (heated normal mouse serum) or 10% HIMS, followed by centrifugation of the phagocyte-bacteria mixtures on Percoll density gradients. Populations of neutrophils containing viable intracellular bacteria, and relatively free of extracellular bacteria (less than 7% of total) were recovered in washed suspensions of cells fractionated at densities greater than 1.069 g/ml. For P. mirabilis that had been opsonized with 1% NMS before phagocytosis, the continued presence of extracellular serum was necessary for intracellular killing. NMS stimulated significantly greater intracellular killing than did HNMS, which stimulated some intracellular killing compared with the absence of serum, in which no killing occurred. IMS was similar to NMS in its ability to stimulate intracellular killing. EGTA partially blocked the stimulation of intracellular killing by NMS, and EDTA abolished it. These findings suggested that (as for optimal opsonization) complement activated via both alternative and classical pathways was responsible for optimal stimulation of intracellular killing.  相似文献   

Clinical doses of ketamine typically increase blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output. However, the precise mechanism by which ketamine produces these cardiovascular effects remains unclear. The voltage-gated K+ (KV) channel is the major regulator of resting membrane potential (E m) and vascular tone in many arteries. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the effects of ketamine on KV currents using the standard whole-cell patch clamp recordings in single myocytes, enzymatically dispersed from rat mesenteric arteries. Ketamine [(±)-racemic mixture] inhibited KV currents reversibly and concentration dependently with a K d of 566.7 ± 32.3 μM and Hill coefficient of 0.75 ± 0.03. The inhibition of KV currents by ketamine was voltage independent, and the time courses of channel activation and inactivation were little affected. The effects of ketamine on steady-state activation and inactivation curves were also minimal. Use-dependent inhibition was not observed either. S(+)-ketamine inhibited KV currents with similar potency and efficacy as the racemic mixture. The average resting E m in rat mesenteric artery myocytes was −44.1 ± 4.2 mV, and both racemic and S(+)-ketamine induced depolarization of E m (15.8 ± 3.6 and 24.3 ± 5.0 mV at 100 μM, respectively). We conclude that ketamine induces E m depolarization in vascular myocytes by blocking KV channels in a state-independent manner, which may contribute to the increased vascular tone and blood pressure produced by this drug under a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Orexin (hypocretin) peptides are known to depolarize rat thalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVT) neurons by suppression of one or more undefined potassium conductances. Here, we investigated a contribution of TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ (TASK) channels to the resting membrane potential and orexin-induced depolarization of PVT neurons, using patch clamp recording techniques in brain slice preparations. Upon exposure to an acidic (pH 6.3) extracellular solution, PVT neurons displayed membrane depolarization. Under voltage-clamp and in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX, 0.5 μM), low pH solutions induced an inward shift in baseline membrane current, accompanied by a net decrease in membrane conductance, reversing close to the potassium equilibrium potential. By contrast, exposure to alkaline (pH 8.3) solutions resulted in membrane hyperpolarization, induced an outward shift in baseline membrane current and an increase in net conductance that reversed close to the potassium equilibrium potential. A local anesthetic bupivacaine (20–40 μM) and the endocannabinoid anandamide (5–10 μM) mimicked the effects of the acidic solution. Exposure to the volatile anesthetic isoflurane (0.2–0.5 mM) induced changes in resting membrane potential, baseline current and membrane conductance similar to those caused by the alkaline solution. Although responsiveness to orexins was preserved under each of the above conditions, the amplitude of the orexin B (0.5 μM)-induced inward current was depressed in the acidic solution and in the presence of anandamide, remained largely unchanged in the alkaline solution, and was enhanced by isoflurane when compared with that in normal artificial cerebrospinal solution. We conclude that pH-sensitive potassium channels, TASK-1 and TASK-3 channels, contribute substantially to the resting membrane conductance(s) and excitability in PVT neurons. The observations that orexin-induced currents were affected by putative TASK-specific drugs in a manner predictable from their effects on TASK channels also suggest that the orexin-induced excitation in PVT neurons is mediated by closure of TASK channels.  相似文献   

1. Recordings from amacrine and ganglion cells in the mudpuppy retina suggest mechanisms whereby the relatively slow, sustained light responses measured in bipolar cells are converted to rapid, brief, transient activity in the on-off ganglion cells. 2. Double-barrel electrodes were used to control the membrane potential under voltage clamp. The clamp revealed synaptic currents, but eliminated the otherwise obvious spike activity elicited by steps of illumination in both amacrine and ganglion cells, suggesting that the spikes are initiated near the somata. 3. The synaptic current in the on-off ganglion cells was biphasic: a brief inward (depolarizing) membrane current preceded a transient outward (hyperpolarizing) membrane current by about 20 msec. Each component could be isolated by polarizing the membrane to a level near the reversal potential for the other. Each was apparently due to a transient conductance increase of sawtooth shape with a 40 msec time to peak and a decay longer than 400 msec. 4. Synaptic membrane current in amacrine cells was monophasic and inward (depolarizing) of similar sawtooth shape at all potential levels. It was apparently mediated by a conductance increase to ions with a reversal potential more positive than the dark level. 5. When amacrine cells were depolarized in the dark under voltage clamp, a large transient inward membrane current with threshold within 4 mV of the dark level was generated. This regenerative event is capable of boosting a small, 4 mV e.p.s.p. to more than 30 mV in a few milliseconds, thereby generating the leading edge of a rapid sawtooth response. 6. The results suggest that the rapid transient on-off activity in ganglion cells is mediated by opposing sawtooth shaped synaptic currents with different latencies. It is inferred that each of these antagonistic imputs is generated by a regenerative depolarization in amacrine cells which then form synaptic inputs to the ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) interactions with neutrophils and monocytes are mediated via the CD14 receptor, in the presence of serum factors such as LPS-binding protein (LBP) and septin. The present study was designed to test if CD14-mediated LPS priming of human neutrophils is dependent upon the presence of serum proteins and to evaluate the contribution of serum factors in LPS-neutrophil interactions. The results demonstrate that CD14 mediates the priming of neutrophil superoxide release by LPS both in the presence and in the absence of serum. However, priming by LPS is greatly enhanced in the presence of human serum, and the factor responsible for this phenomenon is LBP and not heat-sensitive proteins, such as septin.  相似文献   

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