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This study provides a bibliometric review of 279 studies on the applications of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in the maritime industry, published in 214 academic outlets, authored by 842 scholars. We extracted bibliographical data from the Web of Science database and analysed it using the Bibliometrix tool in R software. Based on citation analysis metrics, we revealed the most influential articles, journals, authors and institutions. Using the bibliographic coupling methodology, we identified four underlying research clusters: (1) digital transformation in maritime industry, (2) applications of big data from AIS, (3) energy efficiency and (4) predictive analytics. We analysed these clusters in detail and extracted future research questions. Besides, we present research collaboration networks on the institution and author level.  相似文献   

据伦敦船体保险商估计,今年1~4月全损和部分损失金额已超过5亿美金。1月发生的MSC Napoli事故,保险赔偿金额也高达4500万美元。3月初,世界上最大的耙吸式挖泥船WD FAIRWAY号在天津海域与一艘9200TEU集装箱船MSC Joanna号发生碰撞,损失至少达2.05亿美元。4月初,豪华游轮Sea Diamond号在希腊桑托林岛(Santorini)附近沉没,船体及轮机损失价值约为5千万美金。仅隔两天时间,杂货船Harvest号与散货船“金海鲲”号相撞后沉没,20名船员下落不明。4月中旬,仅下水6个月的拖轮Bourbon Dolphin号在北海倾覆,造成船体及轮机损失价值达5千万美金。这些事故仅是其中的一部分,但由于伴随着严重的伤亡事故,足以表明今年海上安全面临的严峻形势。保险公司担忧,这可能预示着频繁发生严重船损事故的趋势将会重现。  相似文献   

Over the last 13 years the sampled offshore workboat fleet has nearly doubled in size and vessels types have shifted to meet new work requirements. Maritime employment on these vessels may be equivalent to 8% of the world total for vessels over 100 get and is expected to grow. In the United States over the last 34 years the number of new jobs created in this activity approximates the number of jobs lost from the decline of us flag deepsea vessels. Vessels have been, and continue to be, administered primarily by us firms although a substantial broadening of international participation occured with the development of the North Sea and may also occur in the Far East. Expanding offshore development, a function of where remaining petroleum reserve lie, will require technological changes for success in deeper water and/or ice conditions.  相似文献   

Historically there have been only two groups involved in the conflict that has engulfed the US maritime industry for the past fifty years maritime labour unions and shipping companies. The configuration of these groups at different times in this struggle, has led to distinct periods of conflict in the industry. This paper analyses the basis and continuation of the problem.  相似文献   

365页日历,每当翻到最后一页时,心中总会怀着些许依恋,些许忐忑。回望2006,云谲波诡的海事界用激情、魅力、变革、忧患把这一年演绎得高潮迭起.淋漓尽致。身处其中的每一个人不但领略了如火如荼的壮观,也感悟了风云变幻的精彩。“雾里看花,水中望月,你能分辩这变幻莫测的世界;涛走云飞,花开花谢,你能把握这摇曳多姿的季节。”那英的歌声似乎留在了2006年的海事界。  相似文献   

2009年5月10日-12日,第八届"计算机和信息技术在海事行业中的应用(COMPIT)"国际会议在匈牙利首都布达佩斯举行.自2000年举办首届会议以来,COMPIT已成为海事行业信息技术领域的重要会议,汇聚了众多软件开发商和用户.会议内容涵盖了船舶的生命周期,以及海上设施与设备,从设计到营运.  相似文献   

2004年的全球海事界荡气回肠,航运、造船 全线飘红。作为我国船舶检验主力军的中 国船级社又是怎样呢?记者在参加了CCS2005 年工作会后,一个深刻的印象是,CCS 正在向国际一流船级社全力冲刺,伴随着中国的崛起,在全球海事界冉冉升腾。  相似文献   

Shipping companies’ crucial need for cost cutting is their main motive for recruiting seafarers of various nationalities and formulating multicultural teams on board ships. This paper seeks to examine ways of dealing with cultural issues by being a socially responsible company. The main point of the research is to examine how managing multicultural crews is related to the shipping companies’ and the industry’s social responsibility. An extensive literature review on the cultural issues of maritime manpower, with a focus on the working and living conditions and the management of shipping crews, reveals important aspects of the subject. This analysis is enriched with qualitative data from an on-board case study, and from a survey among crew managers and manning agents. Results show that managing multicultural human resources in a socially responsible manner requires socially acceptable behaviour towards seagoing labour from all the industrial actors.  相似文献   

The maritime industry underpins international business and world trade. As to be expected, business management is critical for the maritime industry, requiring highly trained individuals and teams to lead the development, implementation and control of sound contemporary management practices. Maritime business degrees are developed by universities to meet such demand by providing graduates with sufficient skills for the onshore business-related roles. This empirical study conducted in Australia, USA and Canada, investigates current and future industry employability skills for maritime business graduates through focus groups, individual interviews and an online survey with senior managers in maritime organisations. This study found the important employability skills for maritime business graduates which include communication, problem solving, adaptability, self-management, team work, and digital literacy and technology. Demand for digital literacy and technology knowledge and skills have increased due to the maritime industry having a trend of moving towards digitalisation and automation. However, the survey findings revealed that a skills focus for maritime business graduates will not be the technology itself but the use and management of technology. In relation to future skills/knowledge required from maritime business degree graduates in 10 years’ time, communication and adaptability are recognised as being the most important. Employers expect that maritime business graduates should be able to adopt new technology and be competent in communication, and be more adaptable given the highly dynamic nature of the maritime industry. Moreover, they require graduates to be equipped with a higher level of computer skills, have a strong work ethic and multilingual skills.  相似文献   

为加快上海国际航运中心的建设步伐,以实际调查的数据资料为基础,深入分析陆家嘴区域海事服务产业的空间分布和产业构成,并运用SPSS统计软件对陆家嘴区域海事服务产业进行聚类分析,最后提出陆家嘴海事服务产业的发展建议:优先发展高知识含量、高附加值的海事服务业;继续加强对高级海事人才的教育和培训;优化区域软环境。  相似文献   

王捷 《世界海运》2006,29(4):14-16
现代卫星技术已广泛应用在船舶卫星定位、海上遇险通信、船岸和船舶间通信、船舶监控和业务管理、船员休闲通信等方面,而且卫星技术发展对航海教育产生了较大的影响,如何适应卫星技术的发展是航运界应该研究的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the relation between ownership structure and operating performance for European maritime firms. Using a sample of 266 firm-year observations, during the period 2002–2004, we provide evidence that operating performance is positively related with foreign held shares and investment corporation held shares, indicating better investor protection from managerial opportunism. We also find no relation between operating performance and employee held shares, suggesting no relation between employee commitment and firms’ economic performance. Furthermore, we find no relation between operating performance and government held shares, indicating that government may not adequately protect shareholders’ interests from managerial opportunism. Finally, we do find a positive relation between operating performance and portfolio held shares for code law maritime firms but not for common law maritime firms. Results are robust after adjusting for various firm and country risk characteristics. Overall, our results on the importance of the ownership structure are new to this setting and add to a large body of evidence linking ownership characteristics to corporate performance.  相似文献   

文章分析了目前在船舶检验管理的海事执法中,仍存在监管体制、标准、新船覆盖、港修不严、信息不明、机制不全及法规滞后等问题;并提出6点改进和加强措施。  相似文献   

AIS系统作为新兴的海事管理技术,在当今的海事管理中起着越来越大的作用。文中从AIS系统的结构和功能、技术特点、AIS对航行安全的影响和AIS前景展望等多方面详细介绍了AIS系统在海事管理中的应用。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to show if and how European maritime education and training institutions have met the increasing enrolment of women, and how shipping in general has reacted to gender equality. WMU has partly been the source for finding data related to studies in a multicultural and gender (minority) mixture of students and professors. In addition to a questionnaire to maritime education and training institutions, unstructured conversations with WMU students and professors have contributed to fact findings. Apparently, there is more to be done in order to have women compete on a level playing field in the sphere of shipping. Shipping is historically male dominated and conservative, so it is well understood that there are ropes to be untied. In this article, there are examples on how stakeholders in society have introduced policies on how to meet diversities. It is recommended that universities seriously pursue this trend. I wish to appeal to educational institutions to publish a university policy on the gender perspective and diversity management in general. The policy must be in writing in order for staff and students to understand and remember the content of the policy. This is an issue that should follow the quality assurance aims and goals and should be posted in a public place within the university’s premises for everybody to be reminded.  相似文献   

For centuries, the maritime industry has been a recognised place in society dominated solely by men, and even though there were women involved, they were mostly on the periphery. This research aims to fill the gap of women’s career development in this field, by investigating the relationships among the degree of organisational socialisation, women’s workplace culture, and the career development of women in the maritime workplace. The analyses are conducted with the structural equation model with 202 valid questionnaires. The results indicated that women’s workplace culture has a significantly negative relationship with the degree of organisational socialisation, and then in turn, it has a significantly positive relationship with women’s career development in the maritime industry. Finally, the results also indicate that the mediating effect of organisational socialisation existed between women’s workplace culture and women’s career development. According to the empirical analysis, this study makes conclusions as well as suggestions for the maritime enterprises as the reference for human resource management.  相似文献   

安飞 《中国船检》2007,(3):24-27
“三国提案”始于1997年底与1998年初的岁末之交,它的横空出世在当时的中国海事界掀起了不小的波澜。一时间,“国轮国造、国货国运、国轮挂国旗”的呼声响遍中华大地。与此同时,众多海事学者就此展开了广泛的争论:“三国提案”究竟是高瞻远瞩还是一种爱国冲动?如今,将近10年过去了,在这跨世纪的10年发展历程中,中国海事业发生了天翻地覆的变化,在迈向海事强国的新起点上,我们不妨一起重新审视“三国提案”的价值,从“国轮国造、国货国运、国轮挂国旗”的视角,去体会中国海事世纪崛起的那份激情与感动。  相似文献   

Training simulators are largely deployed to provide operators working within complex systems to instil adequate skills to handle normal and abnormal situations. Improved technology and higher computation power have significantly increased the use of training simulators in the training programs. The goal of this pilot study is to determine the design of training in order to prepare for complex tasks within the maritime domain. In this experimental study, students are trained to perform docking operations when ocean currents with increasing complexity are introduced in the training program. The effect of the training is evaluated by comparing two groups: one trained with homogenous currents and the other with heterogeneous currents. Objective performance measures are used to analyse the participants’ performance. The results indicate that when the participants were exposed to tasks with gradually increasing complexity, they performed better as compared to those who were exposed to complex tasks too early in the training. The results suggest that even though the technology and computational power provide for new possibilities in training simulators, new features that make the tasks more complicated should not be included too early in the training without sufficient investigation. It is also found that increasing functional fidelity of the simulation during training has resulted in the improved performance of the participants during the complex tasks (docking operations), as compared to those training with the highest fidelity from the beginning.  相似文献   

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