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Combined thermodynamic and kinetic studies have revealed amalgam properties, solution activities, and diffusion data besides charge-transfer parameters and exchange rates for either step of the Cu(Hg)/Cu(II) electrode in aqueous solutions of xM CuSO4+(0.5?x) M MgSO4+H2SO4 (to pH about 2.5) at 25°C. The studies allow separation of mean ionic activities into convenient single-ion ones. The kinetic results demonstrate the consecutive two-step mechanism involved. Comparison is made to the solid Cu/Cu(II) electrode, and double-layer effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Combined thermodynamic and kinetic studies have yielded convenient single-ion activity coefficients for manganese(II), alkaline-earth, and chloride ions and standard exchange currents for the two steps of the Mn(Hg)/Mn(II) electrode in 0.005 M MnCl2+0.495 M MeCl2 (for Me=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Mn) at 25°C. The results indicate that the fall in mean ionic activity coefficient for the alkaline-earth chlorides along the sequence from magnesium to barium is carried to a larger extent by the cation than by the anion, that also the activity coefficient for the minority cation Mn(II) falls along this sequence, and that other than activity-coefficient effects on the Mn(Hg)/Mn(II) reactions appear only with barium ions, which retard the reactions additionally. The results are discussed with emphasis on ionic interactions and double-layer effects.  相似文献   

The title subject has been studied by galvanostatic single-pulse, chronopotentiometric and equilibrium measurements on the Mn(Hg)/Mn(II) electrode (mainly saturated managanese amalgams) in one molar alkali chloride (LiCl, KCl and CsCl) and potassium iodide and thiocyanate solutions of pH 4 to 5 at 25°C. The Mn(Hg)/Mn(II) reactions are found to occur in two consecutive steps with monovalent ions as intermediate in all these solutions. The rates of both the ion-transfer step Mn(Hg)/Mn(I) and the electron-transfer step Mn(I)/Mn(II) appear independent of the cations Li+ and K+ and of the anions Cl?, I? and SCN?, when differences in bulk activities of electroactive species are corrected for. The Cs+ ion, however, seems to retard the reactions more than expected from bulk activity changes, and this can be explained by Cs+ specific adsorption or by variations in the properties of the inner layer with the cation.  相似文献   

The title subject has been studied using single pulse and chronopotentiometric polarization measurements on the Zn(Hg)/Zn(II) electrode and equilibrium measurements on the same and the Zn/Zn(II) electrode, mainly in 2 M NH4Cl with 0–0.3 M NH3. At low ammonia concentrations, the Zn(Hg)/Zn(II) reactions are found to occur in two consecutive charge-transfer steps with Zn(I) as intermediate, and with little or no participation of ammonia. At higher ammonia concentrations, however, nearly symmetric transfer by divalent zinc ion (α=0.5 and n=2) to and from diammine species appears to be the predominant charge-transfer step.  相似文献   

Chen L  Yang L  Li H  Gao Y  Deng D  Wu Y  Ma LJ 《Inorganic chemistry》2011,50(20):10028-10032
A novel homoplastic podand fluorescent sensor based on flexible hydrophilic lysine was prepared. Lysine with two dansyl groups-appended at both ends supplied a possibility for a tridentate binding toward Hg(II) and finally resulted in a unique selectivity to Hg(II) over other transition-metal ions with a hypersensitivity (detection limit 2.0 nM) in neutral buffered aqueous solutions. Notably, the coordination of chloride ion to the complex of sensor-Hg(II) brought forth that the trend in the NMR chemical shift for hydrogen and carbon atoms of the sensor was contrary to the findings in the former reports, which shows upfield shifts for the hydrogens and the alkane carbons but downfield shifts for the dansyl carbons, respectively.  相似文献   

The syntheses and photophysical properties of mercury sensors 2 and 3 (MS2 and MS3), two asymmetrically derivatized fluorescein-based dyes designed for Hg(II) detection, are described. These sensors each contain a single pyridyl-amine-thiol metal-binding moiety, form 1:1 complexes with Hg(II), and exhibit selectivity for Hg(II) over other Group 12 metals, alkali and alkaline earth metals, and most divalent first-row transition metals. Both dyes display superior brightness (Phi x epsilon) and fluorescence enhancement following Hg(II) coordination in aqueous solution. At neutral pH, the fluorescence turn-on derives from greater brightness due to increased molar absorptivity. At higher pH, photoinduced electron transfer quenching of the free dye is enhanced, and the Hg(II)-induced turn-on also benefits from alleviation of this pathway. MS2 can detect ppb levels of Hg(II) in aqueous solution, demonstrating its ability to identify environmentally relevant concentrations of Hg(II).  相似文献   

Novel metal organic frameworks including {(pipzH2)[Mn(py-2,3-dc)2]·7.75H2O}n, 1, {(pipzH2)[Zn(py-2,3-dc)2]·4H2O}n, 2, [Cd(py-2,3-dc)(H2O)3]n, 3 and {(pipzH2)[Hg4Cl10]}n, 4, in which pipz is piperazine and py-2,3-dcH2 is pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid were synthesized applying a proton transfer ion pair i.e. (pipzH2)(py-2,3-dcH)2 and corresponding metallic salts and studied by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The space group of compounds 1 and 4 are P21/c and C2/c of monoclinic system, respectively. The crystal dimensions are a = 20.108(2) Å, b = 19.910(2) Å, c = 12.997(1) Å, β = 94.354(2)° for 1 and a = 15.940(1) Å, b = 11.2690(9) Å, c = 11.1307(9) Å, β = 90.685(2)° for 4. The crystal structures of 2 and 3 have been reported previously. However, their solution studies are discussed here. The compounds had all polymeric structures. Although ZnII, CdII and HgII were elements of the same group, their behavior against the ion pair was essentially different. Various supramolecular interactions mainly hydrogen bonds of the type O-H?O, N-H?O, C-H?O, N-H…Cl and C-H?Cl were observed in the structures. There was an unusual and huge water cluster in the structure of compound 1. The solution states of compounds 1–4 were studied and reported. The protonation constants of pipz and py-2,3-dc, the py-2,3-dc/pipz proton transfer equilibrium constants and stoichiometry and stability of the system with Mn2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ ions in aqueous solution were investigated by potentiometric pH titrations.  相似文献   

A study of complex formation equilibria of some beta-amino-alcohols with lead(II) and cadmium(II) ions at 25 degrees C and in 0.5 M KNO(3) is reported. The amino-alcohols considered are 2-amino-1-propanol, 2-amino-1-butanol, 2-amino-1-pentanol and 2-amino-1,3-propanediol. sec-Buthylamine and 2-amino-1-methoxy-propane have been also considered for comparison. The results are discussed in terms of ligand structure, paying attention to the number of hydroxyl groups and to the length of the alkyl residual. A weak contribution of the alcoholic oxygen in the coordination of cadmium(II) and the presence of a mixed hydroxyl species in lead(II) containing systems are hypothesized.  相似文献   

Protonation and Cu(II) complexation equilibria of L -phenyhilaninamide, N2-methyl-L-phenylalaninamide, N2, N2-dimethyl-L-phenylalaninamide, L -valinamide, and L -prolinamide have been studied by potentiometry in aqueous solution. The formation constants of the species observed, CuL2+, CuL, CuLH, CuL2H and CuL2H?2, are discussed in relation to the structures of the ligands. Possible structures of bisamidato complexes are proposed on the ground of VIS and CD spectra. Since Cu(II) complexes of the present ligands (pH range 6–8) perform chiral resolution of dansyl- and unmodified amino acids in HPLC (reversed phase), it is relevant for the investigation of the resolution mechanism to know which are the species potentially involved in the recognition process.  相似文献   

Complexes of the 4-(2'-pyridyl)-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl radical bidentate ligand with bis(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)manganese(II) and with bis(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)copper(II) have been prepared. Unlike the previously reported cobalt(II) complex, these complexes form dimers via intermolecular S...S contacts in the solid state. The spectroscopic and magnetic properties of these species in the solid state and in solution are reported and compared to the previously reported Co(II) complex, with emphasis on the elucidation of the a monomer/dimer equilibrium in the solution. The electrochemical properties of these species in solution are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The title subject has been studied by galvanostatic single-pulse, chronopotentiometric and equilibrium measurements on the Zn(Hg)/Zn(II) electrode in x M KI+(1?x) M KCl (x from 0 to 1), 1 M KBr and 1 M MeCl (Me=Li, Na, K and Cs) solutions of pH 3 at 25°C. Quantitative information about the effect of specifically adsorbed halides on the rates of the Zn(II)/Zn(I) and the Zn(I)/Zn(Hg) steps is obtained separately (for the latter step mainly at potentials near ?1.0 V(SCE)), and the latter step seems to be more influenced than the former by the adsorption. An attempt is made to correlate the adsorption effect on the rate of the Zn(II)/Zn(I) step to double-layer parameters according to recent models for such effects. The extra current observed at potentials where the halides are adsorbed, seems to vary with the surface activity of the specifically adsorbed ion. The lack of any observed kinetic effect of Cs+, which is specifically adsorbed at these potentials, is possibly due to the Cs+ specific adsorption enhancing the Cl? specific adsorption and vice versa, so that the decelerating and accelerating effects by these ions may cancel each other.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Anwendung des Kaltdampf-Verfahrens für die Speziesanalyse des Quecksilbers wurde untersucht. Wechselwirkungen von Hg(II) mit Hg(0) zu Hg(I) und mit komplexierenden Anionen machen folgende Bestimmungen möglich: Hg(II) und Hg(I) nebeneinander, Hg(0)-Gehalt der Luft sowie neben Hg(I) und Quecksilberkomplexierende Anionen. Die Verfahren beruhen darauf, daß Hg(II) infolge Synproportionierung ein Entweichen des Hg(0) in den Gasraum unterdrückt. Erst nach Komplexierung des Hg(II) ist dies möglich. Im Signalverlauf der Extinktionskurve sind zwei Punkte maßgebend: Aus dem Offsetpunkt ergibt sich der Gehalt an Hg(II) und aus der Extinktion die Hg(I)-Menge. Das Verhältnis von Hg(II)Hg(I) muß mindestens 21 betragen. Die Bestimmungsgrenze liegt im ppb-Bereich.
Simultaneous trace determination of Hg(I)/Hg(II) or Hg(0)/Hg(I) and indirect determination of mercury complexing anions by means of cold-vapor-AAS
Summary The employment of the cold-vapor AAS for the species analysis of mercury has been tested. Interactions of Hg(II) with Hg(0) to Hg(I) on the one hand and with complexing anions on the other hand allow the following determinations: Hg(II) and Hg(I) in the same solution, Hg(0) in the air and in the presence of Hg(I), mercury complexing anions in a solution. The procedure depends on the fact that Hg(II) represses the vaporization of Hg(0) as a consequence of synproportionation.The vaporization is only possible after complexing the Hg(II). Two points of the absorption curve are important: the point of offset allows the calculation of Hg(II) and the absorption is proportional to the quantity of Hg(I). The ratio of Hg(II)Hg(I) has to be 21 (minimum). The determination limit is at the ppb-level.

The electrode reaction Zn(II)/Zn(Hg) in complex chloride, bromide, and iodide solutions with DMSO as solvent and ammonium perchlorate as supporting electrolyte has been studied at the equilibrium potential by the faradaic impedance method and a square-wave method. Furthermore, double-layer data have been determined by electrocapillary measurements. The results indicate that the zinc chloride and bromide complexes do not contribute noticeably to the exchange current density, while in the iodide system both the solvated zinc ion and the first complex take part in the charge transfer. From the dissimilar results valid for water and DMSO solutions the conclusion is made that probably ligand bridging at the amalgam by the halide ions is operative in water solutions, whereas in DMSO the larger solvent molecules adsorbed can form a steric hindrance to ligand bridging by chloride or bromide ions.  相似文献   

A study of complex formation equilibria of some β-amino-alcohols with lead(II) and cadmium(II) ions at 25°C and in 0.5 M KNO3 is reported. The amino-alcohols considered are 2-amino-1-propanol, 2-amino-1-butanol, 2-amino-1-pentanol and 2-amino-1,3-propanediol. sec-Buthylamine and 2-amino-1-methoxy-propane have been also considered for comparison. The results are discussed in terms of ligand structure, paying attention to the number of hydroxyl groups and to the length of the alkyl residual. A weak contribution of the alcoholic oxygen in the coordination of cadmium(II) and the presence of a mixed hydroxyl species in lead(II) containing systems are hypothesized.  相似文献   

B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p) optimizations on models for the metal cyanin, Cy, complexes [MCy(H2O) n ]+, (M = Zn(II), Cu(II); n = 2, 3, 4) in aqueous solution indicate that 4 is the most favoured coordination number in both cases. SP -4 and T -4 geometries are nearly isoenergetic for the former, while SP -4 is the only one obtained for the latter. Anionic cyanin displays higher affinity for Cu(II) than for Zn(II) or Mg(II). The electron density reorganization of cyanin model accompanying the complexation process was analyzed by means of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules. This analysis reveals that: (1) the O4′–M bond is stronger than O3′–M; (2) anionic cyanin displays a dual character between 4′-keto-quinoidal and 3′,4′-dienolate resonance forms; (3) Cu(II) takes more electron density than Zn(II) from Cy? and water ligands; (4) when the coordination number increases, each ligand (Cy? or water) transfers less electron density; (5) complex formation modifies the electron density in all the atoms of the ligands, but the largest modifications are displayed within the AC bicycle of Cy?; and (6) a third part of density lost by the Cy? ligand is removed from hydrogens.  相似文献   

The 17O and 14N paramagnetic transverse relaxation time and chemical shift of proline as well as of water, in aqueous solutions of Co(II), Cu(II) and Mn(II) were measured as a function of pH, temperature, and metal ion concentration. The relaxation results were fitted to a theoretical equation linking the Swift-Connick equation to the stability constants of the major complexes in equilibrium. Stability constants for the major complexes of the three ions in this work were determined, along with thermodynamic parameters for some of the complexes. Two complexes of Co(II) were detected directly by 17O NMR at basic pH, and were assigned to CoPrO2 and CoPro3. The hyperfine coupling constant for these two complexes, A/h, was determined directly from the isotropic shift and was found to be −0.63 and −0.31 MHz, respectively. CoPrO2 could be detected in the pH range 6–12, for Co(II) concentrations greater than 0.04 M, and its chemical shift was around 700 ppm downfield from free proline, at 300 K. CoPro3 was detected only at pH 11, in the temperature range 275–284 K, with a chemical shift of 390 ppm downfield from free proline.  相似文献   

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