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长期补偿方式是水库移民安置的一项重要创新,并正在一些地方水利水电建设工程中进行尝试。本文通过对比长期补偿方式与一次性补偿方式之间费用的差别,分析了补偿费用计算方法中各参数取值对长期补偿方式的总静态补偿费用和总补偿费用折现值的影响,并进一步讨论了敏感因子折现率和增长率的取值依据与存在的问题,提出了应尽快建立和完善长期补偿的相关政策,明确补偿标准和依据,以发挥这一创新机制的优越性,实现良性的、可持续的移民长期补偿。  相似文献   

文章通过长期补偿费用与一次性补偿费用的差值,分析折现率、逐年增长率、补偿年限和补偿起始年的变化对长期补偿费用的影响,讨论折现率和逐年增长率的取值依据。并为移民长期补偿方案提供相应的数据支持,提出尽快建立移民长期补偿与安置的相关政策,明确补偿依据和补偿标准,发挥可持续移民的长期补偿机制。  相似文献   

对水电工程移民长期补偿机制若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长期补偿机制是水电工程征地移民安置和补偿政策方面的一项重要的创新,近年来一些地方在部分水利水电建设工程中做了大胆的尝试。对水电工程征地移民实行长期补偿机制的必要性及其优越性进行了论述;对长期补偿机制的政策依据、与相关政策的协调以及该机制进一步完善等问题进行了讨论;同时,运用资金时间价值理论对长期补偿方式和一次性补偿方式进行了对比分析;最后根据讨论结果提出了实施长期补偿机制的几点建议。  相似文献   

长期补偿安置方式是征地补偿和移民安置的一种模式创新。基于大藤峡水利枢纽建设征地情况,对长期补偿的范围、原则及方式进行了研究,对实施长期补偿安置的补偿费进行了测算并分析了对电价的影响。研究认为本工程若实施长期补偿具有一定可行性,但将在运营期对项目法人带来较大资金压力,对此提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

水库移民长期补偿安置实施方式与效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
年来,水库移民长期补偿安置方式在我国中小型水利枢纽建设中有所应用,但对长期补偿在水库移民安置中不同情况下的实现形式还没有统一的认识,以及长期补偿安置模式在水库移民安置中实施的效果还缺乏科学合理的评价方法。以W大型水库移民安置为例,提出两种长期补偿方案,通过定性、定量分析及用GM(1,1)模型预测与水库移民原有生活水平作对比,论证了长期补偿方式在W大型水库移民安置中的实用性,并在安置效果分析的基础上,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

采用长期补偿方式安置移民是近几年水利水电工程建设中新出现的一种安置移民模式,通过贵州省锦屏县三板溪库区移民长期补偿安置实践,对水利水电工程农村移民采取长期补偿生产安置方式进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着长期补偿安置方式在我国水电工程建设中的应用及推广,此安置模式逐步得到移民群众的接受和支持。但对长期补偿方式在不同水电工程实际的移民安置实施方案编制,还未形成完善的工作机制。以华南地区的M大型水电工程移民安置实施方案为例,探究了基于长期补偿的水电工程移民安置实施方案编制工作实践,并对移民安置实施方案的实施效果进行了预期分析,以为水电工程长期补偿移民安置实施方案的科学编制与有效实施提供理论参考及技术支持。  相似文献   

李若瀚  甄璐 《人民长江》2013,44(19):99-102
新中国成立以来,我国的水利工程移民补偿政策经历了3个阶段、2个转变,并取得了长足进展。但目前移民在补偿标准、补偿范围和方式等方面仍存在一些问题。为力求在公平补偿基础上实现移民生产、生活的可持续发展,通过比较了外国经验,并结合我国实际,提出了投资性补偿的设想,探讨了该补偿方式下长期补偿、安置补偿费入股和土地使用权入股的阶段性实施问题。投资性补偿方式有助于缓解当前库区矛盾,并逐步实现水库移民和库区经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

针对水库移民安置越来越困难的实际情况,为拓宽移民安置方式、妥善安置移民,贵州省移民部门组织了专门的调研组到有关省区对水利水电工程实施长期补偿的情况进行专题调研。本文调查和收集了广西壮族自治区、福建省、浙江省、贵州省等地区水电水利工程土地淹没征占用耕地实施长期补偿的情况和资料,对他们的做法进行了概括和总结,并对实施长期补偿存在的问题提出了建议,供从事征地移民工作的同志参考。  相似文献   

高陂水利枢纽是2015年国务院部署动工建设的27项重大水利工程之一,也是国家和广东省第一批引进社会资本参与建设运营(PPP)的重大水利试点工程。结合现阶段高陂水库移民长期补偿实施进展,参照大埔县"人多地少"的现状,在传统生产安置方式无法保证移民群众长期土地收益的状况下,总结提出符合现行政策与实际征收耕地长期补偿实践——"高陂模式"长期补偿实践,为创新和实践水库移民长期补偿提供实践经验和技术借鉴。  相似文献   

黄河水权转换农业风险补偿费用测算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用实际年系列法计算出宁夏和内蒙古引黄灌区的风险补偿率,直观地计算水权转换风险补偿水量;从频率法计算原理出发,简化现有的频率法计算风险补偿水量过程。考虑农业效益增长率因素,利用国民经济评价方法计算农业风险补偿费用,反映水权转换给农业带来的风险损失。  相似文献   

在梳理现有流域生态补偿标准核算方法的基础上,运用鲁宾斯坦恩-斯塔尔讨价还价模型,构建了有限期博弈和无限期博弈的跨省水源地保护生态补偿标准讨价还价博弈模型;并以于桥水库为例,按照不同补偿区域分析了天津市对河北省的生态补偿标准,探讨了出价次序变化和贴现因子变化对补偿标准的影响。结果表明:以于桥水库流域、潘家口-大黑汀水库及引滦入津沿线区域、和主要水源区承德市为补偿对象的生态补偿标准分别在1.67~15.96亿元、0.30~11.49亿元和8.49~85.37亿元之间。影响因子分析显示,在有限期讨价还价博弈中,跨省水源地保护生态补偿标准与贴现因子δ的大小、博弈时期T的长短及谁在最后出价有关;在无限期讨价还价博弈中,跨省水源地保护生态补偿标准与贴现因子δ的大小以及谁最先出价有关。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of an integrated household water treatment and reuse system for agriculture in La Soukra, Tunisia. The researchers found that the system has an internal rate of return of 17% and a net present value range from USD 26,000 (at a 5% discount rate) to USD 11,000 (for a 10% discount rate). Benefits included more water for irrigation, reduced costs to service providers, increased agricultural production from greenhouses and expanded agricultural options. These results suggest that investments in rainwater harvesting and greywater treatment at the farm level can increase the financial feasibility of peri-urban farms, which are often faced with pressure from urban growth. The systems can also help build household resilience to broader environmental change by lowering the exposure of farmers to burdens associated with infrequent access to water and poor-quality soil.  相似文献   


Theoretical principles of sustainable aquifer management are laid out in this work. The premise of our treatment is that groundwater is a renewable, although exhaustible, natural resource. The theory of this work is aimed at aquifers with a relatively homogeneous recharge that can be approximated by a logistic growth function. Sustainable aquifer exploitation occurs when the rate of ground-water extraction is equal to or less than the natural rate of groundwater replenishment for any level of aquifer storage. There can be many levels of sustainable aquifer exploitation depending on the level of aquifer storage, but there may be only one that maximizes economic returns under a variety of economic and aquifer conditions. Different strategies for sustainable exploitation are derived depending on whether or not the analysis considers tradeoffs among: (i) current and future exploitation; (ii) constant and dynamic aquifer storage conditions; and (iii) regulated and unregulated aquifer exploitation. Key factors affecting sustainable exploitation strategies include: (1) the market price of groundwater; (2) the cost of groundwater extraction; (3) the aquifer storage and natural replenishment characteristics; (4) institutional and environmental regulations on groundwater extraction; and (5) the real discount rate. An example of sustainable groundwater exploitation in Santa Barbara, California, illustrates the methods of this article.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been many quarrels among countries of the Mekong River Basin surrounding use of the water resources of that river. In particular, China’s behavior of constructing dams upstream has resulted in objections by many people in all countries downstream. Cooperative game theory has been applied to solving issues of building and utilizing dams on trans-border rivers. The central question is how to allocate the surplus benefits generated by the dams. This paper proposes to achieve an all-win situation in use of Mekong water resources through cooperation. A game named “The Mekong Game” was designed for those Ph.D. students and resource persons to play on the PROSPER.NET’s workshop in 2010. For a hypothetical case in Mekong Game, the Shapley Value Method’s results were given, which could be regarded as one of equitable results in theory, and the Mekong Game’s process and outcomes are introduced in this paper. Participants were divided into six groups representing the six involved “countries.” The process of meeting an agreement with an all-win idea was simulated through three round-table negotiations. For the hypothetical case, different set of results under different situations were compared and discussed, including no dam(s), dam(s) without cooperation, dam(s) with cooperation but without compensation and re-allocation, Shapley Value Method, and Mekong Game (bargaining and negotiation). The results reveal: although it is hard to get theoretical optimal aftermath considering other complicated factors than those can be calculated, the all-win situation is still possible through bargaining and negotiation processes, which should be much better than all-lose situation such as the current one.  相似文献   

As part of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), a $10 million grant was awarded to restore wetlands and stabilize shoreline along the south shore of Muskegon Lake (MI), a Great Lakes Area of Concern. A socioeconomic analysis was conducted as part of this award, which included a travel cost survey for lake recreation and a hedonic housing valuation to estimate return on investment. The value of a trip to Muskegon Lake was estimated to be $39.76; when applied to the anticipated increase in post-restoration recreational trips to Muskegon Lake, and using a conservative 7% discount rate, the Net Present Value over 20 years is $38.1 million. The hedonic analysis examined values for houses between 100 and 800 m from the shoreline, using both the current shoreline distances and the new shoreline distances after restoration; this resulted in a predicted $11.9 million in additional housing value as a result of the improved shoreline features. Summing the hedonic value and travel cost estimates, along with the original $10 million spent, the result is that over 20 years, the total value generated for the local region is nearly six times the initial ARRA spending. In other words, of the $60 million of value created on the Muskegon Lake restoration, $50 million is increased environmental value over the 20 year period.  相似文献   

In winter, juvenile salmonids hide within the substrate during the day and emerge to feed on drifting invertebrates at night. In channelized streams, where the streambed heterogeneity has been artificially reduced, suitable microhabitats (low‐flow refugia) may be in short supply. Therefore, restoration of stream habitat by enhancement structures might improve the overwintering conditions of juvenile salmonids. We used a set of artificial streams to test whether individually‐marked juvenile brown trout of two age‐classes (age‐0 and age‐1 trout) loose mass during the winter differently in channelized and semi‐natural streams. Fish of both age‐classes lost mass early in the winter (November to January), but age‐0 fish in the channelized streams lost more of their initial mass than did the restored‐stream fish (ca. 10% vs. 2.5% on average, respectively). They then exhibited zero‐growth in both treatments in late winter (January to April), and by early spring (May), the channelized‐stream fish had completely caught up for their greater initial mass loss. In control tanks where the fish were fed continuously, age‐0 trout exhibited zero‐growth from November to January, then gaining mass constantly through the rest of the experiment. Significant time*treatment interaction was also detected for age‐1 trout, but all differences were caused by the faster growth of fish in the control tanks, whereas the two channel treatments did not differ significantly. The shortage of suitable sheltering sites in the channelized streams apparently intensified competition and caused greater initial mass loss in age‐0 trout. Furthermore, growth compensation exhibited by juvenile trout may have negative impacts on the long‐term fitness of individuals. Therefore, by increasing the amount of sheltering sites, in‐stream restoration may have potential to enhance the overwintering success of juvenile salmonids. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

珠江流域水生态补偿机制总体框架初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据国内外水生态补偿最新研究成果及试点地区的实践经验,指出珠江流域水生态补偿分类及重点区域,明确珠江流域水生态补偿内容及方式,并提出珠江流域水生态补偿技术支撑体系,初步建立了珠江流域水生态补偿机制总体框架,为下一步工作开展奠定基础。  相似文献   

Water utilities generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when they construct, retrofit, and operate their water distribution systems. The prospect of introducing carbon-abatement strategies such as carbon pricing and using low discount rates for project planning could potentially change the manner in which water utilities plan and design their drinking water systems. The objectives of this paper are to: (i) Review the current issues and controversies surrounding the choice of discounting rate and carbon prices in Canada to reduce the GHG emissions linked to operating water systems in Canada; (ii) Review previous research that has examined the impact of discounting and carbon pricing on design decisions in water supply and distribution systems, and; (iii) Illustrate the possible implications of carbon-abatement strategies (discounting and carbon pricing) on the design of Canadian water systems by way of a real-world case study. The implications of discount rate and carbon price uncertainty on water distribution system design are illustrated with the Amherstview-Odessa water transmission system in Ontario, Canada. The results of the Amherstview study indicated that lowering discount rate led to significant increases in electricity costs. The study results also suggested that for a sufficiently low discount rate of 1.4%, increasing carbon price led to a larger pipe size and pipe cost to offset carbon costs levied on fossil-fuel based electricity to operated the pumps for the life of the system. Additional studies are needed on large-scale water systems to inform decisions on system upgrades taken by water utility managers.  相似文献   

无功功率是指维持电源和电气设备的电容和电感之间进行的电磁能量交换必须的功率,在电力系统中,有效率的无功补偿对整个电力网安全、有效地运行非常重要。无功补偿装置已经由同步调相机、并联电容器发展到了静态无功补偿装置。文中对几种无功补偿技术的原理和特点进行了分析、比较,并对静止无功发生器的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

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