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以往的研究显示了2013年芦山MS7.0级地震发震断层的隐伏逆冲断层基本特征,但是破裂深部细节差异较大.本文以近场密集的同震形变数据约束芦山地震破裂面几何形状及滑动分布, 结果显示芦山地震破裂面具有铲状结构,上部16 km为43°~50°高角度断层,深部16~25 km为小于27°的低角度断层,破裂深度与重定位的余震分布深度一致.破裂分布模型清楚显示上下两个断层上各有一个滑动幅度大于0.5 m的峰值破裂区,最大滑动量1.5 m位于13 km深处.重定位的余震分布基本都落在最大滑动量等值线外部库仑应力增加的区域.芦山地震破裂面几何形状和滑动分布特征与2008年汶川MS8.0级地震映秀—北川破裂相似,支持龙门山冲断带发育大规模的近水平滑脱层, 是青藏高原东缘地壳缩短增厚、龙门山挤压隆升的重要证据.  相似文献   

It is well known that quantitative estimation of slip distributions on fault plane is one of the most important issues for earthquake source inversion related to the fault rupture process. The characteristics of slip distribution on the main fault play a fundamental role to control strong ground motion pattern. A large amount of works have also suggested that variable slip models inverted from longer period ground motion recordings are relevant for the prediction of higher frequency ground motions. Zhang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56:1412-1417, 2013) and Wang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56:1408-1411,2013) published their source inversions for the fault rupturing process soon after the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake in Sichuan, China. In this study, first, we synthesize two forward source slip models: the value of maximum slip, fault dimension, size, and dimension of major asperities, and comer wave number obtained from Wang's model is adopted to constrain the gen- eration of k-2 model and crack model. Next, both inverted and synthetic slip models are employed to simulate the ground motions for the Lushan earthquake based on the stochastic finite-fault method. In addition, for a comparison purpose, a stochastic slip model and another k-2 model (k 2 model II) with 2 times value of comer wave number of the original k-2 model (k 2 model I) are also employed for simulation for Lushan event. The simulated results characterized by Modified Mer- calli Intensity (MMI) show that the source slip models based on the inverted and synthetic slip distributions could capture many basic features associated with the ground motion patterns. Moreover, the simulated MMI distributions reflect the rupture directivity effect and the influence of the shallow velocity structure well. On the other hand, the simulated MMI bystochastic slip model and k 2 model II is apparently higher than observed intensity. By contrast, our simulation results show that the higher frequency ground motion is sensitive to the degree of sli  相似文献   

芦山4.20地震破裂过程及其致灾特征初步分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
采用全球地震台网的远震地震波数据快速反演了2013年4月20日雅安芦山地震(芦山4.20地震)的破裂过程,在震后3小时得到并发布了相关测定结果.结果显示这次地震的震级约MW6.8,包括两次破裂子事件,但都发生在断层面上震源(破裂起始点)附近,整个地震没有表现出明显的破裂方向性.雅安芦山地震的破裂没有大规模出露地表,主要地震灾害集中在断层上盘,位于芦山县和宝兴县一带.  相似文献   

浅谈芦山地震   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
陈运泰  杨智娴  张勇  刘超 《地震学报》2013,35(3):285-295
地震序列是对地震现象的回顾性描述,只有在地震序列结束后它才有可能被确切无疑地判定.鉴于龙门山断裂带或地震带的整体性、统一性和系统性,不可否认在其西南段发生的芦山地震是与汶川地震一样的同属于龙门山断裂带的事件.鉴于芦山地震的震源位置、震源机制、震级大小和破裂区覆盖的范围,目前可认为它是汶川地震迄今最大的余震.鉴于地震序列的判定是对地震现象的唯象的描述,有相当的任意性,对芦山地震究竟是"新的主震"还是"汶川余震"的"讨论"实质上是在根据经验判定地震的类型,即使目前看"主震说"提出的4条"论据"明显缺乏说服力,"余震说"比较有说服力,但最后都需要等到地震序列结束之后才有可能"定论".作者认为,相对于需要等到地震序列结束之后才能"定论"、甚而在地震序列结束之后未必能"定论"的芦山地震究竟是"新的主震"还是"汶川余震"问题,应当更为关注芦山地震的发生引出的一些重要的亟待研究的科学问题与防震减灾问题.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震震源破裂特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
徐彦  邵文丽 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3396-3403
2013年4月20日四川芦山发生7.0级地震.本文运用反投影远震P波的方法研究了中心频率为1 Hz的芦山地震震源破裂特征.研究结果显示2013年芦山7.0级地震破裂长度约为20 km,震源破裂时间约为26 s.本文认为在芦山地震的开始阶段(0~4 s)震源的破裂是向震中位置两侧进行的.而芦山地震破裂的第二阶段(5~26 s)是单侧破裂.芦山地震最大能量释放区域位于震中以北.本文对比了运用相同方法研究的发生在同一断裂带上的2008年汶川地震震源破裂特征.发现2013年芦山地震和2008年汶川地震有三点相似之处,即,破裂主要沿北东走向的龙门山断裂带发展;最大能量释放区域没有位于震中;能量都是通过多次子事件来释放的,且第二次能量释放是最大能量释放.对比两次地震破裂区域,可以看出芦山地震的破裂区域是在2008年汶川地震破裂区域的西南端发展的.两次地震的破裂区域占了整个龙门山断裂带的三分之二.  相似文献   

本文以2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震前后在震中附近开展的形变观测研究结果为约束,利用震区天然地震成像、大地电磁测深、人工地震探测剖面、余震精确定位、震源破裂过程、地质考察、GPS观测、构造应力场等结果,建立了芦山地震震中及邻近地区的深浅部构造二维有限元数值模型,探讨了青藏高原向东挤出运动、区域地形特征、地壳内低速带和滑脱面、震区主要断裂带活动等可能因素对芦山地震孕育和破裂的控制作用.模拟结果显示,汶川地震后的青藏高原东部物质相对四川盆地运动速率增大是引发或加快芦山地震发生的主要动力学控制因素,龙门山断裂带西侧上中地壳内部低速带和滑脱面的存在是控制芦山地震震源位置的重要条件,其他因素则是控制龙门山断裂带长时间尺度区域构造活动的动力学因素;同时本文给出了主震破裂为复杂"y"型双破裂面的同震位移,模拟计算的地表垂直位移与观测结果一致,进一步支持了余震精确定位提出的主震为"y"型破裂面的推测.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山发生了MS7.0地震,芦山地震震中距离2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震震中约85km,距离其余震密集分布区约60km。汶川地震和芦山地震均发生在龙门山断裂带上,震源机制均以逆冲为主,针对二者震源特征的比较分析,对解释龙门山地区强震特征意义显著。本文基于地震波辐射能及视应力与应力降的关系,对比讨论汶川地震和芦山地震的动态破裂过程,初步研究结果显示,汶川地震属于应力上调模式,而芦山地震则属于应力下调模式,通常应力上调模式的震后能量释放较为充分,应力下调模式则对应震后能量释放相对不够充分,余震空间分布相对集中。  相似文献   

Both P- and S-wave arrivals were collected for imaging upper crustal structures in the source region of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake. High-resolution, three- dimensional P and S velocity models were constructed by travel-time tomography. Moreover, more than 3700 after- shocks of the Lushan earthquake were relocated via a grid search method. The P- and S-wave velocity images of the upper crust show largely similar characters, with high and low velocity anomalies, which mark the presence of sig- nificant lateral and vertical heterogeneity at the source region of the Lushan earthquake. The characteristics of the velocity anomalies also reflect the associated surface geo- logical tectonics in this region. The distributions of high velocity anomalies of both P- and S-waves to 18 km depth are consistent with the distributions of relocated after- shocks, suggesting that most of the ruptures were localized inside the high velocity region. In contrast, low P and S velocities were found in the surrounding regions without aftershocks, especially in the region to the northeast of the Lushan earthquake. For the relocated aftershocks of the Lushan earthquake from this study, we found that mostaftershocks were concentrated in a zone of about 40 km long and 20 km wide, and were located in the hanging wall of Dayi-Mingshan fault. The focal depths of aftershocks increase from the southeast to the northwest region in the direction perpendicular to the fault strike, suggesting that the fault ruptured at an approximate dip angle of 45°. The main depths of the aftershocks in the northwest of the main shock are significantly shallower than expected, revealing the different seismogenic conditions in the source region.  相似文献   

在对2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震灾区大量地震地质灾害实地考察及调查的基础上, 总结了滑坡、 崩塌、 砂土液化、 地裂缝、 地表变形等地震地质灾害的分布及发育特点, 探讨了地震地质灾害与发震断裂之间的关系. 极震区和重灾区的崩塌和滑坡特别严重, 是地震巨大破坏作用的外在表现形式; 砂土液化点较少, 分布范围和规模有限; 地裂缝和地表变形并非真正意义上的地震地表破裂带. 根据极震区和重灾区地震地质灾害的分布和发育特点, 认为芦山地震最有可能的发震断裂为龙门山前山断裂的双石—大川断裂, 也有可能是龙门山山前隐伏断裂的大邑断裂, 还有可能是双石—大川断裂与大邑断裂两者共同触发的结果.   相似文献   

芦山地震发生在龙门山断裂带前缘.关于芦山地震的发震断层,有的认为是前山断裂——双石—大川断裂,有的认为是山前断裂——大邑断裂拟或其他隐伏断裂,发震断裂究竟是哪条断裂以及芦山地震是不是汶川地震的余震?目前仍存在较大争议.震后穿过芦山地震区完成了一条长近40km的深地震反射剖面,以确定芦山地震的发震构造.反射剖面显示浅部褶皱和断裂构造发育,在上地壳存在6条逆冲断裂,下地壳存在一条非常明显的变形转换带,在深度16km左右还存在一个滑脱层,浅部的6条断裂最终都归并到该滑脱层上.参考主余震精定位结果,芦山地震的发震断裂应该是位于双石—大川断裂和大邑断裂之间的隐伏断裂F4,F2和F3断裂受控于发震断裂而活动,形成剖面上"Y"字型余震分布现象.隐伏断裂F4属山前断裂,不是前山断裂,因此芦山地震不是汶川地震的余震.  相似文献   

2008年10月6日16时30分(北京时间),西藏自治区拉萨市当雄县发生Ms6.6级地震.震中位于亚东-谷露近南北向裂谷带北段,是该活动构造带近年来发生的一次较大地震.我们利用中国地震台网中心(CENC)和美国地震学联合研究所(IRIS)提供的宽频带地震记录资料,基于点源和有限断层模型,通过波形拟合反演了该地震的震源过程.结果表明,本次地震的发震断层面走向为183.3°,倾角为49.5°,滑动角约为-115°,最大滑动量达130 cm,地震震源的深度为9.6 km,地震的标量地震矩为2.85×1018 N·m,破裂持续时间约10 s.根据地震破裂的几何学和运动学特征,推测该地震主要发生在亚东-谷露南北向裂谷活动构造带内的一个高角度西倾断层上,是一个以拉张为主且有一定的右旋分量的破裂事件,这与青藏高原现今GPS测量所揭示的该地区地壳运动特征基本一致,暗示了青藏高原南部从西向东地表运动从北北东向到南东东向的运动学转变所导致的地壳在近东西方向上的拉张变形特征.  相似文献   

为考察2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震震后序列参数的早期特征, 利用“传染型余震序列”(ETAS)模型和最大似然法进行了参数估计. 设定截止震级Mc=ML2.0, 拟合时段为震后0.31—24.12天, 计算获得α=1.89, p=1.22, 同时利用最大似然法估计获得b=0.72. 与中国大陆地区其它中强震的余震序列参数的比较表明, 芦山MS7.0地震序列参数表现为触发次级余震的能力较弱和序列衰减速率较快的特征, 反映出余震区相对较高的应力水平. 为检测结果的稳定性, 设定不同的截止震级Mc以及不同的拟合截止时间, 分别进行参数拟合和参数标准差估计. 结果表明, Mc的选取对α值影响明显, 对p值影响则较小. 此外, 震后10天内获得的参数拟合结果随时间变化较为明显, 而其后各参数变化总体较为平稳.   相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山MW6.7 (MS7.0)地震参数的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年4月20日四川芦山MW6.7(MS7.0)地震发生后, 中国地震台网中心(CENC)发布了地震速报参数. 该文利用中国国家地震台网97个台站的资料对地震速报参数进行了修订, 得出: 四川芦山MW6.7地震的发震时刻为北京时间8时2分47.5秒(世界时间0时2分47.5秒), 震中位置为30.30°N、 102.99°E, 震源深度17 km. 该地震的面波震级为MS7.0, 短周期体波震级为mb6.0, 中长周期体波震级为mB7.0; 利用波形反演的方法计算了震源机制解, 得到的最佳双力偶解的参数分别为节面Ⅰ: 走向17°/倾角48°/滑动角80°; 节面Ⅱ: 走向212°/倾角43°/滑动角101°, 矩震级为MW6.7. 中国地震台网中心发布本次地震为面波震级MS7.0, 而美国地质调查局(USGS)国家地震信息中心(NEIC)发布为矩震级MW6.6. 为了消除这种差别, 建议我国也应将矩震级作为对外发布的首选震级, 使震级的发布与国际接轨.   相似文献   

Two branches of Tangjiagou rock avalanche were triggered by Lushan earthquake in Sichuan Province, China on April 20th, 2013. The rock avalanche has transported about 1 500 000 m3 of sandstone from the source area. Based on discrete element modeling, this study simulates the deformation, failure and movement process of the rock avalanche. Under seismic loading, the mechanism and process of deformation, failure, and runout of the two branches are similar. In detail, the stress concentration occur firstly on the top of the mountain ridge, and accordingly, the tensile deformation appears. With the increase of seismic loading, the strain concentration zone extends in the forward and backward directions along the slipping surface, forming a locking segment. As a result, the slipping surface penetrates and the slide mass begin to slide down with high speed. Finally, the avalanche accumulates in the downstream and forms a small barrier lake. Modeling shows that a number of rocks on the surface exhibit patterns of horizontal throwing and vertical jumping under strong ground shaking. We suggest that the movement of the rock avalanche is a complicated process with multiple stages, including formation of the two branches, high-speed sliding, transformation into debris flows, further movement and collision, accumulation, and the final steady state. Topographic amplification effects are also revealed based on acceleration and velocity of special monitoring points. The horizontal and vertical runout distances of the surface materials are much greater than those of the internal materials. Besides, the sliding duration is also longer than that of the internal rock mass.  相似文献   

The Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake on April 20, 2013 is another destructive event in China since the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and Ms7.1 Yushu earth- quake in 2010. A large number of strong motion recordings were accumulated by the National Strong Motion Obser- vation Network System of China. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) at Station 51BXD in Baoxing Country is recorded as -1,005.3 cm/s2, which is even larger than the maximum one in the Wenchuan earthquake. A field survey around three typical strong motion stations confirms that the earthquake damage is consistent with the issued map of macroseismic intensity. For the oscillation period 0.3-1.0 s which is the common natural period range of the Chinese civil building, a comparison shows that the observed response spectrums are considerably smaller than the designed values in the Chinese code and this could be one of the reasons that the macroseismic intensity is lower than what we expected despite the high amplitude of PGAs. The Housner spectral intensities from 16 stations are also basically correlated with their macroseismic intensities, and the empirical distribution of spectral intensities from Lushan and Wenchuan Earthquakes under the Chinese scale is almost identical with those under the European scale.  相似文献   

2013年7月22日,在甘肃岷县漳县交界处发生MS6.6地震,地震震中位置靠近临潭—宕昌断裂.本文通过构建有限断层模型,利用国家强震动台网中心提供的12条强地面运动三分量资料,通过波形反演方法来研究这次地震的震源破裂过程.结果显示这次地震是发生在甘东南地区岷县—宕昌断裂带东段附近的一次MW6.1级逆冲兼具左旋走滑破裂事件,最大滑动量约为80cm.发震断层走向及滑动性质与岷县—宕昌断裂吻合,推断本次地震与东昆仑断裂向北的扩展和推挤密切相关,是岷县—宕昌断裂进一步活动的结果.  相似文献   

Source inversion of small-magnitude events such as aftershocks or mine collapses requires use of relatively high frequency seismic waveforms which are strongly affected by small-scale heterogeneities in the crust. In this study, we developed a new inversion method called gCAP3D for determining general moment tensor of a seismic source using Green's functions of 3D models. It inherits the advantageous features of the “Cut-and-Paste” (CAP) method to break a full seismogram into the Pnl and surface-wave segments and to allow time shift between observed and predicted waveforms. It uses grid search for 5 source parameters (relative strengths of the isotropic and compensated-linear-vector-dipole components and the strike, dip, and rake of the double-couple component) that minimize the waveform misfit. The scalar moment is estimated using the ratio of L2 norms of the data and synthetics. Focal depth can also be determined by repeating the inversion at different depths. We applied gCAP3D to the 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquake and its aftershocks using a 3D crustal-upper mantle velocity model derived from ambient noise tomography in the region. We first relocated the events using the double-difference method. We then used the finite-differences method and reciprocity principle to calculate Green's functions of the 3D model for 20 permanent broadband seismic stations within 200 km from the source region. We obtained moment tensors of the mainshock and 74 aftershocks ranging from Mw 5.2 to 3.4. The results show that the Lushan earthquake is a reverse faulting at a depth of 13–15 km on a plane dipping 40–47° to N46° W. Most of the aftershocks occurred off the main rupture plane and have similar focal mechanisms to the mainshock's, except in the proximity of the mainshock where the aftershocks' focal mechanisms display some variations.  相似文献   

基于中国地震台网中心2013 MS7.0芦山地震余震数据我们首先确定了余震空间分布范围并根据G-R关系计算了主震后半小时内的完备震级Mc=3.5,并且得到了ML≥3.5和ML≥3.0的地震在2001年至芦山地震前的背景场地震发生率.通过Omori-Ustu经验定律和两种Dieterich模型对芦山地震余震发生率的拟合,我们发现阶梯型Dieterich模型只能模拟p=1的情况,从而造成了模拟曲线与观测数据的差别;前人研究表明震后滑移同样是产生余震的原因,如果假设余震序列由主震静态剪应力Δτ和震后滑移共同作用所产生,我们数值模拟得到的对数型Dieterich模型能够较好地推断余震发生率R随时间t增加而衰减的趋势,能够从物理机制上解释MS7.0芦山地震余震序列衰减指数大于1这一现象.通过对数型Dieterich模型的拟合并结合Andrews的方法,我们还得到MS7.0芦山地震Aσ约为0.155 MPa,ta约为8.4年,这一值与前人研究结果十分接近.  相似文献   

2013年四川芦山MS7.0地震 强地面运动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
药晓东  章文波 《地震学报》2015,37(4):599-616
运用经验格林函数法模拟2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震的近场强地面运动. 在拟合过程中, 首先参考前人远场反演结果给出的滑动量分布特征和主震波形的包络线特征, 确定强震动生成区的大致范围和数量; 然后利用Somerville等提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积的经验关系式确定强震动生成区细小划分的初值, 继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上二者的最优值及其它震源参数. 将数值模拟波形与实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行比较, 结果显示, 在所选取的30个观测台站中, 多数台站的数值模拟结果与实际观测结果符合得很好, 特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分. 断层面上有两个强震动生成区, 其位置与前人反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致, 而且强震动生成区规模比Somerville等获得的标度率估计值要小.   相似文献   

本文利用“中国地壳运动观测网络(二期)”多个GPS连续观测站观测数据处理结果,将2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震区域参考框架同震水平位移与全球参考框架同震水平位移进行比较,结果表明两组框架解一致,说明两种参考框架均可当作位错参考框架,也即全球参考框架同震水平位移也可视为区域参考框架同震水平位移.区域参考框架下GPS连续观测站地震前的水平位移和同震水平位移结果表明,震前数年,SCTQ站西侧的GPS站构造运动十分显著,而该站水平位移却很小,即出现反常的闭锁.但该站的同震水平位移使其弹性回跳至正常构造水平位移水平,因此SCTQ站震前的位移闭锁是水平位移空间分布中的异常,是芦山MS7.0地震的前兆.水平位移时空变化表明,该站震前和震时位移完全符合里德的弹性回跳理论.区域参考框架中位移时间系列和同震水平位移的综合研究有助于对芦山地震地壳运动前兆的认识和解释.尽管本文未能直接采用其它GPS连续观测站的资料,但结合本文和其它研究结果可以证实,震中附近其它站地震前后的变化与SCTQ站类似.基于芦山地震前水平位移和同震水平位移及其与前兆关系的研究,本文进一步讨论了GPS监测网的布设、 数据处理和分析等问题.   相似文献   

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