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核酸适配体是指通过体外筛选技术从核酸文库中筛选出来,能够高特异性、高亲和力识别靶标物的寡核苷酸序列,具有靶标类型广泛、合成简单、相对分子质量小、化学稳定性高、易于进行生物化学修饰等优点。 核酸适配体能够通过折叠成特定的二维或三维构型与靶标物特异性结合,加上合适的信号转导机制,为重要靶标物的研究提供理想的分子识别与分子检测探针。 荧光检测技术具有高灵敏、高分辨率、易于实现多元分析等优点。 将核酸适配体的分子识别特性与荧光优异的光学检测性能相结合,在生命科学研究领域有着广泛的应用空间。 本文主要综述了核酸适配体荧光探针常见的分子设计和信号响应方式,及其在细胞成像、亚细胞成像中的应用研究,并对核酸适配体探针目前面临的一些挑战进行了讨论,最后对其未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

多肽在生命体的生理过程中发挥着重要作用,其生理功能一直是生物学、药理学和医学等领域的重要研究内容.核酸适配体是经体外筛选获得的单链DNA或RNA,能与靶标高亲和力、高特异性地结合,有"化学抗体"或"化学家的抗体"之称.以多肽为靶标筛选获得的核酸适配体主要有两大用途:一是基于其识别功能,作为亲和试剂来建立分析检测方法或开展生物成像研究;二是基于它们的生物学活性,作为拮抗剂在活体水平影响靶标多肽的正常功能,阻碍下游信号通路,从而对疾病进行治疗.本文总结了近年来以多肽为靶标筛选的核酸适配体在体内及体外的用途,并探讨了其在筛选、表征及应用中存在的问题,并对其未来的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

核酸适配体是指通过指数富集配体系统进化(SELEX)技术从随机寡核苷酸文库中筛选得到的高亲和性与特异性的寡核苷酸序列配体。毛细管电泳是高效、快速、低成本的微量分离分析技术。应用毛细管电泳高效、快速筛选核酸适配体是近几年出现的新方法。本文介绍了核酸适配体筛选过程中的主要分离方法如亲和色谱、醋酸纤维素膜、凝胶电泳和磁性分离等方法,并对近年来毛细管电泳在核酸适配体中的亲和作用研究以及用于核酸适配体筛选(CE-SELEX)的主要方法(ECEEM,NECEEM,Non-SELEX和三者比较)和研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

甲胎蛋白(AFP)与肝癌及多种肿瘤的发生发展密切相关,临床上已作为原发性肝癌的血清标志物,用于原发性肝癌的诊断及疗效检测。近年来,随着分子生物技术的进步,基于AFP核酸适配体的生物传感器不断涌现,取得了一些检测方法的新突破。本文综述了基于核酸适配体的AFP生物传感器分析方法的开发与应用情况,为开发新的高灵敏度、高选择性和高特异性AFP分析方法提供参考。  相似文献   

三聚氰胺常被非法添加到食品中,以提高食品中蛋白质的含量。但是,三聚氰胺一旦进入体内,会对人们的健康造成伤害。因此,对三聚氰胺的检测十分必要。为了弥补传统仪器检测法和免疫检测法的不足,基于核酸适配体开发了一系列新的生物传感器,用于三聚氰胺的检测。按照与三聚氰胺的不同识别机制,把这些新的生物传感器分成了四类,分别为基于多聚胸腺嘧啶DNA链和三聚氰胺识别的生物传感器、基于无嘌呤位点的三链DNA结构和三聚氰胺识别的生物传感器、基于核酸适配体和三聚氰胺识别的生物传感器、基于三聚氰胺和汞离子/铜离子等配位识别的生物传感器。本文按照上述四类方法逐个展开,对核酸适配体生物传感器在三聚氰胺检测中的应用进行了综述,并对它们的优缺点进行阐述。  相似文献   

核酸适配体是指能与特定靶分子结合的寡核苷酸链。因其具有易修饰、易合成和低免疫原性等特点,作为生物传感器的靶向元件,已广泛应用于各种生物标志物检测技术中。本文综述了近年来基于核酸适配体的生物标志物的检测技术在癌症、心血管疾病、阿尔兹海默症、抑郁症等多个疾病领域的诊断研究进展,列举核酸适配体新兴技术的创新应用,以期为生物标志物的检测提供新思路,也有望为相关疾病的早期诊断和治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

核酸适配体因能与目标物特异性结合而被用作生物识别元件,广泛用于生物传感器的研究。基于适配体的比色生物传感器,因简便、经济且直观可视等特点,在环境保护、医疗诊断和食品安全等领域备受青睐。随着生物技术和纳米技术的迅速发展,结合不同显色途径和信号放大方法,已建立了多种操作简便、特异性强、灵敏度高的基于适配体的比色传感方法,为现场快速检测技术的发展提供了新思路和新选择。识别元件、信号探针及信号放大策略都是影响比色生物传感器准确性和灵敏度的重要因素,纳米材料和放大策略的选择及设计非常重要。本文主要基于酶催化和等离子体共振比色原理,介绍了近年来比色适配体传感器的研究进展,为高灵敏比色生物传感器的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

RNA荧光适配体是近年来发展起来的一种简单且有效的RNA分子荧光标记工具,可与不发光或发光微弱的小分子荧光团结合,显著增强其发光性能。RNA荧光适配体具有结构简单、易合成以及毒性低等优点,已成为生物传感和成像等研究领域的重要工具。本文介绍了目前已开发的RNA荧光适配体,包括Malachite Green(MG)、Spinach、Broccoli、Mango、Corn和Pepper家族等,概述了其对应的荧光团的特点,从细胞外检测和细胞成像两个方面对RNA荧光适配体的应用研究进展进行了总结和评述,分析了RNA荧光适配体研究中存在的问题及优化策略,展望了其发展前景,以期为临床标记小分子化合物、RNA、蛋白质和研究适配体与荧光小分子团之间的相互作用提供参考。  相似文献   

贵莉莉 《分析测试学报》2016,35(8):1054-1057
设计了一个简单、通用、基于核酸适配体无标记的高敏感、高专一检测凝血酶的荧光方法。以无标记凝血酶核酸适配体单链DNA为识别元素,Pico Green染料传导互补双链的荧光信号。Pico Green是一种不对称菁,当其单独存在时不产生荧光信号,而当其被吸附到互补的双链DNA上时,可产生很强的荧光信号,但被吸附到单链DNA上时,却无明显的信号改变。基于该性质,将其用于凝血酶的检测。该方法对凝血酶的响应线性范围为1.0×10~(-14)~1.0×10~(-7)mol/L,相关系数(r~2)为0.99,检出限为1.0×10~(-14)mol/L。1.0×10~(-8)mol/L两种干扰物质(牛血清蛋白和细胞色素C)的存在不影响凝血酶的检测,表明该方法对凝血酶具有非常好的专一性。该方法成功应用于对人血清样品的检测,其平均回收率为97%~102%。方法可简单、灵敏、特异性地检测凝血酶,有望用于医学临床诊断等领域。  相似文献   

由于核酸适配体具有特异性强、亲和力高、制备方便、易修饰、稳定性好、目标物多样性等特点,基于适配体的传感器研究工作一直是广大科研工作者的研究热点。相较于具有特异性识别的生物酶的使用,核酸适配体在农药残留检测中的应用正在发展中,具有广阔的前景。本文主要介绍近两年来核酸适配体生物传感器在农药分子检测领域的相关进展。  相似文献   

微流控芯片是现代生命科学研究领域的重要分析工具.结合研究者近年来开展的研究工作和取得的相关进展,本文主要介绍了微流控细胞芯片的功能特征,同时从动物细胞、植物细胞以及微生物细胞三方面系统阐述了微流控芯片生命分析多元化的发展现状,并对其应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Aptamer is an oligonucleotide chain with specific binding ability to protein and other targets,which is widely used in ma ny fields.Because of its ability to screen the premise of unknown targets,it can be used to discover some novel tumor markers,i.e.,membrane proteins that are specifically highly expressed on the surface of tumor cells.Tumor markers can be used in many fields such as early diagnosis and treatment,and a new type of tumor marker proved to be effective can significantly improve the therapeutic effect of such tumors.However,further characterization of newly acquired membrane proteins is essential for their clinical use as tumor markers.This review first briefly introduced the process of obtaining novel tumor markers from nucleic acid aptamers.Next,the commonly used protein characterization methods could be used as a technical means to identify membrane protein targets corresponding to tumor cell aptamers,to clarify the principles,advantages and disadvantages of various means,and to analyze the most suitable situations for various experimental methods.Finally,the outlook was made and the characterization methods that should be used in such experiments were summarized.  相似文献   

可用于多种生物分析的高性能芯片毛细管电泳系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用激光诱导荧光的检测方法,搭建出高灵敏度的双通道共聚焦芯片毛细管电泳的检测系统。采用湿法刻蚀玻璃的方法获得了芯片管道的模具,并采用浇铸法在聚二甲基硅氧烷上获得高质量的微管道。将聚二甲基硅氧烷和石英玻璃贴合成为毛细管电泳芯片,该电泳芯片散热性能良好,可重复使用。以Cy5荧光素为样品,经实验证明该系统的检出限为17 pmol/L,并能在高达1 200 V/cm的场强下正常运行(高压电源的最高输出电压为1 200 V/cm),最高理论塔板数超过106N/m,表明该系统具有较高电泳效率。将该系统应用于氨基酸和DNA片段的分离分析,以及生物素标记的DNA与链霉亲合素的相互作用的检测,获得了较好的实验结果,说明该系统能够有效地应用于多种生物分析中。  相似文献   

Aptamers: molecular tools for analytical applications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aptamers are artificial nucleic acid ligands, specifically generated against certain targets, such as amino acids, drugs, proteins or other molecules. In nature they exist as a nucleic acid based genetic regulatory element called a riboswitch. For generation of artificial ligands, they are isolated from combinatorial libraries of synthetic nucleic acid by exponential enrichment, via an in vitro iterative process of adsorption, recovery and reamplification known as systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). Thanks to their unique characteristics and chemical structure, aptamers offer themselves as ideal candidates for use in analytical devices and techniques. Recent progress in the aptamer selection and incorporation of aptamers into molecular beacon structures will ensure the application of aptamers for functional and quantitative proteomics and high-throughput screening for drug discovery, as well as in various analytical applications. The properties of aptamers as well as recent developments in improved, time-efficient methods for their selection and stabilization are outlined. The use of these powerful molecular tools for analysis and the advantages they offer over existing affinity biocomponents are discussed. Finally the evolving use of aptamers in specific analytical applications such as chromatography, ELISA-type assays, biosensors and affinity PCR as well as current avenues of research and future perspectives conclude this review.  相似文献   

The selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen is used in the treatment of early and advanced breast cancer and in selected cases for breast cancer prevention in high-risk subjects. The cytochrome P450 enzyme system and flavin-containing monooxygenase are responsible for the extensive metabolism of tamoxifen into several phase I metabolites that vary in toxicity and potencies towards estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and ER beta.An extensive overview of publications on the determination of tamoxifen and its phase I metabolites in biological samples is presented. In these publications techniques were used such as capillary electrophoresis, liquid, gas and thin layer chromatography coupled with various detection techniques (mass spectrometry, ultraviolet or fluorescence detection, liquid scintillation counting and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy). A trend is seen towards the use of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS). State-of-the-art LC-MS equipment allowed for identification of unknown metabolites and quantification of known metabolites reaching lower limit of quantification levels in the sub pg mL−1 range. Although tamoxifen is also metabolized into phase II metabolites, the number of publications reporting on phase II metabolism of tamoxifen is scarce. Therefore the focus of this review is on phase I metabolites of tamoxifen.We conclude that in the past decades tamoxifen metabolism has been studied extensively and numerous metabolites have been identified. Assays have been developed for both the identification and quantification of tamoxifen and its metabolites in an array of biological samples. This review can be used as a resource for method transfer and development of analytical methods used to support pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of tamoxifen and its phase I metabolites.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men lack of efficient early diagnosis and therapeutics, calling for effective molecular probes. Herein, we performed cell-based systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (cell-SELEX) to obtain specific recognition of human prostate cancer cells PC- 3M. Four aptamers were successfully obtained that can bind to target cells with high affinity and specificity. A 51-nt truncated sequence named Xq-2-C1 was identified after further elaborative analysis on the secondary structure. More importantly, the achieved aptamer Xq-2-C1 not only demonstrated excellent specific to target cells, but also revealed specific recognition to clinical prostate cancer tissue. The tissue imaging results showed that Xq-2-C1 had better recognition ratio for clinical prostate cancer tissue samples (85%) compared to the random sequence (9%). These results demonstrate that these newly generated aptamers would furnish potential applications in the early diagnosis and clinical treatment of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

DNAzymes with RNA-cleaving activity have been widely used as biosensing and bioimaging tools for detection of metal ions. Despite the achievements, DNAzyme-based biosensors sometime suffer from false positive signals and unexpected off-target turn-on in biological environments, which are likely due to the unstable nature of the RNA site. Ways to control DNAzyme activity in order to improve the sensing performance remain a significant challenge. To meet the challenge, there is growing interest to develop synthetic strategies that can cage native DNAzyme under undesired conditions and reactivate it in target environment in order to function in a controlled manner. A variety of caging-decaging strategies have been developed to realize spatiotemporal control of the DNAzyme activity, improving its specificity and sensitivity as well as extending its application regimes. In this review, we focus on strategies to regulate the catalytic activity of DNAzyme, highlight the nucleic acid modification chemistries, and summarize three strategies to cage DNAzyme functions. Examples of using caged DNAzyme for bio-applications have also been reviewed in detail. Finally, we provide our perspectives on the potential challenges and opportunities of this emerging research topic that could advance the DNAzyme field.  相似文献   

Exosome analysis is emerging as an attractive noninvasive approach for disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring in the field of liquid biopsy. Aptamer is considered as a promising molecular probe for exosomes detection because of the high binding affinity, remarkable specificity, and low cost. Recently, many approaches have been developed to further improve the performance of electrochemical aptamer based(E-AB) sensors with a lower limit of detection. In this review, we focus on the development of using aptamer as a specific recognition element for exosomes detection in electrochemical sensors. We first introduce recent advances in evolving aptamers against exosomes. Then, we review methods of immobilization aptamers on electrode surfaces, followed by a summary of the main strategies of signal amplification. Finally, we present the insights of the challenges and future directions of E-AB sensors for exosomes analysis.  相似文献   

核酸适配体是利用体外筛选技术,即指数富集的配体系统进化技术(SELEX),从核酸分子文库中得到的寡核苷酸片段。其与靶标物有很高的特异性和亲和力,将适配体作为识别单元的生物传感研究以及适配体偶联成像试剂的生物体内外成像研究在临床诊断中有很大的应用前景,此外,适配体靶向癌细胞或组织的治疗方法相比传统化学治疗副作用更小,在临床上也有极大的应用前景。本文综述了适配体目前在癌症诊断和靶向治疗两个方面的研究进展,并分析现阶段存在的问题以及面临的挑战。  相似文献   

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