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Accurate reference wave functions and their densities have been used to obtain accurate exchange-correlation potentials for the beryllium isoelectronic sequence Be, Ne(+6), Ar(+14), and Kr(+32). The exchange-correlation potentials for the four-electron cations with high Z in this sequence exhibit structure prior to the intershell peak that is not present in neutral atoms. The kinetic energy contribution to the exchange-correlation potential contributes to the early structure as well as to the intershell peak. The near degeneracy in this four-electron sequence plays a significant role in the structure prior to the intershell peak. Several of the quantities on which the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhoff and Tao-Perdew-Staroverov-Scuseria functionals are dependent are examined. The generalized gradient approximations appear not to account for the near degeneracy in this series.  相似文献   

The non-heme iron enzyme cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) catalyzes the S-oxygenation of cysteine by O(2) to give cysteine sulfinic acid. The synthesis of a new structural and functional model of the cysteine-bound CDO active site, [Fe(II)(N3PyS)(CH(3)CN)]BF(4) (1) is reported. This complex was prepared with a new facially chelating 4N/1S(thiolate) pentadentate ligand. The reaction of 1 with O(2) resulted in oxygenation of the thiolate donor to afford the doubly oxygenated sulfinate product [Fe(II)(N3PySO(2))(NCS)] (2), which was crystallographically characterized. The thiolate donor provided by the new N3PyS ligand has a dramatic influence on the redox potential and O(2) reactivity of this Fe(II) model complex.  相似文献   

Hydroxide ions that are initially buried within an ice film segregate to the ice film surface at elevated temperatures. This process was observed by conducting experiments with an ice film constructed with a bottom H(2)O layer and an upper D(2)O layer, with an excess of hydroxide ions trapped at the H(2)O/D(2)O interface as they were generated by Na hydrolysis. The transport of hydroxide ions from the interfacial layer to the surface was examined as a function of time using a low energy sputtering method. The progress of the H/D exchange reaction in surface water molecules was also monitored with the Cs(+) reactive ion scattering technique. At 90 K, only a small portion of buried hydroxide ions moved to the surface in the form of OD(-) species. This was due to hydroxide transport via proton hopping through a D(2)O layer, 3 BL thick, in the surface region. At 135 K, at which point water self-diffusion is active in the ice film, the majority of the buried hydroxide ions segregated to the surface after ~1 h. Both OH(-) and OD(-) species were produced at the surface, at an OH(-)/OD(-) population ratio ≥1. Based on kinetic measurements for the transport of OH(-) and OD(-) species and the H/D exchange of surface water molecules, we concluded that the major transport channel for hydroxide ions in this regime is the migration of molecular hydroxide species. H/D exchange reactions also occur between surface hydroxide ions and water molecules. No evidence was observed for the occurrence of the hop-and-turn process at 135 K, although it is known as an important mechanism of proton transport in ice.  相似文献   

Summary The results of sorption measurements for gallium (III) and iodide ion traces onto tin(II) hydroxide from aqueous heterogeneous systems are given. Since only tagged sorbate was used (67Ga and 1311), in the determination of sorption by radioactive tracer method, it was necessary to establish the pH interval of tin(II) hydroxide in/stability. This was done by a turbidimetric method and the pH region of instability between 3 and 9 was found.The sorption results indicate a difference in sorption ability of gallium(III) and iodide as it appears from the dependence of the amount sorbed on contact time between heterogeneous reactants (sorbentsorbate). The amounts sorbed increase with increasing contact times at higher pH values for Ga(III) but remain unaffected for iodide sorption. Thus the sorption of iodide ions seems to be restricted to the solid surface while the sorption results for gallium(III) indicate the diffusion of sorbate into sorbent as a possible parallel mechanism. Those processes could be taken as compatible with the porous-double-layer mechanism which has been proposed in literature for aqueous heterogeneous oxide systems.
Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit werden Ergebnisse von Sorptionsmessungen für Ga3+- und j-Spuren an Zinn(II)-Hydroxid aus wäßrigen heterogenen Systemen berichtet. Zur analytischen Erfassung wurden radioaktives67Ga und 131 J verwendet. Die Stabilität von Zinn(II)-Hydroxid wurde durch Trübungsmessungen untersucht. Im pH-Bereich von 3–9 ist das Zinn(II)-Hydroxid als kolloide Suspension instabil.Ga3+ und J verhalten sich bei der Adsorption unterschiedlich. Die adsorbierte Menge steigt mit zunehmender Kontaktzeit bei hohen pH-Werten von Gallium, bleibt jedoch für Jod unverändert. Die Unterschiede werden gedeutet durch die Annahme, daß Jod nur an der festen Oberfläche adsorbiert wird, während die Galliumionen auch in das Sorbens diffundieren können. Man könnte die Ergebnisse als verträglich mit einem porösen Doppelschichtmechanismus ansehen; ein solcher Mechanismus ist in der Literatur für wäßrige heterogene Oxidsysteme vorgeschlagen worden.

With 4 figures  相似文献   

The heat effects of formation of zinc(II) and nickel(II) complexes with maleic acid were determined by the direct calorimetric method at 298.15 K and several ionic strength values against the background of NaNO3. The standard thermodynamic characteristics of complex formation in aqueous solution were calculated.  相似文献   

Results of a systematic study of the chemical sensitization of cubic-faceted AgBr emulsion microcrystals with complex compounds K2[XY4] and Na6[XZ4] [X = Pd, Pt; Y = Br?, Cl?, SCN?; Z =(SO3)2?] were considered. The role of secondary dissociation of complex ions during the chemical sensitizing was established. Conditions were determined in which the compounds specified can be used as chemical sensitizers of AgBr. The effect of these complexes on the basic photographic characteristics was demonstrated.  相似文献   

An investigation has been carried out of the interaction of optically active tris(ethylenediamine)–Co(III) and of tris(o-phenanthroline)–Ni(II) complex ions with different polyelectrolytes in dilute aqueous solution. Optical rotatory dispersion measurements reveal that binding of the Co(III) complex ions occurs with a noticeable degree of specificity which in addition to depending on the nature of the fixed charges is also affected by the chemical constitution of the polyelectrolytes chain backbones. The dependence of tris(ethylenediamine)–Co(III) optical activity on polyelectrolyte concentration also exhibits interesting features. Polarimetric measurements of the rate of racemization of tris(o-phenanthroline)–Ni(II) ions in the presence of different polyelectrolytes lead to similar conclusions. Sodium dextran sulfate is shown to interact selectively with one of the antipodes of tris(phenanthroline)–Ni(II) complex.  相似文献   

We have shown by X-ray diffraction analysis that participation of functional groups on the macrocycle in formation of hydrogen bonds promotes formation of crystal lattices with previously undescribed linear polymer chains ... Cu ... Hal ... Cu ... Hal ... We have used spectral methods to confirm the presence of a Cu-Hal interaction, which makes these compounds promising for design of new materials with anisotropic physical properties. Deceased Translated from Teoreticheskaya i éksperimental'naya Khimiya, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 355–359, November–December 1998.  相似文献   

Lanthanide bis((cyclooctane-1,5-diyl)dihydroborate) complexes (THF)(4)Ln[(micro-H)(2)BC(8)H(14)](2) (Ln = Eu, 1; Yb, 2) were synthesized by a metathesis reaction between (THF)(x)()LnCl(2) and K[H(2)BC(8)H(14)] in THF in a 1:2 molar ratio. Attempts to prepare the monosubstituted lanthanide cyclic organohydroborates (THF)(x)LnCl[(micro-H)(2)BC(8)H(14)] were unsuccessful. On the basis of the molecular structure and IR spectrum of 1, there is an agostic interaction between Eu(II) and one of the alpha-C-H hydrogens from the [(micro-H)(2)BC(8)H(14)] unit. No such interaction was observed for 2. The coordinated THF in 1 and 2 can be removed under dynamic vacuum, but the solvent ligands remain bound to Yb when 2 is directly dissolved in Et(2)O or toluene. In strong Lewis basic solvents, such as pyridine or CH(3)CN, attack of the Yb-H-B bridge bonds results. Decomposition of 2 to the 9-BBN dimer in CD(2)Cl(2) was observed by (11)B and (1)H NMR spectroscopies. Compound 2 was reacted with 2 equiv of the hydride ion abstracting reagent B(C(6)F(5))(3) to afford the solvent-separated ion pair [Yb(THF)(6)][HB(C(6)F(5))(3)](2) (3). Complexes 1, 2, and 3 were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Crystal data: 1 is orthorhombic, Pna2(1), a = 21.975(1) A, b = 9.310(1) A, c = 16.816(1) A, Z = 4; 2 is triclinic, P1, a = 9.862(1) A, b = 10.227(1) A, c = 10.476(1) A, alpha = 69.87(1) degrees, beta = 76.63(1) degrees, gamma = 66.12(1) degrees, Z = 1; 3.Et(2)O is triclinic, P1, a = 13.708(1) A, b = 14.946(1) A, c = 17.177(1) A, alpha = 81.01(1) degrees, beta = 88.32(1) degrees, gamma = 88.54(1) degrees, Z = 2.  相似文献   

Complex formation equilibria between copper(II) and nickel(II) with phenylglyoxal 2-oxime (HPGO) and 1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione 2-oxime (HPPO) have been studied in 50% (v/v) ethanol-water solution containing 0.5M sodium nitrate as constant ionic medium at 25 degrees , using glass electrode potentiometry. The emf data obtained have been analysed with MINIGLASS and SUPERQUAD programs. Formation constants for the Cu(PGO)(+), Cu(2)(PGO)(OH)(2+), Cu(2)(PGO)(2)(OH)(+), Ni(PGO)(+), Ni(2)(PGO)(3)(+), Ni(2)(PGO)(4), Ni(2)(PGO)(2)(OH)(2), Cu(2)(PPO)(OH)(+) and Cu(2)(PPO)(2)(OH)(+) complexes are reported.  相似文献   

The effect of a series of aromatic compounds (toluene, benzyl alcohol, benzonitrile, phenylacetonitrile, and o-cyanotoluene) in a concentration of 0.01 M on the oxidation of Fe(II) aqua ions with oxygen in the presence of Pd(II) tetraaqua complex at 25–70°C was revealed. In the presence of an aromatic compound, palladium black is not formed, which results in an increased yield of Fe(III) in the Pd-catalyzed oxidation of Fe(II) with oxygen in a perchloric acid medium. A scheme involving the formation of a complex of palladium species in an intermediate oxidation state with arene and molecular oxygen was suggested.  相似文献   

EXAFS and QEXAFS experiments were carried out at Hasylab laboratory in DESY center (X1 beamline, Hamburg, Germany) to monitor the course of the hydrolysis reactions of [AuCl(4)](-) complex ions as well as their reduction using glucose. As a result, changes in the spectra of [AuCl(4)](-) ions and disappearance of absorption Au-L(3) edge were registered. From the results of the experiments we have carried out, the changes in bond lengths between Au(3+) central ion and Cl(-) ligands as well as the reduction of Au(3+) to metallic form (colloidal gold was formed in the system) are evident. Good quality spectra obtained before and after the reactions gave a chance to determine the bond length characteristic of Au-Cl, Au-OH and Au-Au pairs. Additionally, the obtained results were compared with the simulated spectra of different gold (III) complex ions, possibly present in the solution. Finally, the mechanism of these reactions was suggested. Unfortunately, it was not possible to detect the changes in the structure of gold (III) complex ions within the time of reaction, because of too high rates of both processes (hydrolysis and reduction) as compared with the detection time.  相似文献   

Summary The sorption of lanthanum(III), cobalt(II) and iodide traces was studied in dependence on the solid-liquid contact time, pH value and the properties of the carrier (internally or externally formed). The ferric hydroxide carrier was prepared by mixing aqueous ferric chloride and ammonia solutions. The results are discussed in regard to colloidal properties of the ferric hydroxide and mechanisms of sorption.
Zusammenfassung Die Abhängigkeit der Sorption von Lanthan(III)-, Kobalt(II)- und Jodidspuren von der Berührungsdauer zwischen fester und flüssiger Phase, vom pH-Wert und von den kolloidalen Eigenschaften des Trägers (abgesondert, oder direkt im Sorptionssystem vorbereitet) wurde untersucht. Der Eisen(III)-hydroxidträger wurde durch Mischen wässriger Eisen(III)chlorid- und Ammoniaklösung gewonnen.Die Ergebnisse wurden im Hinblick auf die kolloidalen Eigenschaften des Eisen(III)hydroxids und den Sorptionsvorgang diskutiert.

Bis{μ‐2‐[bis(pyridin‐2‐ylmethyl)amino]acetato}bis[diaquamanganese(II)] bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate) monohydrate, [Mn2(C14H14N3O2)2(H2O)4](CF3O3S)2·H2O, (I), and bis{μ‐3‐[bis(pyridin‐2‐ylmethyl)amino]propionato}bis[aquamanganese(II)] bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate) dihydrate, [Mn2(C15H16N3O2)2(H2O)2](CF3O3S)2·2H2O, (II), form binuclear seven‐coordinate complexes. Oxidation of (II) with ammonium hexanitratocerate(IV), (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6], gave the oxide‐bridged dimanganese(IV) complex di‐μ‐oxido‐bis(bis{3‐[bis(pyridin‐2‐ylmethyl)amino]propionato}manganese(IV)) bis[triaquatetranitratocerate(IV)], [Mn2O2(C15H16N3O2)2][Ce(NO3)4(H2O)3]2, (III). The manganese complexes in (II) and (III) sit on a site of symmetry.  相似文献   

The response characteristics of some electrodes sensitive to chlorocobaltate(II) ions are reported. The most reliable electrode, which showed near-Nernstian response in the range 10-1–10-4 M cobalt(II), was obtained by using a membrane consisting of 35% poly(vinyl chloride), 5% Aliquat chloride, and 60% of the blue oil obtained by extraction of cobalt with Aliquat-336, with conventional internal reference system.  相似文献   

Stable dispersions of fine (< 0.05m) needle-type copper(II) hydroxide particles were prepared at room temperature by admixing sodium acetate and ammonia to copper sulfate solution. The particle length and width could be altered with the concentration of reactants. The rate of dissolution of copper(II) hydroxide particles in doubly distilled water at room temperature is time dependent, which is due in part to the formation of a mononuclear complex solute (CuOH+). After extended times (e.g., 18 h), the particles underwent phase transformation, resulting in longer needles of higher degree of crystallinity.Supported by the Griffin Corp., Valdosta, Georgia.  相似文献   

The synergistic effect of Ni(II) and Co(II) on the sulfite induced autoxidation of Cu(II)/tetraglycine was investigated spectrophotometrically at 25.0 degrees C, pH = 9.0, 1 x 10(-5) mol dm(-3) < or = [S(IV)] < or = 8 x 10(-5) mol dm(-3), [Cu(II)]= 1 x 10(-3) mol dm(-3), 1 x 10(-6) mol dm(-3) < or = [Ni(II)] or [Co(II)] < or = 1 x 10(-4) mol dm(-3), [O2] approximately 2.5 x 10(-4) mol dm(-3), and 0.1 mol dm(-3) ionic strength. In the absence of added nickel(II) or cobalt(II), the kinetic traces of Cu(III)G4 formation show a large induction period (about 3 h). The addition of trace amounts of Ni(II) or Co(II) increases the reaction rate significantly and the induction period drastically decreases (less than 0.5 s). The effectiveness of Cu(III)G4 formation becomes much higher. The metal ion in the trivalent oxidation state rapidly oxidizes SO3(2-) to SO3*-, which reacts with oxygen to produce SO5*-. The strongly generated oxidants oxidize Cu(II)G4 to Cu(III).  相似文献   

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