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Keeping Drosophila cultures at 28 C results in elimination of all minor multiple ADH bands, thought to be due to conformational change. Thus in diploid and triploid adults heterozygous for the Adh F and Adh Salleles, relative staining intensities are found for the three bands which were in conformity with the assumption that both alleles are equally expressed. Among all polymorphic strains derived from natural Central European and Mediterranean populations, the strain +Tüb is unique in that its Adh Fallele is closely linked to a new recessive lethal factor, named 1(2)Stm. All Adh F 1/AdhF 1 pupae are unable to emerge, and die. The lethal effect is obvious 50 hr earlier by retarded eye, bristle, and body wall pigmentation. Although all pupae of the phenotype F die, Adh F allele frequency scarcely seems to be lowered in this natural population.  相似文献   

6-Phosphogluconate dehyrogenase is evident at all developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster. The activity level is highest in early third instar larvae and declines to a lower, but relatively constant, level at all later stages of development. The enzyme is localized in the cytosolic portion of the cell. The A-isozymic form of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was purified to homogeneity and has a molecular weight of 105,000. The enzyme is a dimer consisting of subunits with molecular weights of 55,000 and 53,000. For the oxidative decarboxylation of 6-phosphogluconate the Km for substrate is 81 µm while that for NADP+ is 22.3 µm. The optimum pH for activity is 7.8 while the optimum temperature is 37 C.This work was supported by National Research Council of Canada Grant A5860 and by the University of Calgary Research Policy and Grants Committee.  相似文献   

Segregation Distorter (SD) associated with the second chromosome of D. melanogaster is found in nature at equilibrium frequencies lower than 5%. We report extremely high frequencies of SD (30–50%) in two selected strains, established in 1976, and show it to be responsible for the accumulation of deleterious genes in chromosome II. Samples of chromosomes extracted over a 4-year period were characterized with respect to distortion, sensitivity, lethality, sterility, and inversions. SD chromosomes were inversion-free as they have been shown to be in the Mediterranean area. The cosmopolitan inversion In(2L)t was found associated with SD + chromosomes. Lines polymorphic for SD have accumulated linked lethal and female-sterile genes approaching a near balanced system. It is proposed that deleterious genes linked in coupling to SD were accumulated by the balancing effect of distortion, while drift and restricted recombination account for the accumulation of deleterious genes linked in repulsion by a mechanism similar to Muller's ratchet. Our results should not be viewed as a particular case as SD chromosomes associated with detrimental genes and inversions are present in almost all populations around the world. The system could evolve in the way we describe whenever equilibrium conditions are broken down in small populations and lead to an increase in SD frequency.  相似文献   

Haerty W  Jallon JM  Rouault J  Bazin C  Capy P 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):215-224
The aim of this work is to analyze the homogamy previously detected between two natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from Brazzaville. It is shown that mating isolation was still maintained under laboratory conditions 10 years after the populations samples were trapped. Isolation seemed to be due mainly to pre-mating isolation and we checked for any suggestion of post-mating mortality of hybrids. Pre-mating isolation was not symmetrical, and significant 2 values were found in 3/4 possible 3-way mating choice experiments. The only exception involved a male from the countryside and two females (one from each population) for which no significant mating preference was detected. Mortality of hybrids was intermediate between those of the parental strains showing a clear maternal effect and the existence of partial dominance. Major differences in the cuticular hydrocarbons were also found and they could account for the isolation. These findings in populations from African breweries indicate that they are closely related to European ones, suggesting that this phenomenon is not a case of sympatric speciation, but probably attributable to the reintroduction of an allopatric population.  相似文献   

The cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster at the Chateau Tahbilk Winery (Victoria, Australia) was perturbed for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene frequencies. Phenol oxidase (Phox) frequencies were also perturbed and monitored as a control. Subsequent gene frequency changes, together with information on population structure, indicated that selection acted on the chromosome regions of both loci. Adh gene frequencies returned to preperturbation levels in a predictable manner. A model in which the relative fitness of Adh phenotypes was determined by temperature-dependent specific activities of enzymes of Adh genotypes adequately accounts for the rate of gene frequency change at this locus. Thus temperature behaves as a selective agent in modulating Adh gene frequencies in this cellar environment.  相似文献   

The occurrence of multiple mating in Drosophila melanogaster is of particular interest to evolutionary biologists, as seminal fluid has some toxic effects for females. Thus, it has been predicted that the number of matings per females should be low. We have tested this prediction with seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci in inseminated females from a Viennese D. melanogaster population. In contrast to the predicted low number of matings and previous studies in natural populations, we identified the genotypes of four to six different males fertilizing the offspring of each female tested. Potential causes and consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analysed the viability of cellular clones induced by mitotic recombination in Drosophila melanogaster/D. simulans hybrid females during larval growth. These clones contain a portion of either melanogaster or simulans genomes in homozygosity. Analysis has been carried out for the X and the second chromosomes, as well as for the 3L chromosome arm. Clones were not found in certain structures, and in others they appeared in a very low frequency. Only in abdominal tergites was a significant number of clones observed, although their frequency was lower than in melanogaster abdomens. The bigger the portion of the genome that is homozygous, the less viable is the recombinant melano-gaster/simulans hybrid clone. The few clones that appeared may represent cases in which mitotic recombination took place in distal chromosome intervals, so that the clones contained a small portion of either melanogaster or simulans chromosomes in homozygosity. Moreover, Lhr, a gene of D. simulans that suppresses the lethality of male and female melanogaster/simulans hybrids, does not suppress the lethality of the recombinant melanogaster/simulans clones. Thus, it appears that there is not just a single gene, but at least one per tested chromosome arm (and maybe more) that cause hybrid lethality. Therefore, the two species, D. melanogaster and D. simulans, have diverged to such a degree that the absence of part of the genome of one species cannot be substituted by the corresponding part of the genome of the other, probably due to the formation of co-adapted gene complexes in both species following their divergent evolution after speciation. The disruption of those coadapted gene complexes would cause the lethality of the recombinant hybrid clones.  相似文献   

Woodruff RC  Thompson JN  Barker JS  Huai H 《Genetica》1999,107(1-3):261-269
Some transposable DNA elements in higher organisms are active in somatic cells, as well as in germinal cells. What effect does the movement of DNA elements in somatic cells have on life history traits? It has previously been reported that somatically active P and mariner elements in Drosophila induce genetic damage and significantly reduce lifespan. In this study, we report that the movement of P elements in somatic cells also significantly reduces fitness, mating activity, and locomotion of Drosophila melanogaster. If other elements cause similar changes in life history traits, it is doubtful if transposable DNA elements remain active for long in somatic cells in natural populations.  相似文献   

Two X-linked mutations that give rise to overproduction of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) were found among the progenies of isogenic strains which had been subjected to selection for high G6PD activity. Mapping of the high-activity factor in these mutants was carried out using car Zw B sw males of low G6PD activity. As a result, the factor mapped 0.02–0.04 unit to the left of the Zw locus. The amount of the G6PD gene was also quantitated utilizing a cloned G6PD gene as a probe, but no significant difference was found between the mutants and low-G6PD activity flies which shared the same X, second, and third chromosomes with the mutants. These findings are consistent with our notion that the mutations might be regulatory mutations, possibly resulting from the insertion of a novel class of transposable genetic elements.This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Two strains of Drosophila melanogaster represent the extremes in resistance and sensitivity to the lethal effects of CdCl2. The strain containing the mutations vermilion and brown (v; bw) and the strain Austin had LC50's of 3.3 and 1.3mm CdCl2, respectively. The three major chromosomes from these two strains were assorted genetically into the six possible combinations. The measured LC50's for CdCl2 for these six genotypes fell into two groups according to the X chromosome; those containing the X chromosome from v; bw had LC50's 0.5–1.0mm greater than those in which the X chromosome was from Austin. Since the parent strains differed by 2mm, we suggest that the X chromosome is a major, but not the sole, site of genes to produce resistance to CdCl2. When 109Cd was in the diet the uptake by v; bw and Austin over 2 days was the same. After 4 days of uptake, the Austin strain excreted the 109Cd five times faster than v; bw but the six genotypes did not differ appreciably in excretion rate from one another and resembled the sensitive parent Austin more than the resistant one. Thus a second process is indicated that distinguishes resistance to CdCl2 that apparently is not associated with the X chromosome.This research was sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, two new variants affecting the activity of phenoloxidase were found in natural populations at Gomel in Belorussia and at Krasnodar in Russia. Prophenoloxidases, A 1 and A 3 , in these variants had the same mobilities on native electrophoresis as the wild type. However, enzymatic activities in their activated states were much lower than in the wild type, whereas the existence of prophenoloxidase proteins was demonstrated. Egg-to-adult and relative viabilities in the variants did not decrease at temperatures between 18 and 29°C. Genetic analyses indicated that the genes showing the phenotype of variants are new alleles of Mox and Dox-3 on the second chromosome.  相似文献   

Determinants of male courtship success in Drosophila melanogasterwere examined in groups of five males sequentially presented with five individual females. Thirty-three percent of males never mated, while approximately half of the males mated two or three times. Rapid courtship initiation was associated with male success in early matings only. Male size was important for courtship outcome, but the size distributions of mating and nonmating males and their progeny numbers indicate balancing rather than directional selection on size- dependent courtship success.  相似文献   

Summary In natural populations of D. melanogaster, usually, a minority of individuals are infected by a Rhabdovirus called sigma. This virus is not contagious but is vertically transmitted through the gametes. In D. melanogaster, a polymorphism for two alleles (O, permissive and P, restrictive) of a gene responsible for resistance to the virus is regularly observed in the wild. On the virus side two types are found, which differ in their sensitivity to the P allele: Type I is very sensitive, and Type II more resistant. Previous findings had led to the hypothesis that an invasion of Type II clones, starting from central France, might be spreading over European populations. This replacement of viral Type I by viral Type II in natural populations could be observed in Languedoc (southern France), where it led to a dramatic increase in the frequency of infected flies. The invasion hypothesis is confirmed by the data from samples collected at Tübingen, where the frequency of Type II clones increased from 0.27 to 0.93 over a 6-year period (1985–1991). However, over the same period, no increase in the frequency of infected flies was observed. The evolution of other viral characteristics is discussed.  相似文献   

Two leucine aminopeptidases from Drosophila melanogaster larvae have been partially purified. The LAP A and D enzymes have similar biochemical characteristics including molecular weights of 280,000 daltons, Michaelis-Menten constants of 0.05 mM, associations with metal cofactors, and specificities toward natural and chromogenic substrates. They differ in their pH optima and spatial distributions. If the closely linked genes that code for these enzymes have resulted from a tandem gene duplication event, it is suggested that there has been subsequent evolutionary divergence. This would provide Drosophila larvae with two related, but functionally distinct enzymes.Virginia K. Walker was supported by an NRC Predoctoral Scholarship and a Killam Merit Scholarship.  相似文献   

The nature and the interconversion of the three multiple forms Adh-5, Adh-4, and Adh-3 of the purified alleloenzymes AdhS, AdhF, and AdhUF from the fruitflyDrosophila melanogaster have been examined. The experiments show that these multiple forms differ from those in crude extracts of flies homozygous at the Adh locus. On electrophoresis in a starch gel containing NAD or NADH, of purified AdhS which consists of the three Adh forms S-5, S-4, and S-3, five enzymatically active zones appear. This contrasts with the single active zone that arises with crude extracts. Of the five zones that appear with purified enzyme, S-5 gives rise to one, while the other four zones come from the two minor forms S-4 and S-3. The occurrence of the three multiple forms Adh-5, Adh-4, and Adh-3 for each of the purified alleloenzymes is considered due to Adh-5 and, in the case of Adh-4 and Adh-3, deamidation of Adh-5, with the Adh-3 fraction also containing some reversible modified Adh-5. Of the labile amides, at least one must be located in the coenzyme binding region with deamidation preventing coenzyme binding. Pure NAD does not convert Adh-5 to Adh-3 and Adh-1. To produce conversion, the presence of either acetone or butanone along with NAD is necessary. Increased amounts of either acetone or butanone result in increased conversion. In contrast to this, none of the carbonyl compounds cyclohexanone, (+)- and (−)-verbenone, acetaldehyde, acrolein, or crotonaldehyde produces conversion. The ketone group binds to the alcohol binding site in the enzyme-NAD complex. Conversion is considered due to the ketone group binding to a nucleophilic amino acid residue and forming a bridge to the C-4 of the nicotinamide moiety of NAD.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism for electrophoretic and heat-sensitive alleles is known at the phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) locus in Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of the distribution of electrophoretic and thermosensitive (ts) alleles was carried out in natural populations from Canada and West Africa and compared with already known data on Italian populations [Trippa, G., Loverre, A., and Catamo, A. (1976). Nature 260:42]. The data show the existence of five common alleles, Pgm 1.00,tr, Pgm 1,00,ts, Pgm 0.70,ts, Pgm 1.20,ts, and Pgm 1.50,tr, and two rare alleles, Pgm 0.55,ts and Pgm 1.20,tr. The most frequent allele is always Pgm 1.00,tr; the second most common allele is always of the ts type. The cumulated frequencies of ts alleles in the populations varies between 11 and 32%. The heat stability polymorphism is present in all populations examined and shows again the uniform geographic pattern that has been found for electrophoretic variation at this locus.This research was partially supported by an operating grant (to G.R.C.) from the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).  相似文献   

Summary The use of monoclonal antibodies against Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) provides a powerful tool in the analysis of the tissue and temporal patterns of Adh gene expression. Immunocytochemical techniques at the light- and electron-microscopic levels have been used to determine the distribution of ADH in the ovarian follicles of D. melanogaster during oogenesis. In the early stages of oogenesis, small amounts of ADH are detectable in the cystocytes. At the beginning of vitellogenesis (S7), ADH appears to be located mainly in the nurse cells. From stage S9 onwards, the ADH protein is evenly distributed in the ooplasm until the later stages of oogenesis (S13–14), when multiple ADH-positive bodies of varying size appear in the ooplasm. This change in distribution is a result of the compartmentalization of the ADH protein within the glycogen yolk or -spheres. Yolk becomes enclosed within the lumen of the primitive gut during embryonic development, and thus our results suggest a mechanism for the transfer of maternally-inherited enzymes to the gut lumen via yolk spheres.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic studies of the degree and pattern of polymorphism at two third-chromosome loci, esterase-6 (Est-6) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM), were carried out in three Drosophila melanogaster populations collected from different localities in Iraq: Mosul, Tuwaitha, and Basrah. The results show that only the Tuwaitha population was polymorphic for both loci; the other two populations were polymorphic for Est-6 and monomorphic for PGM. The allele frequency changes at both loci were followed for 20 generations in an experimental cage derived from the Tuwaitha population; it was found that there is a deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at both loci toward the homozygote.  相似文献   

With the complete genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster defined a systematic approach towards understanding the function of glycosylation has become possible. Structural assignment of the entire Drosophila glycome during specific developmental stages could provide information that would shed further light on the specific roles of different glycans during development and pinpoint the activity of certain glycosyltransferases and other glycan biosynthetic genes that otherwise might be missed through genetic analyses. In this paper the major glycoprotein N- and O-glycans of Drosophila embryos are described as part of our initial undertaking to characterize the glycome of Drosophila melanogaster. The N-glycans are dominated by high mannose and paucimannose structures. Minor amounts of mono-, bi- and tri-antennary complex glycans were observed with GlcNAc and Galβ1–4GlcNAc non-reducing end termini. O-glycans were restricted to the mucin-type core 1 Galβ1-3GalNAc sequence.  相似文献   

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