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Intensive forest management is one of the main land cover changes over the last century in Central Europe, resulting in forest monoculture. It has been proposed that these monoculture stands impact hydrological processes, water yield, water quality and ecosystem services. At the Lysina Critical Zone Observatory, a forest catchment in the western Czech Republic, a distributed physics-based hydrologic model, Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM), was used to simulate long-term hydrological change under different forest management practices, and to evaluate the comparative scenarios of the hydrological consequences of changing land cover. Stand-age-adjusted LAI (leaf area index) curves were generated from an empirical relationship to represent changes in seasonal tree growth. By consideration of age-adjusted LAI, the spatially-distributed model was able to successfully simulate the integrated hydrological response from snowmelt, recharge, evapotranspiration, groundwater levels, soil moisture and streamflow, as well as spatial patterns of each state and flux. Simulation scenarios of forest management (historical management, unmanaged, clear cutting to cropland) were compared. One of the critical findings of the study indicates that selective (patch) forest cutting results in a modest increase in runoff (water yield) as compared to the simulated unmanaged (no cutting) scenario over a 29-year period at Lysina, suggesting the model is sensitive to selective cutting practices. A simulation scenario of cropland or complete forest cutting leads to extreme increases in annual water yield and peak flow. The model sensitivity to forest management practices examined here suggests the utility of models and scenario development to future management strategies for assessing sustainable water resources and ecosystem services.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

Kang  Huhu  Liu  Xiaohong  Guo  Junming  Zhang  Qiuliang  Wang  Yabo  Huang  Jie  Xu  Guobao  Wu  Guoju  Ge  Wensen  Kang  Shichang 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2022,65(7):1328-1338
Science China Earth Sciences - Permafrost is a potential mercury (Hg) pool released by thawing, which can raise the risk of Hg pollution under global warming. Tree rings are useful archives of...  相似文献   

The effects of afforestation on water yield from catchments are reviewed. In the light of research findings and an assessment of the method currently used in South Africa to determine reductions of water production associated with afforestation, the ACRU agrohydrological model is adapted to account for changes in critical land use related processes as a forest grows in time by incorporation of a dynamic land use information file. First tests with this model on a catchment at Cathedral Peak in the Natal Drakensberg, which was afforested in 1951, indicate that forest hydrological effects can be modelled successfully with a dynamic land use file. Further model development is outlined.  相似文献   

The structure, capabilities and performance of a distributed parameter hydrologic model are described. The model, called Topog-Yield, permits a transient analysis of unsaturated-saturated flow and evapotranspiration to be performed across complex terrain using a one-dimensional framework. It is applied to a 0.32 km2 mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forest catchment in the central Victorian highlands, Australia. We compare observed and predicted daily runoff values for the site over a continuous 12 year period (1972–1983) when the catchment vegetation was in an undisturbed climax condition. All input parameter values were based on published or measured data, although some variables were adjusted within the range of known variability to yield a best fit between predicted and observed streamflow in the first year of simulation, 1972. Although the model was ‘calibrated’ for the first year, all variables other than climatic inputs remained fixed for the following 11 years. Modelled and observed daily runoff values compare well throughout the period of simulation, despite a wide range of climatic conditions. When modelled daily runoff values were lumped on a monthly basis, the model was able to explain 87% of the variation in observed monthly streamflows over the 12 year period. Modelled annual runoff was within ±5% of observed values for 6 of the 12 years of record. Annual runoff prediction errors exceeded ±10% of observed values in only 2 of the 12 years. By the end of the 12 year simulation, the model had over-predicted runoff by less than 5%. Input data requirements and model results are discussed in the light of a preliminary sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Field surveys on atmospheric deposition and stream water chemistry were conducted in an evergreen forest in northeastern Thailand characterized by a tropical savanna climate with distinct dry and wet seasons. Atmospheric deposition of ion constituents by throughfall and stemflow was shown to increase in the beginning and end of the wet season, reflecting the precipitation pattern. The pH and electrical conductivity of stream water increased with alkalinity and base cation concentrations due to mineralization of organic matter by the first rain and retention of anions in soil during the start of the wet season. After initial alkalinization, the pH and alkalinity declined rapidly with the highest SO42? concentration displayed in the middle towards the end of the wet season. The magnitude of peaks in SO42? concentration (13.5–60.6 μmolc/L) reflects deposition during the first 2 months of the wet season (March and April) in respective years (60.8–170 molc/ha). Release of SO42? with H+, which is retained in soil during the early wet season, may cause acidification later in the season. The deposition and concentration of SO42? declined over 6 years. However, the pH of stream water declined with increasing concentrations of SO42? and other major ions. The release of materials accumulated in the ecosystem was facilitated by the decrease in SO42? concentration/deposition and increased precipitation in the middle–late wet season. The retention‐release cycle of SO42? largely contributed to both seasonal and interannual variations in stream water chemistry in the tropical savanna climate studied.  相似文献   


Tile drainage influences infiltration and surface runoff and is thus an important factor in the erosion process. Tile drainage reduces surface runoff, but questions abound on its influence on sediment transport through its dense network and into the stream network. The impact of subsurface tiling on upland erosion rates in the Le Sueur River watershed, USA, was assessed using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model. Six different scenarios of tile drainage with varying drainage coefficient and management type (no till and autumn mulch-till) were evaluated. The mean annual surface runoff depth, soil loss rate and sediment delivery ratio (SDR) for croplands, based on a 30-year simulation for the watershed with untiled autumn mulch-till (Scenario 1), were estimated to be 83.5 mm, 0.27 kg/m2 and 86.7%, respectively; on no-till management systems (Scenario 4), the respective results were 72.3 mm, 0.06 kg/m2 and 88.2%. Tile drains reduced surface runoff, soil loss and SDR estimates for Scenario 1 by, on average, 14.5, 8.1 and 7.9%, respectively; and for Scenario 4 by an estimated 31.5, 22.1 and 20.2%, respectively. The impact of tile drains on surface runoff, soil loss and SDR was greater under the no-till management system than under the autumn mulch-till management system. Comparison of WEPP outputs with those of the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) showed differences between the two methods.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Maalim, F.K. and Melesse. A.M., 2013. Modelling impacts of subsurface drainage on surface runoff and sediment yield in the Le Sueur Watershed in Minnesota, USA. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 570–586.  相似文献   

The relationships between actual evapotranspiration, atmospheric conditions and soil water content in the root zone are described in a simple functional model. Some constants which are used in these relationships, but unknown for forest areas, have been estimated for a deciduous forest near Zürich in Switzerland (Brülhart, 1969). On sufficiently humid soil the evapotranspiration of this forest was more than twice as high as for agricultural crops. On the other hand in the forest the evapotranspiration reacted much more sensitively on drying of the soil. On warm summer days (evaporation of free water about 0.4–0.6 cm per day) the trees considerably reduced their water delivery to the atmosphere at soil water suctions of slightly more then 0.05 bars (Fig. 7).  相似文献   

M. C. Ramos 《水文研究》2006,20(11):2271-2283
The objective of this paper was to analyse the combined influence of the Mediterranean climate variability (particularly the irregular rainfall distribution throughout the year) and the land transformations carried out in vineyards of northeastern Spain on soil water content evolution and its influence on grape production. The study was carried out in a commercial vineyard located in the Anoia–Alt Penedès region (Barcelona province, northeastern Spain), which was prepared for mechanization with important land transformations. Two plots were selected for the study: one with low degree of transformation of the soil profile, representing a non‐disturbed situation, and the second one in which more than 3 m were cut in the upper part of the plot and filled in the lower part, representing the disturbed situation. Soil water content was evaluated at three positions along the slope in each plot and at three depths (0–20, 20–40, 40–60 cm) during the period 1999–2001, years with different rainfall characteristics, including extreme events and long dry periods. Rainfall was recorded in the experimental field using a pluviometer linked to a data‐logger. Runoff rates and yield were evaluated at the same positions. For the same annual rainfall, the season of the year in which rainfall is recorded and its intensity are critical for water availability for crops. Soil water content varies within the plot and is related to the soil characteristics existing at the different positions of the landscape. The differences in soil depth created by soil movements in the field mechanization give rise to significant yield reductions (up to 50%) between deeper and shallow areas. In addition, for the same annual rainfall, water availability for crops depends on its distribution over the year, particularly in soils with low water‐storage capacity. The yield was strongly affected in years with dry or very dry winters. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Heilongjiang Province is a major grain production base in China, and its agricultural development plays an important role in China’s social economy. Drought and flood events are the primary disasters in Heilongjiang Province and have considerable impacts on agriculture. In this study, relatively complete monthly precipitation data from 26 meteorological stations in Heilongjiang Province during the period of 1958–2013 were analyzed using the standardized precipitation index (SPI) combined with principal component analysis, Mann–Kendall trend analysis and Morlet wavelet analysis to determine the spatial and temporal distributions of drought and flood events in this province. The results were as follows: (1) the whole of Heilongjiang exhibited an aridity trend. In northern Heilongjiang, spring and summer experienced a wetting trend, and autumn and winter experienced an aridity trend. (2) The SPI3 exhibited 8- and 16-year periodic variation characteristics in spring, 10- and 22-year periodic variation characteristics in summer, and 10- and 32-year periodic variation characteristics in autumn. In addition to the 10-year periodic variation characteristics in winter, other periodic variation characteristics were observed. (3) The increasing trend in the percentage of stations affected by flood was more obvious than that affected by drought. Therefore, Heilongjiang Province is more vulnerable to flooding. (4) The influence of drought and flood disasters in Heilongjiang Province showed a growth trend, but the flood effect was more remarkable. (5) The agricultural area affected by drought and flood disasters in Heilongjiang Province showed an increasing trend. Although there was a greater increase in flood disaster area, the main types of disasters were drought-dominated.  相似文献   

Few detailed evaporation studies exist for small lakes or reservoirs in mountainous settings. A detailed evaporation study was conducted at Mirror Lake, a 0.15 km2 lake in New Hampshire, northeastern USA, as part of a long-term investigation of lake hydrology. Evaporation was determined using 14 alternate evaporation methods during six open-water seasons and compared with values from the Bowen-ratio energy-budget (BREB) method, considered the standard. Values from the Priestley–Taylor, deBruin–Keijman, and Penman methods compared most favorably with BREB-determined values. Differences from BREB values averaged 0.19, 0.27, and 0.20 mm d−1, respectively, and results were within 20% of BREB values during more than 90% of the 37 monthly comparison periods. All three methods require measurement of net radiation, air temperature, change in heat stored in the lake, and vapor pressure, making them relatively data intensive. Several of the methods had substantial bias when compared with BREB values and were subsequently modified to eliminate bias. Methods that rely only on measurement of air temperature, or air temperature and solar radiation, were relatively cost-effective options for measuring evaporation at this small New England lake, outperforming some methods that require measurement of a greater number of variables. It is likely that the atmosphere above Mirror Lake was affected by occasional formation of separation eddies on the lee side of nearby high terrain, although those influences do not appear to be significant to measured evaporation from the lake when averaged over monthly periods.  相似文献   

Using the Shannon entropy, the space–time variability of rainfall and streamflow was assessed for daily rainfall and streamflow data for a 10-year period from 189 stations in the northeastern region of Brazil. Mean values of marginal entropy were computed for all observation stations and entropy maps were then constructed for delineating annual and seasonal characteristics of rainfall and streamflow. The Mann-Kendall test was used to evaluate the long-term trend in marginal entropy as well as relative entropy for two sample stations. The marginal entropy values of rainfall and streamflow were higher for locations and periods with the highest amounts of rainfall. The entropy values were higher where rainfall was higher. This was because the probability distributions of rainfall and the resulting streamflow were more uniform and less skewed. The Shannon entropy produced spatial patterns which led to a better understanding of rainfall and streamflow characteristics throughout the northeastern region of Brazil. The total relative entropy indicated that rainfall and streamflow carried the same information content at annual and rainy season time scales.  相似文献   

Concerns related to climate change have resulted in an increasing interest in the importance of hydrological events such as droughts in affecting biogeochemical responses of watersheds. The effects of an unusually dry summer in 2002 had a marked impact on the biogeochemistry of three watersheds in the north‐eastern USA. Chemical, isotopic and hydrological responses with particular emphasis on S dynamics were evaluated for Archer Creek (New York), Sleepers River (Vermont) and Cone Pond (New Hampshire) watersheds. From 1 August to 14 September 2002, all three watersheds had very low precipitation (48 to 69 mm) resulting in either very low or no discharge (mean 0·015, 0·15 and 0·000 mm day?1 for Archer Creek, Sleepers River and Cone Pond, respectively). From 15 September to 31 October 2002, there was a substantial increase in precipitation totals (212, 246 and 198 mm, respectively) with increased discharge. Archer Creek was characterized by a large range of SO42? concentrations (152 to 389 µeq L?1, mean = 273 µeq L?1) and also exhibited the greatest range in δ34S values of SO42? (?1·4 to 8·8 ‰ ). Sleepers River's SO42? concentrations ranged from 136 to 243 µeq L?1 (mean = 167 µeq L?1) and δ34S values of SO42? ranged from 4·0 to 9·0 ‰ . Cone Pond's SO42? concentrations (126–187 µeq L?1, mean = 154 µeq L?1) and δ34S values (2·4 to 4·3 ‰ ) had the smallest ranges of the three watersheds. The range and mean of δ18O‐SO42? values for Archer Creek and Cone Pond were similar (3·0 to 8·9 ‰ , mean = 4·5 ‰ ; 3·9 to 6·3 ‰ , mean = 4·9 ‰ ; respectively) while δ18O‐SO42? values for Sleepers River covered a larger range with a lower mean (1·2 to 10·0 ‰ , mean = 2·5). The difference in Sleepers River chemical and isotopic responses was attributed to weathering reactions contributing SO42?. For Archer Creek wetland areas containing previously reduced S compounds that were reoxidized to SO42? probably provided a substantial source of S. Cone Pond had limited internal S sources and less chemical or isotopic response to storms. Differences among the three watersheds in S biogeochemical responses during these storm events were attributed to differences in S mineral weathering contributions, hydrological pathways and landscape features. Further evaluations of differences and similarities in biogeochemical and hydrological responses among watersheds are needed to predict the impacts of climate change. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of forests on annual water yield is an unresolved central issue in forest hydrology despite years of study. There has been a particular shortage of research in the mountains of arid inland river basins. In the present study, we examined the effects of forests on hydrology using data on precipitation, evaporation, canopy interception, transpiration, and runoff from 1994 to 2008 for the Pailugou catchment of northwestern China's Qilian Mountains. We modelled the water balance to assess the contribution of different vegetation types to annual water yield. In our study area, Picea crassifolia forest covered 38·5% of the catchment area, but contributed little to annual water yield. For an annual average precipitation of 407·1 mm (from 2003 to 2008) at an elevation of 2700 m, the runoff depth from the forest was 11·6 mm, accounting for only 3·5% of total annual water yield of the catchment. For an annual average precipitation of 374·1 mm (from 1994 to 2002), the runoff depth from the forest was ? 14·3 mm (i.e. 5·9% of total annual water yield of the catchment was consumed to sustain tree growth). This has significant implications, because forests are increasingly being planted in the Qilian Mountains, and this may decrease the downstream water supply. Thus, the relationship between the forest and water yield must be better understood to permit the establishment of an appropriate regional level of forest cover. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposed an integrated simulation model to incorporate the impact of flood-induced reservoir turbidity into water supply. The integrated model includes a regional water allocation model and a one-dimensional settling model of cohesive particles based on Kynch’s theory. It simulates the settling of sediment flocculation in a turbid reservoir. The restrictions of water supply during floods is mimicked by simulating turbidity profiles for control points and then quantifying the associated treatment capability of raw water in the regional water allocation model for each time step. This framework can simulate shortages caused by flood-induced high turbidity as well as extended droughts, thus provide a basis for comprehensive evaluations of emergent and regular water supply facilities. A case study of evaluating different measures to mitigate the impact of turbid reservoir on water supply in northern Taiwan is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Development of marine water quality criteria for the USA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The US Environmental Protection Agency has developed guidelines for deriving numerical national water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic organisms and their uses. These guidelines provide the method for deriving water quality criteria, including minimum data base requirements, data evaluation procedures, and calculations. The guidelines have been in place for a long time, and states have used them to derive water quality standards for their water bodies. More recent efforts have been directed towards the development of technical guidance based on the concept that bioassessment and biocriteria programs for estuaries and near coastal waters are interrelated and are critical components of comprehensive water resource protection and management. This is a holistic approach to protection and management, integrating biological assessments into traditional chemical and physical evaluations and augmenting the established water quality criteria. The method for deriving water quality criteria and the approach for biocriteria development for marine systems are described.  相似文献   


This study investigated the impacts of changes in land cover and climate on runoff and sediment yield in a river basin in India. Land Change Modeler was used to derive the future land cover and its changes using the Sankey diagram approach. The future climatic parameters were derived from five general circulation models for two emission scenarios with representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5. The land cover and climate change impacts on runoff and sediment yield were estimated using SWAT model. The results show important changes in land cover and indicate that urban and agricultural areas strongly influence the runoff and sediment yield. Among the land cover and climate change impacts, climate has more predominant (70%–95%) impact. Runoff and sediment yield are likely to decrease in both RCP scenarios in the future period. The impacts of land cover changes are more prominent on sediment yield than runoff.  相似文献   

S. Rehana  P. P. Mujumdar 《水文研究》2013,27(20):2918-2933
This paper presents an approach to model the expected impacts of climate change on irrigation water demand in a reservoir command area. A statistical downscaling model and an evapotranspiration model are used with a general circulation model (GCM) output to predict the anticipated change in the monthly irrigation water requirement of a crop. Specifically, we quantify the likely changes in irrigation water demands at a location in the command area, as a response to the projected changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration at that location. Statistical downscaling with a canonical correlation analysis is carried out to develop the future scenarios of meteorological variables (rainfall, relative humidity (RH), wind speed (U2), radiation, maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperatures) starting with simulations provided by a GCM for a specified emission scenario. The medium resolution Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate GCM is used with the A1B scenario, to assess the likely changes in irrigation demands for paddy, sugarcane, permanent garden and semidry crops over the command area of Bhadra reservoir, India. Results from the downscaling model suggest that the monthly rainfall is likely to increase in the reservoir command area. RH, Tmax and Tmin are also projected to increase with small changes in U2. Consequently, the reference evapotranspiration, modeled by the Penman–Monteith equation, is predicted to increase. The irrigation requirements are assessed on monthly scale at nine selected locations encompassing the Bhadra reservoir command area. The irrigation requirements are projected to increase, in most cases, suggesting that the effect of projected increase in rainfall on the irrigation demands is offset by the effect due to projected increase/change in other meteorological variables (viz., Tmax and Tmin, solar radiation, RH and U2). The irrigation demand assessment study carried out at a river basin will be useful for future irrigation management systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A monthly rainfall-runoff model was calibrated for a large tropical catchment in southern India. Various land-use and climatic change scenarios were tested to assess their effects on mean annual runoff and assured water yield at the Bhavanisagar Reservoir in Tamil Nadu, India. The largest increase in runoff (19%) came from converting forest and savanna (the indigenous control scenario) to agriculture. Mean annual runoff decreased by 35% after conversion to commercial forest and 6% after partial conversion to tea plantations. The predicted climate scenarios of reduced dry season rainfall decreased the annual runoff by 5% while enhanced annual rainfall caused a 17% increase in runoff. Even if land-use and climate changes had relatively large effects on runoff, the changes in reservoir yield which can be assured every year, were often less severe. This was probably due to the buffering effect of the reservoir and variation in the mean annual runoff.  相似文献   

Extended drought is a concern for water resource sustainability in the Colorado River Basin of the western USA. Recent instrumental data are a limited rendering of drought risk, while paleoclimate data provide evidence of megadrought that could reoccur; but their impact analyses have not been reported to date. A 645-year tree-ring reconstruction of central Arizona, USA, streamflows reveals several threatening periods including a severe 16th-century multi-decade event. This study translated that record to net basin water supply with comparison to instrumental records to drive an operations model of a key resource system serving metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Cumulative system impacts and demand sensitivities find no system depletion to inoperable conditions for any drought of the past several centuries. The megadrought presently afflicting the region has become more severe than any in the paleoclimate record and should be considered the new drought of record for adaptation planning.  相似文献   

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