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ABB has advanced catalysis with micro-engineered catalyst (MEC) systems by providing a uniquely small particle size on a formable catalyst support through the integration of catalysis and reaction engineering. A mechanically strong catalytic web of micro-fibers has been engineered and shaped utilizing both computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and cold flow experiments to optimize flow characteristics. This article discusses techniques used for the development of novel catalytic structured packings for catalytic distillation applications. CFD models (verified through experiments performed on small-sized structures) were shown to be of great utility in screening new structure ideas. Results will illustrate achievement of both high gas–liquid contacting and bulk mixing at low pressure drop with the potential to provide enhanced catalyst utilization by taking advantage of the intrinsic MEC properties, particularly its high porosity and exposed geometric fiber and catalyst surface area. This was shown by the successful testing of one of these catalyzed structures in the selective hydrogenation of C4 acetylenes.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to a theoretical analysis of the counter-current gas−liquid film flow between vertical corrugated plates. We use the Navier−Stokes equations in their full statement to describe the liquid phase hydrodynamics. For the gas phase equations, we use the Benjamin−Miles approach where the wavy liquid/gas interface is a small disturbance for the turbulent gas and where we can linearize the gas phase governing equations. We consider both the steady state and the two-periodical traveling solutions of the counter-current gas/liquid flow between the corrugated plates. The changes in the liquid film hydrodynamics with the increase in gas superficial velocity are the main interest of the investigation. What is the flooding mechanism in the case of flow between the corrugated plates and does the gas superficial velocity for the flooding depend on the wall corrugation parameters?  相似文献   

This paper presents results of continuous feed and total reflux distillation experiments carried out with a common type and size structured packing using two- and three-component mixtures of common alcohols and water. With the binary mixture, the packing performed slightly better than with a three-component mixture. Surprisingly, the continuous operation performance appeared slightly better than in case of the total reflux operation. Delft model predictions of the overall mass transfer efficiency appeared to be conservative enough around the operating/design point load of the packing in question. The composition profiles measured with the three-component mixture were used to validate the rate-based (non-equilibrium) model developed at the Nagoya Institute of Technology, which appeared to be highly accurate, but also sensitive to the choice of the predictive method for the interfacial area.  相似文献   

The influence of liquid viscosity on liquid hold-up in structured packings under co-current gas–liquid downward flow operation has been investigated for liquid viscosity from 1 to 20 cP. The liquid hold-up has been determined on a 400 mm internal diameter column by gamma tomographic cross-sectional measurements. An important influence of the viscosity on the liquid hold-up is observed. It is shown that, the widely used model supported by Bravo et al. [J.L. Bravo, J.A. Rocha, J.R. Fair, Hydrocarbon Process. January (1985) 91] assuming 1D fully established vertical liquid film flow does not agree with the experimental data. From experiments, the different assumptions used in the 1D model are discussed. On the basis of these results, a new correlation is proposed, which enables to calculate the hold-up from the viscosity, the liquid flow rate and the geometry of the packing. A comparison with data of literature is done.  相似文献   

Dry pressure drop in columns equipped with structured packings is considered to involve two components: drag force due to the direction changes near the column walls and in the transition region between two packing layers rotated to each other by 90°, and friction force between the different gas flows inside the crossing triangular channels and with the packing solid walls. It is believed that in a packed bed with compact sheet density and large packing surface area (above 250 m2/m3), the major contribution of the pressure drop is generated by the friction component.In this paper, a model is proposed to determine the dry pressure drop friction component. The gas is assumed to establish a fully developed turbulent flow inside the structured packing channels. The structured packing geometry consists of a combination of periodic elements. It is shown that the reproduction of one periodic element aerodynamics leads to determine the gas distribution and pressure drop inside the packed bed. Therefore, modeling the dry pressure drop through one periodic element is a meaningful representation of the dry pressure drop over the packing.CFD simulations are carried out on periodic elements using different turbulence models: RNG kε, realizable kε, and SST kω. The best results that agree with the experimental data in the literature are obtained with the SST kω model. The CFD model proposed is used to study the impact of packing geometry variations on the dry pressure drop and to bring up a correlation for the pressure drop with respect to changes of packing geometry: channel height dimension, channel opening angle, and corrugation angle.  相似文献   

Direct heat transfer is an important method in the exchange of heat between two countercurrent process streams within a column. The process can be simulated using either the theoretical stage or the rate based concept. With both concepts, a reliable heat transfer coefficient is needed. Additionally, the rate of the heat transfer coefficient is influenced by the simultaneous mass transfer.

A number of application-dependent methods to estimate the heat transfer coefficient have been developed, mainly for random packings. It is the purpose of this paper to extend this work to structured packings.

A number of experiments with air/water have been performed in a column of 300 mm inner diameter with Mellapak 250.Y, 250.X and 125.X at ambient conditions. A second group of measurements were done using an oil/air system where only sensible heat was transferred.

Based on these experimental results a method was developed to predict the heat transfer coefficient for structured packings. The method is applied to examples of industrial importance, like a gas quench, a gas saturator and a pump-around zone in an atmospheric tower.  相似文献   

We consider axisymmetric fluid flow down the exterior of a rigid straight vertical cylinder and model the emergence and propagation of the finite-amplitude waves that are created at the free surface. A system of evolution equations for the film thickness and volumetric flow rate, that was first derived by Trifonov [1992. Steady-state travelling waves on the surface of a viscous liquid film falling down on vertical wires and tubes. A.I.Ch.E. Journal 38, 821-834] has been re-formulated as an extension of the classical falling film problem. To inspire confidence in the predictions of this model, its linear stability characteristics versus those of the full Navier-Stokes equations are examined yielding very good agreement. Travelling wave solutions are determined and analysed in detail over a wide range of system parameters. The solutions resemble those associated with film for sufficiently small film thickness to fibre radius ratios, and beads when these ratios are relatively large. Transient computations are also performed for comparison with the travelling wave solutions and demonstrate the selection mechanism leading to the development of so-called ‘dominating’ waves for comparison with experimental observations.  相似文献   

A computational study is presented of the complex flow through a staggered herringbone micromixer (SHM), which utilises sequences of asymmetrical herringbone grooves in cycles where a set of topologically similar grooves represent a half cycle. It was analysed using finite-element (method) based software to elucidate the fluid flow within the channel and characterise the effect of the grooves at moving fluid across the channel thus creating non-axial fluid movement. Three separate physical systems were modelled: a channel containing a single groove, a half cycle of infinite grooves and an infinite system with one groove per half cycle. A range of groove heights were investigated for the single groove for the Reynolds number range 0-15 to identify the mechanics through which fluid is transported across the channel by the grooves, the effect that inertial and viscous forces have on the process and to identify a groove height range for optimised cross channel fluid transfer. The flow field within the grooves at various heights was analysed and their relationship with non-axial flow within the bulk channel identified. The culminating effect of increasing grooves per half cycle on their ability to transport fluid across the channel is analysed by comparing the entrainment of fluid into and across the groove for both a single and infinite grooves. The maximum increase in fluid entrainment per groove for the addition of extra grooves to a cycle was found to be 14%. The helicity (or swirl) of the flow within the channel is found to be small for all three systems, while increased helicity within the flow was found to correspond to an increase in energy dissipation.  相似文献   

Reactive distillation, the combination of chemical reaction and multistage distillation, is one of the most important industrial applications of the multifunctional reactor concept. The most promising column internals for reactive distillation are the so-called structured catalytic packings that combine favourable characteristics of traditional structured packings and heterogeneous catalysts. The non-ideal flow behaviour of the gas and the liquid phase is a fundamental aspect in multiphase reactor design since it has a strong influence on the reactor performance. In this study, liquid phase residence time distributions for the catalytic structured packing MULTIPAK® were measured by means of conductivity measurements under different liquid and gas flow rates and evaluated with differential models.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of disc topography and time modulation of the liquid flow rate at the inlet on the dynamics of a thin film flowing over a spinning disc. We use a combination of boundary-layer theory and the Kármán-Polhausen approximation to derive coupled equations for the film thickness, and radial and azimuthal flow rates. Substrate patterning is taken into account in the limit of small-amplitude topography. Our numerical results indicate that the combined effects of flow rate modulation at the inlet and disc patterning can lead to a significant increase in interfacial waviness, which greatly exceeds that associated with the constant flow rate, smooth disc case.  相似文献   

Interfacial effective area and liquid hold-up in structured packing geometries are investigated using the volume of fluid method. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of gas–liquid flow on inclined plane plate and in a structured packing are performed. The VOF method is used to capture the gas–liquid interface motion. After a first validation case on the wetting phenomena prediction on an inclined plane plate, the effective interfacial area, the liquid hold-up and the degree of wetting of packing are studied as function of liquid flow rate and wall surface characteristic (adherence contact angle). Results show that the liquid flow-rate and the contact angle play a significant role. It is found that the interfacial effective area and the degree of wetting of packing increase as the liquid flow rate increases and as the contact angle decreases. Moreover, under the influence of the contact angle, different liquid film shapes are observed. The simulations results are compared to experimental data available in literature. This work shows that the CFD is a powerful tool to investigate performance characteristics of structured packings. Moreover, this work shows how CFD can be used as an effective tool to provide information on fluid flow behavior and determination of interfacial area, liquid hold-up and minimum flow-rate to ensure complete wetting. These parameters could be further used in process simulation at larger scale for the development and the design of efficient packings.  相似文献   

The complete Navier-Stokes equations describing the steady flow of incompressible Newtonian fluids normal to an array of long cylinders have been solved numerically using the finite difference method in terms of the stream function and vorticity variables. The inter-cylinder interactions have been mimicked using the well known free surface cell model. Extensive information on the detailed structure of the flow field in terms of the surface vorticity distribution, stagnation pressure, stream line and iso-vorticity line plots, as well as on the values of the integral quantities, such as pressure, friction and total drag coefficients, have been obtained under wide ranges of conditions as follows: 0.3 ≤ ? 0.99 and 0.01 ≤ Re ≤ 100. The numerical results presented herein have been validated using the appropriate theoretical and experimental results available in the literature; the match between the present predictions and the scant experimental results is good.  相似文献   

代成娜  项银  雷志刚 《化工学报》2015,66(8):2953-2961
在规整填料塔中采用离子液体吸收二氧化碳气体,利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件建立可靠的数学模型,系统考察了离子液体结构及规整填料几何参数对吸收过程的传质特性和流体力学性能的影响规律。结果表明,床层压降随气体流速增大而增大,液相传质系数随液体流速的增大而增大。相同阴离子时,随着阳离子碳链长度的增长,吸收过程压降增大,同时液相传质系数减小。相同阳离子时,不同阴离子的离子液体压降大的同时传质系数也大。但离子液体的结构对压降影响不明显。离子液体筛选主要考虑传质系数和溶解度因素,但二者与离子液体结构表现出相反的规律。两种折线结构的规整填料传质性能优于传统的X型和Y型结构。  相似文献   

In this work, hydrodynamics of contaminated bubble swarms is numerically investigated using the free surface cell model combined with the spherical stagnant cap model. The governing field equations are solved numerically to elucidate the effect of Reynolds number, gas holdup and degree of contamination on the hydrodynamic behavior of bubble swarms. New extensive results are reported over the range of conditions as follows: Reynolds number, Re: 1–200, bubble holdup, Φ: 0.1–0.5, and stagnant cap angle, α: 0–180°. Finally, the effects of these parameters on streamlines and vorticity contours, surface pressure and vorticity distributions and on drag coefficients are discussed in detail. Briefly, the drag coefficients decrease with the decreasing stagnant cap angle and/or the decreasing bubble hold up and/or the increasing Reynolds number; whereas the ratio of the pressure and friction drag coefficients exhibits mixed trends with respect to these parameters.  相似文献   

We examine the flow of a thin liquid film over a spinning disc in the presence of dilute insoluble surfactant. We use the integral method to derive a coupled system of equations that govern the axisymmetric evolution of the film thickness, radial flow rate, angular momentum and surfactant surface concentration; a linear equation of state is used for closure. This system of equations is parameterized by a modified Weber number, a Marangoni parameter, M, and a surface Peclet number, Pes. Numerical solutions of these equations reveal that the presence of surfactant gives rise to Marangoni stresses which interfere with the mechanisms of wave growth. For M∼0.1, our results indicate that the formation of interfacial waves is suppressed.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation has been carried out to obtain the steady state drag coefficients and flow patterns of a single Newtonian fluid sphere sedimenting in power-law liquids. A finite difference method based simplified marker and cell (SMAC) algorithm has been implemented on a staggered grid arrangement to solve the continuity and momentum equations. For both phases, the convective terms have been discretized using the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinematics (QUICK) scheme, and diffusive and non-Newtonian terms with central differencing scheme. An exponential transformation has been applied in the radial direction for the continuous phase computational domain. In order to ensure the accuracy of the solver, extensive validation has been carried out by comparing the present results with the existing literature values for a few limiting cases. Further, in this study the effects of the Reynolds number (Reo), internal to external fluid characteristic viscosity ratio (k) and power-law index (no) on the continuous phase flow field, pressure drag (Cdp), friction drag (Cdf) and total drag (CD) coefficients have been analyzed over the range of parameters: 5?Reo?500, 0.1?k?50 and 0.6?no?1.6. Based on numerical results obtained in this work, a simple correlation has been proposed for the total drag coefficient, which can be used to predict the rate of sedimentation of a fluid sphere in power-law liquids.  相似文献   

Mass transfer phenomena of hydrogen chloride around single water droplets at moderate initial Reynolds numbers are investigated to simulate air pollutant absorption by droplets in wet scrubbers. Of particular interest is the uptake mechanism in the droplet under the impact of deceleration. An examination of the mass transfer inside the droplet, in view of the solute transport delay from the gas-liquid interface to the droplet interior, a maximum distribution in concentration difference between the droplet surface and the internal minimum concentration is exhibited. Meanwhile, gaseous scavenging behavior is apparently characterized by the droplet. Regarding the effect of the decelerating motion, the predictions reveal that the variation of the droplet velocity due to drag force is faster than that of the uptake process. Therefore, the absorption rates of the decelerating droplet are substantially decreased when compared with that of a droplet without drag force. As a whole, increasing initial Reynolds number causes faster decay in the droplet velocity which further reduces the mass transfer rate in the aqueous phase. This suggests that the larger the initial Reynolds number, the more significant the absorption rate of the droplet affected by the drag force.  相似文献   

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