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Background: The fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal system (fentanyl ITS)enables needle-free, patient-controlled analgesia for postoperativepain management. This study compared the efficacy, safety, andease of care of fentanyl ITS with patient-controlled, i.v. analgesia(PCIA) with morphine for postoperative pain management. Methods: A prospective, randomized, multicentre trial enrolled patientsin Europe after abdominal or orthopaedic surgery. Patients receivedfentanyl ITS (n = 325; 40.0 µg fentanyl over 10 min) ormorphine PCIA [n = 335; bolus doses (standard at each hospital)]for 72 h. Supplemental i.v. morphine was available during thefirst 3 h. The primary efficacy measure was the patient globalassessment (PGA) of the pain control method during the first24 h. Results: PGA ratings of ‘good’ or ‘excellent’were reported by 86.2 and 87.5% of patients using fentanyl ITSor morphine PCIA, respectively (95% CI, –6.5 to 3.9%).Mean (SD) last pain intensity scores (numerical rating scale,0–10) were 1.8 (1.77) and 1.9 (1.86) in the fentanyl ITSand morphine PCIA groups, respectively (95% CI, –0.38to 0.18). More patients reported a system-related problem forfentanyl ITS than morphine PCIA (51.1 vs 17.9%, respectively).However, fewer of these problems interrupted pain control (4.4vs 41.3%, respectively). Patients, nurses, and physiotherapistsreported more favourable overall ease-of-care ratings for fentanylITS than morphine PCIA. Study termination rates and opioid-relatedside-effects were similar between groups. Conclusion: Fentanyl ITS and morphine PCIA were comparably effective andsafe.  相似文献   

The efficacy and safety of postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural infusion of either morphine or fentanyl in combination with bupivacaine were evaluated in 85 patients, ASA physical status I or II, undergoing thoracic and/or upper abdominal surgery. Patients were treated with one of the combinations for 48 h after surgery. The morphine/bupivacaine group (MB; n = 45) received morphine at the rate of 0.2 mg h-1, and bupivacaine at the rate of 10 mg h-1 for the first 24 h or 5 mg h-1 for the second 24 h; the fentanyl/bupivacaine group (FB; n = 40) received fentanyl at the rate of 20 μg–h-1, and bupivacaine at the rate of 10 mg h-1 for the first 24 h or 5 mg h-1 for the second 24 h. The degree of pain relief assessed by the visual pain scale and the modified Prince Henry pain scale was satisfactory in most patients in both groups. In group MB 74% and in group FB 76% of patients did not need any supplementary analgesics. No significant differences were observed between the groups in assessment of pain. The incidence of hypotension ( P < 0.05) and pruritus ( P < 0.05) was higher in group MB than in group FB. None of the patients developed respiratory depression in either group.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) has been found to be an effective method for pain relief during labour and after surgery. The goal of this study was to compare the efficacy of bupivacaine-fentanyl PCEA and continuous epidural infusion with the same mixture for treatment of pain after total knee arthroplasty. METHODS: Fifty-four patients under spinal anaesthesia were allocated to two groups in this randomized, double-blind study: the PCEA group could demand a bolus of 0.05 ml/kg of the bupivacaine 1.1 mg/ml and fentanyl 5 microg/ml solution, with a lockout interval of 10 min and total dose limit of three bolus doses per hour. The EPI group received a continuous infusion of 0.1 ml kg(-1) h(-1) of the same bupivacaine-fentanyl solution, and only a minimal extra bolus dose of 0.2 ml with the same lockout interval. All the patients received also paracetamol 1 g, orally, three times a day. In addition to pain scores at rest and during leg lifting, the 20-h analgesic consumption and the incidence of side effects were recorded. RESULTS: Forty-nine patients completed the study. The bupivacaine and fentanyl consumption during 20 h was smaller in the PCEA group (P<0.001). Analgesia and the need for rescue-opioid medication were similar in both groups. There were no differences between the PCEA and EPI groups regarding the incidence of side effects. Five patients were confused about how to operate the PCEA apparatus. CONCLUSION: The amount of bupivacaine-fentanyl solution consumed was significantly less with PCEA than with continuous infusion of bupivacaine-fentanyl solution without affecting the quality of postoperative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty. Several of the elderly patients had difficulties in operating the PCEA apparatus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is little published evidence of the analgesic efficacyof patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) for postoperativepain relief. The aim of this study was to compare the analgesicefficacy of epidural infusion of bupivacaine 0.125% and fentanyl4 µg ml–1 administered by either PCEAwith a background infusion or nurse-administered continuousepidural infusion (CEI) after major intra-abdominal surgery. METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized clinical trial, 205 adult patientsundergoing colonic resection by laparotomy received either PCEAor CEI. Pain scores were recorded via a four-point verbal ratingscale at 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after surgery.The administration of epidural top-ups and systemic analgesiaover the same period was also recorded, and patient satisfactionquestionnaires completed. RESULTS: The median area under the curve of pain against time was significantlylower in the PCEA group (2 vs 24, P<0.001) as were mediansummary pain scores on movement (0.67 vs 1.33, P<0.001).Significantly fewer patients in the PCEA group received oneor more epidural top-ups (13 vs 36%, P = 0.0002) or any systemicanalgesics (41 vs 63%, P = 0.0021). Patients in the PCEA groupwere significantly more likely to be very satisfied than inthe CEI group (76 vs 43%, P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: PCEA provides greater analgesic efficacy than CEI for postoperativeanalgesia after major intra-abdominal surgery, and a decreasedrequirement for physician or nurse intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: When using the combined spinal-epidural (CSE) technique forlabour analgesia, parturients often experience breakthroughpain after the spinal medication has receded. We tested thehypothesis that a small dose of intrathecal morphine would reducebreakthrough pain. METHODS: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.Subjects were randomized to receive either 100 µgof morphine (MS) or placebo (PLCB) with the spinal injectionof bupivacaine and fentanyl. Assessments included need for supplementationduring labour analgesia, use of pain medications for 24 hafter delivery, and side-effects. The primary end-point wasthe rate of breakthrough pain. RESULTS: Sixty subjects were enrolled, 55 subjects completed the trial.The MS group had a significantly lower rate of breakthroughpain than the PLCB group [0.6 (0.6) vs 1.1 (0.8) episodes perpatient; P < 0.01], and longer time to first episode of breakthroughpain (300 vs 180 min; P = 0.03). The MS group used 75%less opioid medications during the subsequent 24 h, buthad a 17% incidence of nausea. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of small dose of morphine to the spinal componentof the CSE technique improved the effectiveness of epidurallabour analgesia and reduced the need for pain medications over24 h, but resulted in a small increase in nausea.  相似文献   

Evidence of pre-emptive analgetic effect of opioid would offer great potential benefit to patients with postoperative pain, a better pain relief with less opioid. The aim of this double blind randomised trial was to study the effect of intramuscular morphine premedication on postoperative pain.
Forty-one patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty were randomly allocated to four groups. Two groups received epidural morphine, 4 mg immediately after operation and 3 mg ten hours later, and two groups the same volume of saline. All patients had access to intravenous PCA-fentanyl. One epidural morphine and one epidural saline group (PreEpiMo and PreMo, respectively) received morphine, 0.14 mg/kg i.m. as premedication. Pain was measured with a visual analogue scale (VAS). Respiration was monitored by means of pulseoximetry, arterial blood gas analysis and rate of breathing.
Morphine premedication reduced postoperative pain in the immediate postoperative period in patients with epidural placebo (PreMo), hut the effect was absent in patients with PreEpiMo. Epidural morphine (EpiMo) provided stable analgesia with reduced need of PCA-fentanyl. Two patients (10%) (one in EpiMo and one in PreEpiMo) developed respiratory depression requiring naloxone treatment. The dosage of epidural morphine used in this study was a likely explanation of this depression. Nausea, vomiting, itching and urinary retention were the most frequent side effects without significant differences between the groups. In conclusion, morphine premedication had a temporary rest effect on the postoperative pain. Epidural morphine provides a better analgesia than intravenous PCA-fentanyl.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of ropivacaine-fentanyl patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) with morphine intravenous (IV) patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, multicenter trial. SETTING: Five university-affiliated hospitals. PATIENTS: 41 patients undergoing colon surgery. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomized to receive either standardized combined epidural/general anesthesia followed by PCEA with ropivacaine 0.2% and fentanyl (2 microg/mL) or standardized general anesthesia followed by morphine IV PCA. All patients participated in a standardized postoperative clinical pathway. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Analgesia was assessed with visual analog scale (VAS) scores. Postoperative recovery was assessed by completion of prospectively defined discharge milestones and time until discharge. Statistical analyses included nonparametric and contingency table analyses. The PCEA group had better analgesia (> 50% reduction in pain scores, assessed both at rest and during a cough) for the first 3 days after surgery (p < 0.0,005). The PCEA group achieved discharge milestones approximately 36 hours faster (p < 0.002), but time until discharge was similar between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Ropivacaine-fentanyl PCEA provides superior analgesia, reduced opioid requirement, and more rapid recovery after colon surgery.  相似文献   

Background: The aim of this prospective, randomized trial was to compareanalgesia, sedation, and cardiorespiratory function in childrenafter thoracoscopic surgery for pectus excavatum repair, usingtwo types of analgesia—epidural block with bupivacaineplus fentanyl vs patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with fentanyl. Methods: Twenty-eight patients scheduled for thoracoscopic pectus excavatumsurgery were randomly assigned to receive either thoracic epiduralblock or i.v. PCA for postoperative analgesia. Pain was assessedusing a visual-analogue scale (VAS). The Ramsay sedation score,arterial pressure, ventilatory frequency, and heart rate werealso measured, and blood gas analysis was performed regularlyduring the first 48 h after surgery. Results: A significant decrease in the VAS pain score, Ramsay sedationscore, heart rate ventilatory frequency, systolic and diastolicblood pressure, and PaCO2, and a significant increase in PaO2and oxygen saturation were found over time. Patients in thePCA group had significantly higher PaCO2 values. In addition,a significantly slower decline of systolic blood pressure andheart rate, and faster recovery of PaCO2 were found in PCA patientsthan in patients with epidural block. Conclusions: I.V. fentanyl PCA is as effective as thoracic epidural for postoperativeanalgesia in children after thoracoscopic pectus excavatum repair.Bearing in mind the possible complications of epidural catheterizationin children, the use of fentanyl PCA is recommended.  相似文献   

Background : Morphine has been the standard opioid in patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). Oxycodone, the analgesic potency of which in i.v. administration has been suggested to be slightly greater than that of morphine, has not yet been studied for its efficacy in PCA.
Methods : Fifty patients, undergoing a plastic reconstruction of the breast or a major operation of the vertebrae, such as lumbar spinal fusion, used PCA for postoperative pain. Patients were randomized to receive either morphine 45 μg/kg or oxycodone 30 μg/kg as i.v. bolus doses. Patients were assessed for pain with a visual analogue scale (VAS) and side effects at 3, 9 and 24 h. Venous blood samples for the measurement of plasma concentration of oxycodone and that of morphine and its metabolites were taken.
Results : In this study patients needed, on average, the same amount of oxycodone and morphine in the recovery room and on the ward. There was no difference in the quality of analgesia (VAS) or incidence of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, pruritus and urinary retention. The plasma concentrations of morphine-6-glucuronide showed that this metabolite might contribute to the analgesia resulting from morphine administration.
Conclusions : The same dose of intravenous oxycodone and morphine administered by PCA pump was needed for immediate postoperative analgesia. The two drugs appear to be equipotent.  相似文献   

Eighty patients scheduled to undergo knee arthroscopy were studied in random and double blind fashion. Spinal anaesthesia with hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine was selected for 40 overnight–in–patients. At the end of arthroscopy, 1 mg morphine or saline was injected intraarticularly. Local anaesthesia with 1% lidocaine plus adrenaline, was selected for another 40 out–patients. At the end of the arthroscopy either 1 mg morphine or saline was injected intraarticularly. As a rescue medication the spinal anaesthesia patients received oxycodone 0.14 mg kg-1 i.m. or ketoprofen 100 mg p.o. and the local anaesthesia patients received ketoprofen 100 mg p.o. The need for additional postoperative analgesic was almost similar in both spinal anaesthesia groups. The patients having local anaesthesia and given intraarticular morphine needed fewer doses of ketoprofen (22 doses) postoperatively than the control group (39 doses) ( P < 0.05). Duration of analgesia was slightly longer after morphine than in the control group (ns). There was no difference between the morphine patients and the control patients in the two studies regarding the incidence of side effects. We conclude that postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing knee arthroscopy under local anaesthesia, but not under bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia, can be improved with a single intraarticular injection of 1 mg morphine.  相似文献   

Intravenous ketoprofen for pain relief after total hip or knee replacement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background: There are few studies in which ketoprofen, a propionic acid derivate NSAID, has been tested as an intravenous postoperative analgesic. The aim of this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled work was to study the tolerability and efficacy of intravenous ketoprofen in seventy-six patients undergoing hip or knee total endoprothesis surgery using three different doses.
Methods: The patients received either ketoprofen 50 mg, 100 mg or 150 mg, or placebo as an initial intravenous loading, followed by an infusion containing 50 mg, 100 mg or 150 mg or placebo, respectively, over the following eleven and a half hours. The consumption of fentanyl was recorded and the patients assessed their pain intensity on a 10-cm visual analogue scale (VAS) at 0, 2, 4 and 12 hours. Possible side-effects were recorded at the same intervals.
Results: Patients receiving ketoprofen showed significantly lower total fentanyl consumption and significantly better pain relief at 12 hours was achieved by a 300 mg dose of ketoprofen than by placebo. Side-effects were minimal, with no differences between the groups.
Conclusion : A bolus of ketoprofen following continuous infusion of ketoprofen, coupled with a PCA-system, was an effective and safe approach for the relief of postoperative pain.  相似文献   

The analgesic efficacy and side-effects of combined epidural infusion of bupivacaine and morphine, in comparison with these drugs alone, for postoperative analgesia after hysterectomy (60 patients) were evaluated. Before general anaesthesia, all patients had an epidural catheter placed (Th11-12) and 20 ml of 0.5%, bupivacaine was injected. In random order, epidural infusion was continued for 24 h with either 0.25% bupivacaine 4 ml.h-1 (BUPI-group), a bolus of 2 mg of morphine followed by morphine 0.2 mg.h-1 (MO-group), or a combination of the two drugs (COMB-group). A urinary bladder catheter was kept for 24 h. Supplementary postoperative pain medications were i.m. morphine 0.1 mg.kg-1 or rectal indomethacin 50 mg, on request. Immediately after awakening from general anaesthesia and transfer to the recovery room, 18/20 of the BUPI-group patients, 17/20 of the MO-group patients and 19/20 of the COMB-group patients were pain-free. In the postoperative evening and the first postoperative morning, the corresponding figures were 7/20 and 10/20 in the BUPI-group, 15/20 and 15/20 in the MO-group, and 18/20 and 15/20 in the COMB-group (postop, evening; P less than 0.01 BUPI vs. others). The number of patients requiring supplementary analgesics (morphine and indomethacin during the first 24 h was greatest in the BUPI-group P less than 0.01). The number of patients who vomited during the 24-h period was 3 in the BUPI-group, 9 in the MO-group and 5 in the COMB-group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background. Perispinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section allowsinjection of epidural (ED) or intrathecal (i.t.) morphine toprovide long-lasting postoperative analgesia. To compare thesetwo routes, a prospective, randomized, double-blinded studyof 53 patients undergoing elective Caesarean section was performed. Methods. Combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia with 6 mg of i.t.hyperbaric bupivacaine plus sufentanil 5 µg, and additionalED lidocaine was used. Additionally, each patient received either2 mg (2 ml) of ED morphine plus 1 ml of i.t. normal saline (EDgroup, n=28), or 0.075 mg (1 ml) of i.t. morphine plus 2 mlof ED normal saline (i.t. group, n=25). Additional postoperativeanalgesia was given in the form of propacetamol and ketoprofen,plus self-administered i.v. morphine. Results. No major respiratory depression occurred. Time to firstdemand of morphine was similar in the ED (307.5 min) and i.t.(310 min) groups, as was the incidence of side-effects suchas sedation, pruritis, nausea, and vomiting. During the first24 postoperative hours, VAS pain scores were greater in thei.t. group (P=0.032), as was additional morphine consumption(4 vs 1.5 mg) (P=0.03). Conclusions. The ED protocol was more effective than the i.t.protocol, whilst side-effects were similar. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 690–4  相似文献   

Introducing epidural fentanyl for on-ward pain relief after major surgery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background: Epidural opioids have been recommended for analgesia after major surgery. In this report we describe how we introduced a low-cost, on-ward, nurse-based acute pain service using epidural fentanyl after major surgery in the University Hospitals of Oulu and Kuopio.
Methods: In order to evaluate the feasibility of epidural fentanyl infusion administered by ward nurses, we prospectively assessed pain and side effects during fentanyl infusion (median duration 41 h) after major surgery in 305 consecutive patients in Kuopio.
Results: 92% of the patients on the ward who had received epidural fentanyl infusion at 31–54 μg h-1 reported at most three episodes of severe pain (/ Numerical Rating Scale > 3/10) during the initial postoperative days, but there were some patients (8%) who reported several episodes (>3) of more severe pain (Numerical Rating Scale > 3). Three patients (0.9%) showed a diminished respiratory rate (<10/min), but only one of them (0.3%) was somnolent. One other patient (0.3%) was not arousable until the cessation of infusion. Nausea and pruritus were minor problems in our patients, but a majority needed a urinary catheter.
Conclusion: With well-trained nurses, careful monitoring and appropriate protocols, epidural fentanyl infusion proved to be a feasible method for pain relief after major surgery on a surgical ward.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare three locoregional techniques of pain management after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). METHODS: Sixty ASA I-II subjects were enrolled after obtaining written informed consent. Patients were randomly allocated to three groups of 20 subjects. The first group (EPI) received epidural ropivacaine 0.2% plus sufentanil 0.2 micro g ml-1, at 5 ml h-1. Patients in the second group (CFB) were given a continuous infusion of the same analgesic mixture through a femoral catheter. The third group (IA) received a continuous intraarticular infusion of ropivacaine 0.2% plus sufentanil 0.2 micro g ml-1, at 5 ml h-1. All subjects were allowed PCA boluses of 5 ml of local anesthetic. Analgesia was assessed for 36 h after the end of surgery by means of a visual analog scale (VAS) and a verbal scale (VS), as well as the number of PCA boluses administered and the amount of supplementary i.v. ketorolac, if given. RESULTS: The VAS and VS scores were significantly higher in group IA during the 24 h following surgery. Ketorolac requirement was higher in group IA throughout the postoperative observation. Adverse effects were similar in all groups except for urinary retention, which was significantly more frequent in group EPI. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that either epidural or continuous femoral nerve block provide adequate pain relief in patients who undergo ACLR, whereas intraarticular analgesia seems unable to cope satisfactorily with the analgesic requirements of this surgical procedure.  相似文献   

Thirty–two patients scheduled for total knee arthroplasty were randomized to receive an identical epidural blockade initiated 30 min before surgical incision (N = 16), or at closure of the surgical wound (N=16). Before induction of general anaesthesia the epidural catheter was tested with bupivacaine 7.5 mg ml-1, 2 ml. General anaesthesia was induced with thiopentone, pancuronium or atracurium, and fentanyl 0.1–0.3 mg, and maintained with N2O/O2 and enflurane. The epidural regimen consisted of a bolus of 16 ml of bupivacaine 7.5 mg ml-1 plus morphine 2 mg, and continuous infusion of bupivacaine 1.25 mg ml-1 plus morphine 0.05 mg–ml-1, 4 mlh-1 for the first 24 h, and bupivacaine 0.625 mg ml-1 plus morphine 0.05 mg·ml-1, 4 ml . h-1, for the next 24 h after operation. Additional morphine 2.5–5 mg was administered i.v. or i.m. for the first 24 h postoperatively, and ketobemidone or morphine 5–10 mg orally or rectally from 24 h to 7 d postoperatively, on request. Paracetamol 1000 mg every 8 h was administered from 48 h to 7 days postoperatively. No significant differences were observed in request for additional opioids, or in pain scores at rest or during mobilisation of the operated limb, during or after cessation of the epidural regimen. These results do not suggest timing of analgesia with a conventional, continuous epidural regimen to be of major clinical importance in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty.  相似文献   

Continuous epidural infusion of fentanyl for postoperative analgesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P.W. Bailey  MB  BChir  FFARCS  B.E. Smith  MB  ChB   《Anaesthesia》1980,35(10):1002-1006

The effectiveness of post-operative analgesia and the frequency of side effects of caudal epidural sufentanil with bupivacaine plus adrenaline was compared with bupivacaine plus adrenaline alone and morphine with bupivacaine plus adrenaline. One hundred and four children scheduled for subdiaphragmatic surgery were studied and divided in three groups. The results showed that epidural sufentanil with bupivacaine provided better analgesia than bupivacaine alone with fewer side effects compared with the group who received morphine and bupivacaine.  相似文献   

Background. We studied whether a small dose of clonidine addedto a ropivacaine–fentanyl mixture improves epidural analgesiawithout provoking side effects typically related to larger amountsof epidural clonidine. Methods. In this randomized, double-blinded study, patients(  相似文献   

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