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王象 《北京纺织》2004,25(2):51-53,23
晚清上海男性服饰时尚在中国服饰史上具有特殊地位。从传统男性服饰角度出发 ,对男性服饰就流行地位、流行风貌、款式、面料、色彩和服饰配伍等方面展开研究 ,展示当时上海男性传统服饰的时代特征。  相似文献   

王象 《北京服装纺织》2004,25(2):51-53,23
晚清上海男性服饰时尚在中国服饰史上具有特殊地位。从传统男性服饰角度出发,对男性服饰就流行地位、流行风貌、款式、面料、色彩和服饰配伍等方面展开研究,展示当时上海男性传统服饰的时代特征。  相似文献   

以客家服饰纹样为研究对象,解读其服饰纹样的文化传承与特征。基于客家服饰纹样的灵感来源,分析服饰纹样的设计原则及其色彩、材料的特点。发现客家服饰纹样具有兼容并蓄、保守恋旧、务实避虚、质朴无华的文化特征。作为客家文化之一的客家服饰,其纹样在灵感来源、色彩、构图等方面具有象征性,承载了客家人的精神信念。  相似文献   

徐强  陈东生  甘应进 《纺织学报》2016,37(12):111-116
为给设计师拓展设计空间和思路,又有效地促进传统民族服饰纹样的提升和发展,以台湾原住民族排湾族服饰纹样为研究对象,解读其服饰纹样的文化内涵。运用图案设计与民俗文化的理论研究方法进行实地调研,结合排湾族服饰典型纹样图片阐述了排湾族服饰纹样的题材式样;从素材选用、造型设计、色彩搭配、构图形式、表现技法5个方面研究了其纹样的特点。梳理出排湾族服饰纹样的等级标志、祖先敬仰、生殖崇拜、民族习俗、信仰寄托、神话传说等文化内涵。研究结果表明,排湾族服饰纹样具有鲜明的地域性和民族性,具有独特的审美意识和地域文化,彰显出排湾族人对美好憧憬的追求。  相似文献   

通过对瑶族服饰图案的纹样、色彩、结构和内涵等方面的研究,分析瑶族服饰图案的艺术表现形式和民族文化传承,进而探讨瑶族服饰图案与纤维艺术设计进行有机融合,以纤维艺术为载体,利用纤维艺术设计的艺术特色、表现形式和审美意象等特性,归纳总结瑶族服饰图案的艺术特征和应用形式,形成具有民族性、地域性、审美性和时代性特色的纤维艺术设计。  相似文献   

夏商周时期的服饰经济文化对后代影响至深,本文尝试以文献资料中的点滴记载为线索,从服饰消费伦理观、服饰生产管理、服饰消费使用状况、服饰税贡以及国家对服饰经济的重视程度等五个方面研究夏商周时期的服饰经济文化。  相似文献   

毕亦痴 《国外丝绸》2011,(4):154-157
夏商周时期的服饰经济文化对后代影响至深,本文尝试以文献资料中的点滴记载为线索,从服饰消费伦理观、服饰生产管理、服饰消费使用状况、服饰税贡以及国家对服饰经济的重视程度等五个方面研究夏商周时期的服饰经济文化。  相似文献   

服饰与家具都是透过客观化的外在形式对文化精神的表现。通过研究传统服饰文化对家具设计产生的影响,从传统服饰形制的变化、服饰纹样与服饰色彩三方面论述了服饰文化对家具设计的影响,从而得出服饰设计的自然理念、服饰造型以及服饰纹样等与新中式家具设计是密切相关的,在自然设计理念、形态以及纹饰等方面是可以相互借鉴的。  相似文献   

从服装造型、材料、纹样等方面对唐代服饰艺术风格进行初步研究,以期以唐代服饰艺术风格有一个相对全面的认识,并通过相关的研究去了解社会文化与服饰艺术风格形式的内在联系。  相似文献   

徽州文化是一种具有地方特色的文化,服饰图案是其重要组成部分。文章以江南大学民间服饰传习馆与徽州文化博物馆63件徽州地区服饰刺绣品为实物研究对象,从图案造型、色彩、寓意三方面分析近代徽州地区民间服饰图案的艺术风格,指出徽州地区花卉植物图案造型雅致、人物动物图案造型朴实稚趣、女子服饰图案色彩素雅、儿童服饰图案色彩鲜艳及服饰图案寓意丰富等特点,并结合徽州地域文化背景探讨服饰图案的审美取向:天人合一、尚古好雅,指出徽州地区的服饰图案艺术风格与审美取向顺应了徽州地域文化。  相似文献   

Homo sapiens are unique in having a life history phase of childhood, which follows infancy, as defined by breastfeeding. This review uses evolutionary life history theory in understanding child growth in a broad evolutionary perspective, using the data and theory of evolutionary predictive adaptive growth-related strategies for transition from infancy to childhood. We have previously shown that a delayed infancy–childhood transition has a lifelong impact on stature. Feeding practices during infancy are fundamental elements of nutrition as they program for future growth and body composition. A relationship between the duration of breastfeeding and the nature of weaning has been suggested as a possible cause for later obesity and growth patterns. This review highlights the role that breast milk feeding and variations in the weaning age have on transition to childhood, growth, and body composition.  相似文献   

在国际范围内,设计史研究已经蔚成风气,尤其是一种建立在全球化理论基础上的全球设计史,或世界设计史写作成为学术界和出版界共同关注的焦点。本文结合近年来国际学术界出版的部分代表性设计史著作,探讨设计史/设计的历史、世界设计史/全球设计史,中国设计/设计在中国等该领域的重要基础理论问题。  相似文献   

The Council of the European Union has proposed a revision on the EU regulation on novel foods and novel food ingredients concerning safety assessment of traditional foods from non-EU countries and their introduction onto the EU market. The proposal stipulates that such foods may be placed on the EU market if their history of safe use in the country of origin is appropriately documented. The present statement of the SKLM gives an overview on current discussions on practical implementation of the "history of safe use" concept as well as examples of its application. The SKLM, in principle, agrees with these concepts, underscores, however, in connection with convincing evidence for a "history of safe use" the need for a range of additional information to achieve a comprehensive risk assessment. In the opinion of the SKLM such information must comprise compositional data as well as experience on adverse effects. A list of questions considered essential is presented. The following opinion was adopted on December 23rd 2010.  相似文献   

体育标语口号作为一个有趣的现象,随处可见。"冲出亚洲,走向世界"、攀登世界体育高峰,为祖国争光"、"同一个世界,同一个梦想"等让人怦然心动的体育口号已离我们远去。透过那些带有不同时代特征的体育标语口号的研究,可以回顾那个时代的那段历史和些许记忆,并能发现其蕴含的时代价值。  相似文献   

none 《Costume》2013,47(1):169-183

School uniforms are dynamic cultural forms and as such have meanings specific to the cultures in which they are worn. In New Zealand the history of their development is also a history of changing meanings specific to the New Zealand culture, connected to the status of children and the changing educational and social objectives of the education system. After a relatively slow development in New Zealand, school uniforms came into their own during the 1950s only to undergo radical change and diversification in the 1960s. During the 1970s school uniform as a practice reached a new extreme, allowing expressions of individualism and pluralism, values associated with a democratic ideal. Although such expressions threatened to overturn the sustaining principles of uniforms and uniformity, instead they reinforced uniforms as carriers and protectors of a powerful democratic ideal embedded in the New Zealand education system.  相似文献   

发酵香肠乳酸菌发酵剂筛选标准   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
乳酸菌是发酵香肠最重要的发酵剂菌种。本文介绍了发酵香中乳酸菌的作用,乳酸菌发酵剂的发展历史,着重探讨了发酵香肠乳酸菌发酵剂筛选标准。  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of cooked meat under different thermal treatments is measured and a mathematical model for its prediction is developed. Apparent and real densities, thermal conductivity and water content were evaluated on the cooked samples. The thermal conductivity showed good correlation with the water content. Values were found to be independent of the thermal history during cooking. Experimental results showed a good agreement with the proposed mathematical model that considers meat as composed by air and water spheres distributed over a matrix of dry fiber. Values for the parameters involved are provided, as well as expressions for the shrinkage of samples taking into account the incorporation of air during cooking.  相似文献   

对缂丝起源研究中几个问题的看法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
缂丝是以通经断纬为主要技术特征的丝织物,其出土与传世作品均为珍贵文物。文章分析了中外学者有关缂丝历史的研究成果,对其申几个重要问题提出了看法:①缂丝源自西域的缂毛织物,时间约为7世纪;②定县应为丝绸之路上的甘肃武威,③通经断纬的技法从西方传入,并首先为西域的少数民族所采用,后传入中原,至宋代形成缂丝的繁荣。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of water temperature and the origin (terrestrial vs marine) and light history of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) on the apparent quantum yields of carbon monoxide (CO) photoproduction for water samples collected along a salinity gradient (salinity range: 0-33) in the St. Lawrence estuarine system (Canada). The solar insolation-weighted mean apparent quantum yield of CO (phico) decreased as much as fourfold with increasing salinity and showed a strong positive correlation with the dissolved organic carbon-specific absorption coefficient at 254 nm. This suggests that terrestrial CDOM is more efficient at photochemically producing CO than is marine algae-derived CDOM and that aromatic moieties are likely involved in this photoprocess. CDOM photobleaching, mainly at the very early stage, dramatically decreased phico (by up to 6.4 times) for low-salinity samples, but photobleaching had little effect on the most marine sample. For a 20 degree C increase in temperature, phico increased by approximately 70% for low-salinity samples and 30-40% for saline samples. This study demonstrates that water temperature, as well as the CDOM's origin and light history, strongly affect the efficiency of CO photoproduction. These factors should be taken into account in modeling the photochemical fluxes of CO and other related CDOM photoproducts on varying spatiotemporal scales.  相似文献   

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