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《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11384-11400
Objectives of this study were to (1) describe the intramammary infection (IMI) prevalence and pathogen profiles in quarters of cows approaching dry-off in US dairy herds, (2) compare IMI prevalence in quarters of cows exposed to different bedding material types, and (3) identify associations between bedding bacteria count and IMI in cows approaching dry-off. Eighty herds using 1 of 4 common bedding materials (manure solids, organic non-manure, new sand, and recycled sand) were recruited in a multi-site cross-sectional study. Each herd was visited twice for sampling. At each visit, aseptic quarter-milk samples were collected from 20 cows approaching dry-off (>180 d pregnant). Samples of unused and used bedding were also collected. Aerobic culture was used to determine the IMI status of 10,448 quarters and to enumerate counts (log10 cfu/mL) of all bacteria, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Streptococcus-like organisms (SSLO), coliforms, Klebsiella spp., noncoliform gram-negatives, Bacillus spp., and Prototheca spp. in unused (n = 148) and used (n = 150) bedding. The association between bedding bacteria count and IMI was determined using multivariable logistic regression with mixed effects. Quarter-level prevalence of IMI was 21.1%, which was primarily caused by non-aureus Staphylococcus spp. (11.4%) and SSLO (5.6%). Only modest differences in IMI prevalence were observed between the 4 common bedding material types. Counts of all bacteria in unused bedding was positively associated with odds of IMI caused by any pathogen [ALL-IMI; odds ratio (OR) = 1.08]. A positive association was also observed for counts of SSLO in unused bedding and SSLO-IMI (OR = 1.09). These patterns of association were generally consistent across the 4 common bedding materials. In contrast, the association between counts of all bacteria in used bedding and ALL-IMI varied by bedding type, with positive associations observed in quarters exposed to manure solids (OR = 2.29) and organic non-manure (OR = 1.51) and a negative association in quarters exposed to new sand (OR = 0.47). Findings from this study suggest that quarter-level IMI prevalence in late-lactation cows is low in US dairy herds. Furthermore, bedding material type may not be an important risk factor for IMI in late lactation. Higher levels of bacteria in bedding may increase IMI prevalence at dry-off in general, but this relationship is likely to vary according to bedding material type.  相似文献   

An acidic conditioner was tested in recycled manure and sawdust used as free-stall bedding to determine the effect on bacterial counts of common environmental mastitis pathogens. Free stalls were bedded with 10 kg of either kiln-dried sawdust or recycled manure per stall. All bedding was removed and fresh bedding was applied every 7 d. Approximately 1 kg of commercial bedding conditioner containing 93% sodium hydrosulfate (wt/wt) was spread evenly over bedding in the back one-third of each treated stall. Control bedding received no treatment. Cows were bedded on the same material for 3 consecutive weeks. After 3 wk on a bedding treatment, cows remained in the same pens and bedding treatments were changed between rows within pens in a switch back design. The addition of bedding conditioner to sawdust reduced gram-negative bacterial, coliform, Klebsiella spp., and streptococcal counts immediately after application and 1 d after application. Bacterial counts did not differ between treated and untreated sawdust on d 2 and 6 after the conditioner treatment. Each bacterial count measured was reduced in recycled manure immediately after application. Gram-negative bacterial and streptococcal counts were reduced in treated recycled manure compared with untreated recycled manure on d 1 after conditioner was applied. Bacterial counts did not differ between treated and untreated recycled manure bedding on d 2 and 6 after application in free stalls. The antibacterial activity of the conditioner was related to the pH of the bedding and was diminished by d 2 after application in both bedding types.  相似文献   

Bacterial counts were compared in free-stall mattresses and teat ends exposed to 5 treatments in a factorial study design on 1 dairy farm. Mattresses in five 30-cow groups were subjected to 1 of 5 bedding treatments every other day: 0.5 kg of hydrated limestone, 120 mL of commercial acidic conditioner, 1 kg of coal fly ash, 1 kg of kiln-dried wood shavings, and control (no bedding). Counts of coliforms, Klebsiella spp., Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus spp. were lowest on mattresses bedded with lime. Mattresses bedded with the commercial acidic conditioner had the next lowest counts for coliforms, Klebsiella spp., and Streptococcus spp. Wood shavings and the no-bedding control had the highest counts for coliform and Klebsiella spp. Compared with wood shavings or control, fly ash reduced the counts of coliforms, whereas for the other 3 bacterial groups, the reduction was not always significant. Streptococcus spp. counts were greatest in the control group and did not differ among the shavings and fly ash groups. Teat swab results indicated that hydrated lime was the only bedding treatment that significantly decreased the counts of both coliforms and Klebsiella spp. There were no differences in Streptococcus spp. numbers on the teats between any of the bedding treatments. Bacterial populations grew steadily on mattresses and were generally higher at 36 to 48 h than at 12 to 24 h, whereas bacterial populations on teats grew rapidly by 12 h and then remained constant. Hydrated lime was the only treatment that significantly reduced bacterial counts on both mattresses and teat ends, but it caused some skin irritation.  相似文献   

Bedding samples were collected twice from commercial dairy free-stall facilities that used recycled sand and clean sand in both the summer and winter. Collection began on the day sand was taken from the pile (d 0) and placed in the free stalls, and continued for 5 to 7 additional days. The number of colonies per gram of bedding of gram-negative bacteria, coliforms, Streptococcus spp., and Klebsiella spp. were estimated for each sand sample as well as amounts of dry and organic matter. Clean sand (CS) and recycled sand (RS) had the same bacterial counts when compared at any sampling time. The mean counts of bacterial populations did vary over the course of the study in both CS and RS. There was a significant increase in bacterial counts from d 0 to d 1 for gram-negative bacteria, coliforms, and Streptococcus spp. in both winter and summer. Counts of gram-negative bacteria, coliforms, Klebsiella spp., and Streptococcus spp. did not differ from d 1 to 7 in the winter. Total counts of gram-negative bacteria did not differ from d 1 to 7 in the summer. On d 1 in the summer, coliform counts were lower than at d 5 to 7, and Klebsiella spp. counts were lower than on d 3 to 7. Streptococcus spp. counts were high on d 1 and were constant through d 7 in both winter and summer trials. The number of coliform and Klebsiella spp. in both CS and RS was below the threshold thought to cause mastitis during the sampling times. The number of Streptococcus spp. was high in both CS and RS during the sampling periods. Other management factors need to be identified to decrease the number of Streptococcus spp. in bedding. Recycled sand had a higher organic matter and lower dry matter compared with CS in winter and summer. The results for this study were obtained from multiple herd comparisons, and herd was a significant effect suggesting that different management systems influence the number and types of bacteria in both CS and RS.  相似文献   

Farmers’ concerns about the economy, cost of labor, and hygiene have resulted in reduced use of organic bedding in stalls for dairy cows; however, the reduced use of organic bedding possibly impairs cow comfort. The effects of different stall surface materials were evaluated in an unheated building in which only a small amount of bedding was used. The lying time and preferences of 18 cows using 3 stall surface materials (concrete, soft rubber mat, and sand) were compared. All materials were lightly bedded with a small amount of straw, and the amount of straw added to each stall was measured. The cows only had access to stalls of one surface type while their lying time was observed. Lying times were longest on the rubber mats compared with other surfaces (rubber mat 768; concrete 727; sand 707 ± 16 min/d). In a preference test, cows had access to 2 of the 3 types of stalls for 10 d and their stall preference was measured. Cows preferred stalls with rubber mats to stalls with a concrete floor (median 73 vs. 18 from a total of 160 observations per day; interquartile range was 27 and 12, respectively), but showed no preference for sand stalls compared with stalls with a concrete floor or with rubber mats. More straw was needed on sand stalls compared with concrete or mat (638 ± 13 g/d on sand, 468 ± 10 g/d on concrete, and 464 ± 8 g/d on rubber mats). Lying times on bedded mats indicated that mats were comfortable for the cows. If availability or cost of bedding material requires limiting the amount of bedding used, rubber mats may help maintain cow comfort.  相似文献   

The aim was to obtain data regarding the effects of 4 freestall bedding materials (i.e., box compost, sand, horse manure, and foam mattresses) on cow comfort and risks for lameness and mastitis. The comfort of freestalls was measured by analyzing the way cows entered the stalls, the duration and smoothness of the descent movement, and the duration of the lying bout. The cleanliness of the cows was evaluated on 3 different body parts: (1) udder, (2) flank, and (3) lower rear legs, and the bacteriological counts of the bedding materials were determined. The combination of the cleanliness of the cows and the bacteriological count of the bedding material provided an estimate of the risk to which dairy cows are exposed in terms of intramammary infections. The results of the hock assessment revealed that the percentage of cows with healthy hocks was lower (20.5 ± 6.7), the percentage of cows with both damaged and swollen hocks was higher (26.8 ± 3.2), and the severity of the damaged hock was higher (2.32 ± 0.17) on farms using foam mattresses compared with deep litter materials [i.e., box compost (64.0 ± 10.4, 3.5 ± 4.7, 1.85 ± 0.23, respectively), sand (54.6 ± 8.2, 2.0 ± 2.8, 1.91 ± 0.09, respectively), and horse manure (54.6 ± 4.5, 5.5 ± 5.4, 1.85 ± 0.17, respectively)]. In addition, cows needed more time to lie down (140.2 ± 84.2 s) on farms using foam mattresses compared with the deep litter materials sand and horse manure (sand: 50.1 ± 31.6 s, horse manure: 32.9 ± 0.8 s). Furthermore, the duration of the lying bout was shorter (47.9 ± 7.4 min) on farms using foam mattresses compared to sand (92.0 ± 12.9 min). These results indicate that deep litter materials provide a more comfortable lying surface compared with foam mattresses. The 3 deep litter bedding materials differed in relation to each other in terms of comfort and their estimate of risk to which cows were exposed in terms of intramammary infections [box compost: 17.8 cfu (1.04) ± 19.4/g; sand: 1.2 cfu (1.04) ± 1.6/g; horse manure: 110.5 cfu (1.04) ± 86.3/g]. Box compost had a low gram-negative bacterial count compared with horse manure, and was associated with less hock injury compared with foam mattresses, but did not improve lying behavior (lying descent duration: 75.6 ± 38.8 s, lying bout duration: 46.1 ± 18.5 min). Overall, sand provided the best results, with a comfortable lying surface and a low bacterial count.  相似文献   

Protothecae are algal pathogens, capable of causing bovine mastitis, that are unresponsive to treatment; they are believed to have an environmental reservoir. The role of bedding management in control of protothecal mastitis has not been studied. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the growth of either environmental or mastitis-associated Prototheca genotypes in dairy bedding materials that are commonly used in Maine. Prototheca zopfii genotypes 1 and 2 (gt1 and gt2) were inoculated into sterile broth only (control ), kiln-dried spruce shavings, “green” hemlock sawdust, sand, or processed manure-pack beddings with broth, and incubated for 2 d. Fifty microliters of each isolate was then cultured onto plates and the resulting colonies counted at 24 and 48 h postinoculation. Shavings were associated with significantly less total Prototheca growth than other bedding types. Growth of P. zopfii gt1 was significantly higher than that of gt2 in the manure-pack bedding material. Spruce shavings, compared with manure, sand, or sawdust, may be a good bedding type to prevent growth of Prototheca. Based on these in vitro findings, bedding type may affect Prototheca infection of cattle in vivo.  相似文献   

Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that improve the health of the host when administered in adequate quantities. Nonetheless, probiotics encounter extreme environmental conditions during food processing or along the gastrointestinal tract. This review discusses different environmental stresses that affect probiotics during food preparation, storage, and along the alimentary canal, including high temperature, low temperature, low and alkaline pH, oxidative stress, high hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure, and starvation. The understanding of how probiotics deal with environmental stress and thrive provides useful information to guide the selection of the strains with enhanced performance in specific situations, in food processing or during gastrointestinal transit. In most cases, multiple biological functions are affected upon exposure of the cell to environmental stress. Sensing of sublethal environmental stress can allow for adaptation processes to occur, which can include alterations in the expression of specific proteins.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6682-6698
Our objective was to compare the composition of bedding materials and manure, cow welfare and hygiene assessments, measures of milk production and quality, and incidence of mastitis during a 3-yr trial with lactating Holstein cows housed in a freestall barn containing 4 identical pens with 32 freestalls/pen. Bedding systems evaluated included deep-bedded organic manure solids (DBOS), shallow-bedded manure solids spread over mattresses (MAT), deep-bedded recycled sand (RSA), and deep-bedded new sand (NSA). The experiment was designed as a 4 × 4 Latin square with 4 bedding systems and 4 experimental periods, but was terminated after 3 yr following discussions with the consulting statistician; therefore, data were analyzed as an incomplete Latin square. A total of n = 734 mostly primiparous cows (n = 725 primiparous, n = 9 multiparous; 224 to 267 cows/yr) were enrolled in the trial. Before placement in freestalls, organic solids (OS) exhibited lower concentrations of dry matter (36.5 vs. 94.3%), and greater concentrations of volatile solids, C, N, NH4-N, P, water-extractable P, K, and S compared with RSA or NSA. Cow comfort index was greater for sand-bedded systems compared with those using OS (88.4 vs. 82.8%). Cows bedded in systems using OS (DBOS and MAT) exhibited greater mean hock scores (1 = no swelling, no hair loss; 2 = no swelling, bald area on hock) than those bedded in sand (1.25 vs. 1.04), but this effect was entirely associated with use of mattresses (MAT), which differed sharply from DBOS (1.42 vs. 1.07). Generally, hygiene scores for legs, flanks, and udders were numerically similar for DBOS, NSA, and RSA bedding systems, and differences between bedding systems were associated entirely with MAT, yielding detectable contrasts between MAT and DBOS for legs (2.94 vs. 2.20), flanks (2.34 vs. 1.68), and udders (1.83 vs. 1.38). No significant contrast comparing bedding systems was detected for measures of milk production or quality. Documented cases of clinical mastitis requiring treatment ranged from a low rate of 7.4 cases/yr for RSA to a high of 23.1 cases/yr for DBOS, based on a mean enrollment of 60.7 to 63.0 cows/treatment per yr. Cows bedded with OS exhibited a greater incidence of mastitis than those bedded with sand (19.0 vs. 8.4 cases/yr), but no differences were observed for comparisons within individual bedding-material types. Collectively, these results generally favored use of sand-bedding materials over systems using OS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glucomannan polysaccharides may be hydrolysed to lower molecular weight molecules using acids or enzymes, specifically mannanases or cellulases. Mannanases (β‐mannanases) hydrolyse β‐(1–4)‐linked mannose residues randomly in mannans whilst cellulases (β‐glucanase) hydrolyse β‐(1–4)‐linked glucose residues. The molecular weight of the hydrolysate is clearly dependent on the amount of hydrolysis. One use of such hydrolysates has been towards their capacity to function as prebiotics. The relative efficacy of cellulase and/or mannanase hydrolysates of konjac glucomannan to promote the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been evaluated. RESULTS: The LAB growth profiles (expressed in colony forming units, as a function of time) in UHT milk containing konjac glucomannan hydrolysed with cellulase were significantly greater than those containing glucose (control) or konjac glucomannan mannanase hydrolysates. An equivalent mixture (1:1) of cellulase–mannanase hydrolysates added to the UHT milk also showed significant improvement on the LAB growth profiles (compared to the glucose or mannanase alone hydrolysates). Different LAB strains showed some variation in growth profiles on the hydrolysates although this was not significant as a function of carbon source. CONCLUSIONS: Glucomannan hydrolysates produced with either mannanase or cellulase enzymes were effective growth promoters (carbon sources) of LAB. However, cellulase hydrolysates were most effective. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A nationwide survey was conducted in Finland to estimate prevalence of bovine mastitis, distribution of mastitis pathogens, and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of different mastitis pathogens. In total, 12,661 quarter milk samples were collected from 3282 dairy cows at 216 farms. These were randomly selected from a database covering all Finnish dairy farms. Quarter milk samples collected by the dairy advisors were submitted for somatic cell counting, bacteriological examination, and testing for antimicrobial susceptibility. If the milk SCC of a cow or of a quarter exceeded 300,000/mL, the cow was defined as having mastitis. The results were compared with those of a previous survey done in 1995. The prevalence of mastitis continued to decrease from 38% in 1995 to 31% in 2001. Compared with the study from 1995, the number of quarters with bacterial growth in 2001 increased significantly from 21.0 to 33.5%. This mainly resulted from increased prevalence of Corynebacterium bovis. Coagulase-negative staphylococci remained the most common bacterial group, comprising almost one-half of the pathogens isolated, whereas the relative number of Staphylococcus aureus isolations decreased from the time of the previous study. According to in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing, the enterococci demonstrated the highest level of resistance. Compared with the other Nordic countries, penicillin resistance among the staphylococci was still at a relatively high level in Finland (52.1 and 32.0% for Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci, respectively). Streptococci isolated from mastitis were very susceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics, as also found in the previous survey in 1995.  相似文献   

收集并比较了中外酒店用床品(被套、床单及枕套)的主要规格参数及特点,调研了中国消费者对酒店用床品的实际需求,为酒店用床品的设计开发提供了参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the detection limit of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for direct identification, without previous microbiological culture, of bovine mastitis-causing bacteria from milk samples. Milk samples (n = 15) were experimentally contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, and Escherichia coli to have bacterial counts ranging from 103 to 109 cfu/mL. These contaminated milk samples were subjected to a preparation protocol for bacterial ribosomal protein extraction using the MALDI Sepsityper kit (Bruker Daltonik, Bremen, Germany), which allowed MALDI-TOF MS coupled with Biotyper software (Bruker Daltonik) to identify bacterial fingerprints based on intact ribosomal proteins. The ability of MALDI-TOF MS to correctly identify bacterial strains from experimentally contaminated milk (without previous microbiological culture) depended on the bacterial count of the samples and on the species of the bacteria evaluated. Adequate identification at the bacterial species level (score ≥2.0) directly from milk samples required bacterial counts in the following ranges: ≥106 cfu/mL of Staph. aureus, ≥107 cfu/mL of E. coli, and ≥108 cfu/mL of Strep. agalactiae, Strep. dysgalactiae, and Strep. uberis. We concluded that direct identification of mastitis-causing pathogens is possible for Staph. aureus, E. coli, Strep. agalactiae, Strep. dysgalactiae, and Strep. uberis, but correct identification depended on the bacterial count in the milk samples.  相似文献   

对国内床上用品原料使用情况、织物结构特点及深加工情况等作了较为详细的分析,在此基础上,如何发展我国床上用品面料提出如下建议:正确区分床上用品面料的产品档次以适应各类市场的需求,不断完善面料生产技术,确保床上用品面料质量,另外床上用品面料在风格特征上应强化民族性。  相似文献   

袁燕 《纺织报告》2020,(2):86-87
红外线就是一种肉眼无法看见的辐射,在光谱中,邻近红光,所具有的波长量子能量更低,能够生成热辐射效应。本研究鉴于远红外保健类床上用品,对其面料设计、生产设计进行了分析与研究。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible transmission of Mycoplasma bovis from positive sand bedding to naïve dairy calves. Twelve preweaned Holstein bull calves were blocked in pairs and randomly assigned as unexposed controls (n = 6) bedded with control sand, or exposed calves (n = 6) bedded with sand previously positive for M. bovis at a dairy farm. Bedding sand was cultured weekly. Nasal and ear swabs and sera were collected weekly, tracheal swabs were collected monthly, and by the end of the 105-d study, all calves were euthanized (n = 10) or died (n = 2). Sera were tested for M. bovis-specific antibody. Mycoplasma spp. culture was performed on nasal and ear swabs; culture and a PCR differentiating multiple Mycoplasma spp. were performed on postmortem samples of lung, retropharyngeal lymph node, and trachea from each calf. A complete necropsy also was performed. During 6 wk, mycoplasma concentration in exposed group sand was between 200 and 32,000 cfu/g. All 166 tracheal swabs, nasal and ear swabs, and postmortem tests from all calves were negative for mycoplasma. All 94 sera were negative for M. bovis-specific antibody. No gross pathology suggestive of mycoplasma disease was detected. The probability of mycoplasma detection, if an exposed calf had become infected 4 wk after exposure, ranged between 97 and 99% depending on time of exposure for individual calves. There was no evidence that sand bedding contaminated with M. bovis might serve as a source of transmission to naïve dairy calves.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess trends in the prevalence and distribution of gram-negative bacteria isolated from bovine mastitis and their antimicrobial susceptibilities during a 6-yr period between 2003 and 2008 in Korea. Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Acinetobacter lwoffi/junii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia marcescens were the most commonly observed pathogens during this period. Generally, gram-negative bacteria showed low susceptibilities to most of the antimicrobials tested in this study, except amikacin and gentamicin. Although these 2 aminoglycosides were broadly active against gram-negative bacteria, less than half of those bacteria showed susceptibilities to streptomycin. The β-lactams, except piperacillin, had the lowest activity among antimicrobials tested in this study. Susceptibilities to chloramphenicol and trimethoprim were fairy high in all genera of gram-negative bacteria, except Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp., whereas relatively high resistance to tetracycline was observed uniformly among gram-negative bacteria. There was no significant change in the prevalence of bacterial and the proportion of antimicrobial resistance among gram-negative bacteria isolates during a 6-yr period.  相似文献   

Housing, bedding, and summer cooling were management options evaluated. Holstein calves (42 ± 2 kg of body weight) initially 2 to 5 d of age were managed in southwest Ohio in poly hutches or wire mesh pens in a curtain-sided nursery with no supplemental heat. Calves were fed milk replacer (27% crude protein, 17% fat fed at 0.657 kg of dry matter per calf daily), starter (20% crude protein dry matter, textured, fed free-choice), and water (free-choice). Measurements were for 56 d. In trial 1, 28 calves per treatment were bedded with straw and housed in either hutches or nursery pens. This trial was conducted from September to March; the average temperature was 8°C and ranged from −17 to 31°C. In trial 2a, 16 calves per treatment were managed in nursery pens bedded with straw, in nursery pens bedded with sand, or in hutches bedded with sand. This trial was conducted from May to September; the average temperature was 21°C and ranged from 7 to 33°C. In trial 2b, 26 calves per treatment were housed in nursery pens and bedded with straw. This trial was conducted from May to September; the average temperature was 22°C and ranged from 8 to 34°C. One treatment was cooled with fans between 0800 and 1700 h and the other was not. Data were analyzed as repeated measures in a completely randomized block design by trial, with calf as the experimental unit. In trial 3, air in the nursery and calf hutches used above was sampled 35 d apart for calves aged 5 and 40 d. Air in individual hutches on 2 commercial farms was sampled for 5- and 40-d-old calves for 2 hutch types. Air in the multi-calf hutches was sampled for calves of 75 and 110 d of age. Bacterial concentrations of air samples were analyzed (log10) as odds ratios by Proc Logistic in SAS software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC); differences were declared at P < 0.05. In trial 1, weight gain of calves in nursery pens was 6% greater and feed efficiency was 4% greater than that of calves in hutches. In trial 2a, weight gain and starter intake of calves in the nursery with straw bedding were greater and scouring was less than that in calves bedded with sand in the nursery or hutches. The relative humidity was greater in the hutches than in the nursery pens. In trial 2b, weight gain, feed efficiency, and hip width change were greater and breaths per minute were less for calves cooled with fans compared with calves that were not cooled. In trial 3, airborne bacteria concentrations were greater in the hutches than in the nursery pens. Straw bedding (vs. sand), nursery pens (vs. hutches), and summer daytime cooling with fans improved calf weight gain.  相似文献   

Environmental bacteria have emerged over the past few years to become significant causes of mastitis. Bacteria in this group are often reported by practicing veterinarians to be increasingly resistant to intramammary therapy and responsible for elevated bulk tank somatic cell counts. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of association of the minimum inhibitory concentrations for selected antimicrobial agents with environmental bacteria isolated from bulk tank milk on California dairies and their housing facilities, husbandry practices, and antimicrobic-use strategies. Bulk tank milk samples were collected from 2 dairy cooperatives that had their milk cultured at the Milk Quality Laboratory, University of California Davis, Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center in Tulare, CA. Samples were collected from July 2001 through March 2002 on 88 d; and 404 environmental bacteria isolated from 93 dairies were found. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined on 337 of the isolates for 10 antimicrobial agents. Cluster analysis was performed on the minimum inhibitory concentration values for each organism, and 4 antimicrobial clusters with varying degrees of resistance were found.A 69-question survey questionnaire was completed on-farm for 49 of the 73 dairies that had at least 3 environmental bacterial isolates. The questionnaire sought information on housing facilities, milking management, mastitis prevention, antimicrobial usage strategies, and owner/veterinary involvement in disease control and prevention. Multinomial logistic regression analysis found significant associations between the antimicrobial agent-resistance cluster groups and some of the housing and bedding practices, failure to dry udders before milking, and antimicrobial treatment of nonmastitis conditions. No association was noted for antimicrobial agent treatment of mastitis and the resistance cluster patterns.  相似文献   

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