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Activities of total monoamine oxidase (MAO-T) and of both subtypes: MAO-A and MAO-B were examined in the uterine artery, vessels of ovarian pedicle (subovarian veno-arterial network), mesenteric artery and myometrium on the 0-2nd, 13-14th and 16-18th days of the oestrous cycle of pigs. It was found that in the uterine artery MAO-T, MAO-A and MAO-B activities were the highest on the 0-2nd days (100%); on day 13-14 they were lower by 85.4, 84.8 and 87.4% (p < 0.01), respectively, and on days 16-18 they were lower by 52.4, 57.5 and by 54.1% (p < 0.01) in comparison with the value on the 0-2nd days of ovarian cycle. The activities of MAO-T, MAO-A and MAO-B in the vessels of ovarian pedicle on the 0-2nd days were the lowest, whereas on days 13-14 they were the highest (p < 0.01), MAO-T by 445.3%, MAO-A by 315.6%, MAO-B by 344.7%, and they were higher on days 16-18 by 133.8% (p < 0.01), 85.9 (p < 0.05) and by 281.5% (p < 0.01) in comparison with the value on the 0-2nd day of ovarian cycle, respectively. The activities of examined enzymes in mesenteric artery were higher on 0-2nd and 16-18th days, whereas MAO-T and MAO-B they were lower by 39.0% and MAO-A by 22.3% (p < 0.05) on 13-14th days of oestrous cycle. In myometrium the activities of MAO-T, MAO-A and MAO-B on the 0-2nd days (100%) were the lowest, whereas on days 13-14 the activities were the highest (p < 0.01), MAO-T by 326.3%, MAO-A by 363.3% and MAO-B by 364.1%, and on days 16-18 the MAO-T and MAO-B activities were also higher by 99.4% and 150.7% (p < 0.01) respectively, whereas MAO-A activity was similar to the value on the 0-2nd days. The high MAO activity in the vessels of pig ovarian pedicle may be a significant factor in the ovarian vasotone decrease and increase in the ovarian blood flow during the luteal phase of ovarian cycle.  相似文献   

Infant guinea pigs recently were found to respond to brief maternal separation with an increase in plasma cortisol (COR) levels. The present experiments were conducted to further characterize this response and compare it with the COR separation response previously observed in primates. In Exp 1, separation of guinea pig pups from their mothers did not elevate the plasma COR levels of the pups at either 30 or 180 min when they remained alone in their home cages during the separation. Exp 2 showed that COR levels of pups placed alone in a novel cage were greater at 30, 90, and 180 min than were those of pups placed in the cages together with their mothers. In contrast, the separated pups vocalized more than did pups tested with their mothers during the initial 30 min only. In Exp 3, pups raised on inanimate surrogates responded less intensely to rearing-figure separation in terms of COR and vocalizations than did mother-reared controls. Results indicate differences (response to home cage separation) and similarities (dissociation of COR and vocalization responses, effect of surrogate separation) in the separation responses of guinea pig and primate infants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To clarify the role that respiration, the mitochondrial genome, and interactions of mitochondria and nucleus play on sporulation and to improve the sporogenic ability of several baker's yeasts, an investigation of the effects of different media and culture conditions on baker's yeast sporulation was undertaken. When standard protocols were followed, the sporulation frequency varied between 20 and 60% and the frequency of four-spore asci varied between 1 and 6%. Different presporulation and sporulation media, the use of solid versus liquid media, and incubation at 22 versus 30 degrees C were checked, and the cells were collected from presporulation media in either exponential or stationary phase. Best results, yielding sporulation and four-spore ascus formation frequencies up to 97 and 60%, respectively, were obtained by collection of the cells in exponential phase from liquid presporulation medium with 10% glucose and transfer of them to sporulation medium with 0.5% potassium acetate at 22 degrees C. Under these conditions, the most important factor was the growth phase (exponential versus stationary) at which cells from presporulation medium were collected. Changes in sporulation frequencies were also measured after transfer of mitochondria from different sources to baker's yeasts. When mitochondria from laboratory, baker's, and wine yeasts were transferred to baker's and laboratory petite strains, sporulation and four-spore ascus formation frequencies dropped dramatically either to no sporulation at all or to less than 50% in both parameters. This transfer also resulted in an increase in the frequency of petite mutant formation but yielded similar growth and respiration rates in glycerol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of community staff regarding service process and quality, while a public mental health service integrated acute inpatient and continuing care components. METHODS: The study employed a naturalistic successive measures design in which community mental health staff completed a questionnaire on three occasions during the integration process. RESULTS: Staff perceived overall service quality to improve during the integration process with continuity of care being the area subject to greatest improvement. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of acute inpatient and continuing care services resulted in changes to service process and outcome, which were judged by staff to be beneficial, especially with respect to continuity of patient care.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the autoregulation and hemodynamics of cochlear blood flow (CBF) as measured by laser-Doppler flowmetry. When the anterior inferior cerebellar artery was clamped, CBF decreased approximately 40% (not to "biological zero"), followed by a gradual increase. When the clamp was released, CBF quickly increased to as much as 167% of the baseline level and then slowly returned to baseline. We assume that the dynamic CBF response to anterior inferior cerebellar artery clamping reflects primarily a combination of passive elastic properties of the cochlear vessels and active autoregulatory mechanisms. The decrease portion of the negative phase and the increase portion of the positive phase reflect mainly passive behavior, static compliance, and resistance of vessels, whereas the slow exponential negative and positive changes indicate an active response of vessels: an autoregulatory mechanism based on compensatory vascular dilation and constriction. Our preliminary data show a very strong CBF autoregulatory response to a change in intravascular pressure. Sympathetic stimulation can enhance this autoregulation, and CO2 inhalation promotes compensatory dilation and inhibits compensatory vascular constriction.  相似文献   

This review describes the current use of Doppler ultrasound to examine blood flow in the uterus and ovaries in infertile patients and during early pregnancy. The basics of Doppler ultrasound and the different methods of measuring blood flow are discussed from the viewpoint of the clinician who may be unfamiliar with Doppler physics and terminology. Normal values in the menstrual cycle and the relationship of uterine and ovarian blood flow to infertility and to implantation following in-vitro fertilization are presented. Normal values for uterine blood flow in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy and the effect of sex steroids and ovulation induction on their values are described. The possible relationship of defective uterine blood flow to recurrent abortion is examined. New areas of investigation, such as the effect of standing on blood flow, and the effect of drugs are explored. The findings of this review indicate that Doppler blood flow studies may provide significant information about possible causes of some disorders of infertility and early pregnancy and methods of treatment for the same.  相似文献   

Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D (GPI-PLD) is an amphiphilic protein which, in serum, is associated with high-density lipoproteins (HDL). It is shown that the major component of the HDL fraction, apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), is responsible for this association. In the absence of apo A-I, purified GPI-PLD occurred as virtually inactive aggregates which became disaggregated by apo A-I. The enzyme/apo A-I complex efficiently hydrolyzed the solubilized GPI-anchored substrate, acetylcholinesterase. Triton X-100 was also able to dissociate aggregated GPI-PLD, however, it strongly inhibited enzyme activity at detergent concentrations above the critical micellar concentration.  相似文献   

Structural glycoproteins have been extracted by 8 M ureau from the insoluble residue remaining after collagenase digestion of rabbit dermis and purified by Sepharose 4 B chromatography. After reduction and alkylation, Dowex 1 x 2 chromatography allowed separation of two structural glycoproteins (D1 and D2) in an homogenous state as shown by chromatographic and electrophoretic behaviour as well as N terminal amino acid determination. These two glycoproteins have a molecular weight of about 16 000. Their amino acid compositions (very similar), are characterized by a high level of dicarboxylic amino acids and the absence of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. The less acidic glycoprotein (D1) has glycine for N terminal amino acid and contains 10.4 percent of bound carbohydrates. The glycoprotein D2 contains 5.1 percent of bound carbohydrates and its N terminal amino acid is glutamic acid.  相似文献   

Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) has been localized to interneurons of the mammalian cerebral cortex, but these neurons have not been fully characterized. The present study determined the extent of co-localization of CRH with glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and calcium-binding proteins in the infant rat neocortex using immunocytochemistry. CRH-immunoreactive (ir) neurons were classified into two major groups. The first group was larger and consisted of densely CRH-immunostained small bipolar cells, predominantly localized to layers II and III. The second group of CRH-ir cells was lightly labeled and included multipolar neurons mainly found in deep cortical layers. Co-localization studies indicated that the vast majority of CRH-ir neurons, including both bipolar and multipolar types, was co-immunolabeled for GAD-65 and GAD-67. Most multipolar, but only some bipolar, CRH-ir neurons also contained parvalbumin, while CRH-ir neurons rarely contained calbindin or calretinin. These results indicate that virtually all CRH-ir neurons in the rat cerebral cortex are GABAergic. Furthermore, since parvalbumin is expressed by cortical basket and chandelier cells, the co-localization of CRH and parvalbumin suggests that some cortical CRH-ir neurons may belong to these two cell types.  相似文献   

Sixteen male Holstein calves consumed by nipple a reconstituted milk containing nonfat dry milk and either soybean oil or tallow for 24 weeks. Calves fed milk in this manner (with no dry feed) are functionally nonruminants because the milk bypasses the ruminoreticulum. The fat in these diets contributed about 30% of total dietary calories. The calves consuming soybean oil milk had significantly greater amounts of cholesterol in blood plasma and adipose tissue than did the calves consuming tallow milk.  相似文献   

A specialized subset of invasive embryonic cytotrophoblast cells gains access to maternal uterine arteries early in the gestation of higher primates. These cells continue to migrate extensively within the lumina of spiral arteries, converting them to the highly modified uteroplacental arteries of pregnancy. Although trophoblast cell-mediated modifications are considered critical to the progress of normal pregnancy, few studies have addressed the cellular interactions between maternal arteries and embryonic cells in situ. Macaque placentas and endometrial tissues were collected from 12 animals from day 14 of gestation (blastocyst implantation begins on day 9) to day 49. Standard indirect immunoperoxidase methods were used to identify matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9), cathepsin B, cathepsin D, platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule, cytokeratins, smooth muscle actin, CD68, and factor VIII-related antigen. Cytotrophoblast cells were located deep within spiral arteries in each of the specimens examined. In some examples tightly packed clusters of cytotrophoblast occluded the lumina of invaded arteries. Initial penetration of arterial tunica intima was revealed by discontinuities in the staining pattern for factor VIII and cytotrophoblast intrusion was indicated by cytokeratin staining of the trophoblast cells. Continued cytotrophoblast intrusion into the tunica media was apparent by gaps in the smooth muscle. MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-9 were localized within intraluminal and intramural cytotrophoblast. By contrast, neither cathepsin B nor cathepsin D were present, although both were seen in uterine macrophages and stromal cells. Upon reaching the surrounding uterine stroma the cytotrophoblast cells ceased migration. As cytotrophoblast accumulated in the arterial wall the vascular lumen expanded. Evidence of cell death was rarely encountered in associated maternal or embryonic tissues. We conclude that intra-arterial cytotrophoblast cells express several proteinases with substrate specificities sufficient to permit independent remodeling of the extracellular matrix comprising uterine artery walls. The remodeling of the arteries, which involves extensive displacement of maternal endothelium and smooth muscle, in addition to degradation and synthesis of extracellular matrix, is accomplished with little evidence of cell death or loss of the integrity of the arteries. This process provides an interesting example of cooperation between different types of interacting tissues from genetically distinct individuals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the tissue reaction to implanted mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), amalgam, Intermediate Restorative Material, and Super-EBA in the tibias and mandibles of guinea pigs. After anesthetizing 20 guinea pigs, raising tissue flaps, and preparing bony cavities, the test materials were placed in Teflon cups and implanted in the tibias and 10 days later in the mandibles. The animals were euthanized 80 days later and the tissues prepared for histological examination. The presence of inflammation, predominant cell type, and thickness of fibrous connective tissue adjacent to each implant were recorded. The tissue reaction to MTA implantation was the most favorable observed at both sites; as in every specimen, it was free of inflammation (p < 0.01). In the tibia, MTA was the material most often observed with direct bone apposition. Based on these results, MTA seems to be a biocompatible material.  相似文献   

Middle latency responses (MLR) to sinusoidal and pulsatile electrical stimulation (ES) of the cochlea and to acoustical stimulation (AS) were evaluated in awake guinea pigs with chronically implanted electrodes. The ear, which was later electrically stimulated, was deafened by local intracochlear application of gentamicin, the opposite ear was left intact. Waveforms and P1-P2 interpeak intervals of the electrically evoked MLR (ES-MLR) were similar to those evoked by acoustical stimulation of the intact ear (AS-MLR) and the latencies of the ES-MLR were shorter by about 1-3 ms. Thresholds of ES-MLR in the frequency range 0.5-32 kHz increased with increasing ES frequency (slope 3.2 dB/octave), thresholds were 3.5-9.5 dB lower for intracochlear than for extracochlear ES. Dynamic ranges for ES-MLR varied between 6-20 dB. MLR amplitude-intensity functions for ES were steeper (slope 2-12 microV/dB) than those for AS (slope 0.2-2 microV/dB). Maximal ES-MLR amplitudes exceeded usually 1.5-3 times the amplitudes of the acoustically evoked MLR. Both types of stimulations evoked larger MLR amplitudes to contralateral stimulation than to ipsilateral stimulation (average ratio = 4.1 +/- 2.2 for AS and 3.3 +/- 2.2 for ES). Because of the relatively long latency and therefore insensitivity to electrical artifact, the ES-MLR can be used for the evaluation of different strategies of the electrical stimulation of the cochlea in awake guinea pig.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and its determinants in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) are currently controversial. DESIGN OF THE STUDY: We measured GFR and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) in 121 consecutive NIDDM without evidence of overt diabetic nephropathy. Age varied from 28 to 70 years, 61.2% were women and known duration of NIDDM was 0-37 years. Hypertension was detected in 36.4% of patients and 47.8% had microalbuminuria. RESULTS: An inverse correlation was found between GFR and age, but not with known duration of NIDDM: It was a weak correlation (r = -0.41) but statistically significant (P < 0.001). The other variables considered were not significant by multiple stepwise regression analysis, but patients with lower GFR tended to have diabetic retinopathy more frequently. GFR was lower in hypertensive compared to normotensive patients (123 +/- 28.4 versus 136 +/- 32.5 ml/min/1.73 m2; P < 0.05), but was not different between patients with normal and elevated albumin excretion rate. ERPF also had an inverse correlation with age (r = -0.45, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: We conclude that (i) age should be considered as a confounding variable when evaluating GFR in patients with NIDDM, and (ii) the age-dependent decline in GFR may mask hyperfiltration in the early stages of diabetic nephropathy in NIDDM:  相似文献   

Young adult guinea pigs were studied 6 and 9 weeks after silastic capsules containing 5 alpha-hydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT) and methandrostenolone (Dianabol) were implanted. DHT was more effective in causing testicular atrophy and was apparently more androgenically potent in sustaining the size of the seminal vesicles. Both steroids led to hypertrophy of the masseter muscle and increase in gastrocnemius protein concentration. Cardiac tissue was sensitive to the effects of these steroids, particularly to the larger amounts of absorbed Dianabol, in terms of increases in DNA concentration and transient loss of tissue sodium, potassium, and calcium. All alterations in muscle composition occurred in the total absence of change in tissue water. Hypernatremia and hyperkalemia was present in steroid-treated animals with significant loss of urinary potassium in DHT-treated guinea pigs. Adrenal atrophy and the lowering of circulating cortisol was further indicative of effects upon adrenocortical function and the regulation of electrolyte balance.  相似文献   

影响班级学风的原因及建设良好班级学风的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
班级的学风建设是学生辅导员的一项重要的工作内容。在独立学院,班级的学风建设在学生工作的全局中显得更加重要。影响学生学风的原因是多方面的,独立学院更要在学生学风建设上加强研究.寻找形成独立学院优良学风的有效措施。  相似文献   

The relative weights of the gastro-intestinal segments and of some other internal organs from light and heavy breed chicks from hatching to 21 days of age were compared. 2. The relative weight of the duodenum and jejunum was higher in the light breed than in the heavy one, the reverse relationship was found for the ileum and caecum. 3. The relative growth of the pancreas, heart, cerebrum and cerebellum was greater in the light breed.  相似文献   

Vestibular compensation is a process of behavioral recovery from ocular, motor and postural disorders following unilateral damage to the vestibular end-organ. Although restoration of the normal resting discharge rate in the ipsilateral vestibular nuclei is important in compensation, the biochemical and molecular mechanisms mediating recovery are largely unknown. The ornithine decarboxylase polyamine pathway is activated in the nervous system following axotomy or denervation. The authors postulate that changes in polyamines mediate vestibular compensation. Within 150-micron brain stem coronal section micropunches analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography techniques, the polyamine spermidine was significantly increased in the ipsilateral lateral vestibular nucleus 8 hours following labyrinthectomy in the guinea pig model. Because naturally occurring polyamines modulate excitatory amino acid receptors (N-methyl-D-aspartate [NMDA]) which in turn mediate neurotransmission between primary afferents and second order vestibular neurons, stimulation of polyamine pathways following neural injury may play a critical role in compensation.  相似文献   

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