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海原断裂带内第三纪老龙湾拉分盆地的地质特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在海原断裂带内部发现一个第三纪拉分盆地 ,命名为老龙湾拉分盆地。根据卫片解译结果和野外地质调查 ,对该盆地内的地层沉积序列、地层分布、相关断裂等特征进行了研究。结果表明 ,老龙湾拉分盆地发育于海原断裂内的最大斜列部位 ,盆地沉积受边界断裂控制 ;盆地内部沉积了巨砾岩、杂砾岩及紫红色 -灰绿色泥岩、桔红色角砾岩等地层 ,最大沉积厚度约 4 6 0 0m。老龙湾盆地内部地层不整合于不同的外围地层之上 ,根据对盆地内部沉积序列及外围第三系的区域对比 ,认为盆地沉积开始于中新世中期。由以上特征确定老龙湾盆地为海原断裂带内的第三纪拉分盆地。它为青藏高原东北缘第三纪的走滑断层活动的研究提供了地质证据  相似文献   

拉分盆地是走滑断层系中受拉伸作用形成的断陷盆地.一般在两条平行断层控制下发育.盆地形似菱形,几何形态主要受两条主控走滑断层错距和叠接长度影响.本文以青藏高原东北缘海原断裂带老龙湾拉分盆地第四纪所处的构造环境为基础,参考盆地周围断层几何分布,建立了三维有限元数值模型,模拟该拉分盆地的演化过程;进一步分析了断层力学性质、地壳分层结构等各因素对盆地形成和演化的影响.模拟结果显示,盆地地表沉降伴随有下地壳物质的上涌,此上涌对盆地地表沉降存在阻碍作用.各因素的影响具体表现为:(1)断层力学性质(弹性模量和黏滞系数)越弱,其对构造应力较低的传递效率导致盆地两端差异性运动越明显,从而形成较大的盆地地表沉降和明显的上地壳减薄.(2)平行主控断层的叠接长度反映盆地形成的拉伸作用范围,叠接长度越大,相同的差异性运动在单位面积形成的拉伸应力越小,盆地地表沉降较小.(3)下地壳流变性影响其物质的上涌量,下地壳黏滞系数越小,其对上部拉伸作用的响应越明显,上涌量越大,此上涌对上地壳沉降形成的阻碍作用也越明显.根据老龙湾拉分盆地所处的构造格局,将平行断层的叠接长度取20 km,当断层黏滞系数取值为周围基岩的1/10,参考该盆地第四纪构造演化历史,模拟得到的盆地第四纪下沉量与盆地内第四系沉积层厚度在规模上近似,下地壳黏滞系数取值在(2.5~5.0)×1021 Pa·s范围内时,盆地下沉量模拟结果与老龙湾拉分盆地第四系地层厚度吻合较好.  相似文献   

逆断裂-背斜是天山地区一种重要构造形式.对逆断裂-背斜区中的活动断裂和背斜之间的组合关系和形成机制的探讨,有利于帮助我们认识在挤压应力作用下形成的构造系统.焉耆盆地北缘哈尔莫敦背斜是盆地北缘断裂向盆地内扩展的新生逆断裂-背斜.背斜主逆断裂以30°左右的倾角向盆内逆冲,现今构造运动强烈.通过对哈尔莫敦背斜航片解译和陡坎剖...  相似文献   

天祝盆地边缘断层的全新世活动及盆地的演化与形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据作者1/50,000活断层地质填图的资料,讨论了天祝盆地内断层的全新世活动及盆地的形成与演化历史。结果表明,天祝盆地内断层的全新世活动强烈,上窑洞沟深槽揭示3980±50aB.P.曾发生过一次古地震事件,天祝盆地是一个典型的拉分盆地,其形成及演化与断裂活动密切相关.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂中段的早白垩世拉分盆地(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
石场-中楼盆地位于郯庐断裂带中段的沂河-沭河地区。郯庐断裂左旋切割了秦岭-大别-胶南造山带及前中生代地层,研究区内沂河-沭河断裂切割了年龄为136.2Ma(40Ar/39Ar法)的胶南造山带北缘剪切带,并被时代为119Ma(K-Ar法)的青山群地层不整合覆盖,显示郯庐断裂在早白垩世曾发生了明显的走滑运动。石场-中楼盆地受沂河-沭河断裂的控制,整体为长60km、宽30km,长宽比近于2∶1的“菱型”构造盆地。盆地内早白垩世莱阳群的沉积厚度大于6263.71m,沉积速率大于0.4mm/a;沉积相特征反映盆地具有深而窄,沉积速度快、沉积相变剧烈的特点。盆地沉积中心的迁移方向与边界断裂的左旋走滑效应一致,“边走滑边沉积”的特征明显。根据构造背景、构造格架及沉积特征,确定石场-中楼盆地为郯庐断裂早白垩世左旋走滑过程中形成的拉分盆地  相似文献   

活动断层滑动速率可以用来定量比较不同断裂带或同一断裂带不同时段的活动性,同时还是地震危险性评价的重要参数,合理评估活动断层的滑动速率主要受限于两个参数的可靠性,即断层的累积位移量和相应的活动时间.传统上较理想的用于评估走滑断层滑动速率的地貌体一般为阶地、冲洪积扇、冲沟等的位错测量和相应活动累积时间的确定,文中则尝试通过...  相似文献   

Ganyanchi (Salt Lake)basin, located in the central part of the Haiyuan Fault, northeastern corner of the Tibetan plateau, is the largest pull-apart basin along this fault. Due to its location in northeastern Tibet, the Ganyanchi Basin preserves an important sedimentary record of tectonism and climate change associated with progressive growth of the Tibetan plateau. The sediments of this basin also contain abundant information regarding the deformational history of the bounding strike-slip fault, i.e., the Haiyuan Fault. Therefore, a detailed study on the depository history of the Ganyanchi Basin is of great importance. Earlier studies only focused on regional geological mapping and paleoseismic research, however, no sedimentologic or chronological work has been done in the Ganyanchi pull-apart basin. To address this problem, we drilled a 328m-deep borehole, named HY-C8, at the south of the cross-basin fault and near the active depocenter, and employ magnetostratigraphic analyses and seismic reflection data to constrain the age and to deduce the evolving history of the basin. The deep borehole profile shows that the stratigraphy of the basin can be divided into three main units (Unit Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ), which began to deposit at about 2.76, 2.33 and 1.78Ma, respectively. The grain size of the deposits manifests an upward thinning trend, which probably implies the profile is a characteristic retrogradational sequence. The magnetic susceptibility results indicate that the playa lake probably was formed at about 1.78Ma ago, the corresponding playa-lake deposits recorded more than eight high susceptibility sections, which are most likely due to the iron sulfides (such as melnikovite, pyrrhotine etc.)that were usually produced in high-lake-level and reduction conditions. A combination of boreholes and shallow seismic reflection data indicates that the Ganyanchi Basin is mainly controlled by the cross-basin fault and its northern boundary fault, and the depocenter, probably deeper than 550m, lies in between these two faults. Finally, the sedimentary facies of the Ganyanchi Basin experienced a four-stage evolving history:eluvial facies (before~2.76Ma)to alluvial fan facies (about 2.76~2.33Ma)to distal alluvial fan facies (2.33~1.78Ma)to playa lake facies (1.78Ma~present). Based on accumulation rates, the stage of playa lake can be divided into two subchrons, and the depositional rates of subchrons 2 (about 0.78Ma~present)is as high as 232.5m/Ma, which probably was caused by the activity along the cross-basin fault in the Ganyanchi Basin.  相似文献   

Cascade rupture events often occur along large strike-slip fault zone.The 1920 AD M 81/2 earthquake ruptured all 3 segments of the Haiyuan Fault,and the Salt Lake pull-apart basin is the boundary between the west and middle segment of the fault.The data of trenching and drilling reveal 7 events occurring since last stage of late Pleistocene,and the two youngest events are associated with the historical records of 1092 AD (possibly) and 1920 AD respectively.These events are all large earthquakes with magnitude M>8,and the recurrence of them is characterized by earthquake clusters alternating with a single event.Now it is in the latest cluster which may last about 1000 years.Comparison of the paleoseismic sequence of this study and previous results reveals that the cross-basin fault in the Salt Lake pull-apart basin does not always rupture when cascade rupture events occur along the Haiyuan Fault,and likely ruptures only when the magnitude of the events is large (maybe M>8).Though there are many advantages in paleoseismic study in pull-apart basin,we should avoid getting the paleoseismic history of major strike-slip fault zones only depending on the rupture records of inner faults in pull-apart basins with large scale (maybe a width more than 3km).  相似文献   

通过对陆羽逆断层系上1896年同震地表破裂特征、长期活动习性和断错地貌等的研究,给出了可识别的逆断层型段落边界的标志,它们是断层崖形态持久性变化的过渡地段、断层抬升盘山地分水岭高程明显变化的转折部位、剖面几何结构转换区和断层下降盘盆地内的隐伏横向基岩脊等;指出逆断层上公里量级的空缺和阶区不能有效地终止或延缓逆断层型同震地表破裂的横向扩展,因此,不能作为逆断层型段落的边界,最后对陆羽逆断层系的千屋段和横手段的地震危险性进行了简要评估  相似文献   

Because of the frequent seismic activity in Songyuan in recent years, the modes of tectonic movement in this area since the Quaternary have attracted increasing consideration. This paper selects the Gudian Fault which locates between the southeast uplift and central depression of Songliao Basin as the research object. We discussed the Quaternary structural characteristics of the Gudian Fault using growth strata. Using the data of deep seismic reflection prospecting for oil, we determined the location, geometry and kinematics characteristics of the Gudian Fault. And using the shallow seismic reflection prospecting data, the combined drilling exploration data and TL data, we determined precisely the inversion tectonics feature of the fault since late Cenozoic. Based on the above data, we believe that the Gudian Fault is dominated mainly by thrust-folding since Quaternary. A set of growth strata is recognized by shallow seismic reflection exploration data. According to the overlap of growth strata and the relationship between deposition rate and uplift rate, we confirm that the uplift rate of Gudian Fault in the early of Early Pleistocene is less than 0.15mm/a. And according to the offlap of growth strata and the relationship between deposition rate and uplift rate, the uplift rate of the Gudian Fault is more than 0.091mm/a in the late of Early Pleistocene and more than 0.052mm/a in middle Pleistocene. According to the chronological data, it is determined that the uplift rate of the Gudian Fault is 0.046mm/y since 205ka.  相似文献   

The two mainstream deformation models of the Tibet plateau are continental escape model and crustal thickening model, the former suggests that the NW-trending Karakoram Fault, Gyaring Co Fault, Beng Co Fault and the Jiali Fault as the Karakoram-Jiali fault zone is the southern border belt and that the dextral strike-slip rate is estimated as up to 10~20mm/yr. However, research results in recent years show that the slip rates along those faults are significantly less than earlier estimates. Taylor et al. (2003)suggest that the conjugate strike-slip faults control the active deformation in the central Tibet. The lack of research on the slip behavior of the NE-trending faults in the central Tibet Plateau constrains our understanding of the central Tibet deformation model. Thus, we choose the NE-direction Qixiang Co Fault located at the north of the Gyaring Co Fault as research object. Based on the interpretation of satellite images, we found several faulted geomorphic sites. Using RTK-GPS ground control point and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)topographic surveying, we obtained less than 10cm/pix-resolution digital elevation model (DEM)in the Yaqu town site. We used the LaDiCaoz_v2.1 software to automatically extract the left-lateral offset of the largest gully on the terrace T2 surface, which is (21.3±7.1)m, and the vertical dislocation of the scarp on the terrace T2 surface, which is (0.9±0.1)m. The age of both U-series dating samples on the terrace T2 is (4.98±0.17)ka and (5.98±0.07)ka, respectively. The Holocene left-lateral slip rate along Qixiang Co Fault is (3.56±1.19)mm/a and the vertical slip rate is (0.15±0.02)mm/a. The kinematic characteristics of the sinistral strike-slip with normal slip coincide with the eastward motion of the central Tibet plateau, and its magnitude is in agreement with its conjugate Gyaring Co Fault, suggesting that the deformation pattern of the central Tibetan plateau complies with the conjugate strike-slip faults mode.  相似文献   

哈密盆地北线活动断裂带走向北西西,断续长180km。8条剖面的GPS测量结果显示,断坎坡度为15°~18°及31°~33°.单个断崖高3~10m。由年代学资料计算出该断裂带中全新世垂直活动速率为0.65±0.08mm/a,比晚更新世晚期垂直活动速率有所增大。  相似文献   

汾渭断陷带构造特征的数学模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用有限元计算方法模拟汾渭断陷带构造的地质和地球物理特征,并试图探讨其动力条件和构造应力分布。计算结果指出:单考虑水平作用力不能很好解释汾渭断陷带的构造特征,还应该考虑垂直力的作用。文中讨论了地幔隆起的两种主要力学作用,并尝试把垂直作用的效果反映在平面问题的模拟中  相似文献   

The fault along the southern margin of the Wuwei Basin, located in the eastern Hexi Corridor, NW China, plays an important role in the thrust fault system in the northern Qilian Mountains. The activities of this fault resulted in the generation of the Gulang earthquake(MS8.0) in 1927. Based on remote sensing image interpretation, geological and geomorphic observations in the field and 14C geochronological dating results, we conducted a detailed research on the geometry and kinematics of the fault. According to the discontinuous geometric distribution and variable strike directions, we divide this fault into 5 segments: Kangningqiao Fault(F1), Nanyinghe Fault(F2), Shangguchengcun-Zhangliugou Fault(F3), Tajiazhuang Fault(F4)and Yanjiazhuang Fault(F5). Results indicate that this fault, with a total of 60km long trace at the surface, has been active since the late Pleistocene. It behaves predominantly as a thrust fault and is accompanied with a locally sinistral strike-slip component along the Nanyinghe Fault(F2). Intensive activities of this fault in Holocene have caused extensive occurrence of dislocated landforms along its strike. Some measured displacements of the dislocated geologic or geomorphic units, combined with the 14C dating results, yield a vertical slip rate of (0.44±0.08)mm/a on this fault in Holocene, and a sinistral strike-slip rate of (1.43±0.08)mm/a on the Nanyinhhe Fault (F2) in late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

松辽盆地北部发育的中-新生代反转构造代表着盆地继伸展裂陷阶段、热冷却拗陷阶段之后的第3个构造演化阶段。系统收集了布设在覆盖大安-德都断裂及其附近的14个3维地震工区,30条区域地震反射大剖面,在此基础上准确追踪解释了T06、T1、T11、T2、T3、T4、T5等7个地震反射层位。同时基于52口钻孔的资料对重点反射层的地质年代进行了重新厘定,分析了不同时期断层展布特征及分布规律,重点就松辽盆地中新生代反转构造的几何学形态、变形特征与机制进行了研究。研究结果认为,该反转构造为大安-德都断裂在中生代末期和新生代早期的主要变形模式,符合"逆断层-褶皱"构造的几何形态和变形机制。松辽盆地内部的构造变形主要集中在该构造反转带上。此外,重点选择了2条典型剖面开展了野外实验性浅层人工地震勘探。根据勘探结果并结合该地区第四纪地层厚度分析认为,广泛发育在背斜顶部且断错T06界面的小断裂可能代表了大安-德都断裂强变形带的最新活动性,勘探剖面揭示的上断点断错最年轻地层为中更新统,并据此初步判定该断裂最新活动时代可能为中更新世。此外,综合人工地震勘探结果、现代地震活动性和震源机制解研究结果认为,大安-德都断裂的"逆断层-褶皱"构造反转带最新的活动已明显影响到了近地表的反射层,清楚断错了早-中更新世地层,控制着断裂附近中强地震的发生,是松辽盆地内部或整个东北地区重要和典型的发震构造之一。  相似文献   

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