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北京市就业中心的识别:实证方法及应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
基于城市空间结构的经典理论和就业中心识别的实证方法.利用北京市2001年和2004年的就业人口数据,在验证主中心存在的同时,采用两阶段方法,对次中心进行了识别.结果表明,北京目前仍然是一个单中心主导的城市空间结构,单中心方程对城市总体就业人口密度的解释能力超过了60%.但随着都市区的扩张,中关村等次中心开始陆续出现,并开始影响周边地区的就业分布和空间形态,这表明北京正向多中心的空间结构转变.此外,还也结合北京城市增长、制度转型和历史路径依赖的特点,对北京城市空间结构的演变机理进行了分析.  相似文献   

This paper explores the presence of local spatial interaction on urban development patterns of Spanish urban areas and whether this interaction might be due to the strategic behaviour of neighbouring local governments. Using remote-sensing data from aerial photography and satellite imaging along with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques, it studies urban development patterns across the country with unprecedented detail. The results confirm the main hypothesis that spatial interaction exists in the levels of sprawl between neighbouring municipalities, suggesting that local governments do indeed compete for the creation of new suburban settlement developments, hence promoting excessive urban sprawl.  相似文献   

都市圈城市空间结构发展日已呈现出蔓延现象。蔓延现象由多种因素推动形成,用城市经济学观点建立动态模型,分析都市圈城市蔓延的演化复杂性,辨析出都市圈城市蔓延的经济学因素,研究了都市圈蔓延过程的异速生长特性。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to identify employment centers in Seoul for 1981, 1991, and 1996 and to examine the dynamics of urban spatial structure. We found that Seoul has experienced polycentric spatial transformation since 1981, having one major center (CBD) and two sub–centers. Like most Western cities, Seoul has experienced significant CBD decline during 1981–1996. Employment share of the CBD has decreased dramatically from 34.5% in 1981 to 17% in 1996, and absolute number of employment in the CBD has decreased by about 170,000 during 1981–1996. As two sub–centers have emerged since 1981, the role of the CBD as a provider of high–order services such as FIRE has shifted into the sub–centers. We also found that the polycentric urban form in Seoul makes average commuting distance longer.  相似文献   

There is a large degree of variation in the number of general-purpose local governments and school districts, per square mile and per person, among United States' metropolitan areas. Using data from 1982, this paper provides an empirical test of whether economic factors (especially variation in demand for local government services) partly account for these differences. The empirical findings show that after controlling for political, historic, and institutional factors, variations in the characteristics that affect demand for local government services do influence the number of local governments. This result is consistent with the hypothesis first put forth by Tiebout.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈多中心城市—区域结构及其协同共生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多中心城市集群是我国"十二五"规划空间发展战略模式,是实现区域协调与持续发展的重要路径。武汉城市圈作为我国重要的都市区经济体,是中部崛起战略的重要战略支点,是实现湖北区域弯道超越、拐点跨越的重要城市集群。多中心城市—区域结构是武汉城市圈重要空间特征与发展模式,利用区域关联系统、共生思想从定性与定量角度分析了其多中心城市—区域结构、多中心关联关系、多中心协同共生等机理、路径、模式,并从体制、经济与社会维度提出了多中心城市—区域关联与协同共生思路。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage insurance activity on homeownership at two levels: census tract and metropolitan area. The 1990 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act dataset combined with the 1980 and 1990 U.S. Censuses is used in the analysis. This study extends the previous studies of FHA activity by having broader coverage, a better measure of relative FHA activity and better control of other factors that affect homeownership and mortgage activity. The empirical results indicate that the FHA mortgage insurance program has significant positive effects on homeownership in predominantly white and/or moderate to high-income MSAs and predominantly minority and/or moderate- to high-income census tracts. However, the estimated coefficients associated with the relative FHA activity are found to be relatively small in magnitude. Overall, results suggest that FHA programs are of limited effect in the achievement of homeownership, but may be of greater assistance to whites relative to blacks.  相似文献   

随着我国产业结构的优化升级,陕西省的就业结构也随之发生改变。本文通过对陕西省三次产业的GDP结构、就业结构以及就业弹性现状的分析,发现陕西省就业结构存在的问题,并在探究其原因的基础上,提出相应的对策,以期为陕西省就业结构的调整提供建议。  相似文献   

This article retraces the emergence and shows the implications of current regulative frameworks in the field of urban drug policy. Framed by an analytical perspective that is based on the concept of urban governance, the article focuses on the processes by which cooperation and coordination between various conflicting governmental and non‐governmental agencies are achieved to address drug‐related problems in the major agglomerations of Switzerland, as well as in the metropolitan areas of Amsterdam, Glasgow and Frankfurt am Main. In the first part, it is shown that these problems are structured and debated along a conflict between advocates of the public‐health approach and those of the public‐order approach in the field of drug policy, as well as, to a lesser extent, a conflict between core cities and fringe municipalities about spillover effects related to the provision of services for users of illegal drugs. It is argued that this stems from a general tension between the goals of an attractiveness policy aimed at enhancing local economic development, and the necessities of social policy needed to address urban social problems. The second part examines the emergence of mechanisms of governance aimed at addressing drug‐related urban problems. It is argued that a ‘social public order’ regime emerged to regulate drug‐related urban problems, controlling urban practices of drug users by a combination of police and social work. In addition, it is held that in Switzerland, where social policy is traditionally confined to municipalities, these mechanisms of governance contributed to the emergence of metropolitan regions as new territorial actors in the field of drug policy. Cet article retrace l'apparition et les implications des cadres régulateurs actuels dans le domaine de la politique urbaine contre la drogue. Dans une perspective analytique fondée sur le concept de gouvernance urbaine, il s'attache aux processus qui permettent coopération et coordination entre divers organismes antagonistes, gouvernementaux ou non, pour traiter des problèmes liés à la drogue dans les principales agglomérations suisses, ainsi que dans les zones métropolitaines d'Amsterdam, Glasgow et Francfort‐sur‐le‐Main. La première partie démontre que ces questions sont organisées et discutées au sein d'une opposition entre partisans de l'approche de santé publique et ceux de l'ordre public en matière de politique de lutte contre la drogue, ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, au sein d'un conflit entre les villes centrales et les municipalités satellites sur les retombées des services mis en place pour les consommateurs de drogues; cette situation résulte d'une tension globale entre les objectifs d'une politique d'attraction visant à favoriser le developpement économique local, et les nécessités d'une politique sociale obligée de traiter les problèmes urbains. La deuxième partie étudie l'émergence de mécanismes de gouvernance en réponse aux problèmes urbains liés à la drogue; ainsi, un régime ‘d'ordre public social’ a vu le jour, les pratiques urbaines des consommateurs de drogue étant sous le contrôle combiné de la police et des travailleurs sociaux. De plus, en Suisse où la politique sociale est par tradition du ressort des municipalités, certaines zones métropolitaines sont devenues, grâce à ces mécanismes de gouvernance, de nouveaux acteurs territoriaux de la politique publique de lutte contre la drogue.  相似文献   

Industry Agglomerations and Employment Change in Non-Metropolitan Areas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of industry agglomerations on industry-level employment change in non-metro areas of the United States. Regression analysis of cross-sectional data is used to estimate the determinants of non-metro 1981–1992 employment change for ten two-digit SIC manufacturing industries. Industry agglomerations in metro and non-metro areas are identified using cluster analysis. Area characteristics included in the regression equations are diversity of the local economy, industry mix, average plant size and availability of urbanization economies. The findings indicate that industry agglomerations were associated with both larger employment gains in areas with growing industry employment and larger employment losses for areas with declining employment. Neither regional specialization in the industry nor nearby metro agglomerations were significant determinants of employment change in non-metro areas.  相似文献   

我国为数众多的城市实施了多中心空间政策和新城新区建设,但是多中心结构的绩效尤其是能耗绩效亟待检验。首先分析了多中心城市在理想状态下的生产能源、建筑能源和交通能源节约,并利用2010年中国地级及以上城市数据,实证检验了多中心结构对于单位GDP能耗和人均能耗的影响。结果发现,城市的多中心程度与单位GDP能耗和人均能耗呈现显著负相关,即城市多中心程度的提高会降低城市的人均能耗和单位GDP能耗,具有更好的生态绩效,这在一定程度上为多中心城市空间发展政策提供了生态维度的依据。此外,城市规模扩大、密度提高以及城市交通基础设施完善都有利于提高能耗绩效,而人均收入水平、第二产业比重和私人交通工具出行比重的提高都会使城市能耗绩效变差。  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed to explain the formation of secondary employment centers in a monocentric city. Specifically, a large firm considers locating a new plant in a city where none of the existing businesses has a significative share of the labor force, so that its location can be viewed as a secondary employment center. The choice of this location results from the interplay between the process of competition on both the labor and land markets and the technological externalities generated by the proximity of the city center where other firms are located.  相似文献   

美国大都市区创新空间的发展趋势与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要分析美国大都市区创新空间的模式与特点,并探讨创新空间转型对大都市区发展的作用与影响。总结了美国大都市创新区从传统"硅谷模式"向具备城市特质的"创新城区"模式发展的趋势,并阐述了创新城区模式的三类表现形式。进而从人力资源集聚、产业转型、城市改造等方面分析了创新空间对于大都市区发展的功能性作用,并提出对中国城市创新空间塑造的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract . The basic objective of this paper is to develop a systematic model by which a series of social indicators can be constructed to reflect variations in the social quality of life (QOL) among the medium metropolitan areas. Statistical data which are logically representative of the indicators were collected for the 83 medium metropolitan areas with populations between 200,000 and 500,000 in 1970. More than 50 variables were evaluated under these critical social components: individual concerns, individual equality and community living conditions. The standardized “Z” score method was employed to compute, based on 1970 data, the index for each of the social QOL indicators. The 83 SMSAs were then rated by the indexes. These indexes will help decision makers to identify their regional weaknesses and strengths in comparison to others so that appropriate action can be taken toward the improvement of social QOL in those areas.  相似文献   

就业是最大的民生问题.新中国成立70余年来,社会经济结构与制度体系结构发生巨大变化,就业结构体系也随之发生明显的调整.从历史发展的视角分析就业结构演变的历史逻辑,总结就业结构的发展规律、经验和特点,可为"十四五"时期中国就业结构调整与高质量就业发展提供思路."十四五"时期,实现高质量就业需重点关注就业人口的自身发展、就业人口的区域流动、就业结构与产业结构间的适配性、就业制度体系建设等,应以自主就业为主、政府保障就业为辅,城镇就业与农村就业有机结合,营造良好的就业政策环境,发挥供给侧与需求侧双向就业促进效应,形成优势互补高质量发展的区域就业布局.  相似文献   

Abstract . Three common hypotheses about disproportionate Black and Hispanic unemployment among metropolitan males are tested, using data from the 1980 Population and the 1977 Economic Censuses. It is found that Black and Hispanic male unemployment is higher relative to that of Whites where jobs are most suburbanized and the minority population least so. This supports the view that segregation which separates minorities from job location elevates minority unemployment. It is also found that relative levels of Black, but not Hispanic, unemployment correlate positively to the minority percentage in metropolitan populations. This is consistent with the view that potential White gains from discrimination are greater where the Black (but not Hispanic) population is larger. Finally, both Blacks and Hispanics experience more disproportionate unemployment where their percentage of high school graduates is low relative to Whites, though this is less true for areas with larger Black populations. This suggests that job skill differentials also play some role in disproportionate minority unemployment.  相似文献   

本文基于1978~2012年的相关数据对北京市产业结构与就业结构是否相协调进行了实证分析。研究表明,自改革开放以来,北京市产业结构变化促进了就业增长,但较产业结构的变动而言,就业结构的交动存在滞后性。最后提出可以通过调整产业结构、提高劳动者素质、大力支持小微企业发展等途径来促进北京市产业结构与就业结构协调发展。  相似文献   

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