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为了深入分析瓦斯风压诱导矿井风流灾变规律,建立了一维非稳定流动微分方程以及单一巷道瓦斯体积分数弥散模型,结合通风网络理论中的节点风量平衡定律和回路风压平衡定律,得出了非稳定流的网络模型和瓦斯体积分数联合模型,并提出了模型的求解方法,通过编写计算机程序实现了耦合模型的求解,运用该程序模拟了九里山煤矿"8.23"15051区段巷煤与瓦斯突出事故.结果表明,15011工作面在瓦斯风压作用下,将发生风流逆转,回风巷瓦斯体积分数最高达18.39%,与本次事故案例记载的结果一致.  相似文献   

本文运用三维有限应变分析方法,对阳泉矿区产生煤和瓦斯突出的3号煤层镜煤反射率进行了定向测定和三维有限应变计算,结合煤矿井下三条千米长煤巷的地质编录验证,探讨了作为预测煤和瓦斯突出危险性重要指标的构造煤的形成时期构造应力作用方式及空间分布规律,以期为更为合理地区域性预测煤和瓦斯突出的危险性探索一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

针对两软一硬煤层特殊的瓦斯地质条件,以云盖山井田一矿二1煤层为例,探寻了两软一硬煤层煤与瓦斯突出的控制因素,分析了掘进工作面掘进期间突出预测指标的分布特征,总结归纳了"两软一硬"煤层煤与瓦斯突出发生规律.研究结果表明,由于地质构造变动,云盖山一矿二1煤层产状变化较大,煤层倾角发生急剧变化的地带,地应力集中;受层间滑动构造的影响,煤层厚度变化较大,具有突然增厚、变薄以至尖灭、挤灭现象;二1煤层构造软煤呈连续层状发育.因此,在煤层薄、厚交接处(煤层急剧变化带),小断层附近,应力集中,瓦斯积聚,煤体破坏严重,易发生突出.此项研究,可为地质条件类似矿井开展瓦斯地质研究和瓦斯灾害防治工作提供方法借鉴和理论指导.  相似文献   

为探索含低压瓦斯煤层的瓦斯异常涌出灾变成因与机理,对目前该领域的文献进行了分析与总结,并通过工程案例实证分析,证明了此种灾变的存在;在流固耦合实验系统上,按背景工程约束与加载条件开展含低气压煤样承压物理试验,得到了灾变全程应力-声发射-流量实验数据及试样外表破坏情况;用UDEC,按背景工程边界与加载条件开展气-固耦合离散元数值试验,得到了灾变全程应力-应变--流速-位移速率等实验数据及试样内部破裂情况.研究结果表明:3种研究方法获得了一致性较高的结果,0.4 MPa气体压力下,煤层承压过程应力-煤-气耦合作用,可以导致发生喷出气体的灾变,在煤矿现场多表现为瓦斯异常涌出超限;在单自由度边界条件下施加单向压载,承压煤岩弹性变形前期,气体沿原生裂隙和孔隙呈常速稳态渗流;弹性变形后期,原生裂隙和孔隙被压密,气体呈减速稳态渗流;屈服阶段,扩容新生裂隙产生,气体呈加速非稳态渗流;达到极限荷载或峰后不久,发生气体喷出灾变;采、掘作业面正常通风条件下,气流瓦斯浓度持续降低,是煤层发生瓦斯异常涌出的警示信息,应引起高度重视.  相似文献   

为研究突出冲击气流的传播过程及其特征,以直角拐弯巷道为例,建立了数值计算模型,对突出冲击气流的传播过程和瓦斯气体的输运过程进行了数值模拟,分析了突出冲击气流的传播衰减特征和突出瓦斯气体的输运特征.结果表明:突出能形成高速运动的冲击气流及冲击波,且突出冲击波传播速度能够超过当地音速;突出冲击气流在通过拐弯巷道时,会发生绕射及反射,其强度可能大于拐角前的强度,而在通过拐角之后衰减幅度较大;突出能在巷道内形成高浓度瓦斯区域,且瓦斯对流传质速度小于冲击气流运动速度.通过模型试验研究,初步验证了数值模拟的结论.  相似文献   

构造煤及其对煤与瓦斯突出的控制作用   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:34  
高空隙率、低透气性使构造煤能够保持较高的瓦斯压力 ;破碎性、“隔离”作用及“气垫”作用 ,使构造煤抵御外力作用的能力大大降低 ;构造煤变形幅度大的特性 ,为瓦斯的迅速解吸、放散和快速流动创造了条件 ;构造煤薄弱分层或“通道层”的存在 ,则为煤与瓦斯突出的初始激发和持续发展奠定了基础 ;上述因素的共同作用 ,影响和制约了煤与瓦斯突出的强度和分布 .尽管如此 ,一定厚度的构造煤的存在只是发生煤与瓦斯突出的必要条件和有利条件 ,而非充分条件 .  相似文献   

摘。要:选取了影响煤与瓦斯突出的5个因素作为属性条件,把突出强度作为目标变量,利用训练样本对朴素贝叶斯分类器模型进行了学习训练,对测试样本进行了预测,从结果来看精确度较高.因此朴素贝叶斯分类器模型预测煤与瓦斯突出强度是有效的.  相似文献   

综述了煤与瓦斯突出模拟试验研究现状,主要从瓦斯压力、地应力和煤体物理力学性质及其综合作用方面分析了其对煤与瓦斯突出的影响以及在这些因素影响下的突出特点、形式和规律。鉴于煤与瓦斯突出的复杂性,目前的研究还存在以下不足:(1)试验过程中用的都是颗粒煤或者是型煤,很难真实反映现场的煤层物理特性;(2)试验载荷的施加方式和大小反映不了现场煤体中真实的三维应力状态;(3)实验室模拟试验中的突出口多数情况是人为打开的,而不是煤体内部达到突出条件后自主打开的。建议使用原煤煤样、加大模拟实验尺度、采用真三轴加载方式、合理设置突出口进一步开展多因素耦合的煤与瓦斯突出模拟试验,对煤层瓦斯突出机理的研究具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

煤与瓦斯突出区域预测方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用多参数综合分析方法进行区域性预测,划分突出危险区和突出威胁区的范围,分区、分级管理,指导煤矿安全生产。  相似文献   

本文认为河北省矿区煤与瓦斯突出的影响因素主要是煤层赋存条件、地质构造、采掘活动,并讨论了防治煤与瓦斯突出的具体措施。  相似文献   

On-site investigations consistently show that the rock burst inherent to coal seams varies greatly with coal seam thickness. In this study, impact factors related to coal seam thickness and surrounding rock strength were analyzed and a corresponding rock burst risk assessment method was constructed. The model reflects the influence of coal seam thickness on the stress distribution of surrounding rock at the roadway. Based on the roadway excavation range, a stress distribution model of surrounding roadway rock is established and the influence of coal seam thickness on rock burst risk is analyzed accordingly. The proposed rock burst risk assessment method is based on the equivalent surrounding rock strength and coal seam bursting liability. The proposed method was tested in a 3500 mining area to find that it yields rock burst risk assessment results as per coal seam thickness that are in accordance with real-world conditions. The results presented here suggest that coal seam thickness is a crucial factor in effective rock burst risk assessment.  相似文献   

松软煤层巷道掘进快速消突技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对严重突出的松软煤层巷道掘进防突难度大、措施效果不理想、掘进进度缓慢、矿井采掘抽平衡失调、生产接替紧张等问题,通过分析比较超前排放钻孔、浅孔抽放、松动预裂爆破和水力挤出等4种常用防突措施的施工工艺、消突机理和适应条件,认为水力挤出是适宜于松软煤层煤巷掘进快速消突的技术措施.依据水力挤出防突技术设计,进行了松软煤层煤巷掘进时水力挤出快速消突的应用实验.实验结果表明,水力挤出防突措施工艺简单,实施过程短,工时消耗少,措施效检超标率低,可成倍提高掘进速度.  相似文献   

This study discusses a method of quantifying emissions from surface coal mining that has been trialled in Australia. The method is based on direct measurement of surface emissions from uncovered coal seams in mine pits, concurrent measurement of residual gas content of blasted coal in mine pits, and measurement of pre-mining gas content of the same seam from cores retrieved from exploration boreholes drilled away from active mining. The results from one of the mines studied are presented in this paper. In this mine, the pre-mining gas content of the target seam was measured using cores from an exploration borehole away from active mining. Gas content varied from 0.7 to 0.8 m3/t and gas composition varied from 16% to 21% CH4 (84–79% CO2). In-pit measurements included seam surface emissions and residual gas content of blasted and ripped coal. Residual gas content varied from 0.09 to 0.15 m3/t, less than twofold across the mine pit. Composition of the residual gas was in general 90% CO2 and 10% CH4, with slight variation between samples. Coal seam surface emissions varied from 1.03 to 7.50 mL of CO2-e per minute and per square meter of the coal seam surface, a sevenfold variation across the mine pit.  相似文献   

Surface drilling was performed at the Luling Coal Mine, in Huaibei, to shorten the period required for gas draining. The experimental study was designed to reduce the cost of gas control by efficiently draining gas from the upper protected layer. The structural arraignment and technical principles of pressure relief via surface drilling are discussed. Results from the trial showed that gas drained from the surface system over a period of 10 months. The total amount of collected gas was 248.4 million m3. The gas draining occurred in three stages: a growth period; a period of maximum gas production; and an attenuation period. The period of maximum gas production lasted for 4 months. During this time the methane concentration ranged from 60% to 90% and the average draining rate was 10.6 m3/min. Combined with other methods of draining it was possible to drain 70.6% of the gas from middle coal seam groups. The amount of residual gas dropped to 5.2 m3/ton, and the pressure of the residual gas fell to 0.53 MPa,thereby eliminating the outburst danger in the middle coal seam groups. The factors affecting pressure relief gas draining by surface drilling were analysed.  相似文献   

A penetrative addictive for water infusion in coal seams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The manufacturing process, characteristics, and application results of a rod-like penetrative additive (the penetrative rod) were discussed. The components and functions of the penetrative rod were studied carefully. A large number of orthogonal combined tests were carried out and over 100 sample molds were made. Ultimately the components were decided after careful selection among these molds, mainly including hygroscopic major components and auxiliary material. The results of on-site practical application show that such an addictive can increase the water penetrative ability effectively and has a remarkable effect on preventing dust production during coal seam excavation. The penetrating radius, the infusing velocity and the dust-preventive effect were systematically studied.  相似文献   

As a contributing factor in the dynamic failure (bumping) of coal pillars, a bump-prone coal seam has been described as one that is “uncleated or poorly cleated, strong…that sustains high stresses.” Despite extensive research regarding engineering controls to help reduce the risk for coal bumps, there is a paucity of research related to the properties of coal itself and how those properties might contribute to the mechanics of failures. Geographic distribution of reportable dynamic failure events reveals a highly localized clustering of incidents despite widespread mining activities. This suggests that unique, contributing geologic characteristics exist within these regions that are less prevalent elsewhere. To investigate a new approach for identifying coal characteristics that might lead to bumping, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on 306 coal records from the Pennsylvania State Coal Sample database to determine which characteristics were most closely linked with a positive history of reportable bumping. Selected material properties from the data records for coal samples were chosen as variables for the PCA and included petrographic, elemental, and molecular properties. Results of the PCA suggest a clear correlation between low organic sulfur content and the occurrence of dynamic failure, and a secondary correlation between volatile matter and dynamic failure phenomena. The ratio of volatile matter to sulfur in the samples shows strong correlation with bump-prone regions, with a minimum threshold value of approximately 20, while correlations determined for other petrographic and elemental variables were more ambiguous. Results suggest that the composition of the coal itself is directly linked to how likely a coal is to have experienced a reportable dynamic failure event. These compositional controls are distinct from other previously established engineering and geologic criteria and represent a missing piece to the bump prediction puzzle.  相似文献   

In the Kaiping Coal field, mining of five coal seams, located within 80 m in the Kailuan Group, #5, #7, #8,#9 and #12 coal seam, is difficult due to small interburden thickness, concentrated stress distributions,high coal seam metamorphism, and complex geological conditions. By using the ZTR12 geological penetration radar(GPR) survey combined with borehole observations, the overburden caving due to mining of the five coals seams was measured. The development characteristics of full-cover rock fractures after mining were obtained from the GPR scan, which provides a measurement basis for the control of rock strata in close multiple coal seam mining. For the first time, it was found that the overburden caving pattern shows a periodic triangular caved characteristic. Furthermore, it is proposed that an upright triangular collapsed pile masonry and an inverted triangular with larger fragments piled up alternately appear in the lower gob. The research results show that the roof structure formed in the gob area can support the key overlying strata, which is beneficial to ensure the integrity and stability of the upper coal seams in multiple-seam mining of close coal seams.  相似文献   

依据永煤集团主焦矿软弱底板的典型地质条件,采用FLAC3D数值模拟的方法研究巷道U29高强度型钢支护下围岩的稳定性,通过与锚喷支护作对照研究,分析得出其应力、位移、塑性区等的变化规律.对U29型铜支护方式进行现场工业性试验,随巷道掘进布置测站,定期监测围岩变形情况及支架的受力状态.结果表明,U29型高强度型钢支架能有效控制围岩变形破坏,支架结构稳定可靠,为保证煤巷的稳定及选择合理的支护形式提供了理论和现场依据.  相似文献   

低透气性煤层的瓦斯抽采工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓦斯抽放是解决矿井瓦斯涌出、防治瓦斯超限的有效方法,其效果的好坏主要由预抽钻孔参数及煤层透气性系数决定.以阳煤集团开元公司五矿为实验基地,确定了矿井采面瓦斯抽采合理的工艺参数和封孔技术.通过改变预抽钻孔参数克服了煤层透气性低产生的问题,同时对矿井的瓦斯抽放规律进行了研究.通过优化实验方案,使瓦斯抽采效果明显改善,确保了工作面的安全生产.  相似文献   

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